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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8773683 No.8773683 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, would you purchase a personal Android if it was affordable and if it looked real enough? Is that the closest thing from 2D we can get?


>> No.8773685

Why would I want an android?

>> No.8773690

> I'm entirely at your disposal as a sexual partner.

Interest lost.

>> No.8773711

I'd install gentoo on her.

>> No.8773719

yeah, but not an ugly one like in the video

>> No.8773713

I would. I don't give a shit about real looking though, just performance. Anything that looks human like is just gonna uncanny valley out anyway.

I'd rather have an android capable of performing manual labor tasks than one that looked like a human.

>> No.8773715

What was the point of this?

I thought it was some sort of tech demo then it turned out to be a "robot with emotions" short film about a character I've known for all of four minutes.

Am I missing something?

>> No.8773722
File: 892 KB, 1000x1000, Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer if they dont look 100% like humans.

After all, if all i wanted was a expensive human there are hundreds of people out there willing to be someones personal "robot" for much less money than buying a android.

Besides, synthetic eyes and a few wires here and there and metal/doll joints is just so much more cute~

>> No.8773723

Time of Eve was so good

>> No.8773729
File: 47 KB, 651x406, s2_uta_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anything that looks human like is just gonna uncanny valley out anyway.

Cute > functional > realistic.

I like Meka Robotics' robot. They based it on my kawaii animes and the ears change color to match mood like in my kawaii fan fics.

>> No.8773748

This. Even if she was sufficiently human-like for me to find her sexually attractive (sorry /jp/) then they might as well use the opportunity to make her weird in some way. Give her blue skin or wheels or something, I don't know.

>> No.8773751 [DELETED] 

Just a demo of some PS3 new animation engine, don't mind it too much. It was just to illustrate the idea, thought it was better than a picture alone.

>> No.8773760 [DELETED] 

>What was the point of this?
Just a demo of some new PS3 animation engine, don't mind it too much. It linked the video to illustrate the idea, I thought it was better than a picture alone.

>> No.8773764

>What was the point of this?
Just a demo of some new PS3 animation engine, don't mind it too much. I linked the video to illustrate the idea, I thought it was better than a picture alone.

>> No.8773779


You're missing that it was made by the heavy rain guys

>> No.8773793

Some kind of hologram would be kinda cool.

But a big heavy clunky robot could catch a virus and beat me to death.

>> No.8773802

What would it do while you were sleeping?

>> No.8773806

Obviously we're going to have cool robots at some point, I wonder if computer viruses will be an issue.

I'm more worried about logicians and philosophers tricking them into murder or something.

>> No.8773809

you could turn it off
or it could just sit there and watch you sleep

>> No.8773827

>I'm more worried about logicians and philosophers tricking them into murder or something.

Or their owners could just be so insufferable, that they would just have to kill them. Only two groups would have them at first, bastard CEOs and the type of otaku that would make you want to jump out a window after spending five minutes with them, so that's not a stretch.

>> No.8773869
File: 145 KB, 510x650, Cute_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as i would like to buy a android of some form i think i would be slightly puzzled as to what to do with it if it looked very human.

I guess i would try to befriend it and set up a bed in the corner of my bedroom and install a few extra power sockets around the house and try to treat her/him/it like a good friend.

>> No.8773880


just don't hook it up to the internet and you'll be fine, retard.

>> No.8773915

I wonder if it would do Jojo's poses in standby mode.

>> No.8773907

Implying a constant connection to their networks "for firmware upgrades" won't be enforced by law.

Otherwise you might tool it up to be a bulletproof killing machine.

>> No.8773922

you're all going about this the wrong way. instead of working on getting androids we should be working on fully immersible virtual realities where we can spend all day in gensokyo and be hooked up to some sort of IV feeding you nutrients from the outside world.

>> No.8773918

These things would be the holy grails of reverse engineering.

Expect open source alternatives. I wonder what RMS would promote.

>> No.8773934

Nope. But I would purchase an android body merely to install my brain onto it. Preferably something lithe and female~

Perhaps it can be realized sometime in the future/if/when I amass enough money?

>> No.8773942

Much further away than androids/gynoids

>> No.8773962
File: 54 KB, 364x500, 51KcaDsjgBL._SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what the fuck is happening? Every day we have this thread. EVERY DAY. And we start out discussing cute robots and the uncanny valley, touch on ethics a little, then someone brings up virtual reality and transhumanism. EVERY TIME.

>> No.8774010

I would get an android if it looked and acted just like my waifu and it had a fully functioning colon and bladder

>> No.8774024


so you have those kinds of fetishes, eh?

>> No.8774056

Only if the bitch had big ol tittys and cup holders. Dat'd be hot as fuck

>> No.8774070

Actually you know what would be dope as fuck? If it had guns as arms.... nigga picturs that. A big titty robocop

>> No.8774192

Does it run on Free software?

