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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 409x345, crazyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8842063 No.8842063 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ loves INMFIUP
/a/ hates it.
What do you guys think?

>> No.8842070

nigga whut? /a/ loves spaghetti-tan

>> No.8842074

>omg it's like looking in a mirror!

It's not even a good manga, 4chan is stupid. The mangaka probably thinks she made it big with talent.

Anything /v/ latches onto is stupid

>> No.8842075

Yeah, I thought /a/ loved it. Their threads about it are what brought it to my attention.

>> No.8842079

The person who made it's a GIRL?

>> No.8842085

>/a/ hates it.

What? /a/ started the whole craze about it, and are the ones who translate it (though WhyNot or whatever took over I think).

>> No.8842093

I like it, but hate how /v/ treats Tomoko. Spaghetti-tan is not a fitting name, at all.

I thought /a/ loved it, banded together to buy the first volume and stuff. Maybe there's a backlash as a reaction to /v/'s shenanigans? Wouldn't know, I don't frequent /a/

Some chapters are really stressful, and it would be difficult to find someone with social anxiety in any level that disagrees. But I like to think she'll grow out of the most crippling aspects of it. Eventually.
I want to believe Tomoko will have a happy ending.

>> No.8842092

how is it stupid?
it has an interesting and unique premise which has a lot of fans
what is wrong with that?

>> No.8842099

Not really.
If you've come as far as a lot of people on /jp/, you won't break a sweat.

>> No.8842100

I read a page or 2 and figured out that she actually wants to be normal.
Lost any interest at this point

>> No.8842107

Typical otaku pandering bullshit.
Nobody act like that in real life. If you have this amount of anxiety you wouldnt even go out in the first place.

>> No.8842111

i think on some level most of us do want to be normal.
otherwise we would not gather on /jp/ and instead only immerse ourselves in VNs and touhou.
it's just that we can't really imagine how we could be normal anymore that we now renounce the whole concept

>> No.8842110

I enjoy it. Some of the chapters are just painfully awkward to read.

>> No.8842113


This is why I dropped it. She may be socially awkward but her main drive to become more accepted is to get boys and friends.

Fuck that shit, I don't want to hear about it.

>> No.8842117

Kodomo no Jikan's mangaka is female.

>> No.8842120

what would you rather read about?
a girl who ONLY plays touhou and goes on 2channel?

>> No.8842126

I'd read that.
But give her a ghost pal too.

>> No.8842127

Daily lives of Yotsuba-chan.

>> No.8842128

I thought it was cute but a lot of chapters made me cringe and I there are some pages I just skipped.

>> No.8842133


I'd probably read that, yes.

But I have no interest in reading about some desperate whore who wants the attention of males. Sorry.

>> No.8842139

To clarify, not because they were horribly written, because I felt like I would become uncomfortable if I read through something so embarrassing for MC-chan.

>> No.8842142

Not really.
If I wanted to be normal I would just go and be normal.
But I won't since this kind of life just suits me better

>> No.8842146
File: 1.21 MB, 1234x1753, DIMAHOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only playing touhou
I seriously hope you guys don't only into ZUN

>> No.8842153

The only shitty premise this manga has is "JUST...LIKE....ME ;_;"

>> No.8842170

Crude drawing (its greatest drawback), a boring gimmick which is supposed to make me feel connected but somehow fails to do that, I don't know how /a/ could like this.Maybe it's one of those things that get spammed and people just blindly jump the bandwagon.

Even greentext /v/ /r9k/ stories of virgins and foreveralones pique more of my interest.

>> No.8842176

look at this nerd thinking he could be normal

>> No.8842174

/a/ doesn't hate it. They have the /v/irgins who like it and run all the jokes to the ground.

>> No.8842187

They hate* the /v/irgins who like it

>> No.8842189

>I was thinking of taking a crazy dump

I wish I could witness, smell, and feel it

>> No.8842196

I don't know why the "targeted demographic" in those boards love it, but I feel patronized reading this. Her social anxiety and clumsiness seem fake and exaggerated.

