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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 301 KB, 700x700, 9ed60bc8aad8856f0244ea40ca455718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8921247 No.8921247 [Reply] [Original]

What are your goals and aspirations?

Do you think you will ever achieve them?

What are your skills and professions?

If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

>> No.8921258
File: 33 KB, 300x300, do-nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

>> No.8921262

Thread over.

>> No.8921277
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>> No.8921275

i don't plan to do anything

>> No.8921316

>What are your goals and aspirations?
i have none, i'm depressed

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
get out depression? yes, someday.

>What are your skills and professions?
i have no idea

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
stop being a weak faggot

>> No.8921348
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Game Center CX 23 - Adventure Island.avi_snapshot_42.20_[2011.08.11_09.34.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your goals and aspirations?
keep getting better at my favorite vidya games

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?

>What are your skills?
being good at vidya games

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
continue playing vidya games

>> No.8921389
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>What are your goals and aspirations?
Having a big mansion for /jp/
>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
>What are your skills and professions?
I can speak 4 languages but i don't think i have something else. NEET.
>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
I'd like to serve someone important. I don't think i'll be able to do that either

>> No.8921392

fuk 2hos

>> No.8921399
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>> No.8921417
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>What are your goals and aspirations?
Create greater Croatia

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Yes the battle is not over!

>What are your skills and professions?

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Finish what was started in 1991

>> No.8921429
File: 9 KB, 222x215, remove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out Hrvati scum

>> No.8921445

get a load of this guy.jpg

>> No.8921450
File: 108 KB, 704x708, Slavna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Merge BiH, with our Croatian brothers.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Might be possible under the right circumstances.

>What are your skills and professions?
Field Artillery Officer

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

>> No.8921466

>What are your goals and aspirations?
To take it easy.
>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Already have.
>What are your skills and professions?
I am very good at taking it easy, or at least I like to think so.
>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Same as I've been doing until now. Until my parents die anyway, then I guess I'll be homeless for a while until I find another relative to mooch off.

>> No.8921472

>What are your goals and aspirations?
To find a reason to not kill myself. Just a friend to talk to and a place to live would be really nice....
And a job if it's possible eventually. Can't get one here so I have no money to get away from this place to where I could actually get a job.
>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Probably not. I'm going to be homeless soon, so it's probably too late.
>What are your skills and professions?
Nothing at all. The only thing I seem to be good at is learning things quickly and losing motivation even faster.
>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Planning? I don't know. Every time I've planned something, it's gone wrong. Why bother? My life is just not worth prolonging much longer. I'll just try to take it easy until then....

>> No.8921474

What's with all the slavs on /jp/ lately?

>> No.8921470
File: 2 KB, 500x333, flagge-deutsches-reich-kaiserreich-1871-1918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry we have your backs.

>> No.8921481
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>What are your goals and aspirations?
I want to be a voice actor

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Possibly, if I actually try

>What are your skills and professions?
I have a knack for learning languages

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Nothing, whatever comes up in life

>> No.8921483

now THAT's trolling

>> No.8921486

>I have a knack for learning languages
Do you really?

>> No.8921488 [DELETED] 

Get on Skype, I want to yell at you, nigger.

>> No.8921493

Yes, I like to think so, and teachers have complimented me on learning so fast

>> No.8921508

There have been Turks/Muslims on /jp/ for a while now, it's about time Slavs showed up too.

>> No.8921516

Anon of Croatia etc have been here for quite a long time dude.

>> No.8921540
File: 993 KB, 1024x2300, 1330770954339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your goals and aspirations?
I want to better the lives of everyone. I'm trying to come up with how the brain works.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Don't know... I feel like I've almost got it.

>What are your skills and professions?
I have remarkable drawing skills. I can also make computer programs and games.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
If it comes down to it, I'll have to get a job.

>> No.8921596
File: 90 KB, 1047x894, NDH 1944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more lebensraum

>> No.8921608

>What are your goals and aspirations?
I'm not sure. To have my own place with stuff I need I guess. Maybe if I'm really lucky, a cute /jp/ boy/girlfriend

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
99% chance of no. Something will mess up somehow and I'll live suffering.

>What are your skills and professions?
I know three Languages, am pretty good at videogames and puzzles, will soon finish my crappy degree.
>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
I need to get a job somehow. Maybe i'll ask my dad to set me up with something in hopes.

