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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8811115 No.8811115 [Reply] [Original]

Do your parents know you're an Otaku?
They know I like anime, and well... it would be stupid to hide my Gunpla. Every time my father sees my Gunpla I see his disappointment look. And of course, I always hide my figma, neondoroids, and figures.

>> No.8811123

No. As far as they're concerned, I'm just a regular unemployed leech.

>> No.8811124


>> No.8811121

Go back to /m/, faggot.

>> No.8811129

My dad doesn't know anything about me other than what university I graduated from and roughly how old I am. My mom knows I have stuffed animals and nendroids and an anime background but I don't think she even has a conception of what an "otaku" is.

>> No.8811126

My parents don't even know anything about me now. They've even given up asking what I do 12 hours a day on my computer.
We're typical, working class British folk, so I doubt they would understand if I tried to explain to them. And that's fine by me.

>> No.8811143

I have figures around so there's no way they don't know.

>> No.8811144

Yeah, they know

my dad also thinks I'm a pedophile

he said if he ever finds out he's going to kill me with his own hands

>> No.8811139

My mom thinks all the anime related stuff I have is Pokemon. That is until I got a bunch of lewd dakimakura, but she finds it cute.

>> No.8811142

She probably just thinks you are a fag then.

>> No.8811147

My mother compares me to the "The Big Bang Theory" characters, i.e. she has a wrong idea about what an otaku-geek is [I know TBBT sucks ass]

>> No.8811151

I'm grown up and don't live with them, so I don't care if they know or not.

>> No.8811156

My two-year-old nephew really wanted a My Little Pony toy when he was out shopping with my family. They gave in and bought him it, but there was this whole awkward air about the place whenever he played with it.
If a toddler can't play with a pink horse in my family, there's no way a man in his twenties could get away with buying dolls of cute girls. I just hope some miracle happens like I win the NEET Lottery and get my own place.

>> No.8811153

She lives 9 hours away. My mother hasn't even visited my apartment that I've lived in the past 3 years.

>> No.8811155
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both my parents are truNEETs otakus who live off autism bux from the government.
we live happily together as a family playing JRPG's and other games together all day, but we barely see each other personally, because I never leave my room for anything else except for food and shitting, and neither do they leave their room.
I just piss in my piss bottles if I have to.

>> No.8811162

>I'm grown up
Fucking NORP.

>> No.8811158

That's amazing. I'm jealous.

>> No.8811167

>My Little Pony Toys
I envy that child.

>> No.8811169

Rubbish, I don't believe you.

>> No.8811202

pics or it didn't happen, also, hold a paper that has "4chan 6 april 2012 /p/" on it.

>> No.8811204

inb4 shut up hurt duurr camwhore

>> No.8811208

They think I'm interested in Japanese culture, which isn't technically incorrect and isn't really a problem.

>> No.8811213
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My father watches anime and plays eroge.

>> No.8811221

If he ever finds out what?[that you did something weird to a child?]
Also, did you ever tried to tell him that yes, you're a pedo, but you unconsciously replace it with something you consider more acceptable [a cartoon] and you never hurt anybody?

>> No.8811226

And yes, I strongly dislike pedophilia.

>> No.8811231

It is also this way for me.

>> No.8811232

Who knows.

>> No.8811229

My sister laughed at my Touhou wallpaper

>> No.8811238

>If he ever finds out what?[that you did something weird to a child?]

I assume so

>Also, did you ever tried to tell him that yes, you're a pedo

No, I don't even like lolis that much (sexually), I just love them being cute.
but for him all the drawn girls look like kids I guess

>And yes, I strongly dislike pedophilia.

>> No.8811236

I think all my parents think is that I watch asian cartoons all day.

>> No.8811237

Don't dislike pedophilia--dislike child molesters.

>> No.8811244

The power of alt + tab.

>> No.8811249

I don't understand why you would try to hide stuff like that from your family...

Are you ashamed of your hobbies /jp/?

>> No.8811250

My mom knows I like anime, and my siblings bother me about it.

