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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8913534 No.8913534 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, what is your favorite Touhou and why do you hate Christianity?

My favorite Touhou is Koakuma and I hate Christianity because of evangelism, which admittedly is more a product of the people who follow it than Christianity itself. Durkheim would have a field day with all the people who don't even go to church or haven't even read the fucking New Testament celebrating Christmas just because it's a social norm. But I digress.

I also hate Christianity because it was a factor of the decline of the Holy Roman Empire, as the religion was designed to appeal to the peasantry which in turn shifted their focus (and their power) away from the state and towards the pope. Then Diocletian, who hated Christians, was all like "FUK U IM OUT" and then we have Byzantium but that's another story all together.

>> No.8913597
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>> No.8913617

My favorite Touhou is Jesus

Sage for blasphemy, may God have Mercy on your soul

>> No.8913629

stop posting, ``please!!''

>> No.8913632

I hate all religion because it's fake.

>> No.8913638
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Evangelism is a direct product of Christianity.
Mathew 29.19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit"

Without preaching your faith is dead. Refer to early James, specifically around 2:14 to 2:17 if you are not bent on fully reading the book.

I also share your sentiment and frustration on those who do not follow the faith yet call themselves Christians. However, I recommend you look up the origin of Christmas, as it has no christian or biblical basis. I've probably read that part wrong and you do agree with me in disdain for it though.

For your point on the Holy Empire, I'd not blame the religion but the manner in which Catholics have twisted it. They have essentially converted it into a polytheistic religion with their lauding of venerable saints. If Jacob/Israel was reprimanded for kneeling to an angel, what can be said of man paying worship to human "Saints"?

Again, I understand from where your frustration stems, but find it misguided.

My favorite touhou is Aya, because she is a genki girl with a nice hobby.

>> No.8913636

Which god, though? I believe in several.

>> No.8913652

My favorite Touhou is Cirno and I'm a Christian.

>> No.8913674
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Yuyuko. And I have no reason to hate Christianity as I am not a child or a hipster. Life is too short to waste on such silly things such as hate, don't you think?

>> No.8913697
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My favorite Touhou it's also the softest

I don't hate Christianity per se or Christians, but I can't withstand the bunch of hypocrite and egoistical fuckers who not just make the few decent religious people look bad but also are the most vocal and always pushes their prude bullshit on anyone they don't agree with, and sadly they get away with it. Now add economical and political profit in the mix, then you'll have the absurdity they dare to call faith.

>> No.8913704
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When I talk about evangelism I'm mostly referring to it in the modern sense. Evangelism and missionary work around the birth of a religion is legit in my book, especially in a world that didn't have any reliable means of communicating over a large scale.

I can also excuse the spread of religion via war and conquest, since admittedly that was pretty much par for the course at the time; the Christians did it, the Muslims did it, the Buddhists didn't really do it but once it reached China via the silk road they did come up with some sick martial arts.

When I think of modern evangelism I think of shit like Pat Robertson, or those guys in Florida who were going to burn a Qur'an on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 (I know 99.9% of Christians thought this was a retarded idea too), or the people who stand in the walkways at my uni handing out bibles, and it's like I'm already carrying 5 books and a folder bro, where do you want me to stick it?

For what it's worth, I don't actually hate Christianity, at least no more so than any other religion. I just figured it might rustle a few jimmies.

I think Aya is pretty cool, too. She gets around many different cliques in Gensokyo which makes her seem like a very nice personality.

>> No.8913716

>yfw atheists do the same exact thing except they're the only ones that call out other religions on the same shit they do

>> No.8913720

My favorite touhou is Suwako and I don't interact with other people or follow political news enough to hate Christianity.

>> No.8913724

>I also hate Christianity because it was a factor of the decline of the Holy Roman Empire, as the religion was designed to appeal to the peasantry which in turn shifted their focus (and their power) away from the state and towards the pope. Then Diocletian, who hated Christians, was all like "FUK U IM OUT" and then we have Byzantium but that's another story all together.
This does not make sense at all. Holy Roman Empire would not have even existed without Christianity. Also Diolectian did not create Eastern Roman empire.

>> No.8913743

>favorite touhou is Koakuma
>hating on Christianity with poorly thought-out posts

I think someone's trying to impress their waifu.

