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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 175 KB, 450x562, hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8772378 No.8772378 [Reply] [Original]

๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐‚๐ก๐ข๐ก๐š๐ฒ๐š ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ข๐ญ?

>> No.8772383

Nice abs.

>> No.8772395

๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐‚๐ก๐ข๐ก๐š๐ฒ๐š ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ข๐ญ?

>> No.8772397

goddamn this. /fit/ /jp/er here (inb4 "that's a contradiction", with money and NEET lifestyle comes spare time for fitness training)

>> No.8772402

do you even lift?

>> No.8772406

Now THIS is a thread.

>> No.8772404

Quit what?

>> No.8772403
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>> No.8772423
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Why won't Chihaya just opt-out?

>> No.8772426
File: 305 KB, 913x1001, Yuugi_Lift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn,she has some nice abs.

>> No.8772430

God, I just want to cum on Chihaya's chest.

My life would be considered complete if I could just get a chance to jerk off onto her deliciously flat chest.

>> No.8772492

>My life would be considered complete if I could just get a chance to jerk off onto her deliciously flat chest.

Are you me? I thought I was the only one who had this fantasy.

lol rhyming

>> No.8772504

What's the story behind this meme?

>> No.8772509

ask >>>/fit/

>> No.8772511

Fit idolizing some fat powerlifter because most of them are fatso maximus, so they can pretend they dont care about looks, just functional strength.

>> No.8772512

it's from /fit/
it's a picture of a bald fat neck guy with staring eyes

>> No.8772518

>it's a picture of a bald fat neck guy with staring eyes

He has a name, how insensitive of you. I bought a shirt from him...

>> No.8772520


>> No.8772549

long-term /jp/er here, been here since the split

I can deadlift 1.5x body weight (100kg), aiming for 2x body weight by July

I can't bench press for shit though.

I get money from the government through Centrelink, much of it goes towards buying whey protein, bananas, oats, and peanut butter

A word of advice: if /jp/ is getting low on funds, the best way to source protein is from drinking 3L of milk per day. For calories in general, just eat peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon. One 500g jar contains two times the recommended calorie requirement for an adult male (~8000kJ), and maybe 20g of protein per tablespoonful. This is for loading, not cutting though, since peanut butter is also high in fat.

>> No.8772554

oh, and forgot to mention, I can 1CC imperishable night on hard

>> No.8772560
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>> No.8772565


>> No.8772580

fuck I'm tired, I just realised what I wrote makes no sense. I'll try to clarify.

I hear how much of /jp/ is low on cash, on autismbux, etc. If you want to save money, you can still eat enough calories for everyday survival, and save cash so you can spend it on figs.

A cost-effective method of living is eating straight peanut butter with a spoon. In Australia, peanut butter costs maybe AU$3 per 500g jar; one jar lasts two days, and the equivalent of eating three McDonald's meals per day is AU$30.

The most effective way of getting protein, cost-effective wise, is drinking straight milk. If you are of European ancestry, just drink 3L milk every day. 1L costs AU$1.99, and 500mL contains 20g of readily-absorbable protein. If you are of East Asian descent and are likely lactose intolerant, just drink in smaller amounts (no more than 500mL), and add two scoops of whey protein isolate. If you drink too much, you'll start farting heaps, and might even get sick. (I remember back in Primary School, all the kids used to call me "fart man" ;_;)

>> No.8772594
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>all the kids used to call me "fart man"

>> No.8772602

Are you in the fitocracy group?
I just joined the day before yesterday. I'm going again today and try to increase my bench to 105lbs maybe, and keep squats at 155 for more than 3 sets.

I'm scared of deadlifting. I tried it at 1plate when I started, and even though I felt I could do more weight still easy if I strained enough, my back got a bit sore.

I'm only 137ish lbs though, so it's not so bad for a month of progress I think so far. How long do you think it would take me to reach 1plate bench? I started with struggling just the bar and have gone up to 25lbs on each side for 3 sets of 5 so far.
That peanutbutter thingt is pretty helpful, i have trouble trying to get enough calories in a day.

>> No.8772615

Laughed so loud at this I woke my dog.

Fuck you.

>> No.8772648

If no one wants to talk Idolm@ster, we can turn this into either a NEET fitness thread, or a NEET lifestyle (money saving, food eating) thread.

>> No.8772656

I started my deadlift at 30kg. Big mistake. Had a sore back for the next two weeks.

I have no idea how much a plate is in your country; I don't understand imperial units, and over here we have plates of varying weights, ranging from 10kg to 30kg.

Also for carbs, bananas are your friend, as long as the pricing is below $3 per kg. Any more than that, and it's not cost-effective, you may as well live off oats or something.

>> No.8772658

It's not funny, my brother died that way

>> No.8772675

a plate on each side would be 135lbs total. I thought everyone just called the 45lb ones "a plate" That would be really near my bodyweight, but I might gain some more weight by then.

