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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8819956 No.8819956 [Reply] [Original]

Every female I know IRL hates Touhou and otaku stuff and most females I know online hate /jp/ here. Why is this ;_;?

>> No.8819957

bcs dey luv dem dikz

>> No.8819960
File: 144 KB, 510x461, 35 (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime stuff looks just like cartoons
cartoons are for kids

>> No.8819963

They see the Touhou girls as threat.

>> No.8819965

My mom loves touhou.

>> No.8819966
File: 70 KB, 424x277, Oho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they feel threatened by the much cuter than them 2D girls.
They know they could never be that perfect so they hate them in return.

>> No.8819969

your mom is a man

>> No.8819974

No need to lie to us online Anon-sama. You don't know any females.

>> No.8819985

Females often hate female characters just because of their gender. Maybe they activate their sexual competition instincts. It's really too bad, because the Touhou world is a wonderful place.

>> No.8819988
File: 162 KB, 581x668, 1331399433396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's lots of girls that like touhou along with a lot that browse /jp/. You're just silly.
Besides, why would you want to interact with a girl?

>> No.8819994

They just hide their powerlevel newfag.

>> No.8819997


>> No.8820002 [DELETED] 

Not even close.

>> No.8820011

lolno fag

>> No.8820035

Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.8820052

>Every female I know IRL hates Touhou
Why? Why? WHY would you want to talk about Touhou with an IRL female? I - do - not - understand - that - logic.

>females online
It's time for you people to realize that female online can be classified in only 3 categories :
1. Attention whores
2. Fugly haters
3. Feminists / Yes, they're here only to tell you that they can use a computer too and that they can beat the shit out of you in some stupid FPS or something, 'cause that's so femanly.

>> No.8820062

Bad thread and bad replies.

>> No.8820066

what a shallow and boring world you live in

>> No.8820073

sup, fujoshi

>> No.8820072

What about adroable ojou-samas?

>> No.8820076
File: 108 KB, 603x800, 1313627943951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't notice a good femanon, never ever, that's what makes her good.

>> No.8820086

Prove me wrong.

Doesn't exist.

>> No.8820089

/a/ quality thread

>> No.8820100

my experiences contradict your own.

is right.

>> No.8820107

/jp/ just went up a notch, huh.

>> No.8820111

I haven't talked casually to any IRL female besides my mom for at least 15 years.
I've tried but they avoid me like the plague. It's fine... really...

>> No.8820122

So you supposely met several good femanons but still ended up here browsing /jp/ of 4chan. Then you must be a white-knight so let me tell you that your battle here is meaningless.

>> No.8820121

Hey you forgot 4. Nice but mentally troubled females.

>> No.8820137

not everything in life is clearly definable black and white.

everybody has their troubles, it's not gender specific. the magnitude varies from person to person, however.

>> No.8820149
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That doesn't make sense. As a guy, I know I'll never be as cute as a 2D guy, and yet I still love and fap to them.

>> No.8820152

do you honestly believe /a/ is better than /jp/?

>> No.8820153

He is a whiteknight because he met friendly femanons before?
What kind of logic is that?

>> No.8820158
File: 6 KB, 184x274, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry OP, /jp/ is about 3D now and JAV

>> No.8820163

I know a girl who likes Touhou. I'm not sure if she goes to /jp/.

>> No.8820164
File: 52 KB, 492x544, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be surprised how many girls go to /jp/

>> No.8820166

I'll tell you a secret. I'm a girl pretending to be a guy to live out my gay fantasies.

>> No.8820171

I can agree with this guy.
There are many people on this world, most are assholes and there is no clear rule for either man or woman.
But there are nice people on both sides.

By generalizing females you are no better than the feminists who hate on men because their ex boyfriend cheated on them and left her with a child.

I thought /jp/ would be better than this, because that's pretty much the behaviour of the normalfags you hate so much

>> No.8820177
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I will defend him !!!