>> No.8921612

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Buy my granny and sister a house;
Become rich and famous;
One thing I don't want to post;
Create something extremely interesting.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
It's plausible;
We'll have to see how things go.

>What are your skills and professions?
Okay drawing skills;
Nearly finished high school;
I'll most likely do an animation or film course.

>> No.8921617

>Nearly finished high school

>> No.8921620
File: 24 KB, 343x238, p03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you so funny!

>> No.8921835

Silly slavs

>> No.8921935

Holy crap, I come to /jp/ to what's going on from time to time and every time I see Croatians posting. I didn't know there were that many otaku in Hrvatska!

Prozdrav iz Zagreba!

>> No.8921952
File: 42 KB, 576x416, 1225146303699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are your goals and aspirations?
Always wanted to become a fighter pilot, but colour blindness prevented me from doing the one thing I wanted to do my entire life.

Do you think you will ever achieve them?
No. Never.

What are your skills and professions?
Good with computers and IT in general.

If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Nothing, I have terminal lung cancer and have about a year or so at best.

>> No.8921953

become a researcher or professor at a good uni in a good place or in my home town which I miss.
do research and program so I can stay in the lab for most of the week. travel for three weeks every year.

dunno about my chances of achieving them at this point. I tried quite hard to get into a top graduate program like MIT but ended up in UCI. I feel part of that is just because I'm a foreigner.

Can do some programming. Know some math. Have a few years of experience working on yeast and bacteria.

>> No.8921965

This isn't true.

>> No.8921969

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Long term has always been getting off of this rock and into space. Until then, I was planning on finishing my degree in two years.... after getting really good at video games and taking it easy during a sabbatical. Also been toying around with the idea of doing yet another 2hu arrange album, but life is proliferated with such things so I would need to invest in a number of instuments to make it happen.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
I can go to space but I would have to live to be at least 40, but I think it would be easy enough so long as I don't get too stressed and put away money for the trip as soon as I pay off my loans. As for the album, I need a job to get the equipment for that.

>What are your skills and professions?
can play bugle, trumpet, didgeridoo, and trombone with circular breathing of up to 15 minutes; moderately good cook; know accounting and financial management; experience as a CISCO systems and Apache admin; basic Japanese language skills with 3rd grader kanji; kendou and tae-kwon-do noob.

>What are you planning on doing as you grow older?
When my telomeres start to turn against me, I'm already in space fucking about or I'm an heroing.

>> No.8921976

What type of color-blindness do you have?

>can you read green-text?

>> No.8921980

>what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
But i'm already old, and as you can see i'm browsing /jp/.

>> No.8921989

>What are your goals and aspirations?

take it easy

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?


>What are your skills and professions?


>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

take it easy

>> No.8922000

>What are your goals and aspirations?

Ultimately? To become immortal. However, before that I have other goals I need to achieve, if possible.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?

I believe that it is possible. Do I have high hopes? Not particularly.

>What are your skills and professions?

Pretty good with computers, I guess. Other than that? Nothing.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

I am going to work towards finding out the truth. If I'm going to cease to exist when I die, I want decisive, conclusive proof of that. As soon as I receive this proof, I will be able to be certain that there can be nothing meaningful about my life, and will enjoy the rest of my meaningless days however I please. I wouldn't mind such a life, really. It would be so carefree~

However, if I can't get confirmation of that, I'll want confirmation that Christianity either is or isn't the truth. If it is the truth, then I've got to find some way to avoid falling into an endless Hell (if it turns out that the nature of that Hell really is that undesirable to me). Living like this is much more stressful than living that carefree, meaningless life.

But on the other hand, if I will not disappear when I die, and Christianity is not the truth, then I should have plenty of time to work towards immortality. And immortality is important, because without it, my life is meaningless.

>> No.8922324
File: 52 KB, 317x394, 317px-Patch_of_the_102nd_HVO_Brigade.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about Bosnia!

>> No.8922409
File: 46 KB, 304x348, Derventa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dijaspora scum here

Sta ima brate?

>> No.8922585

>What are your goals and aspirations?

I would like to become a decent writer and voice actor.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?

There is a good chance for both, since I have talent, but there is also the element of luck, which I'm not sure that I have enough of.

>What are your skills and professions?

I'm well educated and have a decent work ethic when I'm not distracted. Otherwise, I'm not sure. As for professions, I'm just working some part time jobs, one of which is driving me crazy.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

I might get on disability; if I do I'm going to focus on my writing.