To convert, I want to do 62kg bench soon, and I have only accomplished 43kg bench for sets so far after 1 month.
I weight just about 63kg.

other stuff I have done are military press at 28kg, squat at 72kg.

>I started my deadlift at 30kg
How was that a mistake? that was under half your bodyweight? that doesn't seem so dangerous, maybe your back hurt because you had poor form, which is why I'm scared to do them myself.

>> No.8772679
File: 149 KB, 873x652, peanut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating peanut butter right now.

>> No.8772681

Chihaya is the best idol.

No. The best singer.


>> No.8772707


>> No.8772718

No one cares about this slut

>> No.8772932

Your favorite idol is a slut.

>> No.8772940

You are a slut.

>> No.8773316

What do you mean by protein? All my life I've drank around 3L of milk daily and all my life I've been thin.

>> No.8773321

Protein helps rebuild muscle after workouts. Milk is also high in fat if you don't get skim or something, so that helps bulk. Maybe you don't eat enough, even with milk. I used to hoard a shitton of food for dinner and never eat anything else througout the day and I was skinny too.

>> No.8773324

I see. Not that I particularly care much about building muscle, though. I'd prefer working on flexibility but last time I asked /fit/ for help they were unable to tell me anything.

>> No.8773331

To suck your own cock dude?

>> No.8773337


>> No.8773340
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I want to rub my dick on her chest.

>> No.8773341

No. To break-dance! Any gentleman worth a damn knows a far-eastern language (among three others), has manners, knows how to dress properly and knows some killer dancefloor moves.

>> No.8773348
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I drive a pretty nice automobile.

>> No.8773352

I tried anal masturbation and is the prostate the hard bulge I felt?
I didn't really apply pressure to it because I am scared to hurt myself...
Also how deep is it?
I put a whole toothbrusher in my ass but missed the prostate.

>> No.8773371

Hey stupid faggots you don't get abs from working out you get abs from not being a fat piece of shit.

>> No.8773378

And you stop being a fat piece of shit by working out.

Like Chii-chan.

>> No.8773391

I don't even have abs with my low bodyfat.
But my lifestyle is lazier than the most fat fucks on /jp/

>> No.8773465

No, only fat pieces of shit work out because they know they are fat pieces of shit and they want to eat more.
It's the same logic that can explain why only fat people eat at subway, they eat there because they know they are fat as fuck.
Why would a non fat ass want a fucking sub for lunch, and think that they are eating healthy? Ridiculous, these fat people of today.

>> No.8773823
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6 more hours until Haruna, Anon-san.

>> No.8773826
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>> No.8774061
File: 58 KB, 180x240, chihiro_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on niggas!

Time to fire up the mulebots.

>> No.8774114 [DELETED]ย 

who are you quoting

>> No.8774167

I'm skinny as hell and I work out because it feels good.
Try it, by the end of the first week you'll be hooked on the feeling of lifting.

>> No.8774580

>>I'm scared of deadlifting.

I always link this to new people. Very easy to understand: http://doubleyourgains.com/deadlift-lower-back-pain

Though to be honest don't get too caught up in pure weight lifting. Make sure to run, bike, and swim long and hard if you can. I've found that these things benefit your brain and heart more than anything else. So go run 30-60 minutes while listening to your Idolmaster music and then do your deadlifts immediately after.

>> No.8774582

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8774598

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8774619


>> No.8774643

It's funny. It's seen hundreds of articles and videos about deadlifting, but that goofy site is the only one who got it right.

Though really the only part that matters are the few paragraphs on the bottom.

>> No.8774767

/jp/, do you go to a gym or workout at home? I could never force myself to go to a gym on a regular basis, so I've just been doing bodyweight exercises at home. I'm looking into purchasing some weights though.

>> No.8774790

>I've just been doing bodyweight exercises at home
you could check out the book "convict conditioning", it's on /rs

>> No.8774847


Thanks. That is what I am currently doing, I'm just afraid I'm wasting my time.

>> No.8774879
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>So go run 30-60 minutes while listening to your Idolmaster music and then do your deadlifts immediately after.

That sounds pretty hard. Is this something you do yourself?

>> No.8774922

All the time. It isn't too hard though.

You'll adapt to pretty much anything as long as you keep it up. Which is pretty much fitness in a nutshell I guess.

>> No.8775633

I wonder if sudo lift.

>> No.8775634 [DELETED]ย 

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8775645
File: 944 KB, 640x360, 1332218802969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his fat ass to get his video games and figs from outside

>> No.8775655

he gets them mailed to him and his mom brings them to his room

4N4L 0WN4G3

>> No.8775713

Sweet, that's a good idea.
I would love to be flexible, like a little budding girl who takes gymnastics and has not quite hit puberty yet.

>> No.8776501
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This thread turned pretty /y/

>> No.8776514


Zunby is so strong

>> No.8777408
File: 204 KB, 800x635, 1333122925225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the front page, Chii-chan.

>> No.8781134

>Not Ranko

>> No.8781308

Quit what?

>> No.8781312


Being alive...
