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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 800x600, b9351061c8a4295b5a13d7b117a25f5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8879310 No.8879310 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys do in your earliest days on the web?

Mine's probably not too uncommon, but as a child, I would spend my days browsing fansites for my favorite games, anime and favorite game/anime characters. (Now that I reflect back on it, the webmasters for those Vegeta websites were probably the worst type of fujoshi imaginable.)

I actually kinda miss Web 1.0 fansites dedicated to a single topic. They were so charming.

>> No.8879317

funnyjunk was the earliest website that I remember frequenting

>> No.8879322

Porn, video game websites, dial-up BBS.

>> No.8879328

I can hardly remember my earliest days on the web. Back in the mid 90s, I think I liked online chat and the like. Late 90s, early 00s I liked playing those text-based online kingdom building games, and browsed various game and other sites, passing from link to link. I stayed at some places for a while, I think, but I can hardly remember now.
My memories of those days may have faded, but I can remember this. It was a better place back then. I weep for the internet we lost.

>> No.8879325

Runescape or Newgrounds.

>> No.8879326


>> No.8879330

My memories of dial-up were not pleasant ones.

>> No.8879329




>> No.8879333 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8879336 [DELETED] 

NSJ you missed this one.

>> No.8879337

At one point I used the yahoo groups to find hentai. Crazy times.

>> No.8879342 [DELETED] 


>The internet used to be real cool, but now we've got a
buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the internet.

>Apr 17 1996, 4:00 am

>> No.8879343

>text-based online kingdom building games

I used to play a spaced based one called planetarium or something like that.

Also played 2d runescape

>> No.8879347 [DELETED] 



>The internet used to be real cool, but now we've got a buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the internet.

>Apr 17 1996, 4:00 am

>> No.8879354

Fuck RM files and the modem dial up music.


Man the 00s is so much better. When I look back at the 90s, I wonder how I actually survive back then. But back then I was still normal before I found True Love in the late 90s.

>> No.8879355 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 400x245, gilgamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The internet used to be real cool, but now we've got a buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the internet.

>Apr 17 1996, 4:00 am

>> No.8879363
File: 193 KB, 1279x871, umineko no naku koro ni - 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The internet used to be real cool, but now we've got a buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the internet.

>Apr 17 1996, 4:00 am

>> No.8879368

>Ho Hum. Nihilis, buddy, you take yourself way too seriously. Just because
you watched anime a few months, possibly years before other people, it
does not make you any better to another anime fan.
Fuck those bustas, it does.

>> No.8879373

>Ho Hum. Nihilis, buddy, you take yourself way too seriously. Just because you watched anime a few months, possibly years before other people, it does not make you any better to another anime fan.

Fuck those bustas, it does.

>> No.8879370

I used to lurk video games forums, never gaining the courage to make an account and post.

>> No.8879378

Better that way.
When I think of some of the stuff I posted when I was younger I cringe so hard.

>> No.8879384

>we had an schmuck like this post in the anime base on a local board here in
Nashville that anime is perverted and that all anime is just about
"scantily clad" women and had "no storyline".....and when i wrote him backa
full page reply listing exaples of award winning anime storylines and
AMERICAN cartoons with more nudity and graphic content all the little
bastard wrote in reply was "get a life".......it is a shame when people are
that closed minded....they bring us all down with them...

I used to think that trolls were once better, and put more thought into things, but could it really be that the only difference was that people bit more easily back then?

>> No.8879389

You really only tend to remember the good trolls.

>> No.8879390

stickdeath is the only thing I remember from that long ago. it took a long time for me to prefer doing things on the computer to sitting on the n64 all day.

>> No.8879393

1996 is like 16years ago.
I wonder if that nihilis is in Gensokyo.
Everyone on /jp/ should look up to him.

>> No.8879397

I think that after years of posting the standards for quality trolling simply go up.
I just can't take most trolls seriously anyway, they lack passion for art.

>> No.8879400

Sometimes I wonder how people of 2050 will feel is they read our posts.

>> No.8879403
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, [furzi-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 - 01 (1280x720 VFR Web x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.41_[2012.01.03_02.09.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newgreounds runescape and WoW :)

>> No.8879407

"People coming to the internet nowadays are ruining it for everyone, I wish it was like it was back in 2020"
Or more accurately "I wish I had food. Thanks for oil companies for not investing in alternative energy fast enough"

>> No.8879408

I also jacked it to badly drawn hentai games on newgrounds.

>> No.8879413

I went back to that website a while ago for the first time in like ten years.

It's really unfunny. I don't understand what I saw in it.

>> No.8879417 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 03 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.52_[2012.01.20_10.54.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand what you are saying but did youever watch those cute cartoons with the cat and rabbit

>> No.8879415


nihilis is an example to be followed. The forgotten wise, on such miserable times.

>> No.8879424

Looks like planetarion is still around, but I guess it was bought over by someone and made pay2win


>> No.8879422


I was angsty and hardcore like that.

>> No.8879430

fucking around on IRC in '97

>> No.8879436


Is it a cycle? Every decade there will be people complaining on how "anime is dead", "normalfags are invading" and such? In 1996 they did this already...
Will history repeat itself in 2020? Has it always been repeating since the creation of internet?

>> No.8879440

What did you do after '97?

>> No.8879453

He said "on the web", nerd.

>> No.8879451


And you are still alive...

>> No.8879454

<sigh> I'm not one to post to this board, as I like to generally keep
to myself and play Touhou by myself. Still, I remember a day when I used
to read this board avidly, reading everything. Now I come back for a
bit of nostalgia and I am disgusted. Exactly what I expected: Yukkuri,
moronic messages (i.e. Sanae is a slut) and messages with HUNDREDS of
responses (Which 2hu wud u fck). It's too bad that everything cool gets
murdered by the mainstream. I was filling out a Amiami order form when
this epiphany (Joyce would be proud) came to me. Touhou is dead!
Pimple-faced, lame teenagers now are talking about the "cool fan works"
with the girls who shoot bullets, talking about how they loved SaBND and A Summer Day's Dream.
4chan used to be real cool, but now we've got a
buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the site.
Same thing is happening with Touhou. The mainstream society is out to kill
everything that is good, capitalising on all that's great. Fuck. It sucks.
I don't want to wave around 9000 messages, most about mainstream topics,
non-Touhou, Yukkuri, etc. Where the fuck did NEETism and Touhou
obssession encorporated with sexual perversions and frustrated computer
geeks? Now a bunch of fucking jocks are laughing at PC-98 art. Motherfuckers.
I'm pissed off. Touhou is dead. So now, all you fucking secondaries, enjoy it.
But I spit on Yukkuri. And I HOPE that maybe a little bit of Touhou can
be saved. Fuck the world.

>> No.8879460

Yeah, I think newgrounds was the first place I saw breasts. It was a fair bit into some samurai or ninja game and I'd get to that part and replay it over and over. It didn't occur to me to hit the print screen button

>> No.8879465

Okay, any part of the 'net is fine!
I'm interested!

