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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8737884 No.8737884 [Reply] [Original]

Lime Odyssey alpha is out. Game seems like it's simple enough to learn and play for fun. Would jpeesiez be interested in making a guild?

Only rule would be keep /a/, /v/, /b/, or normalfaggotry out of the guild.

>> No.8737889
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>> No.8737901
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Beautiful 2hu potential.

The graphics are cool and there's going to be a focus on exploration and because it's not a console port there's not going to be much faggots in it.

It'd be nice to have a guild to get away from /a/ shit. jp's gettin worse these days too.

>> No.8737918

5 months without a computer .... 5 months without a computer.

I remember when I used to play with /jp/. All I've got is this little laptop I borrowed from my dad. Goddamn it.

>> No.8737923

Looks interesting. I might try it, OP

>> No.8737929

What is the combat/grind like?

>> No.8737930

I might try it if it's any good. Anyone here played it?

>> No.8737938

I believe it isn't even out at the moment.

>> No.8737940

I haven't had a gaming computer in forever. I'm getting my first one soon with financial aid rolls in. I want to make a forum and shit and focus on no circlejerking or any of that shit. I think i'd be a good guild leader.

Honestly it'd just be nice to have a community of old jp bros and take it easy. I read the reviews and IMO it looks like it'll be funner than GW2 or anything else out there. Tera would be cool but it seems like it will failboat hard. Plus theres lots of grinding and the xploration is meh. For someone who likes loli's i don't even think Elin or beautiful Elves/Succubi save the game from tanking if they dont westernize it. I've waited on that game for years and i'm just trying to get over it, cause it probably will fail.

who knows till its out though...

basically 3 races, 4 classes (Thief, Mage, Cleric, Warrior)
Max level is 50, it's free to play. Playing 4 hours a day it'd take 8 weeks to get to max level (less if you're good). Quests look fun and the world is rather beautiful I think. Exploration is an emphasis and there's going to be optional bosses and hidden quests as they say in an interview (I can link if ya want).

Uhm the site says you can download it, and it's in alpha. If I'm not mistaken.

>> No.8737943

I think I signed up for the beta many months ago.
I don't see an e-mail though so I guess no alpha for me yet.

>> No.8737946
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>x races
>x classes
>x professions


>LO promises to be one of the most anticipated free‐to‐play MMO titles of the year.

That's why nobody's ever heard of it.

>> No.8737956

Fuck, I can't play. Dam my on board graphics.

>> No.8737953

It's spiritual successor of Ragnarok Online.

I just think it'd be fun to travel the world with Jps cause it's going to have lots and lots of terrain over 4 continents.

>> No.8737959

same shit as every other mmorpg with graphics from 2005

>> No.8737962

I don't see anything like that anywhere.

>> No.8737966

>It's spiritual successor of Ragnarok Online.

That's it, you convinced me to play it

>> No.8737971

>Alpha Ends @ 5 PM PDT (Monday, March 12th)

Pretty sure it's already over. No news of closed beta either.

>> No.8737975

Its a lie also. Its a horrible game and has very little if nothing in common.

>> No.8737977
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Games that have a sequel don't need a spiritual successor. Ragnarok 2 exists you know.

And spiritual successors usually need to be somewhat similar. The only thing it spiritually succeeds about ragnarok is maybe the world size. Everything else is generic mmo shit. I really want to know why they dare call this generic game's RO's spiritual successor.

>> No.8737984

Well isn't this wonderful.

>> No.8737991


The music is just awesome, and it flows with the art, looks like it could be pretty immersive

Didn't know and wow that sucks.
Look on DEV comments and MMOhut official testing.

>> No.8737992

Hopefully it doesn't go into closed beta until after Sword Girls' open beta ends.

>> No.8737998

MMO devs just CAN'T break themselves free of the wow model, can they?

God I am so sick of all these wow clones.

>> No.8738004

>Lime Odyssey

Having recently played and been rather pleasantly surprised with a game called Spartans in Candyland, I got it fresh in mind that you should not judge a book by the cover.
But that title does not bode well.

