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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8837744 No.8837744 [Reply] [Original]

What was the NEETest thing that happened to you today, /jp/?

>> No.8837750

showered and cut my hair
getting ready for my first day at work, night shift

>> No.8837754

I made dinner for two. Eat it all myself.

>> No.8837755

I started the day by not going to school, then I wasn't in employment, and finished it off by foregoing any opportunities of training.

Living the dream.

>> No.8837760 [DELETED] 
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watched a film in bed
is that neet?

>> No.8837768

Get out of my thread.

>> No.8837780

I came back early from my class at uni.

>> No.8837792

my day has been pretty neat

>> No.8837796

I pissed in a bottle, 3 times and on the 3rd time a lot of piss leaked from my boypussy into my underwear but I pulled them up anyway and it caused my asshole to be soaked in piss.

>> No.8837802

I've been sitting like an eagle for 5 hours now trying to snipe one of the D3 beta keys. No luck so far ;~;

>> No.8837803

I smoked and ordered pizza

I went to class today though...

>> No.8837807

tell us if D3 sucks or not when you do get it

>> No.8837809

Went to a party, fucked some bitches, got drunk, and fucked some more. Am I qualified NEETy now?

>> No.8837810

What is D3? An MMO?

>> No.8837814

Will do but I usually have horrible luck.

Diablo 3.

>> No.8837828

Why was there piss in your boypussy?

>> No.8837829

I started a course after two years of NEETing it. So no, I won't answer to these threads anymore.
Is there any drug that helps with dealing with bullshit? I have to wake up at 5.30AM, use buses that make 110dB, the school reeks of piss and also has a highschool course that attracts lots of poor kids who blast their shit music through their shit cellphones... what'd be a good substance that made me not give a fuck? Sorry for blogging.

>> No.8837836
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I went to class and realized after I sat down that I had no underwear on.

Spaghetti everywhere.

>> No.8837845

My bi-polar medication makes me less neurotic. I couldn't go to class without it. I haven't been NEET for a few years, buses are filled with mexicans here so I bring my mp3 player filled with weeaboo music and sometimes a book.

>> No.8837847

Xanax, Klonopin, etc. Benzos in general will help you, try to get them prescribed.

>> No.8837850


What kind of shithole are you living in? Just bring your ipod with girly songs on it. It will help with escapism and get your work done!

>> No.8837855

On non-nerd standards you would be excellent! If you had some cocaine it would have given you more pleasure than these idiots experience in one year.

Did you run naked on highway with your bitch while one car went chasing after you?
Nothing to be proud of course. But it's a living.

>> No.8837857

I threw my trashbag into my balcony because I was feeling lazy, and didnt clean up the stove after making food.

I will propably take it to dumpster tomorrow.

>> No.8837865

I smoked crack all day then I passed out in a puddle of my own puke, shit and tears.
Now that I'm awake, I"ll smoke more crack.

>> No.8837870

Getting tired of my education.

I have fuck-all idea about what I'm going to do once it ends (either with me graduating with a miserable score) or simply calling it quits.

Currently I'm trying to find some books and articles so I can write a paper.

At least I've got a little part time job at my institute's library, so that's a bit of a change to the everyday shitting around.
I wish I could just get a job, get some money, and pretty much get away from thinking about serious things in my spare time.

That's nice.

>> No.8837874

This, nothing is better for blocking out the rest of the world than an mp3 player and headphones.

>> No.8837893


I can tell you your attitude aint "nice"

>> No.8837892

Blocking everything with your mind and having a walk with a tulpa is fucking nice.

>> No.8837889
File: 514 KB, 600x432, eagle-stare-eric-belford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's "nice"?

You trying to start something, asshole?

>> No.8837894

I don't know why people think you magically change into a normalfag once you have a job. The only reason I have one is because I wouldn't be able to eat and be on the internet without it.

>> No.8837900 [DELETED] 


Make me bitch

>> No.8837897 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8837905 [DELETED] 

fk u

>> No.8837906 [DELETED] 


Nah fk u

>> No.8837912 [DELETED] 

I will fucking kill you.

>> No.8837913
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Well, this turned out great.

What's not nice about it?
Sweating like a slave out of your ass or something?
Uncomfortable when walking?

My main motive for wanting to be the little girl would be wearing a skirt without anything underneath.