>> No.8820178

B-but, I love touhou.

>> No.8820181

only a neo-/jp/er would hate females with a passion. Most true /jp/sies wouldn't pay them any mind.

>> No.8820201

>>By generalizing females you are no better than the feminists who hate on men because their ex boyfriend cheated on them and left her with a child.
pretty much this.

>> No.8820203
File: 24 KB, 300x400, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did try to explain this a few times, but you are wasting your time.

the true part of /jp/ doesn't cares for 3D women , but they feel no hatred to humans or women. Its just they feel more sexual attracted to 2D.

dont waste your time on a few kids who try to act dark and edgy or some old guy who hates everything in his life and spend his time hating people who are happy or have different opinions than him

>> No.8820265
File: 72 KB, 186x204, 1328317577903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a true bonafide /jp/sie that has browsed this place hardcore since it was created. I don't hate females, but my virginity and their soft rejection makes me so sad that I can't help but get super mad if someone here mentions being female.
I love 3D and 2D. It's way harder that a 3D girl interests me, most do not, but some kind of nerd that browses /jp/? fuck, all the alarms go off. Makes me want to kill myself over the frustration, because I know there's nothing I can do. I wish they didn't exist, and I pretend they don't with all my mental strenght.
I suspect a large part of /jp/ is like me in this regard, even if they refuse to accept it, as the buttmadness explodes when someone says "im a gurl". Some get so mad they turn into militant misongysts as a way to cope with it. Some delude themselves into thinking they must be landwhales or trolls. I've replied like that countless times, also pretending to hate 3D. But even after I typed it, I knew those wasn't my true feelings (there are exceptions, like camwhores and the like, that qualifies as shitposting and makes any trace of attraction vanish)
I envy the autists that say 2D completely replaces 3D for them. I've fallen in love with 2D characters and fantasized about non lewd things with them, but it's also frustrating for obvious reasons. I'm not that stupid or delusional.
I want to marry a girl no matter what.

>> No.8820283
File: 100 KB, 450x360, there are no boys on the internet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you're talking about. I see threads about touhou every day here on /jp/

>> No.8820285

Shh, no tears.
Wanna talk about it bro?

>> No.8820291

>You just hate everyone and everything go kill yourself !
Mind you, I've just summed up your idea.

So because i'm stating the facts i'm a hater? Stop lying to yourselves for a second. Good femanons, of course that depends on what's your definition of -good-, CANNOT exist in our century.
I'm not blaming them here, just stating the fact that being a -good woman- will cause you nothing but problems with both modern men & women, just get out of your house and take a look around for a second.
Because you know supposely one -good- femanon (I bet it's just someone of your family) (and even if that's not the case i'll still be laughting at you since you're browsing /jp/) doesn't mean that there's a bunch of them outside.
If we're always hearing about the bitches & whores cliché it's not by coincidence only.

But then again, when you fall in love with a 3D idol or are just some whiteknight, you'll never accept the facts so it's useless, just all useless.

>> No.8820295

Every female I know never heard of touhou and many even don't know what anime is due to the fact I live in the poor post soviet country

>> No.8820298

>CANNOT exist in our century.
>you know supposely one -good- femanon
Make up your mind.

>> No.8820301
File: 46 KB, 492x322, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are taking it a little bit too serious.
Why does it matter if a girl would post on /jp/ or not.
Its not like she can hurt you or affect in anyway.

Getting frustrated over girls on the internet is retarded.Take it easy and enjoy your time.

>> No.8820300
File: 126 KB, 399x297, Patchtbl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're human after all, trying to swallow the misery and disillusion and try to hold it inside, someplace where it doesn't disturb you existence but in the end it leaks and makes your life bitter, some people succeed and make the misery part of themselves, others have big hearts, way too big to accept the lack of love and human warm.

>> No.8820302

Females have no souls.

