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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8752326 No.8752326 [Reply] [Original]

Kids are nothing like they are portrayed in anime and VNs. I went to a family reunion yesterday and all they did was make fun of me and throw things on me. They'd ask my things like `why are you so ugly?', and `you STILL live with your parents?'.

Why do writers feel the need to mislead me like this? I don't think that I like lolies anymore.

>> No.8752336 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the real world NERD.

>> No.8752341

Even kids made fun of you? That's pretty pathetic; look into suicide.

>> No.8752436
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>> No.8752438 [DELETED] 

Nice pic. Stopped reading when I say it, but post more.

>Updating index...? Fuck you moot.

>> No.8752445

So why are you so ugly OP?

>> No.8752446

Blame the society, OP. They wouldn't be so mean if they didn't watch T.V. and lived to they parent's expectations.

>> No.8752459

>why are you so ugly

I've yet to have someone say this to my face and not online to see what happened

>> No.8752468

>`you STILL live with your parents?'
What country do you live in? In Asia, it's pretty acceptable to live with your parents until you get married. I have a cousin that's nearly 40 and still lives with his mother and no one finds anything wrong with that.

>> No.8752476


>> No.8752481

>all they did was make fun of me and throw things on me. They'd ask my things like `why are you so ugly?', and `you STILL live with your parents?'.

They were flirting dude.

You could have tapped that shit.

>> No.8752477

You need to do some introspection. We watch the media of a foreign culture so that we can suspend disbelieve that the personalities are so unrealistic. It allows us to relish what we like, like lolies and imoutos, by escape the knowledge that it couldn't possibly happen, which gives us hope for a better future.

You shouldn't delude yourself into thinking that kids would really be sweet. Enjoy the media, but never think that it's real.

>> No.8752485

This, that leaving your parents' house ASAP thing is pretty much a reserve of Western culture, where personal wealth and success is more important than family. It's just that it casually happens that Western culture is the dominant culture of our world.

But you don't even have to go far, in Mexico (one of the most Western non-Western countries in the world) you're supposed to leave your household only once you have a stable income.

>> No.8752493

I thought it was just an American thing and that Europeans didn't find it weird to stay with your parents either.

>> No.8752490

America. But I'm only 21. I think that the kids just genuinely hated me.

>> No.8752491

That's a pretty funny post OP

>> No.8752519

Italians are that wey, but they're not exacty white.

>> No.8752528

I don't care if you're ugly anon, because even if you are, there's something special about you. Most kids are just mean stupid people, who will grow up to be slightly more mature mean stupid people, ignore what they say. If you enjoy the way you live your life, then that's what matters.

>> No.8752534

I'm 21 too and kids make jokes about me.And sometimes i cry ;_; So don't worry OP, you're not alone.

>> No.8752536

So was one of these children your little sister?

Mine is really fun to be around and I know she'd never say things that would actually hurt me.

>> No.8752549

I hate kids too. I've never met one who wasn't an annoying brat. I either ignore them, or do what their parents should have done.

I was on the bus once. Some little boy was sitting behind me being noisy. Then he kept slapping the back of my head. I tried to ignore him at first and just listened to my music. Then he came up and sat down next to me and took my headphones out of my ears and started screwing around with my ipod. I took it from him and told him to scram, but then he started laughing and slapping me. So I punched the brat in the stomach. Not very hard, so there was no actual harm. He bent over and started crying quietly. Luckily, I was at my stop, and nobody saw.

Once I was walking down the street and these little girls were playing. They said hi to me, so I said hi back. Then they kept saying hi over and over, in obnoxious voices, so I just walked off and ignored them. They started screaming at me how I was disgusting. One of them was like "you wanna fuck us but you're too ugly". These were fucking elementary school kids, I just don't get it.

>> No.8752551

Pretty pathetic. You should kill yourself so they can blame themselves and be scarred for life. That'll teach those little fuckers!

>> No.8752554

Can you post your dick

>> No.8752561

Little kids stare at me and run to their mothers when I come close. Why do they all do this? Do I really look that scary? I probably couldn't win in a fight with anyone over 10 anyway.

>> No.8752569

Most, if now all the little kids I see look up to me and say, "hi!" to me. I'm not complaining.

>> No.8752575

God, I never knew you people were THIS pathetic.