>> No.8837920
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I was referring to illegal drugs, actually.
But yes, I took my closed headphones (too bad they'll have a shorter life like this, they cost me $80) and loaded Sekken'ya, IOSYS, etc. That helped a real fucking lot. I almost didn't hear the poor bastards who try to sell their 2 cent chocolate bars on the bus. They really bother me, I don't need their cheap products, it only makes me feel sorry for them.
I was just wondering if I could buy some further help, though.

>> No.8837921

It's like I'm really reading a text convo between me and the only friend I have

>> No.8837928

This thread just got meid0wned.

So many dead links.

>> No.8837944

Cancelled an appointment with my professor, didn't go to his class, and skipped another class in favor of playing a shitty chinese FTP MMO. Planned on writing a paper, probably not going to do that either.

>> No.8837985

looked in my spam folder and found a reply to a job enquiry i made a month and a half ago to about the only job i seem compatible with in 4 months

>> No.8838027

>overslept, woke at 12pm
>made French press coffee after emptying it out on the lawn for fertilizer.
>got on computer
>noticed girlfriend STILL playing on android
>get mad horny
>girlfriend busy, too beta to ask
>boner goes away
>see hentai on 4chan, get hard again.

>> No.8838032
File: 92 KB, 918x584, whoruquoting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8838035

My self, today.

>> No.8838049

That's not how the greentext function works here, buddyboy.

>> No.8838067

We don't care. Posting "Who are you quoting?" is forbidden.

>> No.8838071
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Says who? Your mom?

>> No.8838072

So is ban evasion, sperglenerd.

>> No.8838536
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I did not engage in education, employment or training at all today.

>> No.8838661

Don't write it, everything is pointless.

>> No.8838668

Don't respond to him, just report.

>> No.8838685

I found out I am getting a full ride scholarship to university.
I've been NEET for 5 years and am actually scared of the prospect of having to interact with people.

Also how the fun are you supposed to masturbate if people share a bathroom, that means you can't take your sweet time.

>> No.8838697
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>> No.8839732
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Haven't left the house in months, can't remember the last time I wore anything that wasn't pajamas.

As far as what I did today though, I spent the day abusing prescription stimulants so I could feel happy, then I danced around the house while listening to music, I did this and a few other things for the majority of day, and I took a lot of sedatives a few hours ago so now I feel nice and cozy.

It was a good day, it has been like this every day for at least a year now and those were good days too. Every day is good with medicine.

>> No.8839746

Took a handfull of valium and fapped. Yup.

>> No.8839755

I found out I'm going to have to have a kidney transplant in a few years. Hooray.

>> No.8839757

Do it the other way around, painkillers kill your libido.

>> No.8839764

Is that so?
Probably explains why it was impossible to attain a hard on...

Thanks Anon.

>> No.8839783

Painkillers didn't do anything for my libido, but they made the orgasm shit

>> No.8839795

First time in my life I am a neet. I gave up on school. I've been going over 6 years and still don't have a 4 year degree. I do have 20k in debt and no job, no friends, no relationships, no parents and no future though. Feels bad man.

>> No.8839796

NEETest thing wasn't very interesting, so have the worst thing that happened to me today:

I woke up with a huge eye floater right in the centre of my right eye, it follows wherever I look.

I've already had tinnitus for a couple of years so now I've got sensory annoyance from two fronts.
Good times.

Also I've got a cold so I have to leave the apartment to get toilet paper (tissues are too expensive). Normally I only go to the supermarket at night because there are less people but I'm getting sick of walking over to spit mucous down the sink every 2 minutes.

>> No.8839808
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Actually today something happened. I've been a NEET for a while.. actually more hikki. I've had depression problems for a long time too. Well I was talking to my Mom this morning and some how we got into a conversation about me getting on some medication to help with my depression, that turned into a discussion about drugs and other things that might help me and some how pot came up. I told her that pot would probably help my life seem less shitty and she actually told me that she would get me some weed from her friend at work (supposedly alot of the girls she works with are potheads)

So yeah, my Mom is bringing me home some weed tomorrow. I should be happy but It feels pretty pathetic to have my Mom buying me pot..what have I done?

>> No.8839812


>I should be happy but It feels pretty pathetic to have my Mom buying me pot..what have I done?

Your mother sounds like a very nice person. Just enjoy it, it'll feel good.

>> No.8839814

NEET is not a status symbol.

>> No.8839817

Have you even smoked before?

