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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 392 KB, 192x342, isthistsundere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
880410 No.880410 [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to skirts, /jp/?

>> No.880413

I dunno, bro.

>> No.880424

Femnazis killed them.

Seriously, I haven't seen a skirt all year. And it's summer.

>> No.880425


>> No.880431
File: 70 KB, 540x909, r68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this 'skirt' you speak of?

>> No.880432

It's so bad, I go to a fundamentalist Christian church just to see girls in skirts. And even there it seems like they are wearing skirts less and less.

>> No.880434

What, why did she get embarrassed all of a sudden?

>> No.880436

Move to Japan

>> No.880440

Why are there more men wearing kilts than women wearing skirts these days? FUCK YOU, WESTERN SOCIETY.

Also, fuck you, Utilikilt. I've seen way more male geek leg than I EVER needed to because of you faggots.

>> No.880444

I blame that gay guy and that loud woman on TV who run that "What Not to Wear" show, and everyone else in the fashion industry, for deciding that skirts are out of style.

Fuck them, skirts will never be out of style.

>> No.880458

3D is pig disgusting anyway.

>> No.880461

Skirts are out of style because female fashion is significantly dependent on the viewpoints of activist homosexual males.

>> No.880462

Skirts have become relegated to basically be worn by hipster/hippie/indie girls and by that definition they are very long and brightly colored.

Otherwise its all catholic schools.

>> No.880464

I weep for the younger generations; at least when I was growing up, skirts were still commonplace.

Heheh... I flipped up a lot of skirts in my younger days.

>> No.880468

Do these hipster faggots wear thigh highs too? Because if so...

>> No.880472

>very long and brightly colored.

I'm not opposed to this; I like the look of long skirts, and it's better than nothing.

>> No.880473


Fashion is the stupidest thing ever. Women lack the mental faculty to make decisions on their own. If fashion trends were decided by heterosexual men instead of women and faggots who are trying to profit off their godawful creations there would be no problems like this. There would be no goofy fashion trends and women would always be wearing something that is simple and hot, and guys would be wearing something decent and heterosexual like the classic t-shirt + jeans combo.

I still can't believe we have a fashion board now... what have we come to?

>> No.880474

skirts are a dying race I mean there are over 50 students in my college class 11 boys and the rest are girls. no one ever wore a skirt.... ever

>> No.880477

I still wear a t-shirt and jeans

>> No.880479


>> No.880494


gb2 /fa/

>> No.880498


So do I. We heterosexuals are a dying breed, though.

>> No.880510
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>> No.880515
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Me too. Koiwai is my model.

>> No.880514

What's the name of that game?

>> No.880517

that's all I ever wear... I swap the pants out for khakis every once in awhile, but not that often.

>> No.880526

My new venture bros t-shirt came in today. I can't wait to wear it and some jeans tomorrow.

>> No.880529



I've never met a woman who didn't care about fashion. I met some that chose to go against the fashion trends, but they were still solidly clotheswhores. They just went against the trends.

>> No.880532


Far too much /n/ on /jp/ today.

>> No.880536

My goal in life is to learn how to sew, recreate Mokou's pants and make it the most comfortable clothing my skin will ever feel.

I will then sleep in it and be happy for the rest of my life.

>> No.880541

If you ever succeed, I'd like to place a bulk order for replicas.

>> No.880543

Asagi is awesomer, she's my role model.

>> No.880547

Seriously I cant remember the last time I have seen an Akiha skirt outside of a girls school, and even now they are switching to pants.
I was even dragged to the mall by my sister a few weeks ago, I shuddered at the prices they pay for shit.

>> No.880550

Fuuka is the greatest

>> No.880551

better then 24/7 touhou

>> No.880557

I'm not saying Fuuka isn't awesome, but she's kinda dull. Asagi is a brilliant, conniving person that knows just perfectly how to manipulate Yotsuba.

It's amazing.

>> No.880558


>> No.880563

But Fukka is going to be Yotsuba's mother in law so yeah

>> No.880569

That doesn't make her any more of a role model.

>> No.880571


Mine too. And quite a fine role model he is.

