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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8938359 No.8938359 [Reply] [Original]

parents say they'll kick me out if i don't find job

but i don't want to work

What do i do? Please /jp/, you must help.

>> No.8938372

Same here.

>> No.8938382

Get a job and move out you nerd

>> No.8938390

>tell parents your going to work
>take bus down town for 8 hours and pick up chicks ^__^
>i sure hope you guys do this

>> No.8938384

Ignore it. No parent would kick their kid out.

>> No.8938388

Think of what you like doing most and make it into a job!

>> No.8938391

kill yourself
that'll show them

>> No.8938395


I don't think browsing 4chan and playing the occasional videogame qualifies as a job, though.

>> No.8938397

I love posts like this. Are you from /b/ too? :)

>> No.8938400

i'm pretty sure they do it in murrika

>> No.8938398


Oh, well, actually, I do want to work. I just can't find a job that isn't shit.

>> No.8938407

protip: post with sage if you want to fit it

no need to thank me :)

>> No.8938403

Try asking >>>/adv/, it's what their board exists for.

>> No.8938402

I don't know, man. They sound really pissed all the time, and my dad sure is close to cracking, or so it seems. I doubt they would do it as well, but I'm not too certain anymore. I think they really do hate me, I guess a few years of little to no communication tend to do that.

>> No.8938412

It sucks that your dad is still around. I think us NEETs with single moms are blessed.

>> No.8938413

I miss old memes!

>> No.8938414

Can someone just make a general NEET/hikikomori thread? Then we can get all these blog and ronery ;_; threads off the front page.

>> No.8938417

Ah, that is too true. I think my mom tries to like me, but dad always gets in the way with his anger. I truly think I'd have an easier time without him around, but I don't really want to resort to murder or anything like that.

>> No.8938418

What's with the janitor ignoring all the shitty threads lately? Is he trying to get revenge on us for making fun of him?

>> No.8938427

get a job

>> No.8938428

I think the problem is that they're *kind of* related. I mean, OP is a NEET. However, no thread should begin with such a personal and poorly-written post. That's blogging:

>> No.8938435


He couldn't moderate flies on shit, dude

>> No.8938441

Join the Revolution.

>> No.8938447

What should happen:
* NEET/hikikomori thread! Here's some music/a picture/something.

What actually happens:
* hey /jp/ my mom says i have to get a job :/
* Hi guys, I haven't left the house in six years! What do?
* why am i so alone? i haven't had sex EVER. Is it because i never leave the house?

>> No.8938449
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