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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8832846 No.8832846 [Reply] [Original]

ITT your favorite Touhou characters and why you hate kikes.

My favorite Touhou character is Hong Meiling and I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the Holohoax, which they blew out of proportion thanks to the falsified reports that they forged in many of the post-war kangaroo courts. It has been over 60 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to get a free pass on EVERYTHING: the insane manipulation of media, the lobbying, the atrocities you're committing against the Palestinians in the lands you STOLE thanks to your Jew friends in the United Kingdom.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a Nazi, an anti-semite, you'de be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a Kurd terrorist being excused because 90 years ago the Ottomans attempted to kill his people? It would be inexcusable, but then again Jews have their friends in Hollywood who love to line their pockets by tugging at goyim's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, kikes?

>> No.8832847

I hate kike-haters more than kikes. You guys remind me of Justin Bieber "haters" who insist on shoving that shit down my throat in every public comment box on the internet. "I HAET JUSTIN BIEBER THUMBS UP IF U AGREE IF NOT U LIEK JUSTIN BIEBER". I wouldn't even know who Justin Bieber was if it wasn't for these people.

You are exactly the same, just slightly more intelligent. Whereas these people will outgrow it when they hit their late teens or early twenties, you're all IN your twenties or thirties, and still force this off-topic bullshite anywhere you can. I don't give a fuck about Jews, and I barely know anything about them. Yet you faggots insist on telling me there's some big Zionist conspiracy and that you hate it. I don't fucking care.


>> No.8832849

Your satirical thread whose intention is to expose the fact that any thread can pass on /jp/ as long as it makes a vague reference to touhou is very clever. But it's not funny.

>> No.8832850

It's also copypasta.

Unless your post was also copypasta.

>> No.8832851
File: 5 KB, 501x585, It_that_Betrays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832859

>I wouldn't even know who Justin Bieber was if it wasn't for these people.
Justin Bieber doesn't affect your life, unlike kikes.

>> No.8832867


please respond

>> No.8832876

How do you pronounce ``kikes''?

>> No.8832874

I doubt many /jp/ posters go outside or follow mainstream Western media (even online).

Hell even the news escapes me. There could have been a major war in the past few years and I wouldn't even know.

>> No.8832890



>> No.8832892


>> No.8832898

Like “kites” with a “k”.

>> No.8832906


Kites already has a k, retard.

>> No.8832931

I was saying the “t” louder when I typed that to stress it, nerd. Sorry you're too autismal to notice simple speech patterns and social conventions.
