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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 700x964, YOU ARENT HOLDING THE VIOLIN PROPERLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8843397 No.8843397 [Reply] [Original]

Who VIOLIN here?

>> No.8843417

I wish that I kept going with my piano lessons.

>> No.8843415
File: 170 KB, 850x850, bust size correlates to inept violin playing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is a violinist in /jp/?

>> No.8843425


Why did you stop?

>> No.8843431

Violin a shit

keytars are where it's at

>> No.8843434

ur mom plays a mean violn n by violin i mena cocks LMAO

>> No.8843458
File: 67 KB, 600x848, 1331456983743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play violin as much as I breathe. Its such a beautiful instrument... wWy would you start a thread about it with such terrible OP?

>> No.8843470

How many touhou songs do you know on violin, /jp/?

I know: Sepette, Love Colored Master Spark, U.N Owen, and Sealed Away Youkai!

>> No.8843472

Because I hated them and I started playing the saxophone anyway.

I stopped playing the saxophone too but I don't regret that as much.

The piano is like, essential.

>> No.8843488


Nahhhh, Piano isnt "essential". It's just a really good place to base your intonation off of.

>> No.8843499

>Sealed Away Youkai
hell yeah, motherfucker

>> No.8843515

Im not even the guy you quoted, but piano is indeed "essencial". I havent heard of a single musician who doesnt know at least the basics of it. Its common knowledge: If you want to be a good musician you must at least play piano and sing (Solffegio) in addition to playing your instrument.

>> No.8843565

Might as well share this with you guys rather than the vocaroo thread.

Don't get the wrong idea, I love my violin

Guess the song!

>> No.8843568



Ooops, forgot the link

>> No.8843618

your sepette was better

>> No.8843640

>Sealed Away Youkai
I'm curious as to how that would sound on violin

>> No.8843666


Of course it was, that part is easy as hell.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odIx2rISsMw&feature=related I have the sheet for it but dont ask me to play it because i cant.

>> No.8843682

I want to listen to more. You also sound heavily inebriated.

>> No.8843708

Good for a beginner.
Pay more attention to the tone and hand synchronization.

>> No.8843772


Every. Single. Person that hears my voice thinks i'm drunk. I never drank alcohol in my life. It's a speech impediment. I slur constantly.

I really don't have much touhou repertoire, i'm working on Wolfhart Etudes to improve my play. If only I was an expert and I could freely play good quality touhou songs just by looking at the sheet for the first time. Maybe in the future when I improve.

Ill play one more. Guess what song it is!



I sound really good when I play etudes, mainly because the etudes are all based on scales so it's really easy for me to just glide around. While other songs make you jump all over the place. Going slow makes it sound a whole lot better, so whenever it gets alittle too shitty I just slow down. Thanks for the compliment!

>> No.8843788

I play the violin and cello (and piano) myself.

>> No.8843799
File: 123 KB, 757x757, 528491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piano master race here

>> No.8843813



Tsk tsk

>> No.8843825
File: 745 KB, 1024x1280, 1334169822065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry don't recognise it

>> No.8843862


Now thats a surprise considering the picture you posted

>> No.8843874
File: 239 KB, 750x750, 1331491622201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be the autism.

"I can't believe I made the same mistake twice in a row! Can you believe that?"

Come on, dude. Just rerecord it. No need to get all upset.

>> No.8843898


i think your the autistic one for not getting that he wasn't actually mad.

>> No.8843913

Awkward, forced self-deprecation doesn't help autism.

>> No.8844158
File: 241 KB, 850x938, the only person that can play a violin properly is a baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only bakas are violinists

>> No.8844200
File: 23 KB, 340x318, best instrument in the world only meant for true virtuosos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recorder master race. I have a wooden contralto and a bisel sopranno on the side if things get messy.

>> No.8844204
File: 350 KB, 900x900, 1334202495449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a drummer

>> No.8844242

I play harmonica, but violin is a GLORIOUS instrument.
Lunasa is a glorious 2hu.

>> No.8844247


>> No.8844257 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1025x768, gay as HELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8844258

I prefer sax, myself.

>> No.8844265


gb2 Japan, ZUN.

>> No.8844287

I wish I did. I'd make a one man band à la Sieben.

I also wish I had the money for piano lessons, or a keyboard...

>> No.8844304

Used to play oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, violin. Played a bit of piano.

Bassoon was the best. By far.


>> No.8844308

How does it compare to oboe? I thought oboe playin' was pretty sweet.

>> No.8844325

I really enjoyed playing trumpet, but had to stop when I got braces. I can play it reasonably well since getting them taken off, but just can't get my mouth right again for higher octaves.

>> No.8844348

Are you 15?

>> No.8844351


Oboe fingering is quite a bit more complex/convoluted. Not that either of them has the most logical of fingerings, but bassoon is certainly easier. Embouchure strength/formation/quality isn't quite as difficult on bassoon either.

To be fair though, I only ever played any of my instruments for about 1 months, so I never got very deep in my music knowledge.

This link provides a bit of information: http://test.woodwind.org/oboe/BBoard/read.html?f=12&i=312&t=312

Personally, I enjoyed the bassoon the most. Good balance between timbre, difficulty, and the content one has to play.