>> No.8774206


Go to a coffee shop.

>> No.8774209

Everyone knows robots in the future run on Lisp interpreters.

>> No.8774214

ITT: /jp/ can't into transhumanism
I'm so fucking glad nobody in this board will ever spawn other humans carrying his genes.

>> No.8774219

If it were possible, it would become a governing nightmare.

I don't want to live in a wolrd like time of eve.

>> No.8774226

What do you mean we can't into transhumanism? This is one of the few cases where a proper verb instead of that meme would be really helpful.

We've discussed transhumanism at length several times before, if that's what you're getting at. Plenty of learned folk here on the /jp/.

>> No.8774244

don't take me seriously. I just rode op post and typed that...

>> No.8774278


you... rode it?

>> No.8774905

fuck you and the post you rode in on

>> No.8776228

> you're all going about this the wrong way. instead of working on getting androids we should be working on fully immersible virtual realities where we can spend all day in gensokyo and be hooked up to some sort of IV feeding you nutrients from the outside world.

you're all going about this the wrong way. instead of working on getting brains-in-a-vat-that-will-eventually-die we should be working on becoming substrate independent minds (mind uploads) where we can spend all eternity in any world we wish to make and exist either in "the dust", or if you're afraid, in computronium.

>> No.8776243

>What would it do while you were sleeping?

Don't worry about that.

>> No.8776248

>you... rode it?

Yes, rode is the past tense form of read.

>> No.8776279

No, its not. The past tense of read is read. Only pronunciation changes.

I hope you were just being stupid intentionally.

>> No.8776362

When it said it was available as my sexual partner, I immediately wished it had feelings, so I could also make it happy. Then it did, and suddenly didn't want it as a sexual partner, but I did want it to find some way to live happily.

>> No.8780053
File: 62 KB, 300x424, Aiko-robot.K121118AU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump in the night

>> No.8780629

Have? Or be?

>> No.8780660

Does anyone like to hold back when you have to poop? I actually like doing that.I don't make messes,but i just like to keep it in.The other day i felt the urge but i decided to wait for later.So i held it back.Soon it came again,i held it.Later though,i thought i'd just go.AT that time i didn't have the urge but i felt like pushing hard,so i went.And i did push and a big one came,and a smaller one.
Yesterday i only did a hard little ball.When i hold back,i like to stand and cross my legs,sqeeze my butt cheeks in,etc. And when i decide i want to go,i love pushing!I like watching in the mirror beside the toilet,watching the poop coming out my butt,hard and big.I lean forward,and push while pushing in my t??y with my hands.I hear the crackling of the poop coming,i'm out of breath and plop!I look to see it and if it's small,i try pushing more to do more.

>> No.8780659

very interested in creating/purchasing one
i already learned building silicone dolls as well as their skeletons and wanna go robotics/a.i. eventually
the look don't really matter to me
though i prefer the usual "anime" look

>> No.8780679
File: 86 KB, 512x512, dattsukasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do that, I love that feel, when I finally let out a big turd-it's best when your bladder is full too, spraying at full stream as you completely relieve yourself into the bowl. I literally roll my eyes in my head sometimes with pleasure. I also very much enjoy it when, after the initial volley and main poop log and little chunks, you get another big helping in your rectum, and you feel it come on, hold it a lil while, then let it out and it's a massive fucking turd oh my god it feels so good. I wish I didn't have terrible anal fissures and butt problems that made pooping painful, because when it's good, it's sooo good.

>> No.8780683


But you're neglecting the thing, which is that VR is the closes to 2D we can get. You fucking fool.

>> No.8780694
File: 464 KB, 1200x1728, Eve_to_Love_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled on this funny little doujin yesterday for anyone interested.

>> No.8780711
File: 489 KB, 1200x1728, Eve_to_Love_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The premise is that she is trying to find a master to take her in and make her useful. Wacky hi jinks ensue.

>> No.8780717

I like this song because it makes me think of having my own murderous robo-waifu.

>> No.8781888

Wouldn't iOS be better.

>> No.8781926
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, 1295725779029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't want one that looks like a human.

>> No.8781927

The problem with iOS is that because Steve Jobs had a strict anti-porn stance, Apple would not allow eroge to be ported or developed for their mobile platform.

KEY visual novels are being ported to Android. They've already released Kanon and planetarian. Upcoming are AIR and Clannad: http://sp.v-motto.jp/pc/

>> No.8782003

I don't need an android, I can speak English, German and French just fine, as for japanese singing, she sucked, and I have a good enough audio memory to be able to listen to song without any support.

Being an android wouldn't be as good as being a maid, but it would be fine, I guess.

>> No.8782231

But you dont have any one to hug you

>> No.8786362

My mom gives me all the hugs I want.
