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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 196 KB, 565x800, sapeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8786550 No.8786550 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Kyouko having her lips stapled together so cute?

>> No.8786554

Daggerfall was the best Elder Scrolls.

>> No.8786555

Nothing cute about bully, Anon.

>> No.8786563

is dis N'wah serious?

>> No.8786573

You're absolutely right. It had atmosphere.

>> No.8786574

Daggerfall > Morrowind > Arena > the ones I haven't played.

Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.8786581

Too much randomly generated content, I like Morrowind more.

>> No.8786591

No such thing as too much. It was only what, SEVEN GREAT BRITAINS or whatever they kept advertising?

I walked the whole thing too. Fuck Daggerfall's fast travel system. Running from town to town is for real men.

>> No.8786605


>> No.8786627

Not seeing it. Randomly generated everything ruins the atmosphere for me.
Morrowind is a lot better at it, but still has plenty of problems.

>> No.8786687

randomly generated everything worked well in Diablo.
Those were decent damn games, before Achievement Culture kicked in...

>> No.8786705

Check out this faggot over 20. He has an opinion about video games! Let's care.

>> No.8786711

I care...

>> No.8786720

I care too, faggot, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.8786727
File: 45 KB, 398x325, kotick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Games haven't changed, you've changed.

>> No.8786731

Algorithmic randomness gave it a nice, surrealistic feel. It wasn't very player-friendly or believable but extremely appealing to my autism.

>> No.8786733
File: 12 KB, 201x250, images5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst thread on /jp/
/v/ tards arguing about video games

>> No.8786741

This. Sure some houses had weird pointless "cupboards" and corners that made no sense, but the feeling of a huge town populated by random houses was amazing.

It's kind of like Minecraft in that you get cool things clumped together because of an RNG/algorithm, and it makes you happy.

>> No.8786743

I thought worst threads were 3dpd threads.

>> No.8786745

:iceburn: because hes an idolfag

>> No.8786757


get out. you aren't wanted here, and the more you interact with us, the more like us you'll become, which is probably not something you want.

>> No.8786763

Le mad?

>> No.8786766
File: 160 KB, 743x1163, kago-ai-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /v/ if you want to fight over video games.
I dont even understand why people give so much attention to video games, play what you like and skip what you don't like.
but ofc that would be too hard for you

>> No.8786770

I can never tell if there are layers of irony in your posts, or if you honestly believe you're being clever.

>> No.8786773


it's just that you have your own place to be, and we have our own place to be. it's a bad fit. you don't belong here. you aren't wanted, nobody really likes your memes or your posts, and you don't really like anything here.

your presence here serves no purpose.

>> No.8786782
File: 82 KB, 550x616, kago-ai-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I honestly dont see the reason why people would go crazy about video games.If I dont like something I dont play it and thats it.I dont go arround complaining CoD is destroying my fps games , my life has no meaning mass effect 3 a shit.

"Mom he likes games that I dislike tell him he is wrong" = /v/

>> No.8786780
File: 148 KB, 676x638, autism43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can never tell if there are layers of irony in your posts
Oh come on.

>> No.8786783

You use half of their memes on a daily basis. "Shitpost" alone is basically in every other post on /jp/.

>> No.8786789

I don't play video games and I've never made a single post in /v/. I just wanted to express my disapproval of your idolshit.

>> No.8786794


We're stealing it and reappropriating it in ways they dislike, which makes it okay. If someone is getting mad at someone else for being a lolicon, for example, I'll call them a "shitposter". It says what I need it to, and makes the others cringe.

>> No.8786795

You're starting to remind of those kooks who just type long paragraphs of nothingness in poor English on newsgroups or forums or whatever.
You're actually slipping and getting worse, it's funny.

>> No.8786802

Daggerfall had
The best chargen of all the games.
The best RPG mechanics.
Wonderful albeit random dungeons (the climb skill was awesome, though it was a bit silly.)

Aside from this.
Despite the world being the largest, it was the most devoid of content, practically any way you look at it.

