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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8946062 No.8946062 [Reply] [Original]

How to get the autismbucks so I can just sit at home and buy figs all day?

>> No.8946068
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have autism

>> No.8946073

get a lawyer

>> No.8946087

Don't do it unless it's your last resort.

Search soemthing you like to do and improve enough to get paid for it, life is beautiful, work can see tiresome but it's part of life and can be wonderful if you do it right, don't lose hope, being a Neet is not nice, humans are active creatures who like to do things, don't let the comfort trap you and fight for a better future, not only for you but for your children, nighbours, friend and family, your heart tells you to fight because you know the truth, even if the worls is a bitch, even if shit goes out of control, even in your darkest hour.

>> No.8946088

You have to start when you're a child. It's too late for ya.

>> No.8946093

Thank you for linking to 4chan nihnoz, kill yourself expediently

>> No.8946101

What? Who's that?

>> No.8946105
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>> No.8946121
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This, you need to aggressively search for an ideal life op. I would do it but hey, maybe tommorow.

>> No.8946126


a stupid fuck who needs to get out of ycs forever

>> No.8946130

Stop bumping with stupid shit

>> No.8946135

I wish I could get money for being a schizoid.

>> No.8946131

Yeah, fight and waste the only life you have instead of spending it on something that makes you happy.

>> No.8946138


what? a bad thread in 4chans jp board? this cannot be

>> No.8946139
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This whole thing just went straight over your head.

>> No.8946140


If you could do that most of /jp/ could be on welfare.

>> No.8946137

You can if you're schizoid enough.

>> No.8946146

Maybe in the future things will get worse. Ten years ago I would have never guessed that things would be like they are now. I guess only time will tell.

>> No.8946147
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I just went to the doctor and told them I am extremely uncomfortable around people because I feel hideous and I think they're always thinking about hideous I am.

I'm on disability pension now.

All it did was dig myself a bigger hole and allow me to be antisocial to the max.

>> No.8946152


I swear if I told my doctor this they would just laugh and tell me to get out.

>> No.8946158

What the fuck, I am worse mentally, but I don't see a doctor because I think they'd just do this >>8946152
Where do you live?
How hideous are you?

>> No.8946164

I fucking hate America, I can't get disability for anything.

>> No.8946166
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I told it to a psychiatrist, I don't think they're allowed to laugh at you and tell you to gtfo just in case you go on an antisocial spree in the neighbourhood terrorizing people with awkwardness.

In all seriousness, you're an idiot who cannot take advantage of socialism.

>> No.8946171

You are Nordic, aren't you?
Not all countries have retarded shit like that.
Most actually require you to undergo therapy and expect you to re-enter the working force eventually, otherwise you wouldn't see any money.

>> No.8946174

Come to Australia, get refugee status, do a stint in our refugee prison camps and then get on the pension for the rest of your life. No bills to pay, no taxes, no reporting to the government every two weeks. Just pure leech.

I get enough to do whatever the fuck I wish.

Also I did for a while legitimately feel hideous, because I had grand acne.

Just go to the fucking doctors and act normal and I swear they'll put you on disability you aspie turds.

>> No.8946181

You probably mean asocial. They're not the same.

>> No.8946183


As a med student (UK), let me tell you that legally they are not allowed to tell you to leave without 'treating' you.

>> No.8946187
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That just shows what an uneducated dick you are. Well educated people usually won't laugh somebody with a real problem out their office just because they ``disagree''. I'm glad you're not a doctor.

>> No.8946195

I was just thinking about going to a doctor but then I remembered I don't have insurance.

>> No.8946196

Perhaps he is mentally ill and believes that everyone finds him repulsive and ridiculous, you know, like the person he replied to.

>> No.8946194

I can never stay silent when I read stuff like that. I don't want them to pull even more people in the wrong direction with pseudo motivational comments and lies.

>> No.8946201


that's just you being insecure as fuck, there's another thing you can tell him about btw.

>> No.8946204

Why so harsh on him?

>> No.8946206

Use a mental hospital as a last resort.

>> No.8946212

If he laughs and tell you to go out hurt yourself enough to end in a hospital bed, make sure they know you did it to yourself, when they ask tell them you've been feeling depressed and shit for a while and when you tried to seek help it was denied, be sure to say who denied you the help.

The lawyers should do the rest.

>> No.8946214

You need to tell me more

Hell I'd be willing to work if I could get some unsocial type job, from what I hear you guys have been living it up.

