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8805677 No.8805677 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/,

I'm planning to start working on a visual novel. Any tips, warnings, or anything I should keep in mind?

>> No.8805683
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whats it about?

>> No.8805686


>> No.8805687
File: 24 KB, 300x400, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to make a VN without teenagers or highschool kids

>> No.8805688

Run away from /jp/ you won't find help here.

I'm just helping you out.

>> No.8805693


I'm planning to write a VN set in the middle ages. Would you read this, /jp/?

>> No.8805702
File: 29 KB, 252x400, supercargo ai kago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na sorry bro, I never read/played a VN.
But I was thinking aren't people tired that all VN are almost connected with about some teenager/highschool?
Middle age sounds much more interesting or or current time period just maybe with more adult characters and bigger problems?

My personal opinion is If I would like VN , I think I would get tired that every VN is about some teenagers.

Try to maybe get some more information's not just on 4chan what people would like to see , give them a few options and let them pick whats the best.

>> No.8805703

Find good artists

>> No.8805721

i'm an adult
adult problems are fucking boring

>> No.8805739

You need Moogy's seal of approval to be eligible as a translator.

>> No.8805742

>Run away from /jp/ you won't find help here
>I'm just helping you out.
>helping you out.
>helping you


>> No.8805748

That's the one thing I thought would be asked, but I can't really answer it. Maybe once I've started work and announce the plot of an official website, but at thins point I think my idea is good enough to steal.

That said, I can say that it's an fantasy/sci-fi adventure type more like a nitro+ VN than any other kind. I plan to subvert a popular trope in a way that's never really been done before. (Sorta like steins;gate did with time travel.) I also plan to integrate a few scenes with a type of gameplay that isn't VN-based (some people I've told compared this concept to Phoenix Wright). Lastly, I plan to utilize various types of indie/experimental/post-rock instead of the traditional BGM.

Really? I thought /vg/ had a different type of gamer. /jp/ seemed more like the people who could comment on this to me.

While I was originally wanted to make the main character older, in the end I had to make him around 17 due to the character design I wanted. However, school doesn't play a big part in the game and it absent from more than the intro chapter.

I'm keeping the "visual novel about an adult" idea in mind though.

This will be hard. Personally, I wouldn't settle for Higurashi art or Katawa shoujo backgrounds. So if me and my artist friend are doing the art, we'll try to make it better (or at least more interesting) than that.

>> No.8805753

Artist, Writer, Composer, Programmer. All of these need to be accomplished. Think you're up to the task?

>> No.8805754

For me, kids sometimes have a bigger impact.

For instance, the problems of a kid fighting in a war are probably going to be more interesting than the problems of a guy my age fighting in a war.

>> No.8805761

Sure it did, decades ago, when everyone hasn't read their 5th rendition of it. Just between you and me and /jp/, I'd be more interested in your latter idea.

>> No.8805775

I write things occasionally as a hobby, write lyrics, and write articles on a news website. I have a friend who's working on getting a novel published who also wants to help. Also I read a shitload of light novels and used to be a fansub editor.

For my first VN I mainly want to try and gauge myself and get a name out, so I'm trying not to make it too long.

I'm a NEET with a CompSci degree.

I write music and have my own home studio. I also have musician friends willing to help.

The biggest problem for me. I have one friend who has a degree in art, can draw mango style, and wants to help out. I think I can figure out filters and backgrounds, but I'm not too sure how hard artwork would be. Hopefully I could find more people willing to help if I release a demo, or for if I wanted to do anotehr project.

>> No.8805781

For that particular idea, I agree with you as it's been overdone. At this point subverting the trope might possibly be more interesting.

However, for more original ideas it would possibly be more interesting to have a child as the lead.

>> No.8805782

>That said, I can say that it's an fantasy/sci-fi adventure type more like a nitro+ VN than any other kind. I plan to subvert a popular trope in a way that's never really been done before. (Sorta like steins;gate did with time travel.) I also plan to integrate a few scenes with a type of gameplay that isn't VN-based (some people I've told compared this concept to Phoenix Wright). Lastly, I plan to utilize various types of indie/experimental/post-rock instead of the traditional BGM.
Sounds like the most pretentious VN ever. Western VN fans will love it.

>> No.8805788
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>Any tips, warnings, or anything I should keep in mind?

Unless you viral market your shit, you'll get all of 3 non-friend readers.

Enjoy your long work for nothing.

>> No.8805809

Alright, I'm feeling empathic since we're both in the same field and you're about to engage in something similar to what I've been working on the past week or so. I'll give you some suggestions that you may or may not listen to:

Start small. I'm only assuming, but this is your first project, isn't it? Why I said so, is because you seem so full of ambition and aspiration. I understand your desire to make something big the first time around, but... don't. Not unless you and your 'friends' are the fanatic sorts who can go on working on the same shit indefinitely until it's finished. But since you said you're a NEET, I highly doubt that. Limit yourself to making something realistically finishable in, say, two weeks - first. To get the hang of it.

Think about what you want to do with the finished product. It will help you gauge how much effort you want to put on it.

Let me say it to you right now: The VN isn't the hardest part. It's the shit you want to add to make it "unique". Make sure whatever you plan to add to the thing actually ADDS value to the experience. If you're just going to half-ass it, like implementing some pointless puzzle mini game at certain points, you're better off cutting it off. In short, if you're going to add gameplay, you may no longer treat this as a normal VN but as a game. A bonafide game. And if you're going to treat this as a bonafide game, the gameplay aspect has to have significance.

>> No.8805816

What do you plan on making the VN about? I believe there are certain types of plots that are untapped and would appeal to the type of audience that partake in VN's. I've been wanting to make a VN but I really have no art skills. I write stories and have some really good ideas that I think would prove to be interesting.

>> No.8805820

One of the reasons I wanted to start with a shorter one rather than a different, move involved idea I have. Hopefully I can get good promotion.

>Sounds like the most pretentious VN ever. Western VN fans will love it.
Thanks. I know I would. :)

>> No.8805821

see >>8805748

You're pretty much the same as me, except I have an artist friend. Also you might not be a computer programmer or musician.

>> No.8805894

>I understand your desire to make something big the first time around, but... don't.

But if you've read my posts you'd see I want to start relatively small. My current idea was more to gauge reactions and gain fans for a bigger idea I have.

>I'm only assuming, but this is your first project, isn't it?
It's my first video game project, but definitely not my first project. I did say I had a compsci degree and was a musician (and ex-fansubber), so I know how it feels to spend weeks and months on stuff. Likewise, my novelist friend has spent years working on her novels.

However, even though I consider it short, I don't think could do it in even two weeks. I'd probably spend more time than that just writing the soundtrack, let alone recording it.

One problem with me and the people I know is that we're more likely to put tons of time in if we believe our concept is awesome, and most of the time awesome concepts will be fairly complicated.

>Make sure whatever you plan to add to the thing actually ADDS value to the experience.
Definitely. However, I think I'd still have to consider it a visual novel as that would be the majority of the game. The ideas I have for the extra game play would not be very unique outside of a VN, but I think it would add greatly to the VN and would definitely fit in.

I'm glad for your feedback though, as you confirmed/echoed some of the the things I was thinking.

>> No.8806126
File: 310 KB, 1280x960, Moogyrockout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post a picture of Moogy every time you mention him.

>> No.8807408


>> No.8807408,32 [INTERNAL] 

