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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8758346 No.8758346 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Japanese 3DPD so repulsed by anyone who likes anime, VNs, or videogames?

>> No.8758348

American 3DPD is as well.

>> No.8758355

They're all people like you and me. Human excrement, failures, losers. Well, people like you, to be exact.

>> No.8758359

Because that's kid stuff you fucking nerd. Some people just never grow up.

>> No.8758367

I imagine that they feel the same way about us as we feel about ponyfags.

>> No.8758370

What's the point of growing up?
Maintaining a childish attitude feels much better

>> No.8758392

For Japanese women, the threat of being made obsolete by the superiority of 2D is much more imminent, so it's only natural for them to respond with fear and anger when confronted with it.

>> No.8758406

It reminds them of serial killers.

>> No.8758413

I go to their board sometimes. I like looking at pictures of Rainbow Dash but I have never seen an episode of the show.

>> No.8758444 [DELETED] 
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worst pone

>> No.8758451

Yeah it seems like they don't like her on /mlp/

>> No.8758624

How so?

>Hurr growing up means abandoning all your interests.

>> No.8758643

I'll add that japanese women are dumped because of 2D more and more lately. That can't be good.

>> No.8758655

>Hurr growing up means abandoning all your interests.

>> No.8759021

On the contrary, only good can come of that.

3D can take the hint and be less PD, for instance.

>> No.8759098

Anime and VNs are for hopeless faggots. Video games though have come a long way and practically everybody plays them.

>> No.8759204

You are hopeless, you let everyone else decide what is accpetable for you.

Why am I explaining these concepts to a 9th grader though?

>> No.8759215


>> No.8759221

No, not really.

>> No.8759227

Vagina detected. Try improving your whorish attitude, and maybe more people will pay attention to you.

>> No.8759236

Ooh, did I touch a nerve?

>> No.8759241

how can you touch a nerve? It's under an epithelial membrane you dumbshit. holy fuck I wish they deleted this board and brought back something good like /q/.

>> No.8759258
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>> No.8759265

lol whata dumbass