>> No.880591
File: 274 KB, 1000x800, 2c0153865ad2c06fab1f7ae8d2c88e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only skirts i ever see worn at my college any more are those cutoff short jean skirts that sororstitutes wear, and the long stupid hippie ones that shouldn't even be counted as skirts

it truly is sad what has happened to skirts. at least japan still recognizes

>> No.880600

Back in highschool there was this one girl who wore skirts very often, she came off as a christfag/moralfag and didnt seem to have many friends. But she had to be the nicest person to ever give me the light of day, she would try to talk to me but I was a goddamn hermit in highschool and never knew what to say but her smile brightened up my day so much.

tl;dr skirts are awesome

>> No.880602
File: 81 KB, 481x550, a31aee0820a2be27bcf287f5e3fc3a72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggots hate this

>> No.880606

I read somewhere that in japan the trend towards girl's uniforms having skirts was moving towards pants

>> No.880608

Fuck you gypsie skirts are awesome.

>> No.880610

Are we talking about short skirts or skirts past knee length

I tend to prefer longer skirts but nobody fucking wears them anymore

>> No.880611


The few girls at my school only wear sweatpants and shit, and it's always the pig disgusting ones with GRRL on the ass, and they're fat. I hate going to a geek school.

>> No.880615
File: 698 KB, 1600x1200, 3qn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this faggotry. MOAR QMA

>> No.880637

if by "horribly ugly and clashing colors combined with ridiculous length" you mean "awesome" then ok

you're gay, aren't you? or female.

yeah I hate that writing on the ass trend

>> No.880639

All the girls in my city just wear those unbelievably tight-as-hell jeans.

>> No.880652

>if by "horribly ugly and clashing colors combined with ridiculous length" you mean "awesome" then ok
You've got them switched.

>> No.880656
File: 30 KB, 255x400, Fuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know about Fuuka

>> No.880661

i should have said "is what you mean by"

i'm tired

>> No.880663

I would jump at the chance for it to be acceptable for men to wear skirts
No ball sweat and I bet it would be alot more confortable

but until then its khakis and a tshirt
jeans make your balls sweat too much

>> No.880667

You're calling me gay, while you ramble on about clashing colors?

>> No.880679

Taken out of context. This is not a trend, it is a move by some schools in Hokkaidō to allow girls to wear pants in the middle of the — quite harsh — winter season there.

Really, come to Japan. Skirts are common place here, and when the girls don't wear skirts, they wear those really short shorts inadvertently accentuating their mons veneris.

>> No.880691

my uncertainties are now quelled

many thanks

>> No.880699

American girls are lazy; I used to think Asian chicks would force white girls to step their game up, but that never really happened. I live in a neighborhood in New York that reminds me of this daily.

I don't know what happened to skirts either; I see 28 year old publishing bitches wearing them, but pretty much nobody else... maybe that has something to do with it.

>> No.880712

>I used to think Asian chicks would force white girls to step their game up

Haha, in one of my classes these two Japanese girls always dressed immaculately every day, while the American girls came to class in sweatpants and tank tops. The Japanese girls were pretty ugly (one of them literally looked like a pumpkin grew a body) but christ, at least they took the time to dress themselves properly.

>> No.880727

I'm transferring to a college where the male-female ratio is 1-2.2 soon, surely there must be a skirt-wearer somewhere there that could love me.



>> No.880739

>at least they took the time to dress themselves properly.
I can care less if they take the time to "dress themselves properly", I really only care that they dress somewhat appropriately for the situation, and it's appreciated if they recognize some sort of modesty.

>> No.880753

Yea, what the fuck? Asian girls put more and better effort into it. At my school there are 100 avant-preppy Korean fashion-addicts for every one white girl who doesn't wear American Eagle. To date, no white girl has ever worn heels.

>> No.880760
File: 107 KB, 392x423, Kefka Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I can care less

>> No.880766

>Heheh... I flipped up a lot of skirts in my younger days.
gee, I wonder why girls might choose pants.
skirts are impractical.