>> No.8738009

I've spent $600 on fixing my computer already and it still won't work. I've replaced everything on it except the case; new graphic's card because at first I thought it was a graphic problem, then the motherboard went but I thought it was the harddrive, replaced the motherboard but it won't work with my old processor or memory so I bought new memory and processor. I can only buy one part at a time each month because I earn barely enough money to survive. It's just not getting any power so all I've got left to buy is a case and hope it's a problem with the old case wiring.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off if I pay $100-150 on a case and it still doesn't work. It'll be an entirely new computer. On the bright side, I have an entirely new computer.

>> No.8738022

I can probably help you.

>> No.8738023

>It's just not getting any power so all I've got left to buy is a case and hope it's a problem with the old case wiring.
what does the case have to do with that?

>> No.8738026

I just found out RO2 is in motherfucking open beta. Does anybody know if you can play from outside of Korea? Maybe there's even a translated interface? Google doesn't find anything.

>> No.8738027
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I will play with you Anon!

>> No.8738031


Because it's made by the original Ragnarok team that left when RO2 became that abomination that failed horribly a couple of years ago.

>> No.8738033

Well in lieu of keeping things anonymous we could start a simple mailing group (or you guys could email me for now) if you're interested.

When beta or whatever starts, I could get everyone together who's interested that emailed me and we should have at least 8-10 potential candidates for a guild.

>> No.8738035

What the fuck else could it be? I actually spent more than $600, it's just $600 in parts. I took it in to fucking Geek Squad twice, the first time I paid them $40 to have them tell me they think my harddrive failed so I replaced the harddrive a week later it died completely so I paid them another $80 to tell me the motherboard was shot.

I've replaced everything, EVERYTHING and it won't work and I'm not about to go to Geek Squad one more fucking time. The only thing left I have to replace is the case and hope it's either the wires not connecting to the motherboard properly to recognize the power switch being turned on or the powerbox itself may be to blame.

There's a light on the motherboard that tells you when it's got power, the fact that light doesn't even turn on? Yeah.

>> No.8738036

This looks nice. I'd love to play with you, /jp/!

>> No.8738041

the case has nothing to do with power, it's just a case

>> No.8738042


I will at least play until Tera comes out.

>> No.8738046

I've replaced everything, then why is it not getting power?

>> No.8738052

because the power supply is broken?

>> No.8738058

I'd play, I love the company localizing it.

>> No.8738067

In almost every case with system wide power problems it is either the power supply or the motherboard.
Both are fairly cheap fixes ($70-120) unless you are running a top of the line intel processor.

>> No.8738072

Isn't the powerbox part of the case?

>> No.8738086

I'm interested.

>> No.8738099


Okay jp, that's cool! I'd like to eventually play Tera too, but if this game is fun I'd like to play both, since this one will have a LOT of land to explore (so they say) and the game and art are pretty attractive.

I'd make the forum for Tera guild, Lime Od guild too. Plus any future MMO's to play would be put up.

Throw me a line here:

when game releases, I'll make a simple forum for meetups and events, and general discussion. probably an IRC too for when people wanna chat and not log on to games or something. whatever you guys would find fun.

>> No.8738142

No. A craptacular one usually comes with the case unless you shelled out big for a really case antec or something.
Using a bad one is almost always asking for problems like shorts, blue screens, or full out crashes.
It's pretty damn important,especially in a gaming pc where you are probably drawing a good deal more than an average pc.

>> No.8738148

I will warn you though that this will fail miserably.

>> No.8738149

Here's an early play review. Things seem pretty promising in the sense that things are done simple, but with polish. Having a cool community is really a big chunk of what MMO's about after all.


>> No.8738155

MMO's can always tank, but they're enjoyable if you play them while they're fresh with bros, and just discover new stuff and do interesting things, I think.

>> No.8738215

>game already shut down in Korea
>hosted by Aeria Games

Why waste time on this? It'll be gone in a couple of months.

>> No.8738225

Read the video. It was promised to be put back up. The american Alpha had little to NO bugs at all. They fleshed most of them out.

