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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 496 KB, 2048x1536, yesmaang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8934189 No.8934189 [Reply] [Original]

>Purchase this at first sight.
>Destroy price sticker so roomates will not question sanity.
My hand when.

>> No.8934192

hey arc whats up

>> No.8934195

It's funny because you're black.

>> No.8934198

What the hell is wrong with your thumb?

>> No.8934200

Your thumb is very pointy.

>> No.8934204

shit nugu thats a long thumb

>> No.8934205

Thumbs up if you tried to imitate OP's thumbs up then wondered what the fuck is wrong with his thumb.

>> No.8934206

The fuck is going on. Where am I. Fuck.

>> No.8934209
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, 1331387857275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fugg a blck man now we know why jp been so shit lately LOL

>> No.8934216

you made me laugh really hard, thanks sir.

>> No.8934217

It's funny because it's not really racist, but now it's 2012 and "negro" is racist so it's racist!

>> No.8934218

The room is just really dark guys. We all know only white people and asians and maybe a few spanish and brits go here.

>> No.8934220

You forgot your trip Arcueid.

>> No.8934225

How much, dude?

>> No.8934230

Who the fuck are you quoting, OP?

>> No.8934231

>White people
>and brits

I hope that was just poor use of English.

>> No.8934238



>> No.8934241

Nice try, Mohammad.

>> No.8934247

Hey, we're not a minority until 2060.

>> No.8934248

>Implying I'm a /jp/ regular

Sorry, wrong number.

>> No.8934249

I want to talk about patchy, but now I've got to talk about niggers! Damnit, OP!

>> No.8934256

I'll have you know I've never seen a single none-white person in my quaint village. It's admittedly been a few years since I've been out in it, but I doubt (m)any have moved in.

>> No.8934257

*Nigger Americans

>> No.8934261

Op you're an alien.

>> No.8934294

Why did you put it in your bathroom?

>> No.8934309

Why did you greentext.

>> No.8934310

I used quick reply so I didn't saw it.

>> No.8934321

While it may resemble greentext, that is actually an advanced form of ebonics from OP's native tribe.

>> No.8934325

It's funny because it's true (although probably not in the way you intended).

>> No.8934372

Dining room.

110 and didn't care because Patchy.

>> No.8934428

Which model is that? It looks nice.
Jelly as fuck by the way.

>> No.8934442

Should be bitching about the way OP wrote his post and not his skin color.

>> No.8934448

Why does /jp/ get so infuriated by different colors?

>> No.8934465


Because for every 100 4chan users there is 1 black 4chan user. I'm black too

>> No.8934467

[citation needed]

>> No.8934484
File: 42 KB, 901x530, allmymoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, an attention whore thread!

Let me post my info~

>> No.8934494 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 350x342, 1331938263968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people
>only interest in africa
>materialistic fat incestious white pigs
>critizing another society for living life their own way
>asian master race

>> No.8934500


Whenever I see a black person I always think of Arc. It isn't an abnormal thing.

>> No.8934508

What the fuck man? 1k? That is how much my parents pay for the rent. All on what, plastics?

>> No.8934515
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 3546008256_2ce9063777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-deformed thumb
Your prototypical nigger wasting his money buying shit.

>> No.8934516 [DELETED] 

>asian master race
Dude, west raped asians into western culture.
India, China, Japan all got raped.
You are shit for master race.

>> No.8934524

It's only that much because March releases got delayed into April.

Also, I've spent more than those pictures show, like $90 on card touhou protectors for a $50 dollar touhou card game. Which I have no one to play with.

Do you guys rent an apartment? I rent a room in a house and pay $300 a month.

>> No.8934539


I could play with you~
Where do you live?

>> No.8934545


>> No.8934550



>> No.8934551

>price sticker
You bought this in a store?

>> No.8934561

I would assume a con. That's the first thing that came to my mind.

>> No.8934592

Who the HELL are you quoting Tyrone?

>> No.8934920

get out of my head

>> No.8934930

Is Arc a cool black dude?
Or is he lame?

>> No.8934942

Did you buy that at acen? I think I saw you carrying it.

>> No.8934995

Hm. That's the right answer. I was browsing the alley with Patchy on Sunday afternoon. Maybe you're the guy that said 'be sure to watch her' or something to that effect (at the alley) - or maybe you were in crossplay at the time.

>> No.8935151

I was cosplaying as kyubey :> I was looking at figures by the crunchyroll stream and I saw you carrying her around.