>> No.8839828

>This thread

>guys i'm a NEET but I have school in the morning and then go to work LOL

>> No.8839825

Once when I was in middle school and it was just one small hit. That was a long time ago.

>> No.8839830

Should be good then as long as you aren't schizo or something

>> No.8839839

It's just /a/ trying to fit in. Don't be too hard on them.

>> No.8839874

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8839902
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I watched movie, read manga, watched anime then went to bed.

>> No.8839907
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Stop posting that image.

>> No.8839913
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>> No.8839932
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>> No.8839944

I went to see Titanic 3D with my mommy today. It was nice. Except I had to pee during the last hour of the movie and I was to embarrassed to get up and inconvenience other people. After the movie I swear I pissed for over a minute. It would've filled up at least 3 bottles.

>> No.8839975

Would you wear that thong, /jp/?

>> No.8840100


Anyone have the full image of this?

>> No.8840105

I went to the store and bought a bag of Combos and two chocolate bars, then ate the Combos and one chocolate bar, had dinner, and ate the other chocolate bar.

>> No.8840120

I ate leftover potato bake.

>> No.8840127

I just got back from work and I'm about to NEET it up all fucking NIGHT.

>> No.8840137

Today once I came back in from getting the mail I realized the mailman delivered me my neighbor's. I went to their door and told them I had theirs and that they had mine, so my neighbor walked to her mailbox and gave me her mail. While walking to the mailbox she kept on commenting how it was "creepy" that the mail was switched. When I got back in I realized that only about half of the mail in her box was for my address, so I went back and gave her the rest of her mail.

I don't know what caused the mailman to mess up the delivery like that. I don't think it was creepy or spooky like my neighbor kept saying...

>> No.8840159

Maybe she meant you were creepy.

>> No.8840160

I jerked off into some spaghetti

>> No.8840173

I don't think I'm creepy... It was my first time meeting them, and I introduced myself like a normal person. I wasn't really listening exactly to her, but I do remember that she repeated something about it being "creepy" or something similar no more than two times.

>> No.8840185

in reality, she is the one who is creepy and probably spends all day reading about conspiracy theories.

>> No.8840192


>> No.8840199


>> No.8840197
File: 142 KB, 800x600, FGSY08B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hikki, but that counts as NEET right?

Today I... didn't do anything. Well, I brushed my teeth and cooked my own meal. I don't usually do that.

>> No.8840310

I didn't even get out of bed today.

Not my NEETest, but not bad either.

>> No.8840330

Well, I guess you're lucky this wasn't the day your ona-hole or panties were supposed to arrive.

>> No.8840345

Maybe they did, and that's what his neighbor found creepy.

Creepier yet, is that she kept them.

>> No.8840359

Or even creepier, she wore the panties and returned them to him used and dirtied.

>> No.8840404

Got to be at the scene of an accident. I took a bunch of pictures and hoped to stumble upon a conspiracy or get wrapped up in the dark plots of the 'Enlightened Rulers' of Operation 6. Mostly took pictures of the people taking pictures of the accident though.

>> No.8843559

got caught playing with my touhous at school. then my teacher started playing.
>got awkward real fast

>> No.8843622

>It was my first time meeting them
Well I would be pretty creeped out too, if I thought the apartment next door was vacant and I suddenly learn I have a neighbor who never goes outside, by fucking accident.

>> No.8843629

got mad at the stupid browner in op's thread

>> No.8843742

How can people who go to school possibly do anything NEET? You're in education, that's one of three basic things in the name you can't do to be NEET.

You're all productive members of society masquerading as useless leaches, pathetic and disgusting.

>> No.8843807
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Didn't do shit today. All I ate was candy I got for Easter from my mom.

I think I'm going to go on a walk this evening, of all things.

Perhaps I'll find something interesting, like an abandoned building to look around in.

>> No.8843821 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 526x461, 14 (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like fun
I wish i had things to explore near me

>> No.8843826

Also, I found a bag of opiate painkillers on the ground once.

It's a shame I forgot about them and let them go through the wash. I feel like using one right now; just for the heck of it.

Maybe if I start licking my clothes, I'll get high.

>> No.8843850

It is quite fun. I live in a depressed rust-belt city, and there's nothing else here to do.

>> No.8843860

The rustbelt is great for that.
Too bad there aren't any really interesting things around though, like old bunkers and stuff people find in buttfuck nowhere.