The reason things were shut down was cause the mass amount of bugs Koreans found, but without them, they're going to start Beta testing.

It was only an alpha, brother.

>> No.8738224

>hosted by Aeria Games
well NOPE for me.

>> No.8738233

There'll be other MMO's to play too. The first step I'd like to take is to get a community of jp's together who want to MMO together and just have fun. MMO's can live and die but there's always time to enjoy and explore new MMO's and move on.

With more normals, /a/, /v/, /b/ in jp, I been wanting to get a community together who'd like to get away from that.

>> No.8738236


>> No.8738262

So what you want to make HotGlue MkII?

>> No.8738273

Can I be Kritz Mk II?

>> No.8738282

I don't know what that is...

Just want a community about what I been saying. Nothing crazy man. Just want to have fun with jp bros. I think things have gotten ridiculous here and it'd be nice to just enjoy the community and an MMO together.

>> No.8738285

Last I heard of hotglue it's pretty much split. The original members and Kritz. I was told that Kritz is a huge douche and to avoid playing with him.

Then again since I don't bother with irc drama, I don't know much about what's up with hotglue now.

>> No.8738300
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>geek squad

Oh boy thank god /g/ isn't here.

>> No.8738302

Yeah... the whole point is that I think I'd be able to keep together a community without running into the issues of having typical circlejerk, powerstruggle asspie memespouting shit like the (can you even call it newfags anymore?) 13yr old /v/ attitudes (not all of them, v has some good Video Game news), and the (most of it IMO) bad side of /a/, with anime-con asspie attitude (not an attack to all of them, but generally).

My philosophy is that if things are kept fair, and people stick to being old jp mentality, things are taken easy, we have fun discussing our 2hus and viennes, don't memespout, etc., we'd have a chill time. I just think someone needs to be the hammer of keeping drama and shit out.

>> No.8738312


Link to the status update.

If you guys read that, I dont think unless they're bullshitting, anyone can deny they're trying to put out a good product, one that works in the F2P market. They want to make sure it's polished and such.

They could release it and milk it as a faux-beta, but they aren't doing that. I think there's a good chance it could be a fun experience guys.

and again anyone interested just email me: fourredmages@gmail.com

Going to try and get a forum up so that when game (tera and/or lime od.) launches we can start questin' n stuff.

>> No.8738321

Horrible anime dub voices. I hope actual vocal speech isn't the new things in MMORPGs.

I'm already enraged just from you suggesting that.

The first, or nearly first MMORPG /jp/ played together was Mabinogi, which had several guilds formed for it likeHotGlue, RapeTheMaids, and I think Danmaku and Badend and at least two other ones.

Hotglue is the only remaining one I think and mostly became the de facto /jp/ guild in other MMOs. Somewhere along Cosmic Break and Aika, some fag name Kritzinger started being an ass to everyone on the MMO forums and in game, leading to lots of butthurt which spilled over onto /jp/ and caused floods of new users being mad about video games. Of course this turned to them all wanting to be part of HotGlue too.

Several jokes/spinoffs have also happened because of it, like PizzaClub and TakeItEasyCo. which I think were used on one game each for people who hate hotglue. I'm pretty sure the hate of Hotglue and MMO threads played a role in creation of those autism-buttranged posters because of the spam of stuff like the "I'm never playing a game with hotglue again" copypasta

HotGlue has probably fragmented several times because most games don't have enough to hold all the members in one guild and the name is pretty much hated by people sick of faggotry by certain common members.

>> No.8738319

Just in case anyone cares. The Koihime musou beta starts tomorrow

>> No.8738331 [DELETED] 

>I think I'd be able to keep together a community without running into the issues of having typical circlejerk, powerstruggle asspie memespouting shit
>I just think someone needs to be the hammer of keeping drama and shit out.

So you're going to ban everyone who does anything other than say "wch 2hu fk" in guild chat? You're meido, aren't you?.