>> No.8935195

Why do all black guys like patchouli?
Is it because she listens to hip-hop and stuff?

>> No.8935498

I see. I didn't really anticipate being recognized.

>> No.8937883

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8939226

I don't like patchy, but I don't hate her either.

Marisa, Reisen, and Meiling. Just some of my favorites.

>> No.8939307
File: 399 KB, 1360x2048, IMAG0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when OP was a faggot near me

>> No.8939325

I laughed hard. thank you pal

>> No.8939330
File: 50 KB, 450x300, nigger soap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A filthy fucking subhuman piece of trash that's of African descent on /jp/?

Makes me nauseous.

>> No.8939343

Yeah man niggers steal and have sex with women and live off the state.

*picks up le autismbux and blogs about friendzone #fail*

>> No.8939367

Hi Kafuka, you always give me a boner whenever I look at a pic of you. I this normal, or should I go see a doctor?

>> No.8939395

Ok, I've always had this doubt about this irrational hate towards black people.
I mean, I know some of them act like savages and all that shit, but is that enough to group everybody in the same place?

I don't want to act like a nigger lover, I'm just curious.
And I'm not even white either. I don't have blue eyes.

>> No.8939426
File: 19 KB, 384x550, aryanmasterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8939435

I don't know. I do know that most people here just act like racist for shits and giggles

>> No.8939447

> but is that enough to group everybody in the same place?

If you think "normal" people don't do this you are deluding yourself.

>> No.8939465

If it makes you feel any better. White people are generally demeaning, judgemental pieces of shit who think they're better than everyone else.

>> No.8939471


Got to admit, across the havoc of war if you will, that has to be the most adorable little white supremacist I've ever seen.
Then again, the competition isn't exactly stiff.

>> No.8939478

Everybody is like that

>> No.8939482

Jew detected.

Keep peddling that multiculturalism, hebe. Divide and conquer worked for Caesar, it can work for you too!

>> No.8939486

I notice that more with whites. East Asians are a close second.

>> No.8939502

black hand immediately derails the thread into a discussion of race
if it was a white one it would probably be immediately derailed into how FUCKING FAT his fingers are, or how girly and small his hands are, or how his fingers are all out of proportion

>> No.8939513

>when white people are stuck up, I attribute it to their whiteness. I do this to a lesser extent with east asians

>> No.8939515

Whenever I post pictures that have my hands in them I'm always told they look manly.

>> No.8939545

Typical anti-semite blaming us Jews for your problems.
Why don't you do the world a favor and end yourself?

>> No.8939558

>If you think "normal" people don't do this you are deluding yourself.

Of course I don't think that. But since I live in a country were is rare to see black people, I was asking this.

Oh rigt, I forgot /jp/ is anti-semite as well.

Well, I'm not a jew either and I give a fuck about multiculturalism (just like most people here anyways).

>> No.8939565

where is rare to see black people*
Oh right*
I don't give a fuck*

Damn, I need some sleep.

>> No.8939587

You realize OP wanted a nigger thread from the start, right?

It's the only reason he bothered showing "his" hand.

>> No.8939591

Point still stands.

>> No.8939594

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

Global rule 7 forbids me from saying what I just did.

>> No.8939597


Why don't people go swimming with sharks? I mean not ALL sharks bite so there's no need to group them all together! Why is the world so bigoted and judgmental?

>> No.8939602

I did no such thing sir. Perhaps you object to "hebe", but it is merely a shortening like Brit or Swede. Why, even the kikes themselves used it as the name of a magazine!

>> No.8939616

The fuck? You can't be this retarded?

>> No.8939618

>Ok, I've always had this doubt about this irrational hate and disgust towards anime/2D otaku
>I mean, I know some of them act like faggots or fat loser and all that shit, but is that enough to group everybody in the same place?

When 99% of the nigger population are thug and stupid, they only have themselves to blame for the public perception.
Just look at the hoodie case, they started to threaten to start a riot if zimmerman is found not guilty.

>> No.8939630


Much like it's the shark's instinct to hunt it is the nigger's instinct to chimp out.

Just because you know some half-breed uncle tom doesn't mean there isn't 99 other niggers nigging it up in his place.

>> No.8939633

Maybe he's referencing the fact that blacks are more aggressive and more likely to attack whites than fellow blacks? Consider that we were all once basically like the other animals, before social norms and taboos existed. If you lived in the wilds of Africa, you'd sure as hell have to be tougher than someone living in Norway. And if someone who looked completely different to you and your tribesmen entered your tribespace, you'd sure as hell attack him just as sharks attack other fish.