>> No.8879462

> with the girls who shoot bullets, talking about how they loved SaBND and A Summer Day's Dream.

This line ran off my terminal.

72 characters or less, ``please''!

>> No.8879482


There's no video ;_;

>> No.8879477


>> No.8879492

the internet hasn't changed so much at all.

>> No.8879515

If you search my name the first results are accounts on super obscure game communities I joined when I was barely a teen. I don't remember the passwords.

What if I get famous and people laugh at my mods?

>> No.8879513

<sigh> I'm not one to post to this board, as I like to generally keep to
myself and play Touhou by myself. Still, I remember a day when I used to
read this board avidly, reading everything. Now I come back for a bit of
nostalgia and I am disgusted. Exactly what I expected: Yukkuri, moronic
messages (i.e. Sanae is a slut) and messages with HUNDREDS of responses
(Which 2hu wud u fck). It's too bad that everything cool gets murdered by
the mainstream. I was filling out a Amiami order form when this epiphany
(Joyce would be proud) came to me. Touhou is dead! Pimple-faced, lame
teenagers now are talking about the "cool fan works" with the girls who
shoot bullets, talking about how they loved SaBND and A Summer Day's
Dream. 4chan used to be real cool, but now we've got a buch of morons
coming from all the mass media attention to the site. Same thing is
happening with Touhou. The mainstream society is out to kill everything
that is good, capitalising on all that's great. Fuck. It sucks. I don't
want to wave around 9000 messages, most about mainstream topics,
non-Touhou, Yukkuri, etc. Where the fuck did NEETism and Touhou
obssession encorporated with sexual perversions and frustrated computer
geeks? Now a bunch of fucking jocks are laughing at PC-98 art.
Motherfuckers. I'm pissed off. Touhou is dead. So now, all you fucking
secondaries, enjoy it. But I spit on Yukkuri. And I HOPE that maybe a
little bit of Touhou can be saved. Fuck the world.

>> No.8879520

<sigh> I'm not one to post to this board, as I like to generally keep to myself and play Touhou by myself. Still, I remember a day when I used to read this board avidly, reading everything. Now I come back for a bit of nostalgia and I am disgusted. Exactly what I expected: Yukkuri, moronic messages (i.e. Sanae is a slut) and messages with HUNDREDS of responses (Which 2hu wud u fck). It's too bad that everything cool gets murdered by the mainstream. I was filling out a Amiami order form when this epiphany ,(Joyce would be proud) came to me. Touhou is dead! Pimple-faced, lame teenagers now are talking about the "cool fan works" with the girls who
shoot bullets, talking about how they loved SaBND and A Summer Day's Dream. 4chan used to be real cool, but now we've got a buch of morons coming from all the mass media attention to the site. Same thing is
happening with Touhou. The mainstream society is out to kill everything that is good, capitalising on all that's great. Fuck. It sucks. I don't want to wave around 9000 messages, most about mainstream topics, non-Touhou, Yukkuri, etc. Where the fuck did NEETism and Touhou obssession encorporated with sexual perversions and frustrated computer geeks? Now a bunch of fucking jocks are laughing at PC-98 art. Motherfuckers. I'm pissed off. Touhou is dead. So now, all you fucking secondaries, enjoy it. But I spit on Yukkuri. And I HOPE that maybe a little bit of Touhou can be saved. Fuck the world.

>> No.8879529
File: 14 KB, 400x320, explo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usenet has spam?!

>> No.8879546

>"If somebody picks a
topic you don't like, it doesn't give you the right to consider them

>"You're just so damned proud to be
a fucking rebel, that it pisses you off that anime is no longer your own
little exclusive hobby. It's no longer something you and an elite few
have to yourselves, and now you feel threatened because you've lost
something that you felt made you unique. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!"

- Jason Heavensrun Apr 17 1996

>> No.8879549
File: 41 KB, 268x410, 1331543911719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world2ch and later 4chan and 4-ch as well as idol and anime forums. I also had an SA account but it got banned and, even though I have a new one, I like to pretend that place doesn't still exist.

I didn't really start using the web regularly until around 2002 so yeah. The few times I did get online before then were spent mostly browsing Geocities webrings for awful TV shows and so on. Also wrestling and MMA fansites because my 12 year old self was a tool.

>> No.8879552

Turn it into /jp/ is dead.

>> No.8879572

Neopets, Nintendo Power, and some browser game sites.

>> No.8879575

> world2ch

Did you use a name/tripcode?

>> No.8879578

Runescape, gamefaqs, A bit later, porn, then a bit more, WoW. Started during BC, which was around the time I found 4chan too.

>> No.8879579

I didn't use a permanent tripcode until 4chan.

>> No.8879581

I remember using dial up modems and scourging through tons of moon text in order to find and copy paste all kinds of different shit into various search engines in order to see what I would find.

There weren't really any good/available japanese->english machine translators back then I didn't in the slightest have any idea what keywords I actually used, and could only guess from the results I got.

Eventually I started frequenting tons of really cool blogs and developer circles focused on or even directly developing a bunch of doujin stuff. Games, VNs, crazy software etc etc.

Some of the coolest doujin stuff I have seen has been from those days. I really, really, should have kept better track of the stuff I found, cause I haven't really been able to find most of the stuff from back then.

I mean, all of the old stuff is generally speaking simply less documented over all, and its easily overshadowed by all the new stuff coming out each year.

>> No.8879585

I shed a tear

>> No.8879590


> crazy software

Could you give some examples?

>> No.8879604

In case you're someone I might know though, I will say that I've been using naturally occurring copper carbonate-based names on IRC and chat since around the dawn of time.

>> No.8879609

Porn, flash videos,and xanga (yeah I'm not proud of it but I did meet one of my oldest friends on it)

>> No.8879613 [DELETED] 

<sigh> I'm not one to post to this board, as I like to generally keep to
myself and play Touhou by myself. Still, I remember a day when I used to
read this board avidly, reading everything. Now I come back for a bit of
nostalgia and I am disgusted. Exactly what I expected: Saten threads,
moronic messages (i.e. which 2hu wud u fck) and threads with 250 image
replies (gloryhole threads). It's too bad that everything cool gets
murdered by the mainstream. I was filling out a captcha form when this
epiphany (Joyce would be proud) came to me. /jp/ is dead! Pimple-faced,
lame /v/users now are talking about their secret club xD with H-games,
talking about how they loved Railgun and how they love Saten.
4chan used to be real cool, but now we've got a buch of morons coming from
/a/ and /v/. Same thing is happening with the text boards. The mainstream
users are out to kill everything that is good, capitalising on all that's
great. Fuck. It sucks. I don't want to wave around over 9000 threads,
most about mainstream topics, non-Touhou, Yukkuri, etc. Where the HELL
did NEETism and Touhou obssession encorporated with sexual perversions and
frustrated computer geeks? Now a bunch of fucking /b/tards are laughing
at a cross-dressing thread. Motherfuckers. I'm pissed off. /jp/ is dead.
So now, all you fucking newfags, enjoy it. But I spit on Saten. And I HOPE
that maybe a little bit of /jp/ can be saved. Fuck the world.