My friends bother me about it a lot. They assume that whoever watches anime also likes watching hentai and playing eroge.

>> No.8811252

No, my hobbies are fine. I'm ashamed of my family.

>> No.8811253


>> No.8811254


>> No.8811259

Go kill yourself.

>> No.8811263

>They assume that whoever watches anime also likes watching hentai and playing eroge.
Little do they know that I only play Dwarf Fortress and watch frat boy rape porn all day.

>> No.8811261

What, you don't like those things?

>> No.8811269

Only kids watch hentai animes. They are incredibly bad.

>> No.8811270
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> Do your parents know you're an Otaku?

"Stop looking at naked women!"

>> No.8811273

>watch frat boy rape porn all day.
I thought I was the only one.
no homo

>> No.8811275

Nice try but nobody actually believes this.

>> No.8811277
File: 74 KB, 839x460, shamefurdispray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understatement of the year.
The problem isnt about the hobbies, the problem is the kind of scums that give all kind of bad rep to it.
For every classy /jp/ gentleman anon, we have 10fatty landwhale dyeing their twintails hair green walking around as eye cancers and 10fat neckbeards singing cirno perfect math class in public.

>> No.8811276

Please don't! You have a beautiful life ahead of you. With children, person you love... Much more likely than these bastards.

>> No.8811283

I don't live with my parents. And they don't care what I do as long as they know I'm not dead.

>> No.8811287

They have been paying for my manga, games, anime, figures and stuff since I'm a kid. They have no reason to be against my hobbies.

>> No.8811291

Yes. And my parents would be even more ashamed of me if they knew.
Being otaku would be the biggest shameful display to my father.

>> No.8811294

I have no parents. One of them is dead and with one I am in contact like once in two years. The other relatives never visit my home and I talk to them about my interests selectively, so everything is cool.

>> No.8811295

Must be rough having such intolerant parents.

>> No.8811292

>fat neckbeards singing cirno perfect math class in public.
Way to make me feel bad, jerk.

>> No.8811298


Otaku related or not whenever someone tried to come in my room I would close all my tabs, open up google, exit whatever video or music I had playing, alt+tab whatever game I had, and make myself look as uninteresting as possible. The last thing I want is to have a forced conversation with my parents about whatever I'm doing so they can pretend they're interested and tell all of their friends about it whenever they're around. I get enough of "this is Anon he's SUCH a computer nerd xD" already.

>> No.8811299
File: 42 KB, 400x400, marisagetout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are everything wrong in this world.
Kill yourself out of /jp/.
I am disgusted to know that I am sharing Touhous with subhuman like you.

>> No.8811303


Boy has this word become real boring fast. Can't wait for /a/ to start using this term.

>> No.8811301

>check out /jp/ for a change..
>see the word 'Otaku'
>write reply and leave forever.

'Otaku' isn't a nice word assholes.

>> No.8811305

nobody is saying it is you negroid.

>> No.8811306

You know, you would be the best dad ever until your children discovered... well, whatever you despise in society and all. That's how it goes for most people. Unfortunately most people aren't very rational. (or are they? please let's not go there)

>> No.8811309
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I don't watch anime, have cartoon/weeaboo crap all over my walls or have any dolls/toys on display (there's no way to make that shit look classy in here), and even my love of gravure idols is fairly low-key these days. So probably not.

Even if I were a giant homo that loved all that shit to the point that it made up my entire existence, I doubt it'd change their feelings towards me.

>> No.8811321

And you are not a nice person. So the word is justified.

>> No.8811324

This is probably just a case of me having a different mindset, but I don't get why it would even be an issue. Collecting figures then displaying them on your desk is pointless. Hell, putting up posters is the most pointless thing ever. What is the purpose of a poster? To say, "I like this thing" to people who come into your room? Because you like the art? Why not just look at it on your computer?
My family doesn't know I'm a weeaboo, because I live out my Wapanese ways digitally.

>> No.8811330

I think you might be autistic.

>> No.8811332

you put them because you like them you sperglord, what's is hard to understand about this

>> No.8811366

The feel is all so likewise.