>> No.8922644

>What are your goals and aspirations?
>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
>What are your skills and professions?
>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Keep leeching off my mother. When she becomes unable/unwilling to support me, suicide.

>> No.8922920

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Orchestrate a military coup in North Korea.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Meh. Seeing as I'm talking about it on /jp/, probably not.

>What are your skills and professions?
Trilingual with a particularly good North Korean accent (according to a couple of defectors who now go to my church), 10+ years of firearms experience, 15+ years of currently in Army ROTC and also working as part time cop for local PD, personal connections to aid agencies with more access to commoners than probably anyone save any intelligence agents in the country, as well as defectors who have firsthand experience with the conditions and mindset, mediocre at the violin, singing, acting and writing, enjoy writing bombastic and melodramatic speeches

>What are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Attempt to get into a combat arms branch and (unlikely) Special Forces, make connections and assemble a small planning team, get into contact with mid level officers of the North Korean military (somehow >_<), find funding (somehow >_<)

If this works, can I call you up? I would LOVE for the Presidential Palace to have a thematic component of meido to it.

Oh, and yes, I'm a fag and love the cock and should go back to /k/ and quit being a shitty liar and so on and so forth.

>> No.8922929

whoops, full retard. I meant to put 15+ years of kickboxing, not ROTC.

>> No.8923464


>> No.8923488
File: 191 KB, 650x650, rbt_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Have an own apartment that I can paint pink and decorate cutely.
Also to build a robot maid.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
I hope, but I doubt it.

>What are your skills and professions?
None at the moment.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Get an engineering degree.

>> No.8923511

>What are your goals and aspirations?

Get the fuck out of America and get a Masters in some kind of Engineering

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?

Surprisingly, yes.

>What are your skills and professions?

Can't really think of anything I'm decently skilled at.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

Getting good at something. Also getting laid.

>> No.8924574

>Getting good at something. Also getting laid.
>getting laid.

You best not be talking about 3D

>> No.8924581

goal fuck a lot of hot chicks
yea im already fuckin hot chicks
im really hot i own B)

>> No.8924583

Please return to where you came from.


I put a link so you could find it easier.

>> No.8924588

Please return to where you came from.


I put a link so you could find it easier

>> No.8924671

my dream is to meet t0kik0 and have her suck my dick. then we'll cuddle for a few hours and i'd fall asleep

>> No.8924686

why dont you two fucking get a room faggot i et you like the idea of sucking ocks wll god will make you roast in ell and toast lik ebacon ! its the fate of all faggots

>> No.8924687

This, but it could be any cute /jp/sie.

>> No.8924693

Please return to where you came from.


I put a link so you could find it easier.

>> No.8924718

Why not send her an email if you want to talk to her so much?

>> No.8924725

I don't want to talk to her, just put my penis inside her.

>> No.8924763

I don't know it and even if I did I'm too shy to send her an email

>> No.8924790


>What are your goals and aspirations?
Bone whores and get wasted.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Every night.

>What are your skills and professions?
My penis is so large that my pants need three leg holes.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?

>> No.8925073

>What are your goals and aspirations?
To become better at my skill. Also to make a tulpa.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?

>What are your skills and professions?
Typography, printing arts and arts.

>What are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Achieving a quality so great, students will have to learn my life and achievements by heart for exams.

>> No.8925081

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Right now I guess it's just getting through the rest of my contract with the US Navy and not being a shitty sailor.
>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
Yes as long as I can do what I'm told and don't become a fat sack of shit while I sit around all day doing nothing it shouldn't be a problem.
>What are your skills and professions?
Right now I'm an Operations Specialist in the US Navy what that equates to is basically someone who looks at the radar and makes sure we don't hit shit when were out at sea.
>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
Right now I want to go to college once I get out and pursue some business degree someday I want to open a floral shop and live on the oregon coast and live relatively carefree.

>> No.8925078

>What are your goals and aspirations?

My goal is to become happy.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?

I don't know, bute I hope I will achieve it.

>What are your skills and professions?

I don't have any skills in anything ...

>> No.8925831

>What are your goals and aspirations?
Achieve Gensokyo. In the meantime try to take it easy as much as I can.

>Do you think you will ever achieve them?
I don't know, at least the part about taking it easy isn't going as planned.

>What are your skills and professions?
Marksman... and don't particularly excel at anything else, so I'm just another meatbag in the world.

>If you have none, what are you planning on doing as you grow older?
I'm going to quit working eventually, so in the end I'll die by my own hand.