>> No.8879622

I dont remember my earliest days but I do remember my first fond memories of internets. The creation of 4chan and gazing at it in awe as my oniichan browsed it. The amount of OC was amazing back then. In flash, pictures, videos and so on.

>> No.8879639

Ho Hum. Anon, buddy, you take yourself way too seriously. Just because
you browsed /jp/ a few months, possibly years before other people, it
does not make you any better to /jp/er. Trust me, your wrong
about it being so popular anyway, I have friends still in High School,
they tell me /jp/ is not talked about at all.

>> No.8879651

WOW!! Take a pill, /jp/ is for everyone ,and not just you . The reason
the board is different is , because more people are online. And were
have you been , there have always been /jp/ers like this . OH...... and watch
your language , kids read this you know!
fucking godlmine

>> No.8879661

Why did the Janitor delete this? Is the janitor running an auto-delete script for 0101001101100001011101000110010101101110 again?

>> No.8879674

What would be a good thread then? Tell me, tell me! I bet you can't.

>> No.8879676
File: 408 KB, 640x480, 1261234049702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to fire spitballs at your balloon, chum, but the /jp/ers were always
perverted and frustrated. And yes, they were occasionally teenaged. The
/jp/ was never good, except within an irony-laced cull-de-sac best
described as "truNEET cool". Finally, the mass media's attention has
passed from the 4chan. How peculiar that you pick now, to declaim
it's attention.

White Ren
/jp/police Labs

>> No.8879671


please respond

>> No.8879685



Post it there.

>> No.8879691
File: 150 KB, 850x1202, sample-7d09299176e93d0cb5d089a2bd576fa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one final fantasy related forum. I checked it very day and I felt that I was really part of that small community. Basically we didn't discuss about ff at all but it was just something that community was based on. Like /jp/.

FF series was probably reason why I showed some interest in Japanese popular culture.

>> No.8879689
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, yayoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been over 30 years and he hasn't had a reply. Someone should be kind and make one.

>> No.8879696

Tell him the 8048 isn't in widespread use any more. Just to be a dick.

Oh DejaNews/Google Groups. Thank you for saving my shitposts for aeons to come.

>> No.8879697
File: 7 KB, 169x169, 1333034095730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8879693


If someone posts 'please respond' I may just piss myself.

>> No.8879702


Reading this is fantastic.

>> No.8879698

Imagine if that guy used the same account and got a notification about the response.

>> No.8879703

Damn, Usenet used to be simple.

>> No.8879714

He's just sitting there on his PDP-11 checking news every day, waiting for someone to respond so he can try out these new Intel-based "personal computers".


>> No.8879726

If you like this sort of thing, here are some old IRC logs:

>> No.8879729

>W. Germany
That really just makes it hit how long ago this was.
I was hardly born when the Berlin wall fell. My only notice of the former communist block growing up was seeing how they all collaborated their voting in the Eurovision song contest.

>> No.8879741

We will all die and be forgotten and the only thing left will be /jp/ archive.
Fucking horrible.

>> No.8879742

Jesus. I wonder where I'll be in 31 years and what I will think if I read my posts. I wonder where the world will be.

>> No.8879753

It's not a cycle, it's a permanent state.

>> No.8879763

If 4chan dies, I could actually see Google cutting a deal with Woxxy for a few thousand shekels and archiving 4chan forever.

Then maybe in 2030 or so, some kids will be on HoloChan and reading through our shitposts, laughing at how stupid things used to be. Then they'll probably share "laserbolt to the knee" jokes and have a good circlejerk about cats. Fucking self-entitled future faggots.

>> No.8879767

Eventually even /jp/ archive will die and all remnants of our existence will be wiped away.
Nice, isn't it?

>> No.8879795

Fucking future people, they have no right to judge us.

>> No.8879808
File: 220 KB, 500x500, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the past... I've made a lot of embarassing posts...

Sorry for giving the future people a bad impression of /jp/


>> No.8879807

On a related note, the existence of /jp/ archive allows us to judge past-/jp/ers for ruining /jp/

>> No.8879811

Having grown up in East Germany, it doesn't seem all that long ago.

>> No.8879821
File: 5 KB, 178x117, Deja_News_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same thing about Usenet.

>> No.8879829


Go on. Link some of your more embarrassing efforts.

>> No.8879925

i like this one much better than ``bro'', let's update the meme.

>> No.8879930

holy shit, that post's older than me by 2 years.

>> No.8880537
File: 152 KB, 126x126, 1309415654289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first web memories were mostly web forums like LUE, back in 1999-2001.

The real fun started back when p2p filesharing took off. Back then the internet was like the wild west, in terms of personal freedom.

The internet of today is so vanilla, tame and boring by comparison. Even 4chan is starting to become "clean" like this.

Anyone else understand what I mean?

>> No.8880538 [DELETED] 


>> No.8880551

I'm scared what is it?

>> No.8880629

chum bucket

>> No.8880632

Shitpost and flirt with girls on WinMX, fag it up on gamefaqs.

>> No.8880770

it's fun to see opinions havent

>> No.8880777

Yes, except 4chan has been that way for years now.

>> No.8880778


>> No.8880837

LUE is sort of still that way. Since the site they use now is so exclusive and not indexed by any search engines (technically a dark web), it's hard for anybody to keep track of what they do.

>> No.8880855

You mean like how CP has gone from a joke to people being genuinely terrified of caching it?

>> No.8880881
File: 17 KB, 400x341, 1307551660842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I heard, LL took down its links because of the whole megaupload shitstorm.

I haven't been there in years though. I'm sure there's a few /jp/sies that still frequent it.

Kind of. It's more like how the majority of people here have adopted the soccer mom mentality, and political correctness.

Basically the internet is now one big nanny state, at least outside of imageboards.

>> No.8880891

>dark web
You're an idiot.

>> No.8880966

DavidRM paintball
Activeworlds (proto-2nd life)

>> No.8880984

>Kind of. It's more like how the majority of people here have adopted the soccer mom mentality, and political correctness.
I think it works both ways though. People are either:
a) Whiny, self-entitled idiots who complain whenever they see something that "offends" them.
b) Try-hard edgy teenagers who NEED YOU TO KNOW that they REALLY LOVE gore and CP because they FAP TO IT EVERYDAY.

I miss when the responses to CP would be, "O lawd, is that some CP?" (posted by someone in their late teens or early twenties typing like this for fun) or, "Ugh. Again?"
Of course this is /b/-centric, but it applies to the interbutts as a whole.

Raise your hand if you winced at my use of the word "interbutts".

