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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8935007 No.8935007 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /jp/. I think I'm falling for Remilia. I never thought such a thing was possible. I'd see this sort of thing on all the boards and such, and I always thought I was above that faggotry. But I'm falling for her hard. I'm beyond smitten for her. I want to hold her. I want to be her personal slave in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Anything, really. Can any of faggots tell me what to do next? I have no idea.

Is going to Gensokyo an option?

>> No.8935019


>> No.8935022

Read a bunch of Remilia rape doujins, that should do the trick.

>> No.8935027


The Remilia doujins just make me want her more.

>> No.8935032

>Is going to Gensokyo an option?

>> No.8935043

>you want to hug her

you are only one dimension away from her, run to her op.

>> No.8935057

Is there any way of doing this without suicide?

>> No.8935063

Come on, anon. Have some dignity.

At least fantasize about being Flandre's slave like a real person.

>> No.8935079

Well, this is up to you.

>> No.8935086

drugs, try lsd. Im serious

>> No.8935088
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>> No.8935095

*runs up and pushes Anonymous*

Get a real girlfriend!

>> No.8935096

There are better ways, like schizophrenia.

>> No.8935094

>Flandre's slave like a real person.

Yeah, no. I reserve myself for Remilia. Flan a shit

>> No.8935104
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Give up, OP. Remilia is too much woman for you. You'll be crushed and served up as cake and tea.

>> No.8935100

Learn real magick, go to the astral, create beings giving them any personality and appearance you want, hope they don`t end up killing you for giving them centience, profit

>> No.8935115


>> No.8935123
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They're a package deal. You can't have one without the other. If you can't satisfy the imouto, ojou-sama will want nothing to do with you. And if you displease ojou-sama, the imouto will annihilate you. Falling in love with either Scarlet sister is unhealthy, dear anon.

>> No.8935119



Even if OP was in Gensokyo, he would have no chance. Unless being eaten counts

>> No.8935137
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Modern human blood is too polluted for high class vampires, so even being their afternoon snack is almost certainly a hopeless dream for us. But wouldn't it be wonderful, wouldn't it be paradise to consumed and become part of them for eternity?

>> No.8935146

Remi's also the type to just fucking lock you in Flan's basement while you are sleeping and watch what happens

>> No.8935143

Sounds enticing, actually.

>> No.8935154
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I wish to be the little bed. ;_;

>> No.8935160 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 650x425, 127934683274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia is the worst Touhou, bro. You'll be way better not liking her.

Delete all media about her from any storage device you own immediately.

>> No.8935224

Yeah, no, you're just a cunt.

>> No.8935386
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>> No.8935646

do it anon! declare your love!

>> No.8935669
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She's sexy and you know it

>> No.8935713
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Remilia is a lewd erotic creature.

>> No.8935725

> lewd erotic creature.
The proper word for it is a "slut"

>> No.8935792

oh hey, if you hate her this much, it means you don't care about her anymore. so, she's free of your autism.

>> No.8935846


Nope, you're the one on your knees for her.

>> No.8935849

You are very stupid.

>> No.8935868

lol, you so mad you took your trip down to use petty insults?

and the way you/he insults her, it's obvious. if she were to see his post, she'd feel disgust and want nothing to do with a rude, disgusting sack of shit like that.

>> No.8935873

Not her fault that her archetype is literally a walking innuendo.

>> No.8935890

OP same thing happened to me with reimos armpit, it wore off after a few months.

>> No.8937196

Are you telling me you DON'T find Reimu's armpits attractive anymore?

>> No.8937203

First time on /jp/? Quite evident.

>> No.8937210

worst 2hus

>> No.8937551
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I love it when she looks flustered or sad

>> No.8937598
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Yukari is gapping people who died by suicide from the outside world for the vampires to feed on, canonically.

>> No.8937633
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ITT: faggot losers with low self esteem ready to give themselves to some shitty filthy vampires

>> No.8937650
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I prefer her angry look, even though the pleasure of seeing it in person would only register in my brain in the picosecond before I'm reduced to cake ingredients.

>> No.8937683
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>> No.8937679


I'd completely forgotten about that factoid.

>> No.8937691
File: 247 KB, 1127x2386, tulpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but, this is a solution.

List of people that currently have/are working on their tulpa.


>> No.8937726

As a true gentleman, I'm open to be any touhou's slave.

>> No.8937733

Wouldn't that make YOU the slut?