>> No.8844358

I was at one point. Did you skip that age?

>> No.8844364
File: 478 KB, 800x1140, Flute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flute is a little girl's instrument.

How come /jp/ doesn't have more flautists?

>> No.8844427

I must be handicapped or something, because I can't get a single instrument right. I tried flute, piano, saxophone and guitar. I didn't do shit with any of them. Therefore, I stopped trying. It can't be helped.

>> No.8844435

Constant failure, huh... That's pretty moe. Wanna go out with me?

>> No.8844490


Only if you are a little girl. Refined little girls such as myself only date other little girls.

>> No.8844496
File: 896 KB, 1426x2000, 1329148898529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was beaitiful anon. Please play us more...

>> No.8844616

You didn't try hard enough.

>> No.8844645

I play the flute...

>> No.8844728

Are working on Etudes worthwhile? I'm somewhat stuck in my violin level and have been looking for a way to get better ( I've pretty much mastered the sheet music I can play already)

>> No.8844821

What level are you on?

>> No.8844863

I said violin level but I guess the only metric I really have is .... the Suzuki method books. I'm working on the stuff in volume 4. I pretty much can't play much of anything in 5, but I've gotten a good hang of the stuff in the 4th volume.

>> No.8844878

Just play the Bach concerto in there a million times, or is that in 5?
I loved that piece, I'd play it ten times a day because it was just so flawless.
Wish I could say the same thing for my playing though.
Don't forget your scales, especially those arpeggios and double stop melodic minors. They're painful but worth it.

>> No.8844887

Sorry if that wasn't clear, I'm pretty sure Suzuki has a billion Bach concertos in their books.
It was Concerto in A Minor, and I think they only had the first movement too.

>> No.8844911
File: 37 KB, 532x591, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan, your voice sounds like sex to my ears.

>> No.8844916

scaaaaaaaaaaaaales.... I haven't really worked those in forever (it's been a long time since I had a teacher for this). A minor's in 4. I like it a lot, I really like it, it feels like I'm working a lot of different things by playing it over and over, but I guess I enjoy finding new things to play too.

I think that's my biggest problem at the moment. I wish there was some site that could classify a bunch of sheet music according to Suzuki's stuff, beceause Googling 'intermediate violin pieces' isn't working.

>> No.8844925

If you're in Canada, we have some RCM books too that are categorized rather well.
On another note, how cool would it be if /jp/ had it's own quartet for 2hu music?
I've never been one to mix my interests together, but it would be amusing.

>> No.8845113


oh god my sides

dunno how long-distance quartets could work though, cuz >skype through mic.
Obviously a /jp/ seanation would fix this.

>> No.8845309

I am not Canadian, nor am I amazingly rich.

Do you know of any


Digitally distributed copies available to a fine man such as myself?

>> No.8845576

That would be really awesome. Dunno how that would work though. Skype or something?


>> No.8846687
File: 198 KB, 850x748, PRISMDERP SISTERS FEATURING A SHITTY VIOLINIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848281

i never knew there were so many musicians on /jp/

>> No.8848611

I can't be the only one playing Guitar here right? Or is Guitar so common that people don't even mention it...?

>> No.8848625

Brass,woodwind,string a shit

Piano = superior keyed orchestra

>> No.8848641


I do but I haven't seriously sat down and played in a long time. I need to get new musical equipment, but when I have money I just spend it on other things.

>> No.8848653

For how long have you been playing? Got any videos or something on youtube? I have played for quite a while but not very serious...

>> No.8849483

I think I had some copies that I scanned myself for a friend a long time ago.
Let me see if I can do anything about it, maybe upload onto MF or something.

>> No.8849495

I signed up for my first violin classes yesterday. It was always a wish of mine to do them but after listening to the actual thing so close in a test class, I was settled.

Not to mention, the Stagg brand violin came at a discount with the classes and I was assured it was a good tool for beginners. What am I to expect, /jp/?

>> No.8849499

My ESP's been sitting inside its case for about a month now.
If only I had some time, I'd actually play.

>> No.8849500

I do.
I've been playing seriously for about 3 years, before that I would pick it up about once a day for around 20 minutes.

>> No.8849530


Prepare to sound like poop.

>> No.8849550

For a beginner instrument, anything is fine, even the Chinese built ones that you can play ping pong with since they have so much furnishing on them.
Maybe after a year or two if you work really hard, invest in a preowned violin that suits you.
Go to a local store and try them out, never buy online when you're gonna be dealing with instruments that cost a couple of thousand dollars.
If it's any good (or smart) store, they'll gladly take it off your hands any time after your purchase for the same or higher price. Violins are like wine really, unless you crush it or something.

>> No.8849625

Just finished my violin practice session. I am starting to get muscle memory going for individual fingering. So instead of blocking my 1st and 3rd finger and placing that way, I am trying to get to the point where I can glide individual fingers around without having to block. Block fingering doesnt work when you had a lot of half-step shifting going on.

>> No.8849647

how much are you paying for the classes?

>> No.8849885

Not very much. 70$ monthly for the basics. Since playing violin will be little more than a hobby for me, I suppose that's fitting.

>> No.8851469

I had an ex that could play it. She was awful at it but I pretended to like it.