>> No.880768


I go to a school with a 10-1 male to female ratio. It's hard enough finding a girl at all.

>> No.880770

What? I typically slap on anything available when I go out, why should I care if someone deserves an "A+" for the effort they put into their outfit?

>> No.880818

why the fuck would anyone wear heels to school? Jesus. That's not "more and better effort" [sic]; it's being a complete retard.

>> No.880819

no they're not.

and anyway, fuck practicality, we aren't hiking cross-country. oh, and fuck comfort, too, because this ain't a slumber party, either. dress yourselves, fools!

>> No.880844

Well, at least lolis still wear skirts.

>> No.880848

skirt expert?
seriously, have you ever tried running in a skirt? walking up an open-rise staircase? walking through a tunnel?

>> No.880854

Nope, heels are worn where I'm at, just not by white girls. This is a city school, though, so people don't wear things "to class," they just get dressed.

>> No.880856


Every time I'm walking up a stairs with a girl wearing a skirt in front of me, I always look everywhere else uncomfortably. It's extremely awkward.

>> No.880863

when you're done whining, put on a skirt! and throw out all your flip-flops, too, because they are fucking gross.

>> No.880864

You call yourself a man?

>> No.880873


I'm sorry...

>> No.880880

wait how would an open rise staircase be worse than a normal staircase?

>> No.880881

First time I've heard of Utilikilt. They actually have something going for them. I would wear "kilts" if it became socially acceptable.

..which of course will take most of my life before that happens.

>> No.880882

>throw out all your flip-flops


>> No.880891

it depends on the rise, and what is below you. Metal lattice stairs are the worst though.

>> No.880892


They're socially acceptable if you're Scottish.

>> No.880901

Is it really so bad if someone can occasionally see up someone's skirt? Consider it a public service. It's still more conservative than wearing those ridiculous cut-off super-short jean-shorts.

>> No.880908

I was eight years old; are you really going to fault me? And skirts are way more comfortable, so I hear.

>> No.880910

I hate people who wear them and then prop their mostly bare feet on the furniture. fucking slobs

>> No.880913


So YOU'RE that kid in that picture!


>> No.880914

If you have any shame, yes. While I will agree that many girls don't, the rest find the idea of someone being able to see up their skirt pretty apalling.

>> No.880923

Funny how it's OK if they flaunt it, but sneak a peek and suddenly YOU ARE THE DEVIL

>> No.880928

there are things called long skirts and not tiny pieces of fabric that barely cover your ass

>> No.880933

I'm no hero, I was just born at the right time. Luck of the draw.

>> No.880958


>I hate people who wear them and then prop their mostly bare feet on the furniture. fucking slobs

So wait. It's okay to put your feet on the furniture if your feet are in shoes? But it's disgusting to wear shoes inside and you're an animal if you don't take them off at the door like the nips. God, this is fucking confusing. I hate flip-flops too but you're just a faggot.

>> No.880962
File: 239 KB, 400x565, 1211866630441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are so called safety shorts that you wear inside your skirt so you don't worry about your panties showing

>> No.880967

no I'm not going to fault the eight-year-old you, but perhaps you can understand why girls may want to avoid having their skirts flipped. Unless you enjoy being pantsed?

those are the worst for running. And if they're loose enough to run in, they are loose enough to float horribly in tunnels. Or any stray wind, for that matter.

>> No.880976

read >>880962
and kindly GTFO

>> No.880985

I don't like people who put their feet on the table. But at least I'm in an asian country where they take off their shoes at the door and their feet aren't caked in shit and stuff

>> No.880982

Me too! High five!

>> No.880984

I don't like people who put their feet on the table. But at least I'm in an asian country where they take off their shoes at the door and their feet aren't caked in shit and stuff

>> No.880990

why are you running all the fucking time? don't you get tired?

>> No.881001
File: 416 KB, 1850x1717, 1188205332645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skirts rock!

>> No.881013

It's less about exactly what people can see, and more about the fact that they are able see at all. And they don't magically make skirts easier to move in.

It's just nice to have the option. You know, without having to prance like a helpless nit. Or shuffling like a good little Asian girl.