>> No.8881008

>Basically the internet is now one big nanny state, at least outside of imageboards.





>> No.8881009

I didn't get into bbs or chan culture for a long time.

PoliticsForum.org was the biggest timesink in my life when I was in high school, maybe tired with Starcraft over the internet.

A little bit of running around fansites, roleplaying forums, and graphics forums (a lot of them, just kids playing around with filters.) Online turn-based realm management MMOs.

Also pornography. Oh, I remember now, I learned about sex in middle school from allaboutsex.org, but one day I revisited it and it had vanished from the internet. There were a lot of stories there, some of which I masturbated to.

Some neopets and runescape, I guess.

>> No.8881018

I winced, but you have a point.
4chan was a place where a bunch of twenty-somethings would gather and act like retards for fun, now it's filled with literal retards and try-hard, no fun allowed fags.

/jp/ is still kinda like this, though

>> No.8881045
File: 149 KB, 832x1024, 1330038309191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the first time you saw somebody you knew from a forum on another site you frequented? Do you remember how madly your mind was blown when this happened?

Now I see the same fucking circle of people from /a/ and /v/ everywhere that isn't an archaic phpBB site.
It's astounding how 4chan single-handedly ruined the entire internet as we knew it.

>> No.8881084

Is deep web the one not indexed by search engines? I always get those mixed up.

>> No.8881100

I wouldn't know, I've been sealed away from the internet outside 4chan and boorus.

>> No.8881103

Oh, that's what you mixed up. I guess that's understandable, sorry for calling you an idiot.

>> No.8881105

It's okay, I stopped crying already.

>> No.8881127

Newgrounds, runescape, lots of pron and hentai, and various national funny websites.

>> No.8881141

I used to visit a Zelda fan game forum called ZFGC, then ditched it for 4chan. I checked back up on it a few years later and a couple of people in the IRC were jokingly calling it /zfgc/, so I figured I wasn't the only one. Went into #4chan a couple of years ago and lo and behold, a whole bunch of people I knew from ZFGC.

Shoutouts to my bros MegaworM and Mamoruanime.

>> No.8881163


Wait, can I still access LUE nowadays? Tell me more...

>> No.8881183

If you have a GameFAQs account before whatever date you can still access the old GameFAQs board.

But most people use their website, LUElinks, which you need an account for. Invites are currently closed. Like someone else said, the links are down so it's not crazy useful to have an account like it was before, but the boards are still pretty nice.

(I just lurk through a friend's account.)

>> No.8881187


Because I've been on 4chan for too long?

You're right about that though. I can't really see myself going back to forums with structured communities and registration. It just isn't the same.

/jp/ always takes it easy, it's just that lately the new mod has been power-hungry.

>> No.8881193


I don't remember my old account... Not even the username. So long ago...

Well, if I give my email could you perhaps contact me when invitations are open? Thank you.

>> No.8881202

I don't know if invites are even ever going to be open again. I've been waiting for them to open for literally a few years so I could get an invite through my friend whose account I'm using.

B-b-but I wouldn't be opposed to having a /jp/ers email...

>> No.8881209


O-ok then...

H-here it goes...

>> No.8881216
File: 11 KB, 243x251, epicface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new mod

>> No.8881223
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I lost my account's password, and the email's password as well so no way to change it.

I never could get in contact with LlamaGuy or any of the mods, and people on old LUE weren't helpful, so I stopped going there a few years ago.

The community was quite awesome and warm, aside from the ocassional drama, and everyone knew each other. It was one of the best online communities, with surprisingly few idiots, at least when compared to any other forum on the internet.

>> No.8881228
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browser games.
Some myspace derivative.
Emulation sites, GBA roms and the like
Warcraft 3 games before DSL was available to me, that was awful.
Many years later, finally 4chan. Beginning of the end.
Thanks for reading this blog post

>> No.8881231

Could someone post a screenshot of today's luelinks, just so we can all have a look?

>> No.8881234

Finding games guides whenever I did get stuck or porn, curious how 2D was already better by that time.

>> No.8881352

Stratics Ultima Online forum, icq and aim to speak with the guys about games. Also irc and the best rag tag group of gullible idiots, the zelda channel and our noble search for the triforce in oot and mm.

>> No.8881377

I remember I made a fansite for Trigun.

Dial up was awful, but I was the first person I knew to get high speed internet through cable company. I was cool as fuck using fast internet.

>> No.8881476
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>> No.8881480


Pretty active, I see...

>> No.8881483

>Now I see the same fucking circle of people from /a/ and /v/ everywhere that isn't an archaic phpBB site.

What do you mean? Cross-board tripfags? Or on the internet as a whole?

>> No.8881489
File: 525 KB, 725x674, Pleaserespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like they combined all the positive traits of both SomethingAwful (like useful, structured threads) and 4chan (like a non-uptight community) into a really, really good forum.

That and their posting style kinda reminds me of /jp/. In fact, the please respond thing originated from something a LUElinks poster said. Pic related.

>> No.8881542

Holy shit, I remember posting in the original thread.

Why does that feel so long ago?

>jngy slate

All of my why.

>> No.8881550


Do you have an account to share? email attached.

>> No.8881574

I forgot the password, so no, not anymore.

>> No.8881577


Ho sad ;_;
Isn't there a "rcover password" thing?

>> No.8881613

All day every day.

Verification was a goddamn picture, with a number in the background. I typed "."

>> No.8881625

Play diablo 1 on battle net.

>> No.8881637

Porn, I don't remember how early but I remember getting caught at 9.

>> No.8881639

Can I pretend I am making some extremely good game, gather some 10000 dollars and then just say "I encountered technical problems, with current technology it's not doable, etc, etc. hopefully I can make it in the future, good bye" and keep the money to myself? Or is there a rule I must give the money back if I don't make the game?

>> No.8881641

My dad had some software installed on our computer that caught me typing boobs into a search engine when I was about six.

He and my uncle made fun of me for that for a while.

>> No.8881672

It was a bit more awkward for me, there was a good bit of fetishistic stuff. S&M, hard gay, I feel like there may have been worse stuff like CP and bestiality but that may have come in later. I don't think about it much nowadays but I was a pretty fucked up kid I guess.

>> No.8881756

I don't know if it counts, but my main use of the internet was Diablo 2 online with a dialup connection. Also shockwave.com games/parodies, game cheat sites, and kazaa.

I actually discovered porn when I went to "FFX.com" randomly thinking it would be a final fantasy X site and it turned out to be a hardcore porn site.

I just remembered when I thought 3d porn was the most exciting thing ever. I wish I weren't so desensitized.

>> No.8881779

Playing Counter-Strike and UT like a raging retard and pushing in the meantime the telephone bill into astronomical hights.

First contact with porn after 6 months, I thought my balls would explode from the massive over stimulus. I still know the adress of my first porn site. Sadly, it's begone.