>> No.8786808
File: 389 KB, 181x147, kago182wm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you aren't even posting on /jp/ so I dont even know to what board you belong.
also on a side note.I know people who love 2D , but surprise they dont give a fuck about 3D , they arent wasting their time with " Oh no someone posted a 3D women I should go and tell him how much it sucks that will show him my internet powers"

You know what you are ?
You are still desperate for 3D girls but you try to act dark and edgy with hating every 3D image.If you would be a only 2D lover , you have to be retarded to waste your time with hating 3D/idols thread.

Here a good tip , grow up and learn to live in a world where are things that you dislike and you cant do nothing against it.

>> No.8786809
File: 18 KB, 320x200, 1294976877120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complaining about silly things is one of the greatest pleasures in life.

>> No.8786811

Fuck that first dungeon, Privateer's Hold or whatever.


There's no method to it. You just have to know where everything is or you die. Then when you finally get outside you get attacked by VEEENNGGGEEEEAAANNNCCEEE.

>> No.8786815
File: 73 KB, 790x672, bannedz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I think he's just someone who doesn't want 3DPD on a primarily 2D board, because if he DID want 3D he could go look for it on /s/ or somewhere.

>> No.8786833
File: 138 KB, 500x375, dvc00038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he isn't a 2D lover

throw a pussy infront of him and he will act like a pig inside a cake shop full of candy's

>> No.8786843
File: 22 KB, 480x360, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he will act like a pig inside a cake shop full of candy's

>> No.8786845

You arw underestimating the autism of some people

>> No.8786852

This. Plenty of people with ``high-functioning'' autism like Asperger's can't form attachments to people at all, so they make friends with toys or chairs or whatever. If anything, liking 2D representations of real women is a step-up from that.
If a real woman was naked in front of me, I'd probably get scared and maybe be sick.

>> No.8786856
File: 27 KB, 335x470, Kusumi+Koharu+img20090919110248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I am.
But I doubt someone is that fucking autistic to complain about 2 idol threads and few idol photos.If he would be for real a autistic idiot , it would make the whole thing even more funny for me.

>> No.8786860
File: 149 KB, 1031x882, sicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw a pussy in front of me fucker, not online, and see what happens!

>> No.8786866

>If he would be for real a autistic idiot , it would make the whole thing even more funny for me.

Do you pick on the mentally retarded, too?

>> No.8786878
File: 47 KB, 480x360, normal_ai-kago-0141-150514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lets say if someone would have autism for real, is he stupid enough that he cant ignore 2 idol threads and a few images?
Would it destroy his world , life and everything in what he believes?

Come on, there are autistic people on /jp/ and they behave fine and good.
this guys is just acting like a kid/idiot with some autistic symptoms.

My point still stands he isn't even interested in 2D girls.
He is just a desperate 3D lover and he cant accept that.

Throw a cock infront of him and he would act like like a dog in a dog shop full with dog candy's

>> No.8786881

Why is King of /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.8786883
File: 59 KB, 800x683, ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he would act like like a dog in a dog shop full with dog candy's

>> No.8786893

When is the K-On BD coming out?

>> No.8786896
File: 629 KB, 1440x1020, 1308571265662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok you made me laugh
nope , you didn't understand me.
Oh sorry that I am destroying you image of /jp/
Grow up , idol threads will stay on /jp/ and are part of /jp/, learn to live with it or proceed to cry more about it and entertainment me with it.

>> No.8786899

Not sure how you can destroy /jp/s image since it already did that itself by being the worst board.

>> No.8786917
File: 693 KB, 1024x768, 1319425669237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So arrogant and self-important.

>> No.8786932
File: 76 KB, 450x678, kago_ai_kjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you are right.
But it would be so easy to fix /jp/ and even /v/ with creating a board for "My life is destroyed you are posting things I don't like" and a board for " Dark and edgy kids who think a imageboard is their secrete club and they have some power over it"

>> No.8787707

King of /jp/ wouldn't be as bad as he is if he posted fresh, cute girls and not keep reusing and reposting pictures of those ugly hags.

Com'on man, update your pictures.