>> No.8842201

>fake and exaggerated
Sora no shita yane no naka was a much better read.

>> No.8842212

She's more like a normalfag who anxiety issues.

Back in highschool I did have a few similar experiences to hers but at that point ever finding a girlfriend or getting "popular" was way out of my ability or interest.

>> No.8842211
File: 10 KB, 181x174, hisaoisdoingsomethingfunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ hates it.
>mfw I'm an /a/non and the majority of /a/nons likes it

>> No.8842213

>Her social anxiety and clumsiness seem fake and exaggerated.

because they are.

Seeing as half of /a/ and /v/ also frequent either /fit/ or /soc/, they laugh because they actually think that's what having a real 'social anxiety' is like.

it might also help if you find shock comedy funny to some degree.

>> No.8842218


I love this manga, way better than the one this thread is about.

>> No.8842221

It's quite exaggerated and I guess some people like that.

I liked it but I like everything I read that has girls in it.

>> No.8842225

So which came first?
gamestop spaghetti or this manga?
I only read like a 2 or 3chapters, did she really spit spaghetti out of her pocket later?

>> No.8842228

I don't get it jaypee
you want social anxiety, and when it is given to you you say it is not the right social anxiety
are you autistic about autism?

besides what social anxiety to me is the feeling that you are unable to deal with social situations, not just that you don't like them or try to avoid them

>> No.8842234

Gamestop spaghetti, then the manga. She never has any sort of pasta, but /v/ connected her to those silly spaghetty stories so they names her spaghetti-tan.
It's all very silly.

>> No.8842239
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>besides what social anxiety to me is the feeling that you are unable to deal with social situations, not just that you don't like them or try to avoid them

because people with social anxiety avoid social situations solely for the sake of avoiding them, not because they are unable to deal with them and for that reason don't like those situations.

>> No.8842241

I dont give a shit whether she has autism or is a cute popular school idol or a NEEt hikkii.
If the story is good then it is good.

>> No.8842242

/a/ and /v/ are the same exact board

>> No.8842243
File: 95 KB, 500x500, bakaseverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're thinking of avoidant personality disorder, not social anxiety.

>> No.8842245

Bingo. There was one or two chapters that had pretty decent portrayals, and I'm going to keep reading hoping she can accomplish that again, but otherwise it's entirely unbelievable.

While asocial and anti-social are 'non-normal' concepts, being social at all is exclusive to neither side. It's more what you talk about, really, and I'm even sure a lot of people here love socializing, just not to 'normals' about 'normal' things.

>> No.8842246

that seems less like having social anxiety and more of being a faggot bro

>> No.8842255

I can't play any other STGs because they don't have cute girls.

>> No.8842257


You should just leave. /a/ is that way.

>> No.8842258

I have to pretend to be a normalfag when I outside and I hate every second of it.
I have to pretend to be nice, try not to attract attention and always find excuses to reject invitation.

>> No.8842265
File: 2 KB, 160x144, little kids should leave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to see /jp/ trip over themselves when attempting to discuss basic psychology.

None of you know what mental illness entails. "Sometimes I don't want to talk to people. I must be schizophrenic! ;_;"

>> No.8842270

what if I've been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia?

>> No.8842274


It's funny when fags confuse psychiatry with psychology.

>> No.8842275

You don't know me. You don't understand my struggle.

>> No.8842277

u think ur though huh?

>> No.8842278

I'm an OCD aspbergers autist.

>> No.8842282

But nobody is discussing psychology here?
The manga is just not good. Are you implying that that manga is an accurate portrayal of someone with a social anxiety disorder?

>> No.8842287


Anxiety fits with psychiatry not psychology, you dumb ass.

Psychiatry = mental disorders, chemical imbalances, etc

Psychology = prodding your supposed subconsciousness.

>> No.8842291

No, that's schizoid personality disorder.