>> No.8843875

If they've driven/walked past my house when it's dark they'd see the blue light coming from the monitor and TV illuminating my room. I open the blinds almost completely past midnight too. I also sometimes yell, sing, or laugh throughout the hours I'm awake, so they might have heard me too.

Last night none of the lights were on outside of the house though, so it did look a bit vacant.

>> No.8844115

I got 3 new high scores in Ninja Gaiden 2 today. All of my rage has been justified.

>> No.8844217

i tried hard to stay up to watch some anime but then i collasped in bed sleeping.

>> No.8844226

I fapped after 3 days of abstaining.
I felt nothing.

>> No.8844249

My sister's friend came in my room to say hello and I kind of just grunted in response. Now I've been mulling over it for hours.

>> No.8844314

She wanted to fuck. Next time push her down.

>> No.8844321

I woke up at sunset.

I almost didn't get out of bed because I felt extra-depressed.

>> No.8844421

Fuck your ilk. What the fuck should you care how I life my life (if it isn't intrusive) just because I happen to reside near you?

>> No.8844476

I was taking a bike ride at night today, and when I was riding, I guess I rode past someone who knew me. He said 'hi', but I got so nervous I fell off my bike. Then the back window of his truck rolled down and a bunch of guys I went to high school with were all in the back.

I really don't care, but it's been bothering me.

>> No.8844480

I hate this.
Good thing nobody recognizes me anymore and I've cut all contact with former classmates.

>> No.8844481

>I got so nervous I fell off my bike

So moe

>> No.8844485

For a moment he let his inner 2D girl slip out

>> No.8844498

I wished I was a NEET.

>> No.8844500

The other day I saw an old friend's sister at the store as I was walking out. We used to talk when we were younger, and I remember her being a promiscuous person with promiscuous friends. I looked behind me and we locked eyes, then she said "heeeeeey", to which I replied "yo sup" and continued on my way. I hadn't seen her in almost 10 years.

>> No.8844512

People still recognize me even though I have a full beard, grew 5 inches after high school, and gained 50 lbs. The only thing I can think of is that I have semi-rare colored eyes and a big nose.

>> No.8844510

>that awkward feel when someone greets you and out of politeness you ask how they're doing, but then they ignore/didn't hear you and just continue with their shit

>> No.8844519

I had fucking long hair. Everybody recognized me miles away. Then I got a haircut and magically turned into a ghost.
Best decision I've ever made.

>> No.8844623

Sometimes I feel like a lonely ghost in my town. I have never seen any of my neighbors.

If the place I live in has any of the same effect on them, perhaps they're all hikki too.

>> No.8844636
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I spent the day playing games with friends on steam. Why?
Because I'm Not in Education, Employment, or Training and I'm not totally socially withdrawn.

>> No.8844795

Woke up 6pm, friend came over, chatted some shit.
Talked more shit.
Friend left, continued my guro mangos.
Chat shit on IRC and listen to JayPee radio.
Read more.
Read more.
Read more.
5:48AM and I'm making myself some shitty pasta & chicken dinner.

Pretty productive I'd say

>> No.8844800


Oh, I haven't even smoked a one cigarette today. I'm amazed

>> No.8844806

/v/ trying to fit in

>> No.8845045


Pretty much what i did today, minus the friend coming over part.

Going to make me some fish, bread and whatever else i can find now.

05:51 am

>> No.8845089

Locked myself in my tiny office at work for a bit and browsed 4chan on my own laptop.

>> No.8845103

I would buy Michael Moore a tuna chili curry, wait til he shat himself, then fill a bucket with spitballs chewed from his used toilet paper if it meant I could get out of this rutt for one day

>> No.8845114

Woke up today remembered I had to go to both of my jobs.
Both of my jobs my bosses tells me in round about ways
> Anon you're our hardest working employee, but why aren't you doing more?
> Anon, no one around here does anything by themselves, if you don't do it, it doesn't get done.

Too beta to say anything other than okay.jpg
Get home
Tell my day to my Nico Robin statue
Wrapped myself in warm blankets
About to put on the Prof. Layton movie I imported from Europe
Somehow, it's all going to be okay.

>> No.8845123
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I'm applying for autism bucks tomorrow. I'm literally shaking, crying and rocking back and forth from the anxiety. I don't want to do this but I have to. Eventually they'll tell me to go get a job. And they will pick the SHITTIEST job for me. And I have to accept it or they'll cut off my autism money.

