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File: 24 KB, 408x250, ima boku wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8758556 No.8758556 [Reply] [Original]

You guys should check this movie out, I think you'd like it. It's about a 20 year old hikikomori TRUNEET whose mother forces him to get a job working at a winery, but things don't go as well as she hoped.

All I could think during the first half of the film was "I know that feel," but the second half is pretty depressing. Those are feels I don't want to know.

>> No.8758606

Is it the kind of movie I can show to my mom to make her realize she should stop bothering me about getting a job?

>> No.8758608

Does he kill himself or attempt to?

Not watching if he doesn't.

>> No.8758619

I want to produce a leaflet or short film for this purpose.

>> No.8758621

No, I think she'd probably send you to a psychiatrist if she learns what a hikikomori is from this movie.

Yes he does. Elongating this spoiler so it isn't obvious what the answer.

>> No.8758652

post a link to it

>> No.8758814


first link

>> No.8758831

20 years is too young to get a job.

>> No.8758846


>> No.8758880

That was uncalled for and unnecessary.

You couldn't just wait? See >>8758814

>> No.8759294

Only 20? Bit disappointing. And of course he gets cured in the end. And he was Hiki for just 2 years or so.

>> No.8759313

How am I supposed to watch it without a link?

>> No.8759346


>no information found on YT

Max seeders for torrent are 2.

Gonna need some motivation to see this.

>> No.8759355

It took me less than half an hour to get that torrent.

>> No.8759378

I will seed for /jp/

It's not the best movie ever, but it's the best one I've seen about hikikomoris. There isn't a whole lot to choose from.

>> No.8759403
File: 52 KB, 423x474, 1269745903719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about watching this, but do you know what? I'd rather not, despite all that feelings and empathy it can evoke is still something depressing and I already spend 75% on prozac and anxiolytics daydreaming about getting spirited away to Gensokyo, the act of looking in a mirror to see the most horrible part of your nature is something reserved to people with guts to deal with the cruel world, the last thing I need is a sad story about a sad person to remind me of my melancholic existence.
Thanks but no.

>> No.8759423


>> No.8759628

>20 year old hikikomori TRUNEET
>20 year old
20 years is way to young to be declared a human failure.
Didn't Nihonese youth have until 2X years old to do whatever they wanted to until adulthood?

>> No.8759725

>20 years is way to young to be declared a human failure.

I second this.

>> No.8760778

Why are so many hikis assholes to their parents? I almost want to turn off this movie because he's such a dick to his mother.

>> No.8760817

it's the guilt from knowing they're a constant disappointment to them, and a reaction to the pressure that parents put on their children to become better people

>> No.8760820

Probably since they have actual mental issues instead of just being too lazy to work and gaming their parents like you.

>> No.8760843

This. The day I realized my parents didn't really care about me being a useless piece of shit I immediately lost all animosity towards them and now we can communicate again.

>> No.8760856

I saw this on PTP but passed on it, it sounds like its filled with angst and bias.

>> No.8760886

Why would they make a movie like that? Giving in to my parents and getting a job was the best thing that ever happened to me.

>> No.8760887

Is that really an excuse? I've felt exactly the same and can probably count the times I've cursed in the presence of my parents on one hand. If you're going to be a disappointment you should at least be as courteous and un-aggravating as possible. I'm enough of a financial burden, despite my efforts to eat as little as possible and never buy anything, the last thing they deserve is me disrupting their daily lives as well.

>> No.8760896

Eat shit.

>> No.8760908

I watched it last year. It is a really shitty movie that does not go deeply into the Hikki subject, it just throws a bunch of family drama on your face since his mother is a slave to the son that beats her. There is nothing enjoyable about this movie and it should be watched by none.

>> No.8760932

Well, you're quite the accomplished and noble leecher then. But there are guys who haven't gone through so much inner development.
The guy in the movie doesn't shut the door closed when his mother tries to get in his room just to be a bad person. "Why do you want to talk to me? We both know I can't just be 'cured', I have no future, the best you could do is leave me alone, give me cheap food, try to live your life. Don't mess with the only peace I manage to create just because you can't get the idea of 'curing' me out of your head"... things like that go through his mind, and end up manifesting as "Damn, shut up".
Is that the best way of communicating? No, but healthy people have trouble with that too.

>> No.8760966

Oh I'm not trying to come across as particularly noble. I just can't fathom doing something like that. Could be as much due to cowardice as it is anything akin to nobility.

>> No.8760968

No you.