>> No.881019

who the fuck runs anywhere?

and is wearing a skirt somehow more difficult than wearing a dress? plenty of people wear dresses, and they seem to manage.

stairs and wind are stupid reasons not to wear skirts, since we aren't talking about the 6 inch stripper tube kind.

>> No.881029

bangs + skirt + heels = WIN

despite the fact that it's a gray skirt suit.

>> No.881059

I wear them a lot. I don't give a shit about fashion, I wear what I like that day.
I always wear shorts or something underneath though.

I've never had any problems doing anything in one; long, short, etc. Are you fat or something?

>> No.881060


Meh. I have no shame, only modesty.
Also, where I'm from, if you get pantsed, the undies go with the pants. That's a slight difference there.

Besides, not wearing a skirt for fear it'll be flipped up is like wearing boots because you're afraid of a flat-tire.

I daresay skirts have gone out of style because of the control-freak nature that western society has going for it.

It's seen as better to be in control of things; to show off the back of your thong is okay since you chose to do it, but if the wind catches your skirt, it's out of your control and therefore unacceptable.

>> No.881064

oh noes someone saw my thigh i'll be burned at the stake

>It's less about exactly what people can see, and more about the fact that they are able see at all.
fucking white girls, go wear a hijab

>> No.881087

this shows that Rie looks great in anything

>> No.881097

You see, Anons, that why we SHOULD make uniforms EVEN at colleges (and girls wouldn't be allowed to wear trousers) and certain CLOTHING CODES at jobs, especially teachers.

>> No.881106
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tight skirt that is easy to run in and not easy to see panties?

>> No.881115
File: 220 KB, 1040x1341, 1188205101294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to be that little dog. despite how stupid that dog looks

>> No.881123

rofl yes, love the k-town streetwalker look

>> No.881129

i want to be that skirt

>> No.881130

No, I am not. If you are fine with the mobility and coverage that a skirt gives you, then go ahead and wear one. I'm just being butthurt really, since it didn't seem anon was considering any of the possible restrictions/downsides of wearing a skirt.

>> No.881139

you gave us reasons and we solved them for you. so yeah you're really only being butt hurt

>> No.881145

you don't need the amount of mobility to roundhouse kick someone every single day.

>> No.881151

I love skirts! They provide "easy access" if you know what I mean.

>> No.881155

perhaps I wasn't clear about the reasons why those solutions never really worked out for me?

you were obviously never in Girl Scouts.

>> No.881160
File: 59 KB, 332x500, Black_Lagoon_Revy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee with the type of movement you want to do and with running all the time you must love to wear something like this. Is this mobile enough for you? lol

>> No.881167

3D pig disgusting is, well, pig disgusting. Skirts wouldn't help them.

Also, enough with the women in this thread.

>> No.881171


explain to me how this skirt would be difficult to move in.

>It's less about exactly what people can see, and more about the fact that they are able see at all.
also, explain to me how this means anything but that you hate your body.

>> No.881184

I always heard Girl Scouts was more psychological fuckery rather than physical...

That's a downside to the "girls shouldn't rough-house" BS; girls develop an entirely different way of lashing out at people.

>> No.881190

I hated their shitty tasting cookies but they just keep ringing the damn doorbell.

>> No.881194

WTF; lolis NEVER fucking visit me. You must be in white suburban Hell; nothing but middle-class as far as the eye can see.

>> No.881203

the one and only time I've worn a skirt that length, it flip-flopped all over the place when I ran. It was upsetting.

>also, explain to me how this means anything but that you hate your body.
It's more like I prefer to de-sexualize myself as much as possible. I know guys will go in that direction eventually anyways, but I prefer to do as much as possible not to encourage it. You know how many anon's complain about girls flaunting themselves like tarts? That's something I pretty much abhor to the point of paranoia. I'd rather people talk to me as a human being. Even if I wear a long skirt, to some guys it is going to be emphasizing my femininity. I prefer not to advertise something I'm not willing to follow up on.

I still have a scar from one of my fellow Girl Scouts, actually. But I actually alluding to the whole "be prepared" bit.