I mean, I had some idea, but I didn't expect actual CWC's on here.

>> No.8752576

Sorry son, but I became a nullo when my master decided that I was having too many orgasm from his torture. It's fine though, after he cut my balls and dick off with a hit knife and made me eat them, I got to eat at the table for a month and got an extra hour of computer time.

>> No.8752572

>One of them was like "you wanna fuck us but you're too ugly".
Wow. These kids have either too much internet or MTV or something.

>> No.8752586

Shoulda gave em a good dicking. Woulda put them in line.

>> No.8752589

Maybe they know that you're a pedophile.

>> No.8752590

>"you wanna fuck us but you're too ugly"
How did they know?

>> No.8752593

That's horrendous.

Where do you live?

I've heard little children swear before, but it's usually the obvious deliquents, and even then they shut up once the adults are around.

>> No.8752598

In the deep south, U.S.

>> No.8752602

Its not their fault you're a fucking looser OP.
Thats your own damn fault for being a failure and not wanting to change. Man up they are right about you.

>> No.8752613

I'm not! Or maybe I am. ;_;. But how would they know anyway? They don't have some sort of British paedoFindaer device. The problem must be me somehow.

>> No.8752615

Ah I see. Maybe try moving somewhere else if you can. That honestly makes this shithole of a city, NYC, sound like a nice place compared to that. I really can't offer any other advice though, sorry.

>> No.8752619

Kids are the worst. Last time I was babysitting my cousin, she told me she'd tell everyone I molested her if I wouldn't eat her out.

>> No.8752620

This is why I don't go outside.

>> No.8752623

Did you eat her raw, just like that?

>> No.8752624

Catch-22? Or just a lie?

>> No.8752626

I love kids, they taste delicious slow roasted with ketchup.

>> No.8752629

I might have done it if she just asked, but the fact that I was basically forced to made it terrible. She giggled and called me names the whole time ;_;

>> No.8752647

kids smile at me and want to get my attention.
Just leave me alone, you're not cute.

Though, all of those stories are probably fake, but it's ok as I'm ironically shitposting by replying seriously.

>> No.8752641

I have the opposite problem. My loli cousins have crushes on me, and I always seem to attract attention from little girls I run into in my daily life. I'm not a pedo and don't like loli even when it's 2D, but I don't know what I'm doing to stand out so much.

>> No.8752645

What kind of names?

>> No.8752651

You should'nt talk about things like that anon.

>> No.8752660

Wuss, wimp, loser, idiot

>> No.8752669

how old?

>> No.8752672

Suddenly I'm extremely self-conscious. Ain't telling.

>> No.8752676


>> No.8752684

I wear a badge

>> No.8752681

i'm so jealous right now

>> No.8752683

How can these little girls tell that you are pedophiles? Do you give off pedo-vibes or something?

>> No.8752687

Probably because I always get a boner around them.

>> No.8752692

It sucks. It's humiliating. Every time I see her, she makes pussy-licking motions with her tongue and fingers and just smirks. I hate that smirk.

>> No.8752693

Kids freak me the fuck out. They don't walk in straight lines, they say stupid shit.
They're weird. I have to constantly watch one when I'm walking past so I don't accidentally kick it when it starts to completely ignore everything around it and walk towards my legs.

>> No.8752690

Well, if you're the stereotypical fat neckbeard I can understand that.

>> No.8752694


>> No.8752696

not into lolidom ?
What are you ? a faggot ?

>> No.8752700

I'm glad that you finally realized that Team 4chan can see your IP and has a nice relationship with NCMEC. Now, go install some proxy software and leave it open, so your lawyer at least has something to argue.

>> No.8752706

>gets to eat out a playful little girl
>gets called names and giggled at while doing the act
>is cutely made fun of
>the lolis makes and adorable smirk at you each time you meet
duuuude, if i could sell my soul to be in your shoes i'd do it right on the spot, fuck you, and fuck your inability to enjoy great things.

>> No.8752707

I think they just know.

>> No.8752704

Lolis live next door to me. And every time I go in my backyard to take it easy they go on their balcony and stare at me the whole time. It's fuvking weird. Next time they do it I'm telling their parents.

>> No.8752705 [DELETED] 
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Didn't you already say this & her age?

>> No.8752709

Don't do it. They'll just accuse YOU of being a pedophile.