>> No.8811377

I think so too.

Yes, but for what reason? So you can look at them? Obviously you can argue the pointlessness of anything ad nauseam, but I don't see how having a figure on your desk or a poster on the wall makes any difference. If anything it's harmful, as this thread has addressed.

It's like wearing band or "geeky" T-shirts. Though at least those might serve as a good icebreaker. "Oh you like XYZ, me too!"

>> No.8811438

It might sound silly to you, but I actually don't collect figures and posters to "show off". I just like collecting things because. Why does the fan of a band buys all the band's CDs?

>> No.8811448

They make me happy.

>> No.8811451

No, they think I spend all day playing videogames and fapping.

Not too far from the truth I suppose.

>> No.8811454

I finally did it. I displayed a few of my figures on my desk. While my mom did pester me a bit about it, she just told me not to get carried and start buying too much.

My dad looked at them and I said they were toys, he didn't mind. Now for a dakemakura.

>> No.8811472

You're braver than me.

>> No.8811485

I've got all my shit out in the open, including a dakimakura on my bed.

I pretty much do not give a fuck.

>> No.8811484

Yes, they know. My dad buys me stuff on his business trips to Japan. I don't have figures or anything like that though, just manga and light novels, and a few anime blu-rays.

>> No.8811499

I'm no otaku

>> No.8811500

My mom knows (and fucking loves Nendoroids) but my dad doesn't know mostly because I haven't seen him in like four years.

>> No.8811504

I have a similar opinion.

Plus, collecting things like this uses up my precious money that I need to stay a NEET. Also, having money in the case of an emergency is a good idea.

>> No.8811509

My parents know that I've done nothing but play games my whole damn life. However, they have no clue the word "Otaku" exists.

>> No.8811513


>> No.8811514

They know I like cartoons, anime and video-games but I always try to hide it from them.

I'll only ever watch anime if it is late at night or they are not home. If they see me organizing my card collection or playing a video-game I begin to feel this tremendous wave of shame washing over me. Is that normal? If I see other people talking about an anime or game I like in public I start to feel embarassed for some reason.

>> No.8811518

Maybe you should invest in some headphones.

>> No.8811519

Are you me?

>> No.8811520

Maybe your parents taught you that this kinds of things are no good.

>> No.8811522

I hear they're still pretty expensive with shipping costs on top of that.
I'm the kind of person that likes to have a Plan B in case something goes wrong, so unnecessary expenses are best avoided in my opinion.

>> No.8811526

I sort of feel this way. I live in a scummy area of England and it didn't even occur to me adults could like things other than football and rock music until I was about 17.

>> No.8811524

What's an otaku? I never really label myself anything aside from lazy procrastinator.

>> No.8811525

What's better, a bland as fuck Beige, white, or other solid color wall? Or that same wall with a few posters on it?

What's better, a surface with no figures on it, or a surface with figures on it?

People like to have rooms that express character as well as their individuality. And it makes the room less boring.

There's also the collecting aspect as well.

>> No.8811527

Actually, I do have headphones. But I'm always worried that they might walk in on me watching anime or whatever.

I can just feel this aura of disappointment radiating off of them when this happens. It is so strong I sometimes feel like I'm going to puke.

>> No.8811531

I don't know how you fund being a neet, but where I live, it's no use saving up if you live on welfare, since they won't give money if you have any.

>> No.8811532

Why are you pretending to be ignorant? That's ZUN!bar's schtick.

>> No.8811529

I know that feeling.

My door doesn't have a lock and the inside latch is actually broke, so I'm always on edge.

>> No.8811530

>What's better, a bland as fuck Beige, white, or other solid color wall? Or that same wall with a few posters on it?

>What's better, a surface with no figures on it, or a surface with figures on it?

The former for both. Why have needless clutter?

>> No.8811533

Enjoy living in a plain box.

>> No.8811534

When my father visited me a few months ago I went shopping, leaving him alone with my pc. I later found out that he opened a random episode of Haruhi, watched anal porn on the net and got my system infected with a trojan. It was very interesting for me to see that I was more emberassed and ashamed he saw Haruhi than I was angry at him.