>> No.881209

>baaaaaw can't run
>baaaaaw someone might see panties
get over yourself cunt, the benefits far outweigh the downsides

>> No.881211

but most girl scouts these days are fat, little, greasy-fingered pringle-addicts

that goes for most white kids in suburban america, actually

>> No.881213

Why is some guy pretending to be a girl?

>> No.881220

disturbing lack of sage in this thread

once upon a time it wasn't summer and guys pretending to be girls got saged to fuck, so they stopped doing it it and the board wasn't ruined

>> No.881222

>emphasizing my femininity
you talk like that's a bad thing

>talk to me as a human being
ok I see now, you're a paranoid misandronist. are you always running because you're afraid someone might have time to see your body?

>> No.881224

THe only part I'll disagree with there is about femininity.... I don't feel femininity conveys sexuality with it, and if anything, makes a girl appear even more untouchable.

Granted, I'm sure the general populace hasn't really bothered to give it as much thought as we have here...

>> No.881227

You can emphasize your femininity without being a whore about it, just like guys can emphasize their masculinity without having to resort to being a frat boy stereotype or a Rico Suave sort of character.

Subtlety is the key here. Subtlety and moderation.

>> No.881230

Why the fuck is there actual discussion with a "girl"?

I don't even know what to write.


>> No.881242

Who cares? I get to argue with someone on the internet; don't take my only real entertainment. You'll live.

>> No.881249

Guys can see a woman's panties no matter what.
Directly in skirts, through the legs of shorts, indirectly through pants, mentally if they choose to wear a thong(and don't think "no panties"). That's a stupid reason not to wear skirts.

And fuck that movement thing. I wish I could wear a skirt and not look like a fag. You've never seen impeded movement until you've had a boner in jeans.

>> No.881250

First of all, DO NOT give any thought to anons' opinions on women. They bitch about "tarts" when they can't get laid; it's totally defensive. They have mommy issues. They are broken and hopeless. Forget it.

No guy with a hint of self-esteem will think you are a slut for wearing a skirt. And a guy thinking you are attractive DOES NOT mean he doesn't think you are a "human being." Have you ever found a man attractive? Did that mean you de-humanized him?

Why make so much effort to avoid even hints at sexuality? You aren't fooling anyone. We still know you have a vagina.

>> No.881254

dear /b/, can you please give me directions to /jp/? Apparently I made a wrong turn somewhere.

>> No.881257

avoid dying of anime withdrawal by going to /a/

>> No.881260

Girl advice belongs on /b/.

>> No.881261

You're asking someone to put effort into their wardrobe when we ourselves don't wear shitall but pit-stained ratty tee-shirts and pajama pants with our dicks hanging out the front...

>> No.881263

These threads are so predictable. Always ends with "I'm a girl and wakawakawakawakawaka", at which point an Internet White Knight (>>881250 in this case) arrives on the scene to save the poor girl from evil Anon, but by then the thread is already a steaming pile of shit, fit only to be saged and forgotten.

>> No.881266

Remember Kousaka, from Genshiken?

I'm kinda like him. But with fewer good-looking women forgiving of my horrible quirks around.

>> No.881268

ITT social debate and one butthurt fag

>> No.881269

I still fail to understand how I would appreciate any of these supposed benefits...

I know I can be feminine without being a skank, that's not really what I'm getting at. Let's say I want to level the playing field as much as is humanly possible. It irritates me that people only really like me because I'm female. I'd prefer if everyone hated me because I was a jerk, rather than liking me because I'm a jerk with tits. It's not fair.

>> No.881272

I leave the internet for a few weeks and look what happens. This place won't last another month.

>> No.881273

i agree that the girl(s) in this thread fucked everything up, as usual.

but this has little to do with "saving girls" and everything to do with importance of wearing skirts.

also, get the fuck off my internet, women.

>> No.881275

God forbid you find men who aren't going to automatically like you because you have two X chromosomes.

It's like the complaint by guys that all the women they see are skanks, whores, or that they don't wear skirts. If you look hard enough, they're out there. Make a fucking effort, and stop generalizing everyone into your narrow view of the world.