>> No.8752712

they kinda realize that after i broke their hymens and forced them to give me a blowjob.

>> No.8752713

They want your dick so badly.

>> No.8752715

I try not too. I try so hard that I do my best to avoid them by going out at night or during school hours so it's unlikely that they'll be there. My reaction to them scares me. There are always a few though, and it seems like THEY KNOW.

>> No.8752718

Note that at no point did I ever say I actually did it.

>> No.8752723

Yeah, you kinda did Anon. That was not smart on such a slow board. Now lets all just stop talking about it and pretend it never happened.

>> No.8752727

No I didn't.

>> No.8752724

Sup Thad.
I thought they arrested you already.

>> No.8752730

/a/ pls go

>> No.8752736

Maybe he was trolling. It was a creative work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take this as fact.

>> No.8752739

Make me, faggot.

>> No.8752742



>> No.8752743

There's something really exciting about being made fun of by a loli. The excitement increases tenfold if she makes fun of your virginity, or if she causes you to get an erection and then makes fun of it.

>> No.8752744

Don't blame them OP. They will go to school and produce the next generation of NEETs and hikkis that will will replace us. Without the cruelty of children, there would be no 4chan.

>> No.8752745

this so fucking much

>> No.8752747 [DELETED] 
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>Fucking this. They even know it's illegal and will use that to their advantage.

>that feel when a ten year old girl told me to eat her out or she'd tell everyone I molested her
>scariest few minutes of my life

>> No.8752748

You've read too much manga.

>> No.8752749

who are you quoting

>> No.8752752

I want to believe.

>> No.8752750

It's the extra dimension that makes them so cruel.

>> No.8752751

Obviously he's being an overly paranoid backpedalling piece, but it's true he hasn't said anything that would actually hold up in court.

-He only IMPLIED he did it, he didn't actually say he did
-He didn't say how old he was
-He didn't say how old she was
-He may have multiple female cousins, how do you know which one he meant?

There's just too many unknowns. These are the kinds of ambiguities that get court cases thrown out all the time.

>> No.8752755

Maybe you haven't read enough.

>> No.8752756

Tell me you didn't do it, Moetron. :(

>> No.8752761

Don't use that archive.

>> No.8752758 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8752767

I hope you have the anonymizing filter on.

>> No.8752763

Stop trolling.

>> No.8752776

anything that you post on /jp/ can never be fully deleted once you change your mind. hence, if you want to post potentially saucy things, it's better to go to /b/, where it is wiped off the face of the earth forever once the thread reaches 404.

>> No.8752774

It archives pictures.
That alone is enough reason for me to continue using it, no matter how many web 2.0 additions Woxxy makes to it. Why did the search need to change

>> No.8752777

How is more search options a negative?

>> No.8752793

I just can't take it anymore. well, okay. here goes. this is not copypasta, it's for real. Well, there's this really, REALLY beautiful loli in my school. I'm 17 and she is in 5th grade, so she's 11. Her name is Stella. Well, I've dreamed about having sex with her numerous times, but one evening changed it all... Our moms know each other so I was supposed to babysit her cause her mom had to work late one night. So I go over to her house and we start watching TV. Well, its 9.30 pm already and I tell her to go to sleep. She answers 'I don't want to, I wanna stay and watch cartoons with you.' I thought about it and I said 'okay, but only until 10pm and don't tell your mom' she was happy and said okay. We watched cartoons a little and she asked if she could rest her head in my lap. I was like uh, okay. Well she puts her head in my lap, rubs her head around accidentally cause she was looking for a comfortable position and I feel to get this raging boner. I couldn't hold it back so I quickly suggested that maybe she'd want a pillow under her head and that my legs are starting to hurt. She said 'okay' and I put the pillow under her head. I was so relieved. Well, the clock hits 10pm and I order her to sleep, she stands up and takes the pillow from my legs and she sees my boner, I tried to hide it as quick as I could, but I was wearing trainers so it stood out pretty clearly. She asked 'whats that?' and I didn't know what to say.. after about 5 seconds of quick thinking I for some reason said 'It's a boner', I instantly regretted it. She now asked me if she could see it. I was so freaking nervous, finally i decided to use the chance and had my pants off faster than you could say Candlejack. Stella asked if she cou

>> No.8752794


I want to lick Shameimaru's legs

>> No.8752795 [DELETED] 
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You dick!