>> No.8820308

>Its not like she can hurt you or affect in anyway.
You don't understand.
I'm not sure if you get this, but you make my day terrible every time you post. I can't bring myself to filter you either.

>> No.8820311

Shut up Battler.

>> No.8820323

Where did I say that female shouldn't post on /jp/ ..?

Yeah right i'm bitter/ unsuccessful in life/ blahblah.

>> No.8820331
File: 62 KB, 248x276, 1325375993947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not me, why are you replying to them like you are? that's not funny.

>> No.8820330

I hate you because you're a moralfag who dislikes junior Idols and can't use proper orthography for shit.

... But you make good posts.

>> No.8820343

Probably because the Touhou fanbase and /jp/ alike are highly hostile to women in general.

I can see why.

>> No.8820349
File: 10 KB, 193x261, reyery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I don't understand how can a image of a japanese idol ( well actually she isn't a idol anymore), destroy your day.I have 0 interest in 2D women and anime/mangas , but I did never feel any hate if I see a 2D image , I mean some of them even look good if the artist has some skill.

I would actually like that you explain me exactly what makes you feel so awful if you see a 3D women.

also dont take me wrong , I am not insulting you for liking 2D or your love for 2D its fine for me , just I dont understand where does all the hate comes for some people to dislike 3D so hard to the point that it destroys their day.

>> No.8820347

3DPD are jealous of pure.

>> No.8820351


He's right, though. You seriously need to ask yourself why you even care

Like, take me for example. /jp/ isn't my blog aside, nobody in life aside from my parents and my brother really give a flying shit about me. But you know what? That's okay. Because life has taught me that the people we call friends, siblings, lovers, or what have you, are just drifting souls on the big ol' road of life. Why get all hung up about whether anyone is going to like you or love you? Whether be it due to circumstance of the simple flow of time, we're all going to drift away from eachother eventually anyway. Just enjoy the time you have together, and when they finally leave you, oh well, it was going to happen sooner or later anyway

Here's the trick, though: This isn't supposed to be some emo bullshit that you sob yourself to sleep over. It's *empowering* because once you finally grasp that, your life is truly your own, and you are beholden to no one

Nobody but you can make you happy, you know

>> No.8820355

More than half the people I know IRL who like Touhou and VNs and stuff are female, yet /jp/ is pretty unwelcoming of any female that isn't basically a doormat.


This attitude is the problem, ideally, on a level playing field, no you wouldn't. However if there are things that make most females feel unwelcome or uncomfortable here, the ones that shut up about it aren't exactly doing the noble thing. Let the female bashing threads occur, don't say anything in response. That's an abusive relationship in of itself.

It's the same for any group like this too. People who don't mind gays as long as they shut up about their rights etc.

>> No.8820352

I have similar feelings, but I don't hate women in any way. I just feel frustrated because I'm only interested in nerdy girls, and I know I won't be able to meet one IRL.

>> No.8820359

>Nobody but you can make you happy, you know
This doesn't apply to everyone.

>> No.8820358

30% of /jp/ is female fyi. You probably talk to women on a daily basis through this board without realizing it.

>> No.8820360

>unwelcome or uncomfortable here
Then go to fuwanovel.
Nobody is forcing you to stay here.
Or make your own website so your own kind can feel welcome.
Oh wait it is your IRL, why not just fucking ask them to come to your house and chat among yourselves.
Fucking stupid.

>> No.8820364

Of course, I don't hate them either, it's also frustration for me. But frustration leads to anger, and anger leads to hate.
This is why cons are like my kryptonite. I feel like killing myself after them, I mostly avoid them but sometimes I forget and make the same mistake.

>> No.8820371


Yeah, actually it does, and you saying it doesn't is just you trying to evade the fact that you're unhappy with yourself. Happiness starts with yourself and no one else. I mean, hey, if you want to surrender the key to your own happiness to the whims of some other person who may never hand it to you, that's your choice. But happiness is all about YOUR perception of yourself, no one else's

>> No.8820367

Keep believing that.