Oh god I don't want to work, I don't want to apply for autism bucks. I just want to die. Help /jp/... please...!

>> No.8845128
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Crime such as thievery. I suggest targeting the elderly-they are slow, weak and have the most resources. Sneak into granny's house at night, take her jewelry, sell it on ebay. NEET it up.

>> No.8845134

I slept in till 12 in the afternoon and then got up, got on my computer and browsed /jp/ whilst writing the last chapter in my touhou fanfiction.

>> No.8845139


I don't know about that autismal head of yours but daym, I would let Hilary Clinton and the head of the feminist union use my erect cock for a 7-round game of barbwire ringtoss if it meant I could give you the laughs and confidence you need to face up to what you have to do.

>> No.8845148
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I'm too much of a kindhearted chickenshit to do any crimes. And I've already been caught stealing once when I was a teen. They won't let me off the hook again. They'll send me to courts and everyone will look down on me and stare and hate me. Then they'll throw me in prison. They'll knock the soap off my hands and they'll rape me. I'll become big bubba joe's rape thing.


>> No.8845168
File: 647 KB, 726x572, Huge_Cocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you in jail.

>> No.8845169

What a good and cute boy, I would adopt you.

>> No.8845176

What kind of shitty job? Moreover, what are you actually qualified for? Security guard, data entry, warehouse (night shift) are actually pretty chill given relatively little human interaction and better work environment than frantically prancing around a hot fryer at McD's.

>> No.8845183
File: 28 KB, 421x248, 1333667124083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good boy

>> No.8845201

Actual autism bucks doesn't force you to work at all. It's money you get for being unable to work.

What you must be getting is either unemployment or something like the dole.

>> No.8845212
File: 24 KB, 240x427, 1ae39da8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no education, employment or training here today.

I was up all night doing nothing (literally), then I watched a ballgame this afternoon (the Twins actually won!). Went to bed after the game and woke up at 11pm, I'm heating up some food right now... tonight, I expect more nothing/boredom.

>> No.8845218

If you were to give me your name, address and physical description, I suppose I could beat you so severely you'd never be able to work again and derive benefits in that manner.

>> No.8845236

u motherfuker,

you again?! you have ruined how many of my threads now?

you always do this shit, post 1 sage and leave, you probably laugh too, and ppl are gonna start talking about it, but do you know how long it took me to come up with this shit, and write it down into a comprehending message?

do you even care bro?!?! why do you have to be such a godamn lewd phaggot?

>> No.8845239
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The autism bucks in Canada where I live forces you to work.

http://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/assistance/pubs/eia_disability.pdf is what I'm applying for.

N-NO! STAY AWAY! I hate you! You'll never find me. I don't keep any means of identification on the internet so you'll never know who I am!

>> No.8845252

How lame. If you're disabled, then you can't work.
Just prove to them your incompetence. The movie trainspotting touched on that.

>> No.8845285

You live in Manitoba? You have my condolences OP. If your poorly developed, crime-ridden capital says anything about the place, then it's a total shithole. Scoot over to BC, AB or ON for jobs and better places to live.

>> No.8845317

Finally someone busting the myth that autismbux means free money for the rest of your life.

It was hard finding information for me, but through extensive questioning I found out that the only good getting a diagnosis would do me is that they would give me more money and go a little easier on me in trying to get me into work. But fuck that, I'd rather just work than get forced into government program after government program.

Anyone else find it more tempting to just pretend to be normal and work with normal people, rather than being placed into some shitty work program for people with issues?

>> No.8845322
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No, it's all the same. They all want me to do some job I hate and make me into a brainwashed sheep who they can take advantage of. They won't get me. They keep trying to find me, but I won't let them. They'll never even see me.

>> No.8845334

Only in your country.
First world nations only require that you stay crazy, or crippled.

>> No.8845341

But my country is supposed to be one of the most generous welfare states in the world.

>> No.8845347

Are you australian?

>> No.8845349

Have you ever filed a tax return? If so we know who you are (SIN), where you live, your family information and income. Alot of other interesting info is attached to your SIN as well although not all depts. can access it. Just be thankful there aren't IRS-style gunslinging 'auditors' going around here.

>> No.8845351

If they're expected a disabled person to work, then they aren't living up to their reputation.

