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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8742555 No.8742555 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, how do I find a yandere /jp/ boyfriend? I've been stalking the IRC channels for awhile like you suggested but everyone there is just some annoying tripuser like Sudo. I want the craziest, clingiest and most autistic boifurendo possible. He has to threaten to kill himself if I leave him and he has to have delusions of extreme grandeur about living with me happily ever after.

>> No.8742575

You can hire me to do that for you, if you want. $4/hour plus expenses.

Email me if you are interested.

>> No.8742572

I could be your boyfriend. Will you take up my offer?
I would die if you won't

>> No.8742587

Try PMing the lurkers.

>> No.8742608

>from /jp/
You know the only faggot that would be up for that is some normalfag shitposter right?

>> No.8742614

It's funny that you think that you actually want a yandere boyfriend. Are you a girl? Because girls really hate those kind of guys, and you might just find out that you do to, in time. Want to hear my story?

>> No.8742637

I do. Please post it in EXTREME graphic detail. Like, I want to know the color of the shirt you were wearing.

>> No.8742653
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>mfw serious replies to such an obvious troll

I guess /jp/ is autistic enough to fall for something like that, huh?

>> No.8742658

Look at the roommate threads that get posted on /jp/ all the time. Anon-kun is just tsundere.

"I-it's not like I want to be in a relationship! I just want a roommate that might possibly blossom into a relationship! D-don't misunderstand!"

Anon-kun is so cute. :3

Are you the guy who posted about the abused suicidal /jp/sie friend a few days ago? Because I' already read it then and you're an ungrateful dick. If he was my friend, I'd treat him with love. I hope he doesn't kill himself when you leave him so he can be my boifurendo.

If you're not that guy then post your story so I can call you ungrateful too.

>> No.8742659

Oh it's not like I can even remember it in so many details anymore. I made sure I erased most of it with alcohol and time purposely spent being very busy with other activities. Even now I'm not sure I want to bring those memories back. Well here goes nothing anyway:

>> No.8742687

Ungrateful, me? No, I'm on the opposite side of that stick, dude.

Short intro: I knew this girl from my sophomore year in highschool. She was a total beauty, cutesy short thing with beautiful black short hair, the kind of cute girl you just want to hug. Inb4 3pdg I was still pretty much a normal back then, and I got to know her from being on the same band as her, which a got into from a common friend (she was the vocals, I was the trumpet).
anyway moving on to the actual story...

>> No.8742698

Sorry for forgeting to sage previously. Is anyone even still interested in this? I don't think it is that much interesting anyway, but there's lots of romance from my part and also NTR, if you're into that sort of stuff.

>> No.8742701

Please tell me anon, I'm still interested. I want to live vicariously through your tragic love lives.

>> No.8742708

That has nothing to do with having a /jp/ boyfriend. In fact, it's about a girl. I don't care, I want someone from /jp/ exclusively.

Only if it's /jp/ and yandere boy-related.

>> No.8742738

Where do I start?
Even though I always kind of had this crush on her from the get go, I never made an advance into her, first because she already had a bf back then, which she hated by the way, and second and perphaps more realistically because I have always been such a huge faggot beta. Still, we spent some good times together during like a year and half or so, probably a little less. It was during the time that I was still playing with them in the band, and we had developed some sort of friendship. Nothing too close though.
I'm wondering if I should make these posts longer or split them more often? also more details or less details? Btw I'm getting to the love part already.

>> No.8742747

I don't think you got it yet. I am the yandere in this story.

>> No.8742761

But you're talking about a girl, and she's not from /jp/ but from some old and gay High School romance. You're a normal who needs to get out. Girls are gross.

>> No.8742780

I'd like to point out, however, that I'm a still a virgin, even though I have already sucked an unknown's man cock (and had mine sucked too). I used to be a normal, I'm not quite sure about it today though. You do have a point though, so I'll stop my story here.
Somehow, I feel actually feel relieved to stop. Goodnight, anon.

>> No.8742783

Wait, don't finish. Please ignore that other guy, I want to hear the end.

>> No.8742832

My last desires to continue have drifted off after his responses, but It would be very mean to leave you hanging, so I'll give you a super ultra concise summary.

Many things which are not really worthy mentioning happened, except perphaps that in the end they made me depressive and afterwards crazy. I really flipped out and had to take some extremely heavy meds for some time. When I finally recovered I found the guts to tell her my feelings, but she was moving to another city just then. I did got a quick smooch and that's it. We promised to exchange letters, but she never wrote. I wrote and sent her 23 fucking letters, all good sized ones, with poems and and love texts all written by me for her. She seemed responsive in the beggining but it seems the more yandere you are, the quicker your partner loses interest, as she did. I forgot to mention she was also bisexual and she was having complicated affairs with women and such. To sum it up: it didn't work out, and I ended up being even more depressive and suicidal even, turning into the hikki I am today. I still have copies of everything I handwrote to her in text files in my pc though. I'm thinking about just deleting it soon though.
That's it very briefly, and even if you wanted more details it would be painful to elaborate more. Though this has happened more than a year ago (has it been 2 now?) and I have gotten over it I still don't feel like remembering those times.

>> No.8742847

goodnight anon. remember, irl yandere leads nowhere, so don't be one.
I, however, have given up on relationships entirely. Even though I am not fat nor ugly and only 20, I'm ok with it

>> No.8742880
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All i can say.