>> No.8842295
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>> No.8842296


You're confusing psychology with psychoanalysis. Not all psychology is psychoanalysis, most modern treatments (e.g., cognitive-behavioural therapy) do not deal directly with the subconscious anymore.

>> No.8842298
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1332290521810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your reaction image, mfw, greentexting back to /a/.

>> No.8842299

The point being all you faggots don't even want to improve yourselves, how disgusting.
i am a NEET but at least i realize that this lifestyle is unsustainable and that i have to change my mindset.

>> No.8842308


I don't see any mfw or greentext?

>> No.8842303

Yeah we all went through that stage too.

>> No.8842304

you wanna take this outside, nerd?

>> No.8842305

>Psychology = prodding your supposed subconsciousness.
Congrats, that's what I was talking about.
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric issue. Normal psychological issues are what's prevalent in this thread and every other one made on /jp/.

Getting sweaty hands when you talk to girls is not mental illness. Neither is wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.8842315

I don't see a sage in your email field, faglord.

>> No.8842311

I dont understand.
How does what I do or what I think about my lifestyle contribute to INMFIUP being shit?
The manga just isnt good. There is a reason why it is getting cancel.

>> No.8842313

Not say that this one dose of does not, but a manga very well could.

>> No.8842323

the fact that you can't understand why other people may not like it says enough.

>> No.8842317


Both can be symptoms of mental illness if they significantly affect your life.

>> No.8842318

>Getting sweaty hands when you talk to girls is not mental illness.

That IS anxiety, which IS a psychiatric disorder.

God damn you're dumb.

>> No.8842324

Is it really going to be cancelled? It's terrible!

>> No.8842325
File: 61 KB, 544x708, 1329919589094[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u hella mad

>> No.8842329

after I finish saving these Yuuka pictures, I'm gonna kick your ass nerd.

>> No.8842338

get a 4chan thread downloader.

>> No.8842340

>if they significantly affect your life.
And they never do for most 4channers.

>> No.8842341
File: 180 KB, 480x320, IMG_0030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you jest.

>> No.8842344


I am staying in the my own comfy room not bothering anyone. Why would anyone dislike that?
On the other hand you have a bunch of man touhou doing stupid things outside. I am pretty sure more people will hate the later group.

>> No.8842346

I like the premise, but I haven't tried reading it because it's popular with not only /a/, but /v/ as well.

Oh, you even said this in the OP.

/a/ may be one thing, but if /v/ likes it then something is wrong.

>> No.8842352


>implying 99% of /jp/ doesn't suffer from social anxiety and morbid depression

Where do you think you are, kid?

Gaia is the other way.

>> No.8842365

>disliking things just because others do
you really are he same as /v/ bro

>> No.8842360

keep pushing me neckbeard, I'm a triple blackbelt in Aikido.

>> No.8842361

Go read Wa or Sora no shita yane no naka instad.

>> No.8842369

Doesn't work anymore.

>> No.8842370
File: 11 KB, 160x144, dont bother me kiddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-diagnosed, right?

>> No.8842367

who are you quoting?

>> No.8842378

You do realize your typical person would be appalled at how some of the people on this board live their lives, right?

Most people couldn't dream of doing what we do

>> No.8842386

They wish they cant be a NEET themselves instead of slaving away their time in a 9-5 desk job.

>> No.8842388


You really think people here are normal, don't you...

Well, evidently you are, but wow.

>> No.8842391

plagiarizing Nichijou

>> No.8842393
File: 151 KB, 358x385, 1331978803533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it because it has its own please respond.

>> No.8842396

Damn you're right, I haven't used it for months.

>> No.8842432

Right click -> View Page Info -> Media -> Highlight links starting with "http://images.4chan.org" -> Save As

It's a lot faster than saving each picture individually.

>> No.8842437

When was the last time you were told to get out of /jp/?

>> No.8842441

but I need to view each picture, decide if it cute enough for my collection and then save it.