First real chat after a year or so. Hooking up with a girl after realising that I'm actually not that bad with girls. First RL meeting was awkward as fuck, I still can't think about it without violently blushing. Second meeting with a different girl was much better, I lose my virginity on the same day. Fuck yeah, everything will be great from here on. She's telling me 3 - 4 days later that she isn't interested in a relationship with me. Big black hole, I can't leave the house for 1 week. First hikki signs are showing.

~2 years later. I discover online piracy and download huge amounts of music in slsk. I get in contact with the people there and eventually start a real-life meeting. I exchange some words with a really cute and nice girl. The girl starts chatting with me after the meeting frequently and eventually invites me to her home. We fuck for 4 days, I fall in love with her. She doesn't know if she wants a relationship. I wait.

1 year later. She tells me that she doesn't want a relationship with me. Big black hole. Every friend I ever had is gone, fuck this shit. I develop a deep-seated hatred towards people in general and women in particular.

And here I am. It was a pretty satisfying ride so far.

>> No.8881795
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All your fault with these "real life meetings". You deserved all this.

>> No.8881858
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Looking for anything interesting that didn't take 8 hours to download at a glorious 300 baud. Pic related.

That and playing Shadow of Yserbius on Sierra Online.

>> No.8881887


Yeah, sadly, the realisation came too late. But it's allright now. I can laugh about it. ;_;

>> No.8882113

Mostly computer games. I found out about 4chan at an early age from HTS.

Man, I wish /jp/ was /b/, you guys are so interesting yet the content we can post is not unlimited.

>> No.8882149

>worst kind of fujoshi


>> No.8882233

Made my first webpage using some template site (forgot the name, webcc/ccweb or something like that?). Then moved on to angelfire and all that back in '94/'95. Kind of wish I kept pursuing that, right now it seems way to complicated to enter into web site design.

>> No.8882333

This thread is gonna make me cry.

>> No.8882505

I agree. Mostly because, I seem to have missed a nice, relaxed pace in the era of computers.

>> No.8882582

Back in '96 my parents asked me if I wanted a dirtbike or computer for christmas. I ended up choosing the dirtbike, I really regret it.

However I doubt anyone would actually pay for internet so I guess it doesn't matter. That and at the time as far as I knew a computer was only used as another game system or a word processor.

>> No.8882583

/jp/ is still relaxed.

But yes, you missed the golden age of forums, BBSes, and slow imageboards with cool people on them.

You also missed the age of p2p, and the age of chats.

>> No.8882594

Looked at gamefaqs, got kickass advice on game, laughed harder than I've laughed at anything since at the forums. For some reason the RPG Makers discussion boards were particularly hilarious.

Watched stick people die, looked at Mr. T eat balls, went to shock sites, realized there was such a thing as cartoons from Japan, downloaded free patches and units for Total Annihilation and some other games, and read webcomics like http://sgvy.com/

>> No.8882591

Went to Fire Pro Wrestling sites for new edits, played inklink on shockwave.com, posted on xbox.com forums for my favorite games, went to gamefaqs, went to wrestling sites.

Good times.

>> No.8882599


Damn, I hate that book. I can't believe I read it as a child...

>> No.8882596

When I was like 8 or 9, I would look at the Animorph website for spoilers about upcoming books.

Netscape navigator, dial-up, at my dads work.

>> No.8882601


>> No.8882609

Animorphs was silly.

>> No.8882612

Creation Date: 8/16/95

This will be older than some legal 4chan posters very soon.

>> No.8882610

Oh and being a teenish, I would look up cute teenish type girls, which led to western junior idol sites. I wonder if those sites are all illegal nowadays. I would completely understand in retrospect.

>> No.8882619

I would spend all my time trying to find websites for things I liked by typing in the title of just about everything I owned

supermariobros.com? No luck. Let's try supermariobros2.com

>> No.8882637

How the fuck did we find Google originally?

>> No.8882654

... I RPed in the Royal Saiyan-jin Force with Itami, Brolly, Kat, Orphen and the Angel guy.

Then Itami left college and didn't have time to manage it anymore.

>> No.8882655

Through those lists of search engines that would search for your input on multiples sites like yahoo, altavista, and ask jeeves.

>> No.8882668

When you say RP'd do you mean like chat RP'd or one of those people who RP'd on forums and wrote posts that were about 10 times as long as you can stand to even read something nowadays?

>> No.8882678

I remember when everyone on the internet had the patience to read posts that are more than one paragraph long. Nowadays, there's too much of the ADD going around.

>> No.8882681

>wrote posts that were about 10 times as long as you can stand to even read
I hated those. I always tried to keep an open mind when a forum had a roleplaying section, but every post was, "Lol that's cool James. BUT THEN MY CHARACTER (WHO IS BTW A WEREWOLF AND BORN IN THE DARK AGES FROM MAGIC TO LILITH AND A VAMPIRE [AND THAT VAMPIRE WAS SATAN'S SON]) HIS EYES GLOW RED (THAT MEANS HE'S ANGRY [IT'S A POWER HE STOLE FROM BAEL {OOC: see my bio on page 37}]) AND HE FIRES A HADOUKEN (THAT'S A..."

Fuck those people.

>> No.8882683

RSF was about re-enacting the battles in dragonball/Z/GT so it was basically guys typing at between 80-270(Fucking Dimitri ruining everyone) wpm raising power levels and social interaction between the characters.

... I went searching on the net and found this fucker. http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/remembrance/
Mind blown.

>> No.8882689

Internet access was restricted for me,
I faintly remember paying for internet by the minute, which made my father mad as hell when he got the first bill.

>> No.8882703

Particularly, it's 4channers I know who may or may not be tripfags. They're always everywhere I'm at, and it's nauseating. I miss the days when people were confined to one area, but now everything is left with a trail to 4chan.

>> No.8882710

That's the opposite of what I mean, or did you mean "every post that wasn't spending a paragraph describing the surrounding, another describing the characters outfit, another describing the character's feelings, and finally one with the character saying or doing something, in between describing every little twitch of their body as they did it?"

>> No.8882721

Everything's more "live". I was thinking about this a couple hours ago. It's a problem with technology as a whole.

Like you think of big academic debates that took place a century ago, those probably occurred over weeks or even months. People had time to read books, fire off letters, consult people, and form a good argument. It must have been great. Even more recently, some of the biggest flame wars lasted quite a long time. Reading the Tanenbaum-Torvalds debacle (which "only" lasted just over a week) was fun--I half-expected to see a "tl;dr lol" somewhere in there.

Now you get into an argument and say, "Hey Anonymous, read this article!" and they won't. Anonymous doesn't care about your opinion enough, even though he's supposed to be arguing with you. That's why people find stupid things to pick out, like ">Institute of Psychology stopped reading right there", or fall back on "tl;dr" or some image macro.