>> No.8845355

No. I'd rather be dead than Australian.

>> No.8845358

Autism? Hahaha

>> No.8845361

But apparently australia has some really good welfare things. What country are you from then? Some finland or northern country?

>> No.8845369

I find your paranoia cute. But seriously, being a sheep ain't that bad if you have a smug work environment and income. If you don't have any real responsibilities or ambition then you'll have virtually no stress. I suggest you look into government internships for 'disadvantaged' youth (includes those with mental disabilities). Most of the internships are in the NCR and GTA though. But if you can get into the public service on any level, your golden. Those 20K+ layoffs really mean nothing compared to how much the service has grown.

>> No.8845372


>> No.8845377

I'm sorry if you can't figure it out.

>> No.8845408

Wait, Norway doesn't have extremely cozy welfare for those with true mental disabilities? How is that possible? Well, if all else fails, I guess you can go to prison right? Your 'prisons' are un-fucking-believable. It's like a free government-paid vacation and training.

>> No.8845415

Oh god yes. I've seen Varg Vikernes.

>> No.8845422
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I wish to become a Norway prisoner. They get everything.

>> No.8845427

i had to go sell some of my unused junk to some guy off craigslist
we met at a mall (there were so many people there)
i now have a shitload of cash and need to go to the bank

>> No.8845429

Save up for a plane ticket, and go there and set a kebab stand on fire or something then.

>> No.8845438
File: 120 KB, 478x592, breivik11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what Breivik has done.

>> No.8845443

In 1999 when the US asked for extradition of a prisoner the Norwegian SC said no, cause most overloaded US prisons don't apparently meet the 'minimum' humanitarian standards. In other words, go commit a heinous crime in Norway and make sure they lock you up a long time. Even if you come from a non-3rd world you can still enjoy paradise. Just cry in court that they wouldn't give you a TV in your room back in your own 1st world country or something. They'll feel awful for you and let you stay.

>> No.8845453

Does he get internet? This is a dealbreaker

>> No.8845451

This guy may be in solitary, but they remodeled the jail to make him feel better. 3 private prison rooms - 1 cozy bedroom, 1 study/library and 1 gym room. That's one comfy pad.

>> No.8845515

Of course not. Too worried about him contacting more nutjob friends or starting a shitstorm. But he probably has more than enough TV, books and vidya. He'll likely be able to interact with others in a normal jail now he's been declared sane too.

>> No.8845529

>Wait, Norway doesn't have extremely cozy welfare for those with true mental disabilities? How is that possible?
Beats me. I thought that this would be one of the easiest countries in the world to leech off the government, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Maybe when it's reported that Norway has a good welfare system, they mean that it's efficient for making people get back into working life, not that it's easy to get free money.

>> No.8845535
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>> No.8845567

"The United States - the place where it is believed that criminals can be fixed by putting them in de-humanizing conditions with other dangerous criminals" - some Jon Stewart book

>> No.8845636

Does Gender Identity Disorder count as a mental disability up there?

Because if it does, I know where the fuck I'm moving.

>> No.8845646

That wouldn't prevent you from making a living, so I would guess not.

>> No.8845713
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It could, as people who aren't happy with who they are generally don't draw any satisfaction in what they do and tend to not want to do anything and being in a prolonged state of self loathing can be damaging to your mental health and add more ailments to your shopping list of mental health problems.

It's better to nip the problem at the bud instead of letting it fester and bloom into something that never should have been.

>> No.8848312

I wish they made a test realm for arena and invited a few high leagued sc2 players and wow players with say at least 2.6k+ in 2v2 or 3v3 for it.

>> No.8848499

haven't showered in three days
been at home for two weeks working on my car, only went out to buy parts

>> No.8848535

Motherfucker lives better than I do.
I'm gonna go up to Norway and shoot some socialist kids, then I could get my own cozy jail cell too.

>> No.8848701

You get free quality healthcare and free access to psychs, therapists and all the drugs you need too. Go watch some video tours of the jails in Norway. I really don't think 'jail' is the proper word there.

>> No.8848712

do you still get raped in ass

>> No.8848726

Jail is not supposed to be a punishment, it is to rehabilitate someone so they are fit to society. Throwing them to the dogs and not giving a fuck if they are torn to shreds like they do in the US

>> No.8848736

That's it, my new goal in life is to go on a murderous rampage in Norway and live a luxurious life in their prisons.

