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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8903074 No.8903074 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread dedicated to just how much Japan sucks for a change.

- Committed the most horrible atrocities in human history, including countless cases of torture, rape and experimentation, for which the coming great world power China still hates them (not good)
- The only 'civilized' nation that still hunts intelligent ocean mammals for food
- Endless recession that there seems to be no way out of, now surpassed by Taiwan and only a little above Korea in PPP-adj. GDP/capita
- Most indebted country in the world after Zimbabwe, with 208% of GDP public debt
- Most notable cultural contribution is cartoons where Japanese people draw themselves to look like white people, despite being genetically Chinese people with unusually bad teeth
- Still known for their irrational racism against other Asians
- Exceptionally low Nobel prizes per capita for a developed country, where they place below Guatemala: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Nobel_laureate s_per_capita
- In the Satisfaction with Life Index (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satisfaction_with_Life_Index)), ranked 90th, placing them between Ghana and Yemen
- The country whose people have the least sexual satisfaction in the WORLD, despite producing the weirdest porn: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSR3I kilOtTk
- Unsurprisingly, exceptionally high suicide rate. The only question is why all Japanese people haven't committed suicide yet.

>> No.8903077


>> No.8903090

> - Committed the most horrible atrocities in human history, including countless cases of torture, rape and experimentation, for which the coming great world power China still hates them (not good)
How does that make it suck?

> - The only 'civilized' nation that still hunts intelligent ocean mammals for food
How does that make it suck?

> - Endless recession that there seems to be no way out of, now surpassed by Taiwan and only a little above Korea in PPP-adj. GDP/capita
How does that make it suck?

> - Most indebted country in the world after Zimbabwe, with 208% of GDP public debt
How does that make it suck?

> - Most notable cultural contribution is cartoons where Japanese people draw themselves to look like white people, despite being genetically Chinese people with unusually bad teeth
How does that make it suck? Bad is subjective.

> - Still known for their irrational racism against other Asians
How does that make it suck? In what was is it irrational?

> - Exceptionally low Nobel prizes per capita for a developed country, where they place below Guatemala: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Nobel_laureate s_per_capita
How does that make it suck?

> - In the Satisfaction with Life Index (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satisfaction_with_Life_Index)), ranked 90th, placing them between Ghana and Yemen
That's subjective.

> - The country whose people have the least sexual satisfaction in the WORLD, despite producing the weirdest porn: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSR3I kilOtTk
How does that make it suck?

> - Unsurprisingly, exceptionally high suicide rate. The only question is why all Japanese people haven't committed suicide yet.
How does that make it suck?

Your entire post is full of nothing but a bunch of subjective bullshit.

>> No.8903094

This post is even worse than the OP.

>> No.8903097

they are not the only civilized countries to hunt for whales, there are many european countries in the north scandinavian isles that hunt them. they even make it seem like a happy festival.

surpassed by taiwan? second most indebted country? citation needed for those two. as for atrocities, every country has comitted plenty of those and as for their xenophobia, it is not as evident as yours.
I agree they are an overrated country for some aspects, but in general your post just makes you seem jelly.
suck my cock, dude

don't troll /jp/, please.

>> No.8903104

>intelligent ocean mammals

>> No.8903106


>> No.8903113

Don't know about the rest, but the debt part is accurate. Japan's public debt is around 230% of their GDP. For comparison, US debt is about 103% of GDP.

>> No.8903117

Japan's public debt is held by its citizens in a far greater portion than those of countries with comparably large debts.

>> No.8903122

but they have Samurai

do other countries, other than Japan, have Samurai and Katana?

>> No.8903131

I'm living in Japan until 2014.

Their elevator etiquette is absolutely atrocious. There will be 5 or 6 people waiting to get in that will just pile in as soon as the door opens, not waiting for anyone to get out.

>> No.8903157

>despite being genetically Chinese people with unusually bad teeth
AFAIK, Yamato Japanese people are closer to Koreans/Mongolians/Siberians than Han Chinese. Walked down from Korea during the last Ice Age when Hokkaido was connected to the mainland.

>> No.8903163
File: 52 KB, 492x544, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japans and USA debts is different, if I remember correctly the Japanese debts is hold together by Japanese people and borrowed from china or eu, after WW2 the debt was above 250% if I remember correctly.

I am sure you can find more informations about this with google, there are some good pages that explain japanese debt and americas

>> No.8903172

OP is forgot to say that most of the Japanese people are part of the botnet called Google Chrome.

>> No.8903173

>despite being genetically Chinese people with unusually bad teeth
Only a chink with envy issues would believe something like this. The Japanese and Koreans are very similar genetically, but both are fairly removed from the Chinese.

>> No.8903183

This is what shitzilla users actually believe.

>> No.8903253

Like that in all asian countries. Something about the high population density.

Tell that to Corea so they can stop pretending that the Chinese descended from fucking hanguls.