Better than my current plan of "wait until diabetes rots my foot off and get on shitty American disability"

>> No.8946217
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How do people do that self harm thing?

I never understood what kind of situation you need to be in for that to feel good.

>They do it just to feel something
So jack off or get on a dick or something, there's no need to resort to pain immediately is there?

>> No.8946219

I'm here, I just don't post much these days.

>> No.8946216

Am I the only person on here actually on disability for mental health issues? I know Sudo but I haven't seen him lately.

It's pretty fucking fantastic hey.

>> No.8946221

>How do people do that self harm thing?
attention whoring

>> No.8946227

Kind of this, I went to a doctor and he said I have anxiety but I don't even get drugs until like the third week i see him.

No chance this ends up getting me money.

>> No.8946230

If you learn how to drive one of those xbox heug mining trucks they'll give you a job straight off the plane. Just sit on you're fat ass all day and drive, go home to the internet and you'll earn a minimum of 100k a year.

It's not bad, it's very unsocial because it's in the middle of fucking nowhere. Also healthcare is free don't worry brah, we gotcha covered.

>> No.8946225

I'm not sure how it could work for a foreigner but if you got over here I would help you out.

We could even rough it and pick fruit on the coast which is unsocial and pool our monies until you have a proper residency for autism money.

>> No.8946232

No. I had problems with it and have hidden it forever. It's hard to explain why.

It's sort of like when you have very, very bad anxiety you get an impulse to smash your head into a wall.

>> No.8946236


Melbourne NEET here, come save me based fruit picker.

>> No.8946238
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that feel when you're too autistic to get autismbux

>> No.8946239

I went to a mental health place once and they diagnosed me with having a social phobia then scheduled me down for group meetings with other "anxiety people." Needless to say that was my first and last visit

I figure they really have no idea what they're doing

>> No.8946242

Do anyone here has any experience on making money with Tumbler + Google Adsense? I been thinking of trying it but it would be great if someone could tell me their experiences about it.

>> No.8946245

Refugee status isn't granted that easy.

>> No.8946244

I should buy a one way ticket there and claim I'm from some African shithole.
Too much trouble though.

>> No.8946251
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Ergh nigga.
Unless you can aptly fake being cool and handsome/pretty on the internet you're up shitcreek without a paddle.

I had a friend who watched the news, waited for something huge like the trayvon case to come along. Buy the domain name like "freetrayvon" and then just plaster the site with fucking ads. Worked well enough.

>> No.8946255


what's the internet like? It can't actually be worth it can it. yes I am that fussy

>> No.8946257

You're not fussy, you're making excuses for yourself in your mind.
Eat dick nigga, you took advantage of me.

>> No.8946259

Depends on the person. I've only ever done it as a means to an end, I had an obsession to write but ran out of paper.

>> No.8946260

that wasn't me

I'd drive a truck. Hell driving a roadtrain through the outback would be fucking amazing. Hundreds of miles away from the nearest non-abo human with the amazing night sky...

I'm just too scared to fly there without some guaranteed way to survive. I've never been farther than 600 miles from my home.

>> No.8946268

Can you get to Byron Bay? I'll honestly move up there if you want to.

>> No.8946271

How hard is it? I'd seriously fly out there if it meant being able to take it easy.

>> No.8946273

What's some good job for a schizoid

>> No.8946274

Where are you from? Just become an illegal immigrant. I'll help you out dude.

>> No.8946275


Naw sorry for leading you on man, I'm actually moving back to NZ within a month to try a new start.

God speed though and if you where serious don't hesitate to do it for someone else.

>> No.8946276

nearly impossible if you are from a first world i.e corporate slavery country.

They will ship you back and likely throw you in prison. Refugee status is reviewed by UN council.

>> No.8946277

This is a red flag post if I've ever seen one


>> No.8946280


nobody is that dumb don't worry.

>> No.8946281

What if I want to be locked in this guy's dungeon and raped by his dogs?

>> No.8946282

I know how it sounds but honestly, I have people I don't even like crashing here for weeks or months at a time.

>> No.8946279

I'm in the US

I want out. I want to take it easy.
I don't know any country where I can do that.
that truck driver idea seems cool, but I don't even have a license yet.

>> No.8946288

You can take it easy here.

But if I was to seriously help a NEET I would not really put up with sorrow about not having a successful life etc. Taking it easy is the only way.