>> No.8761253

This guy is still pretty fortunate to have gotten a job arranged no questions asked and have someone in the company watching over him and covering his mistakes. That being said, it really pissed me off just to see him walk off the job when his workplace wasn't objectively horrible (bullying, long unpaid OT etc.). He really didn't need to interact with tons of people and the work wasn't difficult. I wonder if a burning-all-bridges tough love approach have worked out better. That is, the family gets you a job without too much human interaction required and kicks you out or charges you rent. You work. If you don't, no roof and no food.

>> No.8761258

Guys just chill this is only a movie.

>> No.8761265

Sounds interesting.. nontorrent download link somewhere?

>> No.8761268

I know, his mom was so nice. I wanted to love her tenderly. ;___;

>> No.8761279

Are you retarded?

>> No.8761284

I'm at school and can't torrent, it can't be helped

>> No.8761306

This movie was extremely infuriating.
His mother was a miracle of the universe, and the guy at his workplace was a true bro.
Ungrateful shit deserves more than what he got.

>> No.8761336

It can easily be helped, but if you're too lazy I or someone will eventually upload to mediafire. You can't wait until you get home, or are you unfortunate enough to live on campus?

>> No.8761354

Unfortunately I live on campus, and I found it on rapidshare but it's so slow.

>> No.8761397

subtitles anywhere?

>> No.8761837

I wish I could find a could find a job like Satoru has. What a sweet gig.

>> No.8764252

I'm 10 mins into the movie and shit, I hope you fuckers don't treat your mothers like this.

I, for one, mow the lawn, vacuum the house and provide nice conversation in exchange for being a worthless leech.

This dude throws more tantrums than I did when I was a child.

>> No.8764373

Why didn't you warn me bros! Why didn't you warn me that his mom dies. You've just enacted my worst fears, I'm crying my fucking eyeballs out and shaking with fear. FUCK YOU JAYPEE FUCK YOU!!!

>> No.8764376

oh he mad.

>> No.8764485

This is the fate of all TRUNEETs.

>> No.8765022

His mom is a real saint to have put up with him being such an asshole... My mom sure as hell (and rightly so) wouldn't tolerate me being so unjustifiably rude and even violent towards her.

>> No.8765045

What are you moved about. It is only a movie. Not a damn document. Dramatization.

>> No.8765055

The main character is far too retarded for me to identify with.

>> No.8765076

I think you mean he deserves less. But yes, I agree.

>> No.8765087

Why are female shut-ins so admired?

>> No.8765092

That's OK. We're all NEETs here man. Just get off /jp/ and you'll be able to drop your truNEET facade then. You probably have work/school tomorrow too so make sure to go to bed on time.

>> No.8765096

They're strong, independent women who don't need no job.

>> No.8765223

I just went into a kid's room that lives on my floor to copy his computer science homework, and him and his friends were on the 4chan facebook page laughing at shitty image macros. It made me upset, so I came to blog about it in this shitty thread.

>> No.8765391

Don't desecrate my TruNEET thread with your blogshit, False NEET.

>> No.8765447

I'll do what I want, shitty tripfag.

>> No.8766076

Is this phenomenon of parents letting truneets live with them for decades most prominent in Japan? Or is it just that there have been more cases from Japan presented in the media and so it just seems that way? Regardless there aren't any real stats I know of for any country (and no, Jap goverment guess doesn't count).

>> No.8766595

No, isn't it the opposite?

American colleges pretty easily allow anyone to get in who works hard. To my knowledge, the common understanding is that in Japan it's pretty much impossible to get into a halfway decent college if you don't do well coming out of high school. Your hopes of doing anything interesting are more or less gone if you don't succeed going out of high school, or at least by around 20. That's why the college entrance exams are such a big deal. Or that's what I heard.

>> No.8766602

Don't even reply. Attention can only make them grow stronger. Too much negative attention will lead to a meltdown.

>> No.8766608

>Didn't Nihonese youth have until 2X years old to do whatever they wanted to until adulthood?
What? No. As soon as they enter highschool their lives pretty much turn into shit desperation of working for the future. High-school is a huge fucking deal in Japan, if you fuck it up by getting poor grades you're fucked for life. Hell, even before highschool your life turns to shit. Why do you think stuff like cramschool is so common? Cramschool for fucking highschool entrance exams. Shit be crazy. Everyone is desperate not to fuck up what is going to be their permanent record of what their place in society is.

That's probably part of the reason why there is so much media idolizing a fantasy fun life high-school.