>> No.8913748

From what I've been taught, the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire after Julius Caesar declared himself dictator in like 50ish B.C.E., and Christianity wouldn't begin to pick up steam until about 90 years later or so, after Jesus of Nazareth came into play and Peter and Paul did missionary work throughout the Roman Empire.

TL;DR Holy Roman Empire was "Holy" in name only, and predated Christianity, if only be a little bit.

Diocletian split the Roman Empire into 4 distinct parts. I only mentioned Byzantium because it's the only one I know off the top of my head, other than Rome itself.. This is just AFAIK though.

>> No.8913757

>I can also excuse the spread of religion via war and conquest, since admittedly that was pretty much par for the course at the time; the Christians did it, the Muslims did it, the Buddhists didn't really do it but once it reached China via the silk road they did come up with some sick martial arts.

Just because everyone else did it does not make it right. Spread by war is inexcusable.
As for handing out books and preaching, those who hold their faith close to their heart cannot help but want others to also feel their joy and calling out to others. Although sadly this is mostly done not out of pure intentions, but on a "reward" basis for hope of paradise...

I know what you were trying to do though, it's fun to rewrite pasta.

>> No.8913762

You do not clearly know what Holy Roman Empire is.

Diolectian's split was reversed. ERE came around very late 4th century.

>> No.8913766

Atheists are not anymore good than them or any other social-based ideology than gets twisted, if that helps you sleep at night.

By the way, who are you quoting?

>> No.8913813

What? The Holy Roman Empire was German and existed around the 10th to 18th centuries and was about as Roman as I am.

Are you mistaking it for something else perhaps?

>> No.8913802
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It certainly wasn't right, as bloodshed never it. But it's also true that some did it as honorably as possible. Like the Islamic Caliphates allowing Christians and Jews to read their books together with the Muslims because as far as everyone was concerned it was essentially the same shit, or at least close enough that nobody'd really make a fuss about it.

>> No.8913829

OP actually thought the 1st Reich was Roman!

>> No.8913849
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Okay, I'm now officially drunk and am jumping ship for the night. Yay finals week!

and to this guy >>8913762
you're mom's split was reversed LOLOLO

Sorry bro, thats not me <3

>> No.8913881

I don't

>> No.8913904
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I don't mind Christians, they just creep me out a lot.

You can always tell when you see a christian post on a forum because it's just weird. It's usually something like:

>Jesus is my Lord and Savior, he is the Great I Am, Alpha and Omega.
>Accept him into your heart for he is The One.

They capitalize weird things and have a strange way of speaking that is just very unnerving. It's like listening to aliens.

>> No.8913952


Once you have seen The Truth then you become Reborn in the Waters of the Lord.

>> No.8913988

We must accept All Brothers into the Arms of the Holy Ghost in order to achieve Salvation from The One.

>> No.8914008

Do not allow The Dark One to be victorious.

The Savior will come like a thief in the night. The Serpent will perish. Glory to the Righteous One. The King of Kings.

Every Knee Shall Bow

>> No.8914015
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Same OP (guess who it is) as usual. Many replies ITT are his kopipe as well.

>> No.8914023

Looks to me like /jp/ has a neutral to positive view of Christians with a hatred of Jews.
Have been monitoring this thread, OP led me to see something interesting.

>> No.8914162
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My favorite touhou is Youmu.

I don't hate Christianity, but people who are incredibly pushy with their religious or political views I find to be irritating. I don't want to hear threats about how if I don't believe in some guy who loves me, then I'm going to be burned alive after I die by that guy or something. I mean, obviously a lot of people are into this stuff, but it's just not for me. People should understand that we don't all have the same fetishes.

>> No.8914220

I approve of Christianity and religion as a whole since it allows those in power to keep a grip on the reins on the masses.

Think about it, what if all the sudden, people actually started thinking about liberty and justice for all? It'd be anarchy and that's no good.

Of course I think it's all worthless hooplah, but I can never dismiss how politically useful it is. That it keeps things relatively quiet is something I am grateful for.

>> No.8914222

>guess who it is
Enlighten me

>> No.8914392
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I like Jesus. He knew how to take it easy.
