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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8918032 No.8918032 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever thought about doing something crazy like gathering up all the money you have and running off in a random direction with no regard for whether or not you'll survive?

I was looking around on /trv/ and their lives seem so exciting. They don't care about anything, all they do is adventure.

>> No.8918038
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>> No.8918044
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i like my warm bed :)

>> No.8918045

I joined the peace corps once and quit after a month. maybe it's not as great as you think. Then again I guess it depends on if where you go has electricity and running water.

>> No.8918043
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Why would I travel in a direction when I can find out what's there using the internet? If I don't have a destination, I don't even leave my couch.

>> No.8918051


If you know where you're going then it's not much of an adventure. The fun is in wandering off into the great unknown. Or at least I'd imagine that's the fun part.

>> No.8918057

I don't think I'd get far on $6.

>> No.8918069
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That would require not having a computer at all.

>> No.8918073

I wish every other human on the planet would disappear or that maybe I could go to an alternate dimension where I'm the only human on the planet.

Then I would love to adventure. I hate being stuck in this little apartment every single day for years, but going out involves being around people and communicating with them and that's just awful.

>> No.8918092
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That doesn't sound very safe. What if some unscrupulous person takes advantage of my fragile body and hurts me?

>> No.8918106


Learn the art of combat and train your body.

>> No.8918123

I always had the dream of wandering into the wilderness

>> No.8918125
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I've been to enough different countries to know they're all the same shit. I've spent hours on trains and planes to see monuments that pales in comparison to something I can see on a hike through the woods. Save your money and stay home in your nice warm bed. When you want some adventure pack a lunch and a notebook and go to a state park.

>> No.8918143
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One day I shamefully drank too much and I blacked out.

I don't remember what happened, but I woke up far away from my house and I was scared. I don't know what happened during that time, but I wish I knew. It was probably the only adventure I've ever had.

>> No.8918164

Did you checked your anus to see if it was intact?

>> No.8918174

Actually the thought occurred to me earlier that I should just run away. I hate my job, I hate living with my mom, and I have at least a few thousand in my name. When I was driving home part of me just wanted to keep driving and driving and driving until it got dark and then stop at the closest motel and just keep going.

>> No.8918175

When I lost my job due to depression I took the savings I had made from it and just took a road trip all by myself. I drove along the coast and hills and didn't care where I was going, until I got homesick after a few days and went back. It was really nice. I should do it again sometime.

You don't have to leave forever, you can just go on an adventure. What do you have to lose?

>> No.8918181


I was not violated..

>> No.8918182
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Sounds rad. I'd like that a lot too. That's probably why I still play mmos.

>> No.8918188

That's silly. This is a very, very big planet you know. There's lots of places far away from people.

>> No.8918197

I had an experiment like this once with my valium that was prescribed to me for anxiety. I took the medicine and wandered outside and just kept wandering. I had a backpack filled with food and water and I aimlessly explored everything I could find from old buildings to wilderness for about four days.

It was fun.

>> No.8918198

But if you're the only human on the planet you couldn't talk to us :3

>> No.8918205


A place to stay when you get back.

>> No.8918212

>I hate my job, I hate living with my mom, and I have at least a few thousand in my name.
why dont you just get your own apartment instead of "running away"

>> No.8918211

Why would you lose your place to stay?

>> No.8918221

I like to test the limits of my abilities and see how many things I can do that I never thought I could do before.

It first started with small things like peeing into the sink, but it has escalated to the point that I have thrown a piece of my own poop out the window of my third story apartment and into the street below just to see if I could physically do something so outrageous.

Soon I think I'll be ready to go outside.

>> No.8918224

...what money?

>> No.8918235


You have to pay rent for your place

>> No.8918241

Because I hate my job and the city and state I live in. I'm not good at this planning thing plus I'm just borrowing my mom's car so I don't really have one of my own yet.

>> No.8918270

I used to have a 30 mile per gallon car, and I would spend entire days driving around seeing what's out there. I drove across the country one time. It's all different now. I've seen as much of the world that I wish.