We may have "matured" socially, but stuff like that doesn't go away. We should accept it and work around it, not sweep it under the rug. Evolution and biology certainly aren't racist.

>> No.8939635

Because jews are a race instead of a religion. Because jews aren't terrible, awful people who should be wiped off the face of the earth.

>> No.8939655

Jews are a race, a religion, a culture, AND a nationality.

Does this upset you? Does it not fit into your black and white worldview?

>> No.8939650

I once had a black man explain this to me. His argument, basically, was that other humans are more evolved than blacks.

>> No.8939664

And all of them are some of the worst examples of humanity in, well, human history and need to be exterminated. No, it doesn't upset me. The fact that they think they're a race - the chosen race, no less - means they're more likely to group together, which makes it easier to kill them.

>> No.8939665

That's exactly one of the arguments that creationists use to attempt to refute Darwinian evolution. As though unfortunate implications of a theory are enough to refute it.

>> No.8939669


Babby's first troll.

>> No.8939670

Are you, against all reality, denying that jews are an ethnicity?

>> No.8939673

They are targets.

>> No.8939676

I don't agree with that. Even if the "out of Africa" theory is true, it's not like blacks stopped evolving. Or that if we left the blacks there long enough, they'd evolve into whites.

We're just different. Race isn't skin deep, and biologists know this. We all have our pros and cons. There is no "best race" because that's impossible to quantify.

Life is more like a D&D sourcebook than people want to believe.

>> No.8939684

If life is a D&D sourcebook, there is undeniably a quantifiable "best" race. Learn to minmax, faggot.

>> No.8939688


Blacks are biologically superior actually. Blue eyes are the most prone to color blindness, and skin without melanin (light skin is technically a disorder) is more prone to cancer and sun rays.

>> No.8939692

You keep telling yourself that, I'll be over here enjoying myself and all around being genetically superior.

>> No.8939694

Physically you mean.
Mentally they are still like ape.

>> No.8939697

Businesses should hire Asians to fill the Accountancy classes, blacks to fill the Laborer classes, and whites for the jack-of-all-trades classes nobody gives a shit about, like Bards.

>> No.8939700


For every fallacious racist comment you make there's a black doctor saving lives.

>> No.8939708

For every black baby born, there's another person I'm better than. If you object, feel free to omit "black."

>> No.8939714
File: 347 KB, 500x445, interetracist2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8939721

You may or may not be illiterate, but since you object, I'll guide you through.

For every baby born, there's another person I'm better than.

>> No.8939717

>chuck spears, build huts, starve
>invent life-saving medicines and devices, build skyscrapers, improve quality of life worldwide

lol @ biological superiority

>> No.8939726


I think it's obvious who's objectively worse, and clearly has no stake in the modern world.

No matter what you do, no matter how easy and straight forward you make it form them, if you put a bunch of black together they'll fuck it up. Even if you somehow gathered the cream of the crop I guarantee you their offspring would.

Every time they're put into power they fuck up. Just check out what shit holes South Africa and Rhodesia turned into.

Hell watch the vice guide to Liberia. If you're still so certain niggers are just normal people who just happen to be darker after witnessing that then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.8939727

Don't Spics fill the jack of all trades role better?

>> No.8939732

White guys can do pretty much anything you need. Spics are manual labor because blacks won't work.

>> No.8939740


>> No.8939735

/jp/ - /pol/ Derail Culture

>> No.8939745


How's that American education working out for you?

List of inventions that African-Americans alone have either significantly improved or created themselves:

air conditioning unit Frederick M. Jones July 12, 1949
air ship (dirigible) J.F. Pickering 1892
almanac Benjamin Banneker 1791 — approximate date
automatic car coupling for trains Andrew Beard 1897
automatic cutoff switch Granville T. Woods January 1, 1839
automatic fishing device G. Cook May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift Richard Spikes February 28, 1932
automatic lubricating system for railroads and machines Elijah McCoy October 27, 1891
automatic shoe making machine Jan Matzelinger 1883

>> No.8939746

/pol/shit on /jp/?

Really, guys?

As for OP why didn't you buy that figure online? I hate to be fleet admiral obvious but you got ripped off by buying figures at anime conventions. Doubly so if its a Touhou figure.