>> No.8848756

>then I danced around the house while listening to music
Pretty much this is all I do, these days.

>> No.8848757

Waiting warmly for the heated-but-interesting 50 reply debate about whether this is accurate.

>> No.8848761

I realised now's the weekend and I had exams this week, will probably have to go outside tomorow to buy food, my fridge is empty and my dinner have been 3 yogurt.

>> No.8848774

Just curious, what deters you from committing crimes and going to jail if you can live in much better conditions than you actually do?

>> No.8848786

No. Everyone seems more mellow because the conditions they are living in are so incredible. Ease the stress by playing some vidya, popping whatever prescription pills you like, or jamming out K-ON style in the recording studio (yes a fucking recording studio) instead!

>> No.8848788

I always wonder this about the homeless.

I don't live terribly, but I would prefer to live on my own. The only things stopping me from committing a crime are a) I'm really awkward and I wouldn't know what to do at any point during the crime or arrest, and b) I'm a control freak and knowing I can't just "quit" jail if I dislike it would make me want to cry, hit things or die. And then I won't be able to do any.

>> No.8848801

Isn't it obvious? In civilized countries, your scenario isn't valid. USA might be a different case.

>> No.8848819

Today I officially dropped out of university (I haven't been there for 6 months). I guess I'm supposed to look for a job but what I really feel like doing is jumping off a tall building.

>> No.8848827

Canadian here. Actually our jails are indeed nicer than most native reservations and some projects/slums. Some of those people literally cite jail being better than where they were coming from. Attispa-something didn't even have proper heat and plumbing. It's also safer to be in jail than living in inner-city slums in Winnipeg or Saskatoon (more people die there than in jail).

>> No.8850817

Why? You are finally free to live how you want to.

College is a giant scam anyway.

>> No.8850922

I told my parents I'm transferring to a smaller college near home so I could be away from other people, but now I don't want to go to college at all. But if I don't go to school I have to get a job.

I'm terrified to tell my parents that I don't want school anymore. I feel like this will be harder to tell them than when I had been caught stealing some legal drugs from a 24 hour store and had to tell them myself.

Is there any way to just stop caring about what a disappointment you are or are going to be?

>> No.8851577

School is not that hard. Just attend and study before tests. You don't even have to talk in class usually.

>> No.8851906
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I have to go to work tomorrow. Help me /jp/.

It's only been two weeks and I want to quit, but I have to keep one or I think I'll get kicked out. I don't want to be homeless.

>> No.8851918

I've felt like that with every job I've had. I found that listening to your own music makes time go by faster if they'll let you.

>> No.8851920

Be glad that you're not where I am: dropped out of university (no attendance), didn't look for a job, now it's 2 years later.

>> No.8851941
File: 12 KB, 138x300, 96076_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few hours ago I asked for five bucks to get some drinks. When they went to bed they left five bucks on the counter, so I took that and one extra dollar I had to the store in hopes of buying a 6 pack of Limonatas. When I got there I walked to the aisle they're in and grabbed the pack, then started walking up to the cash register. As I was making my way there, I saw a cardboard display with these in there. Although they were a bit hard to find, I fondly remember them from last year, so I went and placed my Limonatas back where I found them and picked up six packs of these. There's 10 in each pack. When I got home I took them out of their packages and put them all in the freezer. I feel really happy and really excited to start eating them tomorrow. It also showered a bit outside so it smells great right now.

It really is the little things in life that make you feel good.

>> No.8851969

I went downstairs to let my cats outside at 10am. The brightness gave me a headache. I solved this by going to bed.

>> No.8851983

Got drunk and walked into local sex store and bought a tenga.

>> No.8853402

>I'm a control freak and knowing I can't just "quit" jail if I dislike it would make me want to cry, hit things or die.
I'm glad I'm not the only /jp/er who really fears letting other people take over control of my life. I think this is why I haven't been able to stand getting a job or being in school or the worst one, military service, not my social problems, which I've typically blamed it on, but my inability to handle others constantly telling me what to do, regardless of whether I personally think it's the best thing to do.

In addition, I'm too socially awkward to be a leader and lack the really high motivation required to be self-employed, so I'm fucked no matter what I try.

>> No.8853502

Four years NEET.

I'm starting to lose it. Used to be very emotionally secure.

Been creeping on me for a while, it's made me take some steps to improve my life though.. maybe this is what you're all waiting on.