>> No.8946290

Thanks for the input, I figured it couldn't be so easy.

>> No.8946300

Nobody should feel bad or guilty about leeching welfare.

Having to spend 80% of your life doing something you hate just to scrape by is bullshit. If people were stupid enough to put up with it don't let them make you feel bad about calling it as bullshit and scamming the fuck out of it.

Idiots will always be idiots and a few lonely autists won't even be a blip on the radar compared to all the junkies etc already abusing the system.

>> No.8946298


Even if he has to move to another country to take it easy, what makes you think Australia is a good option?
I couldn't pay my rent if I was on the dole here - wouldn't he be better going to Sweden or Norway or something?

>> No.8946307

Where do you live you couldn't afford rent at $460 a fortnight? It is too hard to take it easy in the city anyway.

Say you get 3 people, it would cost something like $60 a week each for rent where I live, on a coastal beach town. You wouldn't have everything you ever wanted but you could live comfortably and easily.

>> No.8946314


Melbourne. $210pw plus water, electricity for a studio apartment.

>> No.8946310

Only shitposters live there
My sources tell me they really starting to take a look at their benefits and will probably start thinning it out.

>> No.8946311

I should say, that is for a 3 bedroom house. Apartments are a lot cheaper.

>> No.8946316

They've been saying that for years and it will never happen.

If you say you are mentally ill and never find a job you won't be left to dry out. The only thing is you need a support base until you get into the system.

>> No.8946322

That is fucking insane.

My parents rent out a 2 story, 4 bedroom house, 2 minutes walk away from the beach with great views for $300 a week.

>> No.8946323


If only it was easy for all of us to jump on the autism bucks.

>> No.8946327


Where. The. Fuck.

>> No.8946328



>> No.8946333

Central coast.

>> No.8946336

Sounds like a great candidate for a small /jp/ mansion.

>> No.8946338

I'd lock you in my dungeon, anonymous.

>> No.8946340


Too bad the largest problem would be to get us to leave our current nests.

>> No.8946341

One day~

>> No.8946343


If there are four east coast Australians here and they could all get autism bucks this would be great.

Straight up I'm going to say I'm not interested because I'm happy (enough) here.

>> No.8946344

When will we stage our mass exodus to wherever, /jp/? We are refugees from America because our neet way of life has been trampled on by government and left us persecuted. Our religion requires that we take it easy among all else.

We can help eachother fill out applications for benefits.

>> No.8946349

>We are refugees from America because our neet way of life has been trampled on by government and left us persecuted.
Slavs not allowed?

>> No.8946368

I wish I could leech off welfare, but I've spent so long pretending to act normal that any doctor would probably just laugh me out and say there's nothing wrong with me. My sister is already riding that gravy train all the way to the bank, because she went a bit crazy and ended up in a mental institution for a few months.

I guess I'll just end up getting some dead end job.

>> No.8946369


Impressions can be changed over time anon.

>> No.8946385

Never, since we don't have any money to get there or a way to survive once we get there.

>> No.8946392
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If I ever become insanely rich I will save you guys, promise. First I just need to go outside...

>> No.8946618

How do I convince my doctor I really have autism. The only things I got diagnosed with were LD, Impulse and ADD. My mom set me up to see a doctor soon so I need to figure out how to convince them.

Do I need to brain-damage myself? I'll do that if that's what is needed to take it easy. I don't want to get a job. Everyone who has one is always so unhappy and doesn't like it. Why would you do something you don't enjoy? I think that to live a good life you need to spend as much time as you can doing what you want and what you enjoy. Any other way is just suffering to me.

>> No.8946626

Just be autistic.

>> No.8946627

Broaden your scope. If you had "classical" autism, it would have been identified in childhood. Probably when you were still an infant. High-functioning autism is no more "severe" than the disorders you have actually been diagnosed for.

A good idea would be to acquire some general anesthetic (Silk Road, maybe?) and let a heavy vehicle drive over your knees. You don't *need* your legs, and you're sure to get money if you're in a wheelchair.

>> No.8946632


>> No.8946635

>High functioning

Yeah, I think that is more up my alley. So how can I raise some red flags when I am talking to my doctor? I want to make it extremely obvious that I have problems of that variety.

>> No.8946636

/jp/, if you solved one of these problems you could live off interest from the prize for the rest of your life:


Get cracking!

>> No.8946638


Stripping naked should do it.