>> No.8918310

Everyone on /jp/ should go on at least one adventure. You can't be a truNEET until you've lived the alternative.

>> No.8918326

I lived the alternative from age 1-19. It sucked and now I'm a truNEET and been one for several years simce.

>> No.8918337

If I had money I'd go to a bigger city with jobs. But I'm broke...

>> No.8918342


>> No.8918346

Did it work?

>> No.8918381

I'm thinking about doing this if I ever get kicked out instead of/before going to gensokyo.

I'd try to sell everything I have and then wander off into the woods. Maybe find a cave somewhere and become a hermit.

>> No.8918386


Is this true? I was homeschooled and I'm NEET, haven't left the house in years and I have no friends, but I have never experienced the alternative.

Do I need to experience the horrors of being a normal before I can come back and take my place as a truNEET?

>> No.8918388

Would you a Rika, /jp/?

>> No.8918421

Yes, a lot actually.

If I had more than 300 dollars to my name I'd probably do it.

>> No.8918424


Your dreams are limited by your experiences. You can't have fun and interesting dreams until you experience it in real-life. It's why most dreams are just filled with people and settings that you've been to, but rarely anything you haven't experienced in real life.

Embracing the flames of the outside world enriches the imagination.

>> No.8918546
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>Everyone on /jp/ should go on at least one adventure
Get a CDL license. Drive a truck all across your country for 30K USD/year. Interact with almost no one, and then only regarding very limited topics that all parties understand. Download all your entertainment in huge bursts, or remotely direct a stationary computer with good internet to do so until you return, and move through your backlog when you can't find good internet. Drive around all day in your apartment, listening to music or audiobooks or radio dramas. Be smarter than all of your peers without having to interact with them. You can not be overqualified, people quit too frequently. If you can go 1 year without having a traffic accident, you'll never be out of a job until you average roughly more than 1 accident per 5 years, or die.

>> No.8918548

I don't want this shitty world and normalfags to influence my dreams. I already told you once.

Don't do it. It will corrupt your beautiful virginal mind.

>> No.8918617


Let them defile you.

>> No.8918632
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Cant run cuz im hella fat

>> No.8918653

lol nerd go lift sum weights

>> No.8918691
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>beautiful virginal mind

>> No.8918827
File: 106 KB, 458x335, geki21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I eventually become either homeless and / or hopeless, I'm going to become a hero of justice, roaming the streets in my sentai outfit, righting wrongs and delivering JUSTICE.

Before then I need to learn the art of sewing, but I'm too NEET for that right now, but some day.

Don't worry about your fragile bodies anons, I'll save you all, AND sew dresses!

I can't wait.

>> No.8919277

I snapped a week ago.

I got bullied in grade 8, dropped out and played everquest, vidya / fapped ... I did this for 11 years and left the house maybe a total of once a year for doctors appointments and wahtnot. I finally wanted to start losing weight so I wouldn't die when I was young... Its been about 3 months since I started and ~30lbs off ... walking in the middle of the night to avoid people.

a week ago some alpha male asshole was walking with his girlfriend on the sidewalk opposite direction of me. I noticed he wasn't going to move and did something I have done in decades, made eye contact with another man.

he had the biggest shit eating alpha male grin I had ever seen and it just screamed "Move pussy, know your place"... every single bitter memory flashed through my head and I told myself that was it, I'm not going to run anymore ... if someone fucks with me I'm going to fight even If I get a beating.

I started the fucker down and plowed right into him when neither of us moved, he immediately throws a punch which I (barely) grab ... and threw a single punch as hard as I could and seen 6~ of his teeth fly out of his mouth. It scared me for a few seconds before I mounted the fucker while his bitch ass whore girlfriend screamed for me to stop ... I threw 4 punches and finally thought of the pending lawsuit so I got the fuck out of there.

Do you know how good that felt? to put those alphas in their place just once? I wasn't looking for a fight and once it was over I couldn't stop shaking but it felt so special.

I'm looking everyone in the eyes now and my world has changed (don't scowl at them,feign a smile -- unless its an asshole who won't move on a sidewalk)