>> No.8811537

Position your desk so you face the door. This isn't complicated.

>> No.8811538

Windows + L is useful.

>> No.8811540

My parents don't even know i like anime, i always have my desktop up whenever they come in my room. Also due to my left wing views they think i"m a brewing terrorist because i don't agree with the wars.

>> No.8811546

So do you buy nothing that brings you joy?

>> No.8811547

This is why you have to position your desk so that your monitor(s) are facing AWAY from any entry points.

I know a lot of you folks have never tasted the freedom of living alone, but I have. It's so fucking amazing. I actually made money a few years back so I got to live alone for a few years. Before that I had lived with roommates, which was terrible. Living alone is the best.

Unfortunately I lost everything and had to move home with my alcoholic father. This place is a disgusting hillbilly home with a non-standard design - I don't have a room. I just sit out in the open. I would kill to have four walls around me again. I'm constantly paranoid and ashamed.

My point is...to those of you who live alone, treasure every fucking second of it and do everything you can to protect it.

To those of you who live with your parents but have a room, be thankful. I wish I could piss in bottles to avoid leaving my room, but there's no point, since I don't have a room. I just huddle over this laptop and daydream about how I might manage to get to be by myself again.

>> No.8811548
File: 11 KB, 564x544, roomsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room is actually sort of like that. What you see here is the door and my desk across from it. Although it is facing from the side I still have a good enough amount of cover.

>> No.8811545

I'm not they guy you're quoting, but I spend most of my time on the internet, or engrossed in some game. I don't pay much attention to my room. I could live in a plain box fine.

>> No.8811550

I do. The problem is I am just adjacent to the door, and there is a mirror behind me. If someone quickly opened the door, the first thing they would see in the mirror is whatever I'm on.

To make matters worse, my brother has always teased me with paranoid I am. Jumping up around corners, claiming he's going to go on my computer, etc. Even in our twenties he still does it, and it's fucking horrible.

>> No.8811551

My parents know that I'm worthless piece of shit.
That was pretty much stated to me yesterday.
Was quite nice of my mom /blogpost.

>> No.8811556

This. Some government or billionaire should make rows of hollow, 12' x 12' concrete rooms and give them to NEETs.

>> No.8811554
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My parents don't really know, but they already have a mixture of being proud of me and being disappointed in me
My mom likes that I read (manga) though, my dad just laughs and says i'm a fucking weirdo who lacks social skills

>> No.8811560

I guess that's true. Collecting things doesn't make me happy.
I pirate games, VNs, etc, though.

>> No.8811559

Just let him catch you, and if he threaten to tell people then threaten to break his face.

>> No.8811562

I really hope it turns out I have Asperger's. It would explain a lot to my parents, and the initial pity/understanding of depression and anxiety has worn off.

>> No.8811563

He would just tease me and it would be all awkward. I can't really do anything because he's bigger, older, stronger, and more successful than me. As a kid I used to try to scare him by chasing after him with a knife, but that sort of wore off once he realized I wouldn't do anything.

>> No.8811566
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I live alone. I don't think my parents know, but my lil bro is a sharp one, I think he might have a clue. He is more internet savvy, and certainly knows about the touhou games.

My greatest fear is that one day I might die without having the time to wipe my HD. SHAMEFUR DISPRAY.

>> No.8811565
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They know I love videogames and spend most of my time at the computer. They don't exactly know what I do but my older brother always comes to my room (pic related) and ALWAYS has something he left on the farthest shelf from the door. He constantly tries to take a peek at whatever I'm doing. Years ago he saw me watching darker than black. He made fun like the jock he is and that's it. Ever since then I just alt tab or click out of whatever I'm doing, but I think that's noticeable. It won't help confronting him because last time I did my whole family got so angry they almost beat me up.

Such is the amazing life of an anon in a top tier college course with a deadbeat older brother who's the pride of our parents.

>> No.8811568

>My greatest fear is that one day I might die without having the time to wipe my HD.

