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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8877890 No.8877890 [Reply] [Original]

The German janitor is the worst. She demonstrates a clear anti-Finnish bias and leaves forced meme daily-dose flanfly shit on the front page to fester.

>> No.8877897

If the german janitor looks like the loli on OPs pic then I'm ok with everything she does.

>> No.8877902

How can you not know Ana Copola-chan!

>> No.8877905

Aren't Germans and Finnish allies?

>> No.8877913

I don't even know what there is to complain about the Finnish.

>> No.8877911

I want her to suck my Häagen-Dazs

>> No.8877917

Finnish people still exist?

I thought they were like Persians. There is no Persia anymore and it's just Iran. I thought Finland was Germany now.

>> No.8877923

All this different spam threads, each trying to force their way into board culture is killing us.
Only reason I see flanfly even remains is because we throw a shitfit when it's not there at 2 am. SPURDO is just fucking retarded by the way.

I get it, you're new in the board and want to leave your mark like the previous generation did. And that's why people like you post japanese cat kneading bread and spurdo and whatever got your attention this month. But it's not working, the staff just gets more aggressive and there are only 2 outcomes from this: A useless board, filled with forced shit at all times with a few good threads here and there, or a fascist board like /tg/ turned into, trying to keep everything in line because you people couldn't differentiate the good off-beat threads from the spam.

Just quit it. I want to take it easy once again, not having to endure a shitty front page most of the day and 6 missing pages.

>> No.8877941

I'm not new here in the least. I am just a convert to the forward-thinking philosophy that is spurdo spadre. My thread was very much related to the Japanese language and could have seen some clever madness if it were not nipped in the bud by our resident Teutonic assburger.

>> No.8877943

How do we know the janitor's a girl?

>> No.8877950

She bragged about deleting threads in the /jp/ tイnychアt.

>> No.8877960

She actually makes fun of us all the time with her boyfriend.

>> No.8877958

your distaste amuses me

>> No.8877957

Female janitors and moderators have a horrible track record.

>> No.8877954
File: 99 KB, 938x712, 1329117496663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there is a human female that monitors /jp/ nearly 24/7?

How perfect is this woman that she would dedicate her life to a place such as this? She must be truNEET.

>> No.8877962

>I am just a convert to the forward-thinking philosophy that is spurdo spadre
Hahaha... ha... ha. Nice try.

>> No.8877965

Hm, I didn't know that. Why would you brag about deleting threads though?

>> No.8877971

>Those damn flanfy threads
Back then we had the japanese bird thread.
Further back then we had bawson thread.
Further *2 back then we had 'are you frustrated' thread.

Why are you complaining? It's not like we're not used to this. As a matter of fact, thoses shitty threads are a part of /jp/.
Don't you know that when you're married with a board, it's for Better AND for worse?

>> No.8877972



What a disgusting fucking slut. I hope she dies.

Why would a normalfag bitch like that even come here?

>> No.8877970

Moderators in online communities enjoy being big fish in small ponds.

>> No.8877981

To laugh at us and tell herself that she's better than us, so she can enjoy her life using that lie.

>> No.8877985

it's funny that with flanfly the complainers have made it stronger.

I remember when those threads would be lucky to get like 8 posts a night before it died...Then the buttpained ironic shitposters came in and now it can go like 50-100.

>> No.8877990

The same reason all girls feign interest in otaku-related hobbies and media: to build a harem of friendzoned dorks to toy with.

>> No.8877993

Calm down dude, I come to /jp/ all the time with my boyfriend and I don't make fun of anyone!

Take it easy!! :3

>> No.8878000

Which one is the lie? She doesn't have a boyfriend or she thinks she is better than us? Well the last one wouldn't seem like a lie to me, if first one was true. Otherwise this would be hilarious since then it was like if one /jp/ anon was given power over /jp/ itself.

>> No.8877995
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>> No.8878015

Spurdo is hardly a recent development. It's been around for almost a year now.

>> No.8878036

>Take it easy!! :3
Good. Now get the fuck out of /jp/ please. Thank you.

>> No.8878049

What happened to the janitor moot appointed after spring cleaning anyway?

>> No.8878062
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>> No.8878061

"Good"? I dont think thats really an appropriate response to "take it easy", now is it? It dosen't quite make sense. Is English by any chance your second language?

>> No.8878066

All Finnish posts should be reviewed by the janitor before being allowed to the board. Clearly they are the worst, if not only, shitposters around here.

That, or just ban the lot.

>> No.8878067

Now now Remilia-sama..

>> No.8878064

That janitor lasted for a week before he disappeared completely.

>> No.8878082
File: 47 KB, 409x350, 1315783576001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Finnish and I'm so sorry you have to see this.
I'm so sorry /jp/.

>> No.8878093
File: 11 KB, 160x240, gjdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a bear?

>> No.8878106


They spam terrible forced memes, are never funny, and apparently make threads about themselves for attention.

>> No.8878110


>> No.8878125

So Finland has a long history of shitposting.

>> No.8878128


Wow, they're just like the bears


>> No.8878129
File: 20 KB, 230x220, 1308477860001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uliuliuli :------D ebin post was self-made

>> No.8878139

I hate my countrymen for doing this. I think that all the Finns should be banned so you don't have to see this disgraceful shit anymore. I am sorry /jp/, please do not pay any attention to us.

>> No.8878140

Is that Ernest Borgnine at the 30 second mark?

>> No.8878141

What the hell is going on

>> No.8878143

I know you are being ironic but this how I truly feel.

>> No.8878150
File: 46 KB, 706x486, 1334821882665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to northpole :----D assburger