>> No.8937741

That sounds a bit slutty rather than cultured, but I suppose you don't get a choice in the matter, in most circumstances.

>> No.8937743

The creepypasta scared me off of this idea. Also, creating a mental illness seems like a bad move.

>> No.8937751
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You should read this.

>> No.8937798

Once something gets that ingrained in your personality, how do you get rid of it? And yes, I'm considering it.

>> No.8937808

Well, if one of them were to claim me, I would probably settle down instead of running around looking for another. Probably.

>> No.8937803

Mind over matter. You just ignore it until it goes away.

>> No.8937805

You ignore it, as in you do not interactive with it.

>> No.8937811


Fuck, im tired.

>> No.8937825

>self-induced schizophrenia is an oxymoron
>insanity manifests itself in not knowing you're insane

This is such incredible bullshit. This person doesn't even remotely know what they're talking about.

>> No.8937828

On another note, this says to avoid known characters. Does this mean that you shouldn't make a touhou tulpa?

>> No.8937831

Take what they say only like a guide, not a step-by-step set of directions. Some of these people actually believe this is magic after all.

>> No.8938843

If the magic(k) view is true, the meditation will create a being in the astral plane.

Known characters (ie: the Touhous) should have their astral forms too. I don't know the proper name for this because I was asleep during my occultism classes. It should not an egregore because it totally lacks the "organized for a purpose" aspect. Every fan has their own "inner Remilia", which should contribute some energy towards the, uh, public astral entity. Is there some actual magician in the house who can help with the definitions here?

Anyway, I think I want in this tulpa business. It won't be a Touhou, but a character I created more than a decade ago. I think on (and occasionally fap to) her once a month or something. I can pretty much imagine her personality/voice/appearance already, but until now she's being pretty clearly just a character. The ideal of bringing her to the next level is pretty much enticing.

Then again, I believe there's an actual term for astral beings that you fap to...

>> No.8938853

What wizard school did you attend that had occult classes? I want to take occult classes. I'm reading through 3 books of occult philosophy and teaching myself but damn I'm jelly.

>> No.8938880

> Reading occult books for Remilia-sama's sake !
I'm not doing this. If I ever stumble upon some true magical powers, I fear that I'd then try to take over the world since it'd be the most logical thing to do.
What about Gensokyo then? Well, you can have it, i'll give it to you including all the entities living in it, since /jp/ would be the one behind my research of magical powers after all.

>> No.8938892
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So, basically, a TULPA is an imaginary friend.

You guys crossed the line of sickness.

>> No.8938913

It's worth it, I'd rather spend a wonderful day conversing with my waifu than sitting alone in the dark down my basement, not having any kind of social interaction.

Not to mention, I get to experience love.

>love, pfffffffthahahahha

>> No.8938927

Fine, good luck (not) dealing with your own problems, but /jp/ has no place for your personal mental dissorders.

That's not japanese related, anyways.

>> No.8938977

Wrong board, mother fucker.

>> No.8939011
File: 79 KB, 550x504, so-ronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in imaginary things
>crossed the line

>implying those already in power aren't using magic already.
Nah. Won't happen. The world isn't controlled by a cabal of wizards, but by rich industrialists / sheiks / nobility who have wizards in their paychecks. What you said makes as much sense as: "I found about marketing techniques! Now I'll control the world!"

Thread is about the love for a Touhou, and about ways to bring this love closer to reality.

Picture related, it's totally /jp/

>> No.8939241
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I don't take my trip off even to take a shit.

So, just passing to remember you Bloodbags that you will never have Remilia straddle your lap while slowly draining your veins completely dry of blood causing you to slip out of consciousness and forever into the void.

Life is hard.

>> No.8939432

you dare speak about remilia like this, after insulting her so gravely? you worthless infidel, you're not fit to even lick the dirt off her shoes.

>Remilia is the worst Touhou, bro. You'll be way better not liking her.

>> No.8939498
File: 271 KB, 1005x1500, 1325356610177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not fit to even lick the dirt off her shoes.
Can I show her my shoe-licking skills first?

And, you missed the point...


>> No.8939504

what point? no matter how jelly you feel about others liking what you like, insulting her is not the way to go.

you're supposed to show off your devotion to her, not publicly humiliate her by calling her the "worst."

>> No.8939546

You are right, self-punishment is the proper course of action now.

>> No.8939546,1 [INTERNAL] 