>> No.881276


And that is why the first outright or implied "I'm a girl" used to trigger a flurry of sages. Then the summer came and this shit is just par for the course. At this rate there'll be nothing that can be salvaged from the ruins even when autumn finally arrives.

>> No.881277

>Fewer raging bitches willing to put up with anything for a taste of my dick.


>> No.881281
File: 32 KB, 664x478, 1211473148836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd prefer if everyone hated me because I was a jerk, rather than liking me because I'm a jerk with tits.

Well, now everybody in this thread hates you because you're a jerk with tits, rather than liking you because you're a jerk.

>> No.881282

>people only really like me because I'm female
fucking paranoid cunt. this is why I can't take women seriously

>> No.881289
File: 44 KB, 645x511, sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, a girl in a thread is being a drama whore, who will sympathize with the poor thing?

>> No.881287

Good job, fucktards. By feeding this attention whore you've permanently flatlined /jp/. Goodbye.

>> No.881288

right, so you're a lonely, prude bitch, got it. thanks for tanking the thread.

>> No.881291

Except I'm not blaming the guys! I'm not saying I'm bloody irresistible or anything like that, I'm just saying I'm trying my best not to lead anyone on. Just in case they were planning on getting ideas. If they were not, then no harm done and all is well.

>> No.881294


Forgot your sage!

>> No.881295

Haha. It's enjoyable to watch this. Males confronted with a female who shares their view of the world can't take it.

It's hilarious, the irony and hypocrisy are up to your ears!

>> No.881300

white girls think about this constantly, which is why they are fucking awful.

this thread gives me indigestion.

>> No.881301
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1211699169720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see, that makes it the thirty-first time /jp/ has died today.

If you're going to sage a thread, then just report and hide it, dumbass.

>> No.881308

But people always like people for shallow reasons to start; it's unavoidable. Of all the meaningless reasons people make friends, why is gender so much different?

>> No.881309

All women, kindly get the fuck out of /jp/ and take your shit back to /b/ or /r9k/, and take your internet white-knight with you.

>> No.881310

So, basically, you're trying to purposefully be unattractive?

I don't see any real benefits that come out of this, unless you're just a sad, lonely misanthrope lashing out at the world.

Which, is, of course, considering our environment, completely possible, but...

>> No.881315


>> No.881316


>> No.881317

I've been told on numerous occasions that I would be horrid and intolerable if I was male.

Yes, yes I am. And I do apologize.

>> No.881318

Is this an "I'm a girl, ask me anything" thread? I fucking loved those on GameFAQs and /b/.

>> No.881319


I'm pretty sure the mod that deleted the good threads earlier is long gone, but I'm reporting as hard as I can anyway. Forgot your sage again!

>> No.881320


I don't know. If you think about it, it could probably make some pretty interesting VN. You, the female protagonist hang in between two worlds: the real world and the internet. You don't accept the real world so you go to the internet which unfortunately doesn't accept you. Hilarity ensues. I'd read it.

>> No.881321

Sage, report/hide, ignore.

This has nothing to do with /jp/ anyway.

>> No.881325

Because there's that whole "I'm going to get laid" factor.

Guys can't just be friends to a girl. It's always about getting to their pants (or skirts, in this case).

>> No.881327

So you're simply seeking to avoid contact? Why are you avoiding people? General misanthropy or unfocused anxiety?

>> No.881329


>> No.881331

it was briefly about japanese girls dressing well, i think.

>> No.881336
File: 304 KB, 1462x483, 1214179710707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, keep your promise and axe this Terry Schiavo of a board. This thread proves it has clearly gotten out of hand.

>> No.881341

Could you whine any louder?

>> No.881343


The board can stay, everyone who's ruining it just needs to be purged. I'm sure as fuck not going back to /a/, that place is as bad as /b/.

>> No.881345


>> No.881346

there's nothing on this board but fucking anime and manga anyway so who cares.

>> No.881347

the story of my life for the past four years. I kind of like it because of that. everyone is appropriately hateful towards me.
well I was diagnosed with some brand of social anxiety disorder at some point, but I don't really think that's the root of the problem.

