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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8885512 No.8885512 [Reply] [Original]

Hikki/NEET general

I don't know if anyone remembers me, but a while ago, I mentioned a hikki girl in my building I wanted to be friends with, but was scared.
We're awesome friends now.

>> No.8885514 [DELETED] 
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gtz op

>> No.8885521

You lost me

>> No.8885522


>> No.8885523


>> No.8885525

I remember.
That's awesome OP

>> No.8885526

not the best way to start a hikki thread

>> No.8885524

My personal blog General

>> No.8885528

Why would I want more than friendship?

It was a long complicated process, but if you're interested, I can share.
I actually got a lot of help here

>> No.8885532

you wouldn't know her if she was a hikki.

I'm not a truNEET, I go to university 10 hours a month, and go outside to buy food once a week.

>> No.8885534
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200 posts and 30 images explaning why a hikki can't have friends IRL

>> No.8885538

we were both hikkis. I'd only hear her leave her house when her mom brought groceries and in the middle of the night to do her laundry.

we live in the same appartment. I only caught her because I live near her unit and I stay up late, so I hear her at 1 in the morning doing her laundry and catch her sometimes

>> No.8885535
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>Hikki/NEET General

Shut-in blogshit general

>> No.8885539


Go on...

>> No.8885542
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>> No.8885545

are the guy who had her draw you a piktcha

>> No.8885546

It was the fucking cookies. We actually just set you up for pain, OP. Enjoy learning first hand why so many people around here hate women.

>> No.8885547

Is this the same one who drew you a picture and there was cookie exchange with?

>> No.8885552 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 760x760, 1326982322644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More posers every day.

>> No.8885555

How does she looks like?
Greasy hair? Lazy eyes? Sloppy clothes? Hairy? Dirty?

That doesn't sound cute! FUCK YOU! Get a cute little girl, not those dirty birches.

Alternatively, don't leave your house. that's the best you can do

>> No.8885557 [DELETED] 

You got Tripquads instead

sick doubs bro.

>> No.8885558
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I'm so hikki I shit piss bottles.

>> No.8885564

I remember the thread pf long ago, tell us more!

>> No.8885566 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8885567

Alright then.
It was around New Years, I believe? Well, it was some holiday, and we both are alone constantly. I'd been interested in meeting her, and I got help from /jp/. They said to make her cookies, but pretend like they were leftovers from my own. I did that and gave them to her. She awkwardly took them, but returned the container they were in with a drawing on it.
I mustered up the courage to talk to her again and I thanked her for the drawing. She was shaking a bit but tried her best to be friendly.
After that, ever so often, if I cooked something super delicious I'd share with her. I ordered some figures and I planted one on her doorstep, to make it look like the mailman's mistake. She came to my door in the middle of the night to return it to me, and she guessed it was a figure, was interested in it, and she watched me open it.
It kind of just inspired conversation and she gave me her email and we talk a little bit there and slowly got closer.

>> No.8885572

She's cute, but a mess. She mostly wears big shirts and sweats.

I'm not romantically interested

>> No.8885581


So at night you leave random gifts on her doorstep. This must've been how males courted females in prehistoric times.

>> No.8885582
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Post the drawing

>> No.8885577
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Suave motherfucker.

>> No.8885578


You could perhaps play of "dressing her" and make she cute.

>> No.8885579

Sounds like an extremely awkward match made in heaven.

>> No.8885584

>we were both hikkis. I'd only hear her leave her house

yeah okay

>> No.8885593

I wanna see.

>> No.8885597
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Are you cheating on /jp/ with some greasy 3d pig, op?

>> No.8885600

Aren't we enough for you OP? DO you really have to seek outside disgusting beings to make you happy?

We don't want you here anymore.


>> No.8885609

3D pigs don't belong in /jp/.


>> No.8885613

>I ordered some figures and I planted one on her doorstep, to make it look like the mailman's mistake.
Smooth as fuck.

>> No.8885623

This sounds so cute only because I'm imagining you both in 2D.

>> No.8885630

You people seriously need to stop misusing the term NEET. It doesn't mean socially awkward internet hipster. It means Not in Education, Employment, or Training. Billions of people around the world are NEETs.

>> No.8885637

Link to the archive?

>> No.8885631
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I hope she goes on /jp/ and sees that you're on here bragging about your ``friendship'' with her.

>> No.8885633

It's a good thing they are both awkward as fuck. People closer to normal would react badly to a drawing on a food container, or faking a misdelivery.
I'm actually glad they found each other. Some nights I feel like I just need a hug.

>> No.8885643


>> No.8885642

Doesn't NEET imply they're all those things are voluntary, though?