>> No.8752799

Even for kopipe this is pretty half-assed...

>> No.8752798
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>> No.8752907


I still have not read a good pedo copypasta other than the legendary Vick's Vaporub one.

>> No.8753022

How do these children know what fucking and ``eating out'' are? According to normals they shouldn't understand until they reach 18.

>> No.8753031


The guy who said he was forced to eat out his cousin is lying.

I believe the guy who talked about the elementary schoolers, though.

>> No.8753038

But thats wrong. Its entirely 'normal' for girls to talk about oral sex at 12-13 these days.

>> No.8753042


>> No.8753086

This is one thing that really makes me depressed, how someone can genuinely hate someone else for absolutely nothing. The fact that they are kids just makes it worse.

Can't everyone just take it easy?

>> No.8753123

I remember posting here a few months ago about paying a loli to make fun of me and call me names. Has anyone here done something like that? I don't believe there are any laws against it.

>> No.8753160

They generally come to an understanding of these things about half of that age.

>> No.8753189


>> No.8753205


>Who are you quoting?


>> No.8753209

Most 3D people have terrible prrsonalities, nothing new.
Ever noticed how adults are much nicer in VN too?

>> No.8753225


That place sounds worse every single day.

>> No.8753236

>Kids are nothing like they are portrayed in anime and VNs.
>Why do writers feel the need to mislead me like this?
wait, so anime and VNs arent real??
all those years wasted watching naruto when it was all fake

>> No.8753243 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8753269

What they say. "Truth comes from mouth of a child."

Not at all always. But they can be blunt and straight with visible facts. You could always throw something back or just not take them seriously. My little brother asked me once that why you play games like this when you are an adult? I'd say to that there are many more older than me who play these games longer than me and that young teenagers don't really get all what there is to it. Then he'd be like, well it looks complicated... I could almost feel fatherly love for a moment.

>> No.8753282

I think I'm an abnormality in /jp/ if only for the fact I get along reasonably well with other people in real life. I can see how children can be disgusting little shitheads and, as of now, I have no plans on having children but I've always had good interactions with them. Asking me to read stories or play gameboy with them and stuff.

>> No.8753887

Maybe because you picked up socia skills somewhere along the way. I think people should have a personality when they're at home and try to adapt whenever they are not. I think i's hypocritic to bash on new people on the internet and want to be treated differently in the real world.

>> No.8753919
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The problem with kids isn't that they make fun of you.

For me, it's more like, everything they do and say pisses me off, and makes me want to beat the shit out of them. I fucking hate brats. Though, of course, if they made fun of me, that would just make me even more pissed off.

And the worst part? You're not allowed to even touch them. Because they know that, they act even more obnoxious.

Of course, I'd really rather just kill the pieces of shit, every last one of them, but apparently the rest of society is under some kind of illusion that it's worth keeping them around. Maybe they purposely delude themselves in order to continue thinking that they're happy because they have children.

Really? Do you really think you're happier if you have children? What a joke. They make your life MISERABLE, and society holds the parents to the same standards they hold everyone else to: if you slip up even a little, they'll all look down on you.

Man, I know how Rosa feels...

>> No.8753921

Don't confuse fiction with reality.

>> No.8753923

Watch out guys, we got a badass over here.

>> No.8753932

The prettiest legs of Gensokyo.

>> No.8756120

What a faggot you are. Why do you get so pissy about everything? And you are not going to kill anyone; stop trying to make your internet persona look good.

>> No.8756143

Did you seriously bumped this thread to post this shit or are you just shitposting?

>> No.8756153

  (^.,^)< why not both?

>> No.8756193


>> No.8756218

I don't get pissy about everything. My life is all about taking it easy. Brats just happen to be one of my biggest berserk buttons. I believe this topic has already well established the fact that you will only see well-behaved brats in works of fiction. Either that, or in an extremely strict family, I guess. But you don't see that kind of family in America.

You ask any teacher in a public elementary school, whether they enjoy their job. The only ones who would tell you "yes" are the newbies who are still enthusiastic about it, or the ones who are lying.

Let alone living with one, or even taking care of them. It's really horrible.

Are you really going to tell me that they don't piss you off?

People mainly say things like that because they try to make themselves look good, don't they? Because it's the "mature" thing to say. Even the parents who love their kids will tell you that it can be extremely difficult to put up with them.