This thought crosses my mind and horrifies me every night.

>> No.8811572

I'm an insufferable know-it-all schizoid type so my parents laugh and say I'm like characters from The Big Bang Theory. I met one of my mother's drunken work friends who echoed this; it seems my mother actually boasts about what an unlikeable fuck-up I am.

>> No.8811575

I was told that my niece will have the first name "Saya" and I was like WAT. They googled that name and now I'm out of the closet in the worst possible way. Guess I'll just embrace my Hiki-lifestyle now.

>> No.8811574

Remove mirror, learn how to lock your computer. Problem solved?

>> No.8811578

Set up a dead man's switch or encrypt your hard drive.
Maybe put a note somewhere telling your parents to just throw it away if you die.

>> No.8811576


Id do that if I were rich. And make a huge library full of every new book/software to come out for our use. We would be a legion of superNEETs and become Japan 2.0, innovating world technology and hopefully change the way children learn in school!

>> No.8811580

Can we have those phone-concierges, too? If so - count me in.

>> No.8811581

The mirror is part of my wardrobe. Another problem with being a bit paranoid is that if I do that, more problems will arise. "Why did you remove the mirror?", "What are you hiding"?, etc.

>> No.8811585

I'm Chinese (inb4 Hong Meiling telling me to get out). My parents are naturally prejudiced against Japan and give a two hour talk on the imperial days in the 1930s everytime they see me watching anime, tending to my shelf full of figs, or playing galge.

I don't know how it feels to have American parents prejudiced against anime, but I guess it can't be that different, right?

>> No.8811589

My room is covered with anime scrolls/posters, all my shelves are full with figures (probably like 50), etc., so yeah, they know.

>> No.8811591

He teases you because you get embarrassed. Don't get embarrassed, don't even give a fuck. Hit him with a bat if he does a hostile act such as telling people about it.

Look him straight in the eyes and tell him you like internet porn.

>> No.8811592

If there is any way, move out. You wouldn't believe how big of a leap your quality of life makes when you move yourself in a self-determined situation. If nessecary, stage some drama.

>> No.8811598

Some people like clean tiny rooms that are plain. Some people like to decorate. It depends on the person's taste. Are we really having this discussion?

I myself don't like posters and decorations, and prefer an empty wall.

>> No.8811597

This, make him alt tab the fuck out of your room

>> No.8811602

Also, little girl dakimakura always on display.

>> No.8811608 [DELETED] 

Probably not. We get PURRL HURRBURR.

>> No.8811616


Just let your parent know you like internet porn. They wont do a fucking thing about it. Just yell at them and say "can i jerk off in peace??"

If they try to pull of a stunt like getting professional help, accept it. Tell him your just a normal kid who needs to release like every other person, then tell the "professional" that your parents are religious fundamentalist who spy on you every day and give you paranoia .

>> No.8811628

Professional help? Sounds like a one way trip to autism bucks.

>> No.8811629

I know that. He's basically the real-life equivalent of an internet troll. However I can not react at all, and he'll find some way to physically get in the way. He seems to enjoy being irritating or playing with my paranoia just on its own merits.

Probably the biggest thing I want right now. But obviously I'm a NEET, so it's pretty much impossible. I don't think I would even mind working, it's just I have no skills, experience, or qualifications. Social anxiety and ineptitude limit my options even further. I can "fake" my way through conversations, but only for short periods. I think after a few days of working with other people, I'd either be physically sick, have panic attacks on the job, or just outright refuse to make my way to work.

>> No.8811642

Then cum on him for fucks sake, just keep yanking the worm and blast him when he hovers over you.

Whats he gonna do about it? Tell his friends his brother nutted on him?

>> No.8811644

Stop dreaming anon. We all know that it's a /jp/er's dream life.

>> No.8811650

inb4 gumislut

>> No.8811657
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As per request.

But this is interesting, I've always wondered how a chinese or korean weeaboo fares with his parents. I like to think it's kinda like a jewish kid listening to Nazi black metal and collecting nazi paraphernalia..