>> No.881348

You haven't been to /a/ lately, I see.

>> No.881351

This shit belongs in /b/ or /r9k/, and so do internet white knights and whores.


>> No.881352

Get back to your ship of fools. They probably miss you.

>> No.881353

tsun tsun!

>> No.881354


You're the same guy who for months has popped up every now and then and bitched about everything on the front page being anime when not one thing is, right? I like your shtick because of the infrequency.

>> No.881356

Enjoy having nothing but waifu roulettes, Code Geass, and 5 get.

>> No.881358

Oh god, fuck off already.

>> No.881366

Yes, yes. I shall go back to roleplaying male imminently.

>> No.881380



>> No.881381

yes, clearly, since there 's a GIRL here, this board has GONE TOO FAR and needs to be axed by moot. It's amusing that since one of the sagers made the mental connection and stated "It's a girl!" that the sages poured in. You fags couldn't give two shits about this thread before, and somebody mentions "girl" and suddenly everybody's up in arms.
It's never even explicitly stated, I was pretty comfortable with thinking I was talking with a cross-dresser, someone who would clearly know a thing or two about wearing dresses.

>> No.881384

To the 'female' in this thread, get your head out of our ass. People find reasons to dislike others, no matter how reasoned or unreasoned they may be. You wanna find someone who likes you for you? Start acting like yourself, then. Quit putting out this bullshit vibe and just it hang loose. I'd rather try to behind someone who's an honestly hateful racist, than someone who's just 'nice' because that's what society told them to be.

I don't care if no one reads it, it needs to be said, dammit.

>> No.881385

IMO, you need a good dicking. Honestly.

But this thread is just about dead, so this response is just about irrelevant.

>> No.881396


This is one of the problems with 4chan. On the one hand, people shouldn't go out yelling "HAY I'M A GIRL" because that's just attention-whoring a'la what happens on /b/ all day. But some topics do better with a female discussing them, for obvious reasons--and if you act like complete and utter faggots just because a female is typing text into a computer, you need to kill yourself just about now.

>> No.881405


>> No.881410
File: 9 KB, 809x561, marisa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

! rock, hard place, etc.

only if it's Marisa.

>> No.881411


>But some topics do better with a female discussing them, for obvious reasons

Yes, and those topics are all on /b/ and /r9k/. There's no excuse for ever mentioning gender on /jp/. Anyone who ever claims to be a girl or asks for a girl's perspective or anything like that needs to be permbanned immediately. There is no place for this faggotry on /jp/.

>> No.881412

Not a Touhou-related post, gtfo

>> No.881415

OP here. What have you done to my thread?

>> No.881417

/jp/ - Misogyny

>> No.881423
File: 9 KB, 481x359, crow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whorish behavior raped it. I apologize.

>> No.881424
File: 77 KB, 600x512, 1201741747086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Marisa is a pimp, after all.

>> No.881426


Someone decided skirts are related to being insecure, spineless losers who can't confront their fears

>> No.881428

What this thread needed to save itself was that trap w/skirt doujin.

>> No.881436

Good dicking? Start acting like yourself? Complaining about people not liking people? This is not the Anon I know and love.

There's seriously more wrong here than just one random "girl." It's like all of faggots come out just because they can attack some bigger faggot. What's wrong with you, /jp/?

>> No.881435

I'll forgive you since the thread is about to hit the sage limit anyway. I'm glad I was away for this train wreck.

>> No.881441
File: 125 KB, 750x750, 1214292970338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.881444

Killed it with drama and allowed the rotting corpse to fester on the front page.

>> No.881438

None of that ever happened though. Did you even read this thread, or just charge in saging?

>> No.881449


Oh, no one in this thread claimed to be a girl? My mistake. Boy is there egg on my face!

Everyone in this thread needs to be banned right now.

>> No.881445

I enjoyed this thread until >>881250

>> No.881447

Wait, you're the OP? Can't you delete this for us?

>> No.881454

You first.

>> No.881453

i just wanna say nigga weed