I don't blame them though. It's happening everywhere. Send someone a song, they'll decide whether they're listening to it or closing the window within the first ten seconds. Modern movies and TV series need a hook within the first few minutes, or they're losing viewers. Even news stations try not to focus on one thing for too long, and insist on doing stupid shit like reading Twitter comments "as they happen" because that's somehow exciting. Nobody wants to go away and read up on some economic crisis, they want to tweet to the world what they reckon about it right now.

We have more free time than ever. It shouldn't be like this.
Nobody even made it this far into my post.

>> No.8882733


I did, my friend. ;_;

>> No.8882742
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ww1.freearcade.com (I always liked putting the "1" there), Addicting Games and Flash Player before it turned into Ugoplayer. Newgrounds sometimes too. I posted on RottenEggs a lot too. I found myself on SuperCheats a lot when I used to play consoles all the time. When I found out about torrents I would go on Mininova all the time. I loved Mininova. Also Runescape.

I would also browse porn via those referral sites with the top ten sites with banner ads. I swear that computer I used for that practically died; I even used IE6 and XP for browsing.

It was almost fun, looking back. Probably what made the internet stop appearing so magical was Rotteneggs, and then a few years after, 4chan and 420chan. Maybe I just grew up.

>> No.8882759

Look, tl;dr is less about something being too long and more about something being too inane or stupid. If your post is interesting then people will read it.

>Like you think of big academic debates that took place a century ago, those probably occurred over weeks or even months. People had time to read books, fire off letters, consult people, and form a good argument.

You don't have to do that now because you can consult Wikipedia while Skyping some other person instead of needing to go home and reconvene after researching. We get the same amount done quicker.

And don't pretend people didn't being bullshit arguments back then.

>> No.8882764
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I spent much of my time trying to cyber with older women in AOL chat rooms.

>> No.8882772

I only come here because Americans don't belong on 2chan.

>> No.8882775

CheatCC, neopets and was dragged into IRC when I started learning of the whole anime thing. Started off in enterthegame and then meeting the Anime-infinity and other subbing group guys.
After torrent sites went up I stopped going to IRC and other shit since I didn't need to download from xdcc anymore.

>> No.8882777

If you can't even get the name of the site right, then no you don't.

>> No.8882786

>And don't pretend people didn't being bullshit arguments back then.
I always wonder how often this happened. If you needed to quickly know the capital of India, for example, you basically had to ask another human being. They could have told you anything, and you'd just take their word for it. Looking stuff up required the necessary books and some effort.

I'd be completely lost if I couldn't just look things up using Google or Wikipedia within ten seconds of being asked.

>> No.8882844

How can you tell which one he was talking about? There is a 2chan and he may very well believe that Americans don't belong there.

>> No.8883934

The golden age of the internet for people like us is gone. Damn. Can you imagine life after 4chan? Because I can't. It's one of the last accessible relative safe havens.

>> No.8883943
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But yeah, the future of the internet is basically being strangled and molded by corporations right now. It's gonna be TV 2.0 in about a decade.

>> No.8883973

Bless you for that link.

>> No.8884155

Started using the internet in 1998, using it to download Warhammer and Mordheim army lists from the Games Workshop website. Little later on I start frequenting Dragonball Z forums and IRC channels. Again a little later on from that I started going on 'funny' flash sites, predominantly Newgrounds (have you seen the new layout by the way?), while referring to sites for decklists and card entries for both yu-gi-oh and MTG. Was introduced to 4chan by a friend in Summer 2006. I also find YouTube and watch Azumanga when it was still big on /b/ and 4chan in general. This has been a great thread which has left me with mixed feelings of nostalgia and melancholy for a bygone era. Thankyou

>> No.8884363

Nobody has a endoftheinternet account to share with /jp/ friend? ;_;

>> No.8884443
File: 31 KB, 276x393, GOKU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when people still 100% believed EVERYTHING they saw on the Internet? Pic related.

I swear I spent so much time in middle school calling my friends retarded for believing in Dragonball AF and they were just like, "Uh, there's a picture on the Internet."

>> No.8884922

>No googleshit spying on you anywhere.
>No advertising or tracking cookies.
>Clear, concise, and simple design that lets you find exactly what you want with little sites.

Why did we abandon web1.0 for the garbage that is web2.0 again?

>> No.8884935

>No advertising or tracking cookies.
Only because the ad server has probably been dead for years.

>> No.8884942

Because those 10,000 of pop-ups of COOL FREE RINGTONES, blinking text and reading about Vegeta is the coolest character were getting tiresome.

>> No.8884961

Playing MMO since the age of 11.
Ultima Online was my first mmo, It taught me how to exploit bugs and loopholes to grind faster; which makes me an exellent problem solver.

>> No.8885210

That's why the deepweb/freenet/i2p exists.

Also no one can strangle IRC chatrooms and DC++ hubs.

Outside of that, well, I don't think most of /jp/ plans to stick around for longer than a decade.

There's also the internet from other countries, even something as limited as the surface web does not begin and end in Jewmerica.

>> No.8885218

Remember that naked angel picture\wallpaper that every hentai site had back in 1998?

1280x1024? What high res! If I set my tiny crt to that I can't even read shit!

>> No.8885257

Pretty sure I know exactly which one you're talking about, yeah.
Green hair, right?

>> No.8887772

I'd give anything for another account, is there no way to do this?

>> No.8887778

I vaguely remember something like this

>> No.8887780

It's floating around in the back of my memory. Wish I could find it.

>> No.8887801

My earliest times were spent in Palace chat and Excite chat with the occasional visit to GameFAQs, mostly CE and LUE. After that it was YTMND, then here in 2006.

I miss the period when YTMND was new. Those were the best times of the web.

>> No.8887806

A person born at that moment could drive right now. Instead, they're on /v/, shitting on it.

>> No.8887802

I can't believe nobody mentioned the Anime Web Turnpike

>> No.8887807

Oh nvm didn't see >>8882601

>> No.8887814

No they weren't. Try the period from 2000-2005.

>> No.8887821

Considering YTMND was created in 2001, I don't know what you're nitpicking about.

>> No.8887823

Uh, I'm pretty sure the original ytmnd was created in the early 2000's...

>> No.8887829

Yeah. People developed special spam filtering browsers for it, as well as jpg<->ascii converters to share photos, and other wacky junk. Scientology payed people to ruin the religion groups, so no one could call them a cult on the internet. Weird days.

>> No.8887832 [DELETED] 

see >>8882601

>> No.8887838

Wait, I could've been payed to ruin a usenet group? Fuck I should've been born a bit earlier.

>> No.8887835

Really really early on I messed around in AOL chatrooms. I found one of those scripts that scrolled huge ASCII drawings into chatrooms and got my family's AOL account banned because of it. My dad thought it was funny at the time and still does.

Then I moved onto watching really horribly low quality fansubs of Sailor Moon in RealPlayer or some shit. Not joking.

>> No.8887836 [DELETED] 

see >>8887807

>> No.8887844

lol, I noticed that right after I posted it and deleted my post.

