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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 202 KB, 500x531, denial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8915919 No.8915919 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you believe six million Jews were systematically gassed in concentration camps, /jp/?

>> No.8915936

I don't and I hate kikes.

>> No.8915933

I don't even know what to believe any more.

On the one hand: this chart, ZOG.
On the other: Anne Frank, Night by Ellie Weisel.

>> No.8915939

>On the other: Anne Frank, Night by Ellie Weisel.
You shouldn't let fiction sway you so easily.

This may sound stupid, but just look at how many people were "affected" by films like Schindler's List. It's sick.

>> No.8915946

>Anne Frank, Night by Ellie Weisel.

Anne Frank's "diary" was exaggerated and fabricated in some places by her father and Elie Weasel is a Zionist fag.

>> No.8915954

Fucking piece of shit janitor.

>> No.8915955

You realise that OTTO FRANK himself said that he "edited" the diary so it would be more "dramatic" in an interview?

>> No.8915956
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>> No.8915963

Elie Wiesel is a god damn genius. He took some propaganda, rolled with it, and made a very successful career out of it. I don't have any bad feelings for the man, he got it made in a way I can only dream of.

I wish my grandfather's prisoner of war camp had some gloomy tales surrounding it. Though my grandfather was too honest anyway. Fuck you granddad, I could have been rich.

>> No.8915974
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The published edition is canon, deal with it.

>> No.8915971

he's probably afk

>> No.8915976

He's in college.

>> No.8915986

looooooool jewwwwwwwwws xD
>I am an adult yet?

>> No.8915993

Adolf Hitler, the man who loved his dogs. ;_;


>> No.8916007
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hey there little schlomo

>> No.8916012
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I think that it is reasonable to believe that Jews were persecuted and murdered in Nazi Germany, though I think that the figures usually presented are exaggerated.

The winners of war have always tried their best to demonize and dehumanize the defeated in order to justify and cover up their own atrocities and crimes committed during (and after) the war. The winners of war write the history. I mean, I think it would be more unreasonable to suggest that WWII would've been so profoundly different in comparison to other wars.
And to be honest, I don't particularly trust the "evidence" provided by the Soviets.

Who knows.

>> No.8916016
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Poor guy ;_;

>> No.8916022

>And to be honest, I don't particularly trust the "evidence" provided by the Soviets.
A lot of the Nuremberg Trial evidence turned out to be false. In fact the original death toll for Auschwitz was something like 4 million, then it was revised a couple of times and now I believe it's 1.7 million. Naturally the people who disputed the original figures were fined and discredited, despite later being proven right.

>> No.8916023

Hey there little kid.

>> No.8916082
File: 17 KB, 523x358, 1303222195503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not /jp/
take it to some other board and troll

>> No.8916089

The people arguing against the number tend to be dumb faggots, so there must be something right about it.

>> No.8916102

If this is even a possibility, he's not fit to be our janitor.

>> No.8916116
File: 81 KB, 532x799, Kago_Ai_19449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit if its 100 Jews or 100 million, this is in no way /jp/ related and its full of dark and edgy children.

>> No.8916127

What's wrong with being dark and edgy?

>> No.8916129

What in the fuck does it mean to be "dark and edgy" anyway?

Are you "dark and edgy" if you talk about serious matters? How about if you have some element to your personality that isn't happy go lucky 100% of the time?

Please respond.

>> No.8916134


lol look at this dark nd edgy fag

>> No.8916142

>pot calling kettle black


>> No.8916149
File: 2.06 MB, 1139x1246, jp5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8916161

It's a platitude, don't worry about it.

>> No.8916162
File: 43 KB, 1024x768, Kago-Ai-6094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are asking me whats wrong with dark and edgy kids?
Please check this anon here >>8916129

I don't see why someone would even start a thread about Jews , nazis or concentration camp and most important I have no clue why someone would start it on /jp/.

Honestly are there still people who give a shit about Hitler, Jews or WW2 ?

>> No.8916167

Kill yourself out of /jp/ you disgusting foreigner fuck.

Are you Filipino by any chance?

>> No.8916187

He shits up every topic and then proceeds to spam idol threads.
Why are you even bothering with him at this point?

>> No.8916190
File: 17 KB, 441x359, 1303222641512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh did I hurt your feelings :( ?
What is it, you sad you cant have your retarded /b/ level shit about jews and nazis on /jp/ :(

Grow up kid and stop acting like a fucking idiot on the internet.This nazi/jew shit is maybe cool on /b/ or some other place but not on /jp/.

Also calling people on 4chan "foreigner"
now I am not even sure if you are retarded or a troll

>> No.8916195

hello Tokiko

>> No.8916208


>> No.8916205

I just used this opportunity to both call him the disgusting subhuman that he is, and ask him about his Filipino heritage.

I usually ignore him, don't worry.

>> No.8916211

I was wondering, does 4chan X or any other addon filter posts from thread previews?

>> No.8916216
File: 60 KB, 299x288, 06sVW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey!
What is this nonsense, goyims?

>> No.8916231
File: 41 KB, 373x500, 610641_IY15YAI5WS4TMPHX2AEKD6PQPQCEOH_img20091114144615187_H142305_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I am not fucking surprised that its him.
Well good luck Tokiko , I hope you did enjoy your 1 minute of fame that I gave you.

>> No.8916227

It's actually useful for avoiding shitty threads. I wish I could hide threads along with posts, though.

>> No.8916239

Your samefagging is pathetic.

>> No.8916234

You can.

>> No.8916248

How, with the 4chanx's filter? I use "4chan filter" or something, I should give 4chanx's filter a try.

>> No.8916250
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1333725807206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole thread

>> No.8916255

Yep, 4chan X has it all built in.