>> No.8756225

But you were a kid once, can't you empathithize with your past self at least?

It's understandable that some of them can be annoying as they're still quite new to this 'life' thing, but surely you can remember what it was like when you were in their shoes (as far as that's possible, culture changes too much).

>> No.8756238

Read Genshiken. Accurate little sister.

>> No.8756249

Fuck off and take you amputated dick with you, faggot.

>> No.8756281

>I don't want an imouto anymore.
Why would'nt you do that?
If you train her... I mean, raise her properly, it'll just be fine.

On a side note kids outside are shit, but just take a look at their parents and everything will make sense.
But i'm a lucky guy, people usually avoid me outside since i'm black.

>> No.8756290

>But you were a kid once, can't you empathithize with your past self at least?
Not all of us were horrendously irritating brats. Some of us kept quiet and to ourselves. I'd imagine this to be true of most of /jp/.

>> No.8756296

>Why would'nt you do that?
>If you train her... I mean, raise her properly, it'll just be fine.
How could you raise a child that isn't a little shithead? It's not something you can do, short of accidentally doing it. Do too much, and the kid lashes out to defy you and hates you, do to little, and the kid lashes out to get attention and hates you.

>But i'm a lucky guy, people usually avoid me outside since i'm black.
Then they just shoot you in the back and claim self defense.

>> No.8756301
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What OP said isn't true at all. I work with kids and they're adorable, funny, and great to be around. I love my job

>> No.8756305

I did some bratty things sometimes, but most of the time I just kept quiet and stuck to myself. Back then, I was cripplingly shy, but now, I think that was definitely a good thing.

>> No.8756310

Yes, 3DPD lolis are shit. That's not new.
Now go prepare tea and cake for your 2D imouto. She is waiting.

>> No.8756315

I didn't imply that we were, but obviously we saw those that were. Nevertheless, that age is a period of learning, so more 'unusual'/inappropriate behavior is to be expected.

>> No.8756312
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Ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off, seriously, at least make your lies believable.

>> No.8756325

Luckily again, not, since i'm not living in glorious America.

>> No.8756333

>What OP said isn't true at all.
I give both your's and OP's anecdotal evidence equal weight because they are not mutually exclusive.

>I work with kids and they're adorable, funny, and great to be around. I love my job
Maybe because you aren't the typical /jp/er and actually command respect, unlike OP, who is an obviously loser.

And why the fuck are you even here. Being a yotsubite should be grounds for immediate dismissal for working with kids. What are you going to do when your browser caches some Investment Banker posts?

I was a brat who everyone hated. I was the charity case in a private school, so no one liked me because I was poorer than them (not even the teachers). I also had a medical issue with my asshole that caused it to not do it's job, which caused considerable embarrassment, which made me feel that I had to be tough by pretending it didn't faze me. Being an dickish little kid was how I dealt with it, but I was no less of a fucked-up person than the kids who kept to themselves.

>> No.8756346

Don't worry anon, I wasn't a brat but everyone hated me anyway. I often wonder if years of never fitting in are what made me like I am now, or if I was just like that to begin with, thus never fit in.

>> No.8756355

Kids love me. Especially young girls. I always have a blast at family reunions playing with my younger cousins and family friends.

It's probably because I'm not awkward or obese.

>> No.8756367

I think that we weren't meant to fit in. We're the people that society labels as loser. Didn't your mother ever tell you that some kid wouldn't amount to zero and shouldn't be played with? That's basically us.

>> No.8756910
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this thread

>> No.8756925
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Was it the fact that they were pointing out that you're ugly that bothered you, or was it that you don't consider yourself ugly, and them calling you ugly was a lie?

>> No.8757126

I always seem to get along great with kids and people older than me, not so much people my own age.

>> No.8757459

My younger relatives are really cool. Sure they get a bit annoying at times, but never more than that. I chalk it up to good parenting. It also helps that they all seem to look up to me since all of the other relatives my age are too occupied with normalfag interests to connect with them.

Hell, I told them about my waifu and they said, "you have the right to love whoever you want!". Apparently my male cousins like the doting onee-san type characters and my female cousin likes shy, dojikko-loli types. I hope they grow up and retain such sensibilities, I'll do my best to guide them along the way.

Wish me luck, /jp/!