>> No.8887842
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This was my first browser.

I moved to the US from a third world shithole back in 2000 and didn't get on the net until 2003-2004ish.

I didn't participate in any communities. I just went on newgrounds to check out flash games and fap.

>> No.8887845

No, it just gets considerably worse every several years. Wait until 2015 when 4chan is mentioned routinely on the local news and Sunday comics. If /jp/ is even around by then, it's probably going to have /v/ level traffic.

Just look at Mediafire and Megaupload. Our days of easy filesharing are getting closer to the end. In like twenty years, people are going to be in awe of this contemporary wild west internet that lets you download almost anything you want for free without consequence.

No one even knew about YTMND until 2005, then everyone forgot about it a week later for 4chan.

>> No.8887847

Yeah, I noticed that you'd deleted your post right after I posed my reply, so I deleted it to be polite :3

>> No.8887848

The part when the internet lost its charm was with the popularization of WoW and social networking. It still blows my mind that a lot of people use the internet for Facebook...

>> No.8887851

What an awkward turn of events!

>> No.8887853

I loved YTMND though. There was some really funny stuff on there.

>> No.8887854

Aside from 4chan, what are good sites to talk about anime/manga/vn stuff?

>> No.8887855

Netscape Navigator master race reporting in.

>> No.8887856 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 96x96, pikachu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8887858

Nowhere. They all suck, even 4chan.

>> No.8887860


>> No.8887861


that visitor counter, I used to have one just like it

>> No.8887864

Alright, how about sites with similar quality?

>> No.8887863

Oh frames

>> No.8887865

Deepweb/i2p/freenet boards/ DC++ hubs

You won't find anything on the surface web, thanks to all the retards and government spies on it.

>> No.8887867
File: 41 KB, 367x266, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cute
it makes me sad though when people make stuff like this when no one will ever see it

>> No.8887874

Looks like the last time that site updated was in '04, though. So even the owner forgot about it. ;_;

>> No.8887875

I personally believe that we'll have the next "thing" by the time it gets that bad. If and when the infrastructure of the internet-at-large changes and advances, the people who are in on it first (us and people like us) are going to have many of the same freedoms as before. At least until the same thing happens again a few decades from THEN and we once more anticipate the curve.

>> No.8887884

this is what people used before vocaloid http://groups.google.com/group/net.general/browse_thread/thread/c4f38dffabd8e3e5#

>> No.8887889

I spent all my time roleplaying on AOL with a piece of shit IBM running Windows 3.1.

>> No.8887898


Uh, the internet didn't exist until I was in college. Well actually there was uh ... bulletin boards and shit but certainly not what we'd call internet and certainly not the World Wide Web.

I remember my second year of college being shown email for the first time and realizing it would change the world.

After graduation I remember when mp3 was brand new and people were going apeshit over how you could compress music.

I got hired by Iomega straight out of college with a 2 year degree in .... dun dun dun, Liberal Studies. Yeah, they were fucking desperate. It was the start of the .com bubble. I ended up not taking them up on the offer in order to grade standardized tests, like what you take in grade school, someone has to grade those.

Those were the days of geocities and inference find. Music sharing and MUDs. I used the internet to get Ranma 1/2 music videos and search for images of Lum.

When I went back to college for a 4 year degree when I was 30 I started using the internet for downloading anime fansubs, forums, and MMOs.

>> No.8887903
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>If you needed to quickly know the capital of India, for example, you basically had to ask another human being.
People used to own sets of encyclopedia, as well as large dictionaries, and a few books on subjects of personal interest, even if they were laymen. My grandfather still buys new encyclopedia every 7 years or so.

>> No.8887907


And his problem was that the synthesis was TOO perfect.
20 years later and the Japs aren't even close to perfect.

West - 1
Nippon - 0

>> No.8887909

Oh God... I barely remember a web that used that GIF a thousand times per page.
...I was happy at that time.

>> No.8887912

The fact that all this was even possible just proves the inferiority of women.

>> No.8887918

Women a shit.

>> No.8887922

It's still a good idea to keep a physical set of encyclopedia, plus a dictionary, thesaurus, and any other common references books of choice around, just in case.

>> No.8887924
File: 264 KB, 200x308, fairy_bounce10[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thing

>> No.8887933

There will be no "next thing" with anonymous posting. It's bad for market research. When futaba scripts are no longer run, anonymous posting will die.

>> No.8887936

I remember every advertisement for anything hentai related was always flanked by a couple of those.

>> No.8887939

I liked how you'd see normal people using edits of those as forum avatars

>> No.8887950

UGO player

>> No.8887946

No, it's a waste of space and money if you own a laptop with comparable documents and software.

>> No.8887948
File: 17 KB, 492x317, blueribboneffccsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years before "Stop SOPA" I got caught up in the blue ribbon campaign to stop online censorship.

You couldn't surf porn online without seeing the blue ribbon everywhere. There was a 48 hour protest in 1996 where many webmasters decided to "Turn the web black" aka "Black Thursday" in protest. The background changed from white to black on many sites and they became hard to read.

Potentially hundreds of dollars of e-commerce was lost from this, and no one really gave a fuck.

Finally the supreme court killed the CDA in 1997, but the blue ribbons lingers on many porn sites until around 1999-2000.

>> No.8887959
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>this fucking thing

That gif came from "magical drop 3" on the neo geo. I was a fucking god at that game back in college, as well as super puzzle fighter 2.

But yea I remember the recolored version of it all over back in 1998/99.

>> No.8887966
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Also the art style changed when they ported it to iphone, and she is no longer hot.

>> No.8887979

I remember playing the shit out of that game just to see some breast bounce.

And tl;dr.

>> No.8887982

Comparatively, 0$ are lost from Jewt shutting down 4chan. Said kike also does not care about CISPA in the slightest.

>> No.8888049

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo? Come at me on GGPO.

>> No.8888336

Back in my younger days, I would constantly play browser games and DOOM, I have spent so much time into the first 3 episodes as a teen, I can speedrun all the chapters within 12 minutes on nightmare without the rocket exploits

After that I started to browse more and discovered things I never even knew about such as imageboards and forums. That was likely the start of where my personality did a total 180 degrees. Listening to other peoples opinions had me highly influenced and just ruined my opinion on everything. Wasn't until a few years later until I grew up and learned how to form an opinion of my own. That doesn't mean /v/ hasn't destroyed my love of videogames.

still, Looking back on my youthful days makes me nostalgic. Depressed, even.

>> No.8888351

remember eon8

>> No.8888369

Newgrounds and GameFAQs.

>> No.8888375
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>> No.8888390

My favorite thing was to look up information of beta versions of video games and for some reason, scare the shit out of myself with them late at night.

I spent like an entire 2 days combing through Zelda's Secret Ocarina when I first found it.

>> No.8889401

It was beautiful.