>> No.8811659

>Otaku related or not whenever someone tried to come in my room I would close all my tabs, open up google, exit whatever video or music I had playing, alt+tab whatever game I had, and make myself look as uninteresting as possible.
I used to do this. Now I just don't give a fuck anymore

>> No.8811673

I don't even think my parents would make a big deal if they saw my weeaboo interests, it's just me who is a paranoid motherfucker and I feel the need to hide everything from them, as insignficant as it is.

>> No.8811696


I did this until everyone started to say "why does it seem you're never doing anything on the computer?"

>> No.8811705

My trick is to just walk out the room. If someone comes in, go for a piss or something. It means your safe place is temporarily vulnerable, but at least your piss bottles will last for longer.

>> No.8811723

I pop up CNN or another news source i had on standby. I just tell them I'm reading. My parents think I'm a news junky 24/7 when im only one 20% of the time and the rest is spent fapping or gaming.
They're too much of ignorant sheep to debunk the blatant news story's i make up when they talk to me about it.

>> No.8811728

Maybe if he was collecting Imperial Japan paraphernalia.

Collecting figures of little girls and watching them be moe together on the TV is not very Meiji Era Japan at all.

>> No.8811732

I didn't mean it literally.

>> No.8811742

Your version would be like if a Jewish kid collected modern German Movies and beers. Which would be pretty normal.

>> No.8811772

But people hold the same prejudices, even if they weren't there at the time.

This is why I like being British. The forced multiculturalism means we don't really hate anyone. "The Germans" ruined my grandparents' lives, but I could become a krautaboo and they wouldn't give a fuck.

I guess a lot of people hate Islam and the Middle East, but they're just silly.

>> No.8811845

They don't really know about my hobbies, although I wouldn't care if they did. I talk about them occasionally with my mother and brother, but not that often. I just keep to myself I guess.

My brother did used to go on my laptop years ago though, and would make fun of the ponygirl porn that he found on there; that was kind of embarrassing I guess. But overall I rarely feel shame.

>> No.8811856

The two things my dad says most often:
>When are you going to get a job?
>Hey, I need you to kill this boss for me.

>> No.8811860

I thought the Chinese prided itself on being a "multiethnic state" too. Everytime I hear someone talk about China, they're always gloating at how China is a nation of 56 ethnicities, comprising on all sorts of ethnic minorities in addition to your average Chinese.

>> No.8811871

The average Han chinese doesn't really give a fuck about some half-turk living in the Gobi Desert or something like that.
I guess they say that to show they are a not an evil mean racist state.

>> No.8811892

I guess in the main cities, it's mostly homogenous, with the population generally being Chinese, with a handful of baka gaijin tourists that are white/black/whatever, and then the minorities live in the mountains, caves, deserts and whatnot, far out in the countryside.

>> No.8811902


They literally do live in rocky mountains and caves. Have a look at how they have to go to school - the military is called in, and they have to climb fucking cliffs.

>> No.8811901

My mom calls me every time there's something about cosplay in the tv. Go figure.

>> No.8811914


Wow, I knew Xinjiang was fucked, but this is ridiculous

>> No.8811909


That's just propaganda so they can look good.

Don't forget, these guys are a known authoritarian state who brutally represses minorities and doesn't give a fuck about human rights...and they sit on the UN Security Council.

>> No.8811917

You're her cute little faggot son and she loves you. Be grateful.

>> No.8811921

She wants to fuck. While dressed up as your waifu

>> No.8811923

This looks like a fun site.

> Interview with a factory worker for the new iPad: much easier than making iPhone 4S

Oh that's nice!

>> No.8811934

Chinahush is alright. www.chinasmack.com is a very good and similar website; I'd say it's much better.

>> No.8811972

It's funny once you look at the proportions. From

>Han Chinese 漢族 1,225,932,641
>Zhuang 壯族 16,178,811
>Manchu 滿族 10,682,263
>Hui 回族 9,816,802 (a type of Muslim, but they look 100% East Asian)
>Miao 苗族 8,940,116
>Uyghur 維吾爾族 8,399,393 (kind of like Arabs, Caucasians that look almost European)
>Mongol 蒙古族 5,813,947 (note: the population of Mongolia is 3 million; there are more Mongolians in China lol)
>Tibetan 藏族 5,416,021
>Korean 朝鮮族 1,923,842

Gee, I wonder who makes up the majority.

