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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8834749 No.8834749 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering if talking to yourself is normal in /jp/? I don't mean mumbling to yourself, I mean having a deep intricate conversation to a point where you start arguing with the other personality because that person is wrong. Then you fight and swore not speak to each other for a few days, then one of the personalities decided to apologize and everything becomes okay.

If this is some kind of disorder, do you know what's it called?

>> No.8834752

It's called being an idiot.

>> No.8834757

I'm pretty sure you can't get government bux because of this, if that's what you want to know.

>> No.8834770

Depends on the country.

>> No.8834800
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>> No.8834806


Oh, I didn't start this thread to see if I qualify for government funding. I'm just curious if people are sad enough like me to start talking to themselves.

>> No.8834815

Talking to myself everyday.

>> No.8834817

I ask myself questions out loud all the time. I answer them in my head.

>> No.8834820

I don't talk TO myself, but I talk alone a lot about random stuff because i'm autistic

>> No.8834821
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>implying that people who aren't necessarily neurotypical are sad
>implying that people have to be sad to not want to be neurotypical

>> No.8834834

It's not talking to myself. I mean it is... but It's more like I become a different person. That person has a set personality, a trait or something. I have another personality that is friends with that personality. It's kind of complicated to explain but basically I'm playing out what would happen if I was friends with that person all in my head.

>> No.8834835

I do talk to myself, but I don't get to the point of having discussions with my split personalities.

>> No.8834881

I think you have to talk with someone or you can go nuts. Sometimes I talk to my brother even if he's not listening, sometimes I go with my mom. I don't have anyone else to talk about my achievements in games or what animu I'm watching.

>> No.8834889
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>implying you have to talk to someone or you'll go nuts

>> No.8834967

I talk to myself in my head about various stuff as if I'm explaining a topic to someone.
Is that a side effect of autism?

>> No.8834973



Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8834977

>implying I'm going to get out of le /jp/

>> No.8834979
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Sometimes, when I talk to people, their idiocy alone makes me go crazy, so damned if I do, damned if I don't.
My eye is still twitching...

>> No.8835002


I do this too.

Often I will learn something new on the internet and then explain it aloud directly afterwards. I'm convinced it helps me retain knowledge better. Also if I read some type of argument, discourse, or discussion online I will weigh in on my own opinion aloud. I'm convinced this helps me to always have very concise and well thought out opinions when I'm asked about similar topics inrl (which is rare but does happen).

I don't do either of this for the benefits though, I just feel compelled to talk aloud as if with an audience. I can't take it easy if I want to talk to my imaginary audience and there are people around preventing me from doing so.

>> No.8835011

I has assburgers and I do that too

Mainly to practice and overcome speech troubles. It's worked miracles, as now I give speeches and presentations than most people in college.

God what has the world come to when someone like me becomes better at giving speeches than 90% of the normal population.

>> No.8835017
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Here's a question: when you talk to yourself, do you address yourself as “I” or “you”? I call myself “you”.

Another: whose voice do you imagine when you talk to yourself as if you were another person, say, asking “you” a question? Your own, or someone else's? Whose?

>> No.8835041

Yes I have debates and full discussions with alternate personalities of myself all the time.
Like when I am conflicted about something, I will talk to myself from various angles and varying personalities.
Sometimes I just talk to myself like I am talking to a buddy when I am watching or reading something too.

>> No.8835047
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me again

It varies mood to mood,most of the time, I refer to myself as "I" but sometimes I refer to myself as "you" usually when I'm alone and no one is around, and I talk to myself. Usually in motivation or in a scolding manner.

As for who's voice is talking to me, it's like the "inner" me, like the me that I want to be, and sometimes, it feels like he's corrupting me. But then there's another part of me telling me to be good, and do the fatherly option.
Sometimes, if I'm going insane.

>> No.8835051

me too
I like to show off my new found understanding and knowledge to myself.
I don't use either, I just talk to them as if they are there.

>> No.8835059

How do you talk to someone with any frequency without using "you" even once?

>> No.8835084

I don't really do that, but I very often find myself explaining things to myself, as if I were explaining it to someone else.

>> No.8835125

I've only ever talked to myself after eating psilocybe cubensis mushrooms and I guess that doesn't count.

Sorry OP, maybe see a psychologist about it?