>> No.8889439

Hmm~ I miss those days... back then windows xp was bo$$

>> No.8889454

XP still is the best OS Windows has ever made. I still run it on my main computer, with my 1280x1024 4:3 monitor that I've had since I was a teenager. I don't know why people are so quick to "upgrade" to a newer OS. Is it just because they think it looks nicer?

>> No.8889470


My Debian boots up almost 9 times faster than my clean XP installation.
My Windows 7 boots up almost 3 times faster.

The theme is configurable, you can make any of them looks like Windows XP if you so desire.

Our eyes have a view closer to 16:9 than to 4:3, using the latter was ditched because the wide displays represent better reality. Actually, the tendency is to have displays that imitates our retina. But for that flexible screens are needed. (perhaps with OLED it will be done)

Anyway, what I want to say is that you could be experiencing a much better situation overall if you got with the times already.

>> No.8889689

Played Graal. It was the shit back then. Too bad now it's but a shell of its former self.

Before that? There was some website that had online arctic tetris, something I can't remember the exact name of, much less the site it was on. It also had a super coolio space-shooter which, unfortunately, had a lot more ships you had to pay to use. Oh well, it was still pretty ballin.

In between? Clevermedia and the other sites in that group. There was also gamespark that I went on that had an online Think Ahead. Fun times.

>> No.8889699

My earliest internet memories were visiting online game sites and IRC, and completing a pokemon.com questionnaire in 2001 or so.

>> No.8889723

I was browsing the entry level pages for anime and hentai, also I got too excited about a blog. Damn, it has been almost 6 years, I'm feeling old.

>> No.8890602

Clearly you aren't ahead of the curve.

Marketing isn't everything.

>> No.8892400

What the fuck is wrong with your face

>> No.8892408

this is in response to that blog thread that was deleted and I don't want it to go to waste

>Remember how you spend time in summer camp?
no, since I was an anchor baby that came from a dirt poor family.

I do, however, remember playing football on the streets in my earliest years, and then in my early teen years I remember going to summer school, going through my friend's older brother's rooms to find their porn and my first attempts at wooing women, yes women, not girls, we would go after really old looking females, while I wouldn't say we went after grannies or even milfs, we did try our hands at high school and college looking girls, but of course none of us ever succeeded. Then in my high school years I remember the countless fights that I got into with rival gang members or just rival cliques from high-school, I remember experimenting with drugs & alcohol. I remember the first time I drank Jose Cuervo and even though it tasted terrible I commented to my friends about how great it was. I remember riding our bicycles in the middle of the night back home and EVERYONE crashing multiple times into the road, the sidewalk, parked cars, and each other until we finally decided to just walk, and I remember that we decided to stop by McDonalds that same night and when we got in reach of parking lot lights we noticed our scarped knees, hands, elbows, and blood all over ourselves from the countless times we fell, all the while laughing it up. Yes, I remember the days before I became what I am now.

>> No.8892443

Came in to post GameFAQs, and surprised to see LLers in /jp/.

>> No.8892445

I used to play a lot of flash games (at Cartoon Network, Disney or something like that) back when I used Dial Up internet.
It was fucking slow, but was worth it since I didn't have any other choices as a boy with no friends.

>> No.8892451

I used to use MSN Explorer as my internet browser. My handlename every where was Shinji Ikari even though I'd never watched Evangelion, nor did I watch anime in general aside from the few shows that aired on YTV. I used to go to yahoo chatrooms and there was a board I used to post on. I can't for the love of me remember what it was called though. It was like a BBS board with a Pokemon name or something. Mew something maybe. I think it might have been an oekaki board? Ah, I remember, it was this site http://mewheart.me/..

>> No.8892453

LL is everywhere.

I'll never post my userID of course, but the motherland is everywhere.

>> No.8892456

There's always something to complain about


>Jan 30 1991
Rec.arts.anime too often degenerates into discussions of the aforementioned
A, B, and C. You can still ask for useful information and get it (e.g.
voice actors, magazine subscriptions), but it's not possible to really
carry on a real discussion here anymore. Topical threads tend to die out
quickly. Some people are interested, but not about the same topics and
never at the same time. It's not anyone's fault, it's just circumstance.
Back in 1987 a good portion of the talk on this newsgroup (and among fans
in general!) was speculation about what was currently going on in various
shows. People *had* to discuss shows in order to figure them out, and it
was fun. Now that scripts are so widely available, many people don't do
this anymore... they just ask for the script! Sometimes I think that the
brain turns off as soon as someone hits the PLAY button on the VCR.

>> No.8892463

The more things change, the more they stay the same

>> No.8892542

Look. It was even cool to greentext back in '96, but they did it backwards.

<"I hate myself and want to die...and take anime with me" stuff snipped>

>> No.8892547

>Fucking subsfags! Real anime lovers watch it raw even if they don't understand a single word

Actually I will watch an anime live with /a/ if it really interests me. It is better than watching it with subs.

>> No.8892816

Used to play OutWar a lot. Man that game sucked.

>> No.8893251

what's a good non-fascist email

>> No.8893352


>> No.8893415

I remember hanging out on Albino Blacksheep a lot. Anyone else?

I also remember tons of those ridiculous gif-laden web 1.0 fansites. I miss them, but that's probably just the nostalgia goggles.

>> No.8893443

newgrounds, albinoblacksheep. god i dont think youtube was around to shit up the place yet. and facebutt/myspace was irrelevant. those were the fucking days. fapping to porn trailers and getting spam emails by the thousands..

>> No.8893450

remember this?

>> No.8893455

I trolled British people on AOL.

100% serious. I would go into the Brit chatrooms and do my best arrogant American impression.

This was 1993

I was 13

and the internet was a very very different place

>> No.8893457

I do. Remember Schifty Five?

Fuck, all that animutation shit was weird.

Remember when mySpace was a joke because who the fuck would give a shit about stupid teenagers on the internet?

>> No.8893461

my age was usualy set to 99 years old if thats what you mean. lived in russia, petersburg for the lulz. then facebook comes along and puts order to social media..god i love/hate facebook

>> No.8893465

Quit spamming your nigger links everywhere. I'm not going to click them.

>> No.8893474

I remember inventing the word "fucktard" and the emoticons >.> and >.<. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I did not, in fact, invent any of those things.

>> No.8893479

I miss people saying lollercoaster and roflcopter and so on.
Although that isn't exactly my early days. It wasn't even that long ago.


>> No.8893737

I used to subscribe to character shrines.

>> No.8896444
File: 151 KB, 795x600, 682024-795px_atrocitus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When companies hunt out and buy/destroy independent sites that don't integrate automatic tracking it is. Even moot uses google analytics.

>> No.8896457

Why not post it in the archive of that thread instead of here? Oh, right, you were responding to a blog thread, so you have to lurk moar.

>> No.8896628

It's kinda fucked up that I was talking to my self about how the internet and 4chan was good in like 2006 am 19 now I feel like scum.

>> No.8897135

I used to think fanfiction.net was good.