>> No.8811997

Yeah they do. No problems there. I liked Japshit when I was a kid and I just continued to like it, I guess.

The secret they must never find out, however, is that I also love ponies.

>> No.8812003

I don't get it, elaborate please.

>> No.8812005
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>> No.8812013

My mom bought me that lat miku figure for xmas.

>> No.8812014

sup ruuski. care to make a penis joke?

also, the only russian words I know are XYN, XYNTA, POCCNR and MOCKBA. I need to know more.

>> No.8812015

I haven't seen her posts in a while, I really hope she left for more suitable place like /b/, /soc/, or /r9k/.

>> No.8812021

> I need to know more.
No you don't.

>> No.8812032

My dad always jokes about how I do nothing but stare at the desktop.

I think it's really obvious what I'm doing.

>> No.8812029

Saya no Uta

>> No.8812040
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>I don't get it

>> No.8812043


I can see you're a new arrival from KC's /int/, so I'll give you a bit of friendly advice:
Always use sage
Always appear angry
Always salute your Fuhrer.

>> No.8812060
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>> No.8812100

Ooooh, you meant "out of the closet" as in they know you're a weeaboo. I thought you meant it in a literal sense.

>> No.8812169

I don't get it either. He says that just because his parents googled his niece's name which happened to be an eroge character, that somehow connects him to eroge?

Did he name her? I highly doubt that.

>> No.8812183

Saya no Uta is not an eroge.

>> No.8812179

I think the idea is that he recognized the name. Like, "OH LIKE SAYA FROM SAYA NO UTA A JAPANESE VISUAL NOVEL I HAVE PLAYED, RIGHT?"

In which case it's his own damn fault.

>> No.8812180
File: 95 KB, 600x631, 1328333770001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. As far as they know, I just like to read a lot.

>> No.8812192

It was a visual novel with pornographic scenes. Why wouldn't it be an eroge?

>> No.8812224

Then F/SN is an eroge?

>> No.8812231

yes you pleb

>> No.8812249

I think you're a retard. You probably also think that every live action movie with a sex scene is a porno.

>> No.8812256

People with aspergers like to think that their favorite VN is pure and holy even though it involves things like statuary rape of children.

It's eroge. All of it.

>> No.8812280

why would I think that you fkin idiot

>> No.8812295

White people and their parents...

>> No.8812291

Because apparently you think that every VN with a sex scene is an eroge.

>> No.8812300

Or, he views the word 'eroge' as having lighter sexual connotations than 'pornography'. Like the difference between 'ecchi' and 'hentai'.

>> No.8812304

I'm sure they've noticed little bits and pieces, though I try to keep it as discreet as possible. Also I'm 75% sure my mom was snooping around my computer and saw a sex scene I had minimized on a VN while I was taking a piss, considering how adamant she was about claiming she didn't see anything when I got back.

>> No.8812308


Just because it's an eroge doesn't mean it's a nukige.

>> No.8812316

Wow, you sure got told.

>> No.8812399

Sometimes after my dad walks in and talks to, I just hold my head and stare at the ground for a few minutes.

My parents used to know I was into manga and my mom used to get me shonen jump's and other random japan looking things if she saw one really cheap. I have a decent amount of 90's manga I never plan on reading she found at her old job. I think they think I grew out of it.

They lived in Japan through most of the 80's (Not Japanese, though) so I really have no idea if they know about otaku culture. I try to hide it all now, because I don't need anything to make me seem like a less functional human being than I already am. Not even a NEET and I'm pretty sure my dad hates me, but it's not like I'll have a lot to do with a mathematics degree anyways.