>> No.8820368

I wonder how many of them are hating on others that share their gender?

Also, what gender is Saten anon?

>> No.8820377

I think you are just trying to make me feel bad.
I like 3D too, but you can't understand the pain I get when I see a a really nice girl and know it'll never happen.
Don't you understand your "trolling" isn't just making people mad, it makes people suicidal?

>> No.8820375

now I know where all the shitty threads come from thanks anon

>> No.8820376


But there's no reason for this place to be like this in the first place. I shouldn't have to make my own board, and most attempts to do so fall on their ass anyway.

There shouldn't be any place for some of the attitudes you find here. Some things are actually just wrong and poorly conductive to any kind of community.


>> No.8820381


If you have to hide your gender to get on as a female here, that's still fucked up as guys can be as guyish as they like. That's what a lot of nerds(especially gamers) don't get.

>> No.8820384

>Just enjoy the time you have together,
Yeah, fuck you. I have no one.

>> No.8820385

Here's a wild guess : Most of them acts like 2D girls even though that they're totally not alike.
I won't press the point, but it's like seeing a woman acting like some -princess- (picturing the image of a LADY who cares about her people) even though she doesn't give a shit about others usually.
But then again, not to be blamed when you see the level of particulars otakus there.

>> No.8820394

don't answer princess of crystal dudes

>> No.8820391

Same anon here. Actually I've considered myself to be too shy for going to cons and cosplay and all that, but after seeing some Sakura-con videos and reading Nyanners blog experiences I've considered maybe it'd be fun, as I've seen very shy people enjoy themselves there.

I think that would be a good start to meeting the kind of girls I'm interested in.

>> No.8820393

>That's an abusive relationship in of itself.

That's a stupid comparison. You're seriously going to say that people should spend more time arguing with idiots on the internet, and if they don't, there's some abusive relationship involved?

If I was in the military, do you think I'd waste my time responding to edgy teenaged anarchists in some FUK DA GUBMENT thread? Of course not. Is this somehow an abusive relationship because I'm passively allowing the anti-military people have their opinion? No. It's me not wasting my goddamned time

>> No.8820396

This pretty much, I know I will never experience many great things and probably won't get anywhere interesting in my life, but I don't really care that much. I have accepted my faith, so I could find joy in whatever good things life gives me from time to time.

>> No.8820397

that applies to everyone you idiot since you perceive reality subjectively and shit

>> No.8820398

I was going to say this. That comparison was fucking retarded.

>> No.8820400


You're missing the part where I could have no one or everyone and it wouldn't matter because I don't give a damn either way

>> No.8820403

I do care though.

>> No.8820410

"Same anon" as the same anon you replied earlier. I read it again and it sounded wrong.

>> No.8820411
File: 83 KB, 700x719, 1330623263617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well considering the population is largely male it kinda seems like you're just attention whoring by saying that you're a girl.

While it is a bit ridiculous that they have to hide it there isn't much reason or ever a moment where it's necessary for a female on here to point out that she is in fact a female anyways.

>> No.8820413

You either shoo away females or you get burned. Any mostly male community that enforces non female bashing will get insane amounts of drama and GOTIS queens. Most of us won't get anywhere with a female, so at least in my case I just want to take it easy with fellow guys and not be competing for scraps. If you want to play with us, don't disturb this feeling. Females should hide themselves here, it's nothing political like you're pretending. There's nothing to gain here by people stating their gender and a lot to lose.

>> No.8820423
File: 203 KB, 160x160, swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blog threads all day everyday

>> No.8820426

I don't go out of my way to reveal my gender (whatever it may be) but I see no reason to hide it either.

>> No.8820427

Asking "why do you hate 3D ??" on a board talking about 2D most of the time is asking for trouble anyway.

>> No.8820428

Stop replying you buttlickers.