Oh god /jp/, i'm turning.. i'm.. i..

>> No.8853503

Yesterday I dropped out of university and for the first time in my life I'm officially a NEET. I haven't actually been to school for 6 months but it still feels like I've taken a huge step downwards.

I wouldn't mind getting a job but it's rather hard to find any that don't involve being around other people.

>> No.8853508

Don't settle down, you need to stand back up and go and apply for jobs, anything.

Trust me, you will sit down and years will pass by. Don't fucking sit down on your situation. Don't.

>> No.8853537

This. It really is a "now or never" situation. You will fall into a spiral of apathy and I'll-do-it-tomorrowness if you carry on as a NEET. Plus if you live in the UK or another welfare state, it's very easy to fall into the benefit trap.

Go out and get a job.

Or don't, whatever.

>> No.8853583

Yeah, I'll probably apply to the local job center once my sick leave runs out. Too bad they'll cut my benefits by 40% should I refuse to take any job, even if it's something I absolutely cannot do like customer service

>> No.8853609

Something you should at least think about is working in a call center. You don't need any qualifications, just a couple days' training. Of course you're speaking to people all day, but since the conversation is transactional and you're not physically in the same room, it's less scary than a normal conversation (and makes for good practice).
I can see how it might not be for everyone though. Despite my social misgivings, I enjoy helping people and I'm acutely masochistic so the odd abusive person was actually a breath of fresh air. It was just the friendly, casual customers I had to worry about.

>> No.8853722

That apathy is only a problem if he has absolutely nothing to spend his time on, and wastes it on /jp/.

You don't HAVE to get a job, unless you want to.

>> No.8853749

Not having enough money greatly limits what I can do with my life. Besides, I hardly do anything with my time so getting a job, and thus having something to wake up for, would be beneficial for my mental health.

>> No.8853772

Threads so depressing.

If I ever get my hands on dosh, I'd make a firm like mechanical turk, just for hiring neets who want to work from their bedrooms on data entry and stuff, fair pay and all.

and instead of life insurance, healthy food/vidya insurance where you get a gift package every x months, or a visit from an assistant for a day/personal trainer.

>> No.8853792

Then in your case, get one.

Or be a freeter, whatever.

>> No.8853972

> Something you should at least think about is
> working in a call center. You don't need any
> qualifications, just a couple days' training. Of course
> you're speaking to people all day, but since the
> conversation is transactional and you're not
> physically in the same room, it's less scary than a
> normal conversation (and makes for good practice).
Are you serious? It's even more scary than a normal
conversation! I can't even answer the home phone, so
how the hell am I supposed to take calls from

>> No.8854294

I woke up at 11am and download Jungle music the whole day up until now.

>> No.8854533

Woke up
Browsed 4chan
Now preparing to go to sleep

>> No.8854550

Woke up. Boyfriend had already left the house to go get some power. Sat up in bed feeling a bit grizzly. Went downstairs. Opened laptop. Spent an hour or two browsing reddit, eating a tin of uncooked meatballs from the tin. Did some tidying. Went on the roleplay website I lurk and ocasionally submit content to. Read a couple of threads. Belittled and trolled a few people on IRC. Watched a bunch of Armored Core V videos on youtube. Ripped some I liked. Masturbated. Opened up my 3D app and did some more work on the mecha I'm working on for said RP site. Tried to wash my hair but I forgot that we don't have hot running water. Feel a little weird with hair on my legs. It isn't nice. Got out of the shower. He's watching Sopranos on his computer and playing Pokemon on his Smart-Phone. I'm typing in this thread and lurking a few websites. I have a contact list full of people I talk to but nobody really talks to me anymore and my boyfriend hasn't said anything to me in hours. He's high as a kite on over-the-counter painkillers. I know if I tried to do something sexual, he'd tell me to simmer down and go back to my weird interest in giant robots because he can't get it up when he's on codiene.

I feel like the worst girlfriend in existence.
I don't want to die. I'm too scared and too much of a wimp to do anything like that. I just wish I felt charged and fulfilled about something. I daren't leave the house, though. Its absoloutely terrifying and daylight makes my eyes sting.

I've been this way for about 2 years. 7 years if you ignore the 6 months I spent at college.
I'm now 25. At least I look younger than I am. I have that going for me.

I guess a flat chest is a status symbol, after all.

>> No.8854902