>> No.8842447

Spaghetti-tan is a pretty lame ass name. Makes her sound like she's Chef Boyardee's daughter or something.

>> No.8842453

/v/ can only come up with lame-sounding names.

I'm stating the obvious, but it must be from their social anxiety greentext memes that always have spaghetti falling out of pockets at some point.

>> No.8842456

We should call her ZUNBAR♀

>> No.8842457


Never, I fit in like legos.

>> No.8842467
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>> No.8842466
File: 331 KB, 875x639, no thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking obvious otaku pandering
Fuck even 2ch hates it. That's saying something.

>> No.8842471
File: 173 KB, 500x500, 1334249976739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there is a first time for everything then

>> No.8842474

/jp/ is entirely about "otaku pandering" material, dear.

>> No.8842476


>> No.8842477

Touhou is not otaku pandering.
Stop the lies.

>> No.8842481

oh mah balls

>> No.8842485
File: 62 KB, 400x400, 1332307423247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigga who da fuk u think ur talkin to here?

>> No.8842489

Jesus how many times have you used that image?

>> No.8842499

he sho sowed us nig

>> No.8842497

dis nigguh be da masta of jaype 4realz

>> No.8842512


Not a lot, I spent 5 minutes trying to find it on my non-graphical Slackware system.

>> No.8842530

that's what you get for using linux, nerd

>> No.8842561

I was going to read it but when I actually looked it up and saw how accusing the literal title is, I didn't want to.

It's not my fault you're not popular... I would have loved you.

>> No.8842562

Color me surprised. Wouldn't feminists be all over it trying to shut it down?

>> No.8842568


There is no concept of feminism in Japanese culture.

>> No.8842567


You make it sound like pyschology is any better-it's basically just the same thing with poorly-done studies concocted to support whatever stupid opinion the research has.

>> No.8842570
File: 51 KB, 720x480, snapshot20090506175411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't know that? Get a load of this nerd guys....

>> No.8842576

Better than what?

>> No.8842589

why can't i just find a girl like tomoko

>> No.8842594

because they don't exist loser

>> No.8842598

Of course there is, you fucking idiot. It exists since the 1920s, with some earlier ideas spawning since the 1900s.

>> No.8842602

Well, it depends on what you mean by like tomoko, there's socially anxious disgusting girls existing.

>> No.8842605

but they have to, i mean autism isn't inherently a male thing

>> No.8842613

even the autistic girls have sex all the time
breathing is the same as sex for a girl over 12

>> No.8842612

Wow you sure are late to the party slowpoke. Pretty of women are drawing your ecchi shows. Women are bigger perverts.

>> No.8842619

Nice Freudian slip there DUMBASS. There many be plenty of women but they sure aren't pretty

>> No.8842621


>> No.8842622

i just mean girls who have no other options maybe

>> No.8842623
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>> No.8842628

What was the Freudian slip? I don't think you know what you are talking about.

>> No.8842633

same fagging. Guy never said they were hot either way to put words in his mouth.

>> No.8842630


>> No.8842636

look at the front page bro
QUALITY everywhere

>> No.8842638

I am a woman so why would I care if women are bigger perverts idiot?

>> No.8842640

it actually wasn't samefagging, neckbeard. You just can't the butt ownage that was laid on you.

>> No.8842641

Samefag who can't proofread his posts.

>> No.8842648
File: 81 KB, 500x329, 1333746243110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making grammar mistakes means it's samefag
Nice try samefag

>> No.8842651


stop samefagging you nerd

>> No.8842650

I wasn't the one who posted the first comment. And you got butt devastated you samefag. You me some dick sucking.

>> No.8842652

So /jp/ is now worse than /b/. You guys should ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.8842654
File: 57 KB, 434x426, 1331899935155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You me some dick sucking.


>> No.8842657

butthurt samefag

>> No.8842658

I'll show you something I'm ashamed of
*whips out dick*

>> No.8842662

wann take this outside, aspergian?