Otherwise you'd just call them unemployed.

>> No.8885644

I just survived one week without an Internet connection and now I'm wondering how it could be possible for people like us to live without that for any longer. Turning your brain off and the TV on can only keep you entertained for a certain amount of time.

>> No.8885659


Don't you have anime/VNs/games on your PC?

>> No.8885657

Our predecessors focused on literature. Just read and accumulate a massive library, live in each of those worlds and ignore reality.

>> No.8885663

That's what it means here. Learn the board lore.

>> No.8885662

We aren't NEET faggotballs, we're TRUNEET

>> No.8885665 [DELETED] 
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Remember, ALWAYS have a cute girl as your picture. That is the most essential element.


>> No.8885675

Slightly aggravated that made a hikki/neet general without the hikki, neet or general.

But good job and well played on making a friend.

>> No.8885677

Nigger, you should have at least 50 games on your computer. You some secondary niggershit?

>> No.8885686


>> No.8885691

Why didn't you go to some internet cafe to mooch internet? It's not like you need to talk to anyone.

>> No.8885696

Not that guy, but my laptop overheats pretty much instantly the moment I play anything even remotely graphically demanding.

The other day it overheated when I was playing the dungeon parts of fucking Recettear ffs.

If my internet goes, I'm fucked. Have plenty of games downloaded but I wouldn't be able to play them.

>> No.8885701
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As always, the genuine, dedicated tru/jp/sies berate OP and his faggy ways and the forever alone loser shitheads from /r9k/, /soc/, /v/ and /a/ crawl out of the woodwork like maggots to congratulate OP and ask him for more.

>> No.8885700

What games do you have on your computer?

>> No.8885703

Clean the dust from the cooling fins. Use compressed air, not a vacuum.

>> No.8885707

NEET: a normal between jobs, or lazy normal
truNEET: NEET by choice

hiki: a japanese social phenomenon
hiki: someone who doesn't leave their house (use definition only when the japanese social phenomenon guy isn't looking)

hikitruNEET: get in /jp/

>> No.8885709

Then why do you have them downloaded?

>> No.8885717

And the Neo Janitor purges the report queue every 10 minutes.

I miss the good old times. Times when we had such hilarious memes as "please respond" and "suck my cock dude".

>> No.8885712


Well, there's your problem. Laptops are over priced paperweights, buy a proper computer.

>> No.8885723

Isn't that now?

>> No.8885719

sorry jp, but i want the stinky hikki pussy too.

>> No.8885724

cute story, I feel good for you.

>> No.8885733
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>stinky hikki pussy

Those words in sequence just sound so vile.

>> No.8885731

You mean 6 months ago? Those days were terrible.

>> No.8885736

HikitruNEET here. I hate it.

>> No.8885744


If you hate it, then you aren't a hiki/NEET by choice, and therefore aren't a hikitruNEET.


>> No.8885745
File: 246 KB, 681x378, 1331457169253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will you do when this happens, OP?

>> No.8885747

Well emulators make up most of the games I have, as for non-emulated games it's mostly doujinshi. Touhou series, Shikigami no Shiro series, Samidare and RefRain, Crimzon Clover, Hydorah and Satazius, you know...shit like that.

>> No.8885751

hikitruNEET here. I love it.

>> No.8885754




>> No.8885759


>My clothes are all messed up
>My skin's all pale from staying in all day
>I stink

Something about this sounds very familiar...

>> No.8885760
File: 67 KB, 448x387, kawaiitoomou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sorry I meant this

I misclicked image

>> No.8885761

I'd mock her continuously, collect her tears, inject them into my testicles, and ejaculate her tears back onto her face.

>> No.8885768

Reported, emailed moot, and complained about our ineffective janitor.

Get you stories about friendship and normalfaggotry back to /a/ /soc/ or /r9k/.

>> No.8885766
File: 235 KB, 600x445, 1334226625907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she reeks of foul armpit.

>> No.8885772

/v/ general

I like how you pretend it isn't a romantic interest even though you wouldn't think twice if it was a male hikki.

>> No.8885773


look at this truNEET, every /jp/ poster should be like him

>> No.8885779


I'm thinking OP may be more of a NEET than a hikki. Unless you've got a lot of psychological issues you aren't a hikki, and we know most of /jp/ doesn't have any severe problems like that. If you are a mostly well balanced person who just happens to have some kind of high-functioning autism or chooses to live uselessly, then you are a NEET.

Not trying to make it a confrontation, I just think OP may have mixed up his words unintentionally.

>> No.8885788

He used a /, you can't read into that. It's and/or.