>> No.8812423


really disappointed that this thread has 175+ replies

i dont even need to read them to know that this thread is full of whiny normalfags that don't even lift and can't 1cc any 2hu

i mean at least start the thread with a touhou image or SOMETHIGN

>> No.8812425

>frat boy rape porn
That sounds fap worthy as long as it's actual rape.
I doubt it is though and probably so poorly acted it's unwatchable.

>> No.8812430
File: 289 KB, 850x1099, ARMOREDWARRIORS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou a shit

>> No.8812440


What the HELL did you just say?? DO YOU EVNE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE???

>> No.8812453
File: 312 KB, 850x1198, dariusgaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah faggot, this is /jp/, land of Raiden, Logistics, and Brawlers

>> No.8812465

Does he mean frat boys raping girls after slipping them roofies, or frat boys raping eachother?

>> No.8812537


Hey, I like ponies too. I have wondered for a while how many of us on /jp/ also like ponies.

>> No.8812544

I'm not involved in the fandom but I like the show.

>> No.8812554

Don't even start you deviants.

>> No.8812556

I didn't even consider the first one but apparently I'm not gay enough for /jp/.

>> No.8812635

I'll go one step further and say I like ponies a hell of a lot more than I like Touhou.

But I was never really here for 2hus in the first place.

>> No.8812672


>> No.8812681

Just drop it.

>> No.8812775


I fantasize about having a pony waifu.

>> No.8812806
File: 12 KB, 300x400, Peter-Boyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both know; neither care. I'm probably the most judgmental asshole in my family now that I think about it, actually.

They're not ashamed of me, but my dad frequently tells me that he wishes I would find some girl to bang. Usually in those exact words, he says getting some pussy would be good for me and that I should try to be more social.

Welp. Most things in life are just a phase; if I die as a virgin, that's okay, because I've had some incredible orgasms with just me, my hand and the internet.

>> No.8812808
File: 21 KB, 476x360, meido sees a jews thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8812832

They know that I play some Japanese games (nothing too bad, like Disgaea or Ar Tonelico), and that I import some game soundtracks, but otherwise, no. I hide the only figure I own, and try not to be obvious about anything else.

>> No.8813114

Non mainlander Chinese here.
Although my father still kind of hold a prejudice over Japan, but cartoons are cartoons. He himself owned a Honda.
I think he is more disappointed at me for watching kid shows rather than liking japanese shit.
From what I also gathered, Taiwan and Taiwanese in general love Japan.
It is probably a mainland chinese or nanjing thing. Rest of the world already moved on.

>> No.8813277

assburgers post right here

>> No.8813290
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>> No.8814839


>> No.8814858
File: 263 KB, 640x360, 1257137217274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents know I'm a nerd. Even before I moved away from home I was collecting Dollfies, anime, figures etc. And no fucks were given as long as I took care of my business and myself. I actually got my mother into BJDs too!

>> No.8814862

Taiwan was japan until a short while ago

>> No.8814882

Well here's the reason /jp/ turned into corny levels of stereotype weeaboo attitude.

>> No.8815095

poor you, /jp/ doesn't suit your vision of what it should be.

>> No.8815124

Poor you, you like terrible things.

>> No.8818516

>being mad

>> No.8818559

It's very poorly acted, yes, but it stars guys who really don't want to be there reluctantly engaging in degrading activities to pay off their student loans or whatever, so it's pretty convincing as rape porn in a way.

Also the main reason I watch fratboy porn is that I can be reasonably certain someone will be forced to lick balls at some point.

Do you even need to ask?

>> No.8818776

My father doesn't have a clue, my mother has picked up games and merchandise for me enough times to know, but she's never questioned me about it or given me weird looks. My sister definitely knows, but she just thinks it's cute, she probably also thinks I'm a massive gay but who gives a shit.

I don't know why it would be such a big deal, I think my mother is mostly happy that I have something I enjoy.

>> No.8818819

please link this porn

>> No.8819065


I miss an s' and you people shit yourselves. Fuck all of you.

>> No.8819076

you lie

>> No.8819096

They don't know. Since I am not an otaku.

>> No.8819352


>> No.8824497

I'm in the closet.