>> No.8946650

"High functioning autism" is psychology bullshit for "Too lazy to work or fend for themselves".

>> No.8946651

I'll practice around the house to get comfortable, then when I feel better about it I'll try going to the corner store nude.

Every eek I'll go farther and farther from my neighborhood naked.

Does that suffice?

>> No.8946652

Did you read what I just said? Of course it depends on where you live, but you are just as likely to get money for your ADD.

If you want to fake Asperger's, just act like Spock and flap your hands while you're thinking. Talk in a very straightforward and monotone matter, or change tone inappropriately. Proper diagnoses are quite in-depth though, and they will probably want to talk with your family. Ultimately you will just get referred to some support group who will help you find a job, but they are not going to just give you money for having AS.

Also you might have to convince them you were misdiagnosed with ADD:

>> No.8946657

> P = NP
N = 1

am i winned yet

>> No.8946660

I am from Canada. And about the ADD thing, my mother said that it hasn't been on my profile in a long time but it was on my school papers last year in senior grade. The only thing that stuck was the Learning Disability, apparantly.

>> No.8946665


Oh. My. God.
Someone get the Clay Institute on the phone immediately.

>> No.8946686

So if you go to a psychiatrist and admit to things that would make you a danger to other people, do you get autism bucks or locked up?

>> No.8946689


They're basically one and the same if you're in Scandinavia.

>> No.8946690

I don't know, I want to tell the doctor that stuff but I'm worried that I could get a whistle blown on me.

I admitted to shop-lifting but I did that years ago so it wouldn't hold up.

>> No.8946698

I'm currently trying to get on disability for Psychosis-NOS, although my parents are telling the people that I'm a sperglord (got misdiagnosed with it when I was 16, common for younger psychotics). I'm also currently working two part-time jobs, although I'm making less than I would if I was just sitting on my ass collecting disability.

I have mixed about it. I now accept that I need to be on it due to having a small mental break last week, but I take pride in working, or at least knowing what it is like to work. I wouldn't want to give up being productive. Then again, I don't like the fact that I have to get up at 2 AM every day to work a job that doesn't even give me enough money to support myself, or enough sleep and energy to enjoy my life. If I'm going to be treated like this, than fuck it. I want to take it easy now. Since I know the alternative, I have no regrets.

>> No.8946701

Depends. A fun catchphrase to use is, "I consider myself a danger to myself and/or others." If they think it's manageable, you'll just get some sort of referral and go to psychiatrist/counsellor sessions. They're not going to lock you up because you could "potentially" do something, because that applies to every free human being out there. It's only if you yourself are scared you will murder someone or if you have recently threatened/attacked someone that they'll put you in some sort of institution.

Some of the more voluntary ones are quite nice, actually. Over the past couple of decades there has been a strong effort around the world to get rid of, "HURR HE'S CRAZY PUT HIM IN BEDLAM IN A STRAITJACKET," and to make mental health issues more "normal". This includes making institutions friendlier places.

>> No.8946725

But can it get me autismbucks? I'd rather just live in peace away from people.

>> No.8947937

So I have read Uncle Remus's guide already and I haven't yet decided which disorder I am going to go for.

I am living with my family so I would need to change over time of course. I was thinking Aspergers, but is there anything better?

>> No.8948045
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>> No.8948053


>> No.8948066

Guy in the back is trying not to laugh

Kid looks like it's the most embarrassing day of his life.

>> No.8948095
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this. harden up, faggots.

>> No.8948137

>As a med student (UK), let me tell you that legally they are not allowed to tell you to leave without 'treating' you.

After years of not leaving the house my parents finally started to push for me to see a psychologist, I go along with it because I'm afraid of starving to death.

So far I've had one psych tell me he can't help me and another one tell me the same and that I should phone a self-referring service after I ended up picking a bloody hole in my lip and telling him I'm not able to use a phone.

I wish they'd just give me enough money to be alone and get it over with. Being batted around to different places is horrible, especially when each one seems to involve more travel than the last.

>> No.8948299

I was misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia when I was 14. I dropped out then because I knee it was all leading into bullshit and I hated talking to people because of how fake, shallow and empty most human interaction is. I told the psychiatrists and psychologists as much and they said I was psychotic and sent me home with a bunch of drugs.

It wasn't until I was 19 I met a very good psychologist. He fought not to have me medicated and helped me a LOT.