>> No.8766640
File: 236 KB, 1114x1600, 35730340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true
MY girlfriend went to a private highschool and university because it would increase her chances to find a job later.
The entrance exams for highschool and uni are much harder and people spend months to prepare for them.Uni life is much more easier after they manage to enter.The last year at the uni they spend looking for a job all the time , and you can see seniors wearing business cloths at classes, because after the class is over they go job hunting and not home.The very first few years of uni, is the only time they are actually enjoying their life.

>> No.8766739

Makes no sense. Don't colleges just want money?
Never understood where people got motivation to get good grades in high school.
I had a GPA below 2.0 most report cards in high school and colleges were sending me shit begging me to come.

>> No.8767310

This should probably answer it.

>> No.8767366

If you do good enough, college is free

>> No.8767375

if you have rich parents college is free

>> No.8767383

If you have rich parents, why go to college?

>> No.8767404

> everyone goes to college

>> No.8767408

If you have rich parents, why not go to college forever?

>> No.8767411

>Why are so many hikis assholes to their parents?

Because they're legitimately bad people.

>> No.8767414

>If you have rich parents, why go to college?

That is a stupid question.

>> No.8767417

God damn...Being Japanese sure does sound shitty.
I'm sure glad I live in America.

>> No.8767424

>Downloading via BitTorrent
>Majority of peers are <=10% done

Hello, /jp/.

>> No.8767443

Fuck you im on 28.8

>> No.8767445


86.150.14.***-kun. :3

>> No.8767448

I watched this movie before it got popular here.

>> No.8767455

i was at 100% but i stopped seeding because of you

>> No.8767523

Only 20? Only hiki for 2 years?

I don't really see somebody as a NEET unless they've been at it for around 4+ years. As of right now, I'd just consider him a young adult who's having some momentary problems immersing himself in to working society. He has plenty of time to turn his life around.

>> No.8767853

This reminds me of how glorious my life use to be

I don't know why I joined the Navy ;-;

>> No.8767919

Maybe he dropped out of high school when he was 15, thus making him TRUNEET for 5 years.

>> No.8768736

Indeed. There's arguably more pressure for you to succeed. You're being prepped to run the family business or simply expected to attain a decent level of career success. They've given you a leg up over other kids with a comfy upbringing and ideally more supplementary education, extracurriculars and job connections. It's only natural given this greater investment for them to expect you to go further than the typical kid of a working poor or something.

>> No.8768759

>greater investment for them to expect you to go further than the typical kid of a working poor or something

That's a shitty way of thinking. Love and support from a parent should be given without expecting anything in return.

>> No.8768920

It's not the parents are poorfags and driving the kid just become they'll need the income in old age. Just expecting your child to do well so that they'll be able to live a good life independently (instead of being a leech that'll piss away the family fortune) given the extra advantages the parents provide isn't particularly unreasonable.

>> No.8768928

Why does he throw his mom down and kick her. He's such an asshole, she just wants what's best for him and she acts so cute and kind ;_____;

>> No.8768957

N-no...she's in the hospital and dying. ;___________; is it because he kicked her? I don't want her to die...this is the worst movie in the world.

>> No.8769056

I had thought she threw herself in front of a car or something. Wasn't her head injured? I assumed she tried to kill herself.

>> No.8769159

I warned you about depression bro

I told you dog

>> No.8769321
File: 123 KB, 750x530, a669137409df0e27c73ddfbea32560eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was completely uninterested in this movie but now I want to watch it.

Why am I so sadistic?

>> No.8770896

After watching this I can only hope the fucker turns his life around and becomes self sufficient and able to function in society.

At least do it for his new true bro and mom.

>> No.8770928

So, if you're still truneet by the age of 20 are you fucked?

>> No.8770961

This is another good hikikomori film from Japan, called Tobira no muko/Left Handed.


I had a torrent but forgot the link, I'll repost when I find it.

>> No.8770987


>> No.8771024
File: 292 KB, 629x885, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I can't find the torrent, and I don't have it anymore either.

Sorry /jp/. It's a real good movie though, watch it if you ever come across it.

>> No.8773529

Any remote chance of a streaming link then?

>> No.8773570

If you raise a kid like that you failed as a parent anyways so it's hard to feel too bad.

>> No.8773841

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you to clarify... but you don't honestly believe that parents are 100% responsible for how their kids turn out. That kids have absolutely 0 responsibility or control over the path they choose and parents can perfectly predict and avoid every harmful genetic predisposition and defect possible.

>> No.8776180

Everything that makes a person who he is, is fully in control of the parents. Our memories are formed by what we perceive, and our parents surely control our environment.