>> No.8738332

>I think I'd be able to keep together a community without running into the issues of having typical circlejerk, powerstruggle asspie memespouting shit
>My philosophy is that if things are kept fair, and people stick to being old jp mentality, things are taken easy, we have fun discussing our 2hus and viennes
>I just think someone needs to be the hammer of keeping drama and shit out.

So you're going to ban everyone who does anything other than say "wch 2hu fk" in guild chat? You're meido, aren't you?.

>> No.8738335

Is it Japanese?

>> No.8738337

>without running into the issues of having typical (...)memespouting shit

>ban everyone who does anything other than say "wch 2hu fk"


>> No.8738340

The beta was postponed to next week.

>> No.8738370

>Skyrim with anime characters

I think I like it.

>> No.8738364

Well that's good to know. I haven't participated in any game with jp before, and I didn't know about this drama. That's the kind of thing I wouldn't want to happen. If other guilds were made to just take it easy and stuff, and keep /a/ /v/ /b/ shit out, it should be alright, IMO. /jp/ doesn't seem to agree on EVERYTHING in it, but I think the jps that've been here for awhile or enjoy what good jp acts as, (for lack of a better term), everyone seems to get along.

Hints of semi-troll. But I'm not power hungry mod or banhammer fag. No matter where you go IRL or OTI there's always someone you don't like. Getting along and understanding while just taking it easy is the only way a guild like this could work it seems. (or one of the few)

I'm no nazi touhou/maid cafe/idol/vn fan, but I enjoy all of them average. When it comes to a group if, it's formed for a reason or with a mentality in mind and sticks to that formula, then it should be smooth sailing.

I'd like to not have to deal with touhou secondaries, bad /a/ types, memespouting 13yrold /v/s, etc., legion /b/ attitude. If we can focus on jp stuff and keep this out, I believe there's a group of jp left that still would enjoy this.

>> No.8738365

I had a entire evening planned around this

>> No.8738377

I tried ThaiLime because every other version of Lime died, and it wasn't anything special. In fact, the grind and normal mobs being much stronger than you would probably drive you to quitting.

>> No.8738380

Damn, why did I miss this? No one from /jp/ seems to play Mabinogi anymore, and it's one of the only games I play.

>> No.8738379

Once it's out it'll be worth it, it seems according to how they're handling things via the official posts.

Throw me a line. fourredmages@gmail.com
I'm keeping up to date with news from the cite, so if you find you want to join a guild in the near future let me know.

>> No.8738386

Is this a scholarly website? Is it giving a biased review?

>> No.8738392

I... think I'd enjoy playing being in a /jp/-like guild.

>> No.8738396

>hosted by Aeria Games
well fuck that.

>> No.8738403

Think it might be, but if you watch the videos and stuff from just random people and their impressions, it's looking really awesome dude.

It's free to play, so no biggie, right? We can all try it out together when it launches. I'm pretty excited. What classes do you think you guys would wanna play?

There's Mage, Warrior, Cleric, and Thief.

I might go a Mage, but they look like they'll get wrecked without a Warrior buddy.

>> No.8738412

This /jp/ mmo community anonymous is thinking up will never work.
The best it can hope to be is hotglue 2.0, that is, a circlejerk between highschool and college kids.
That's if it even gets out of the gates.

>> No.8738407

This game failed in Korea though: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/03/02/lime-odyssey-shutting-down-in-korea/

>Sirius Entertainment, the game's original developer, "deemed that various ongoing critical bugs and server instability could not be solved."

Doesn't that mean that there will basically be no more development? What's the point of even playing if this is all the game you're ever going to get? It's not like the localization staff have the skills/know-how/access to build more content.

>> No.8738409

I think it's actually Korean, but MMOs go well along with the whole ``otaku culture".

>> No.8738410


>> No.8738417

Aeria Games is my favorite host of MMOs personally.

>> No.8738424

Words from one person won't mean much until action is taken. This is 4chan and there's a lot of sporadic people here, so it's understand-able that this sort of thing is unlikely. Jp is different I believe. If there's a leader who lets things run themselves, but just enforces jp mentality, doesn't do shit like circlejerk, or any of that crap, it could be fun. I've run clans with other people in the past and don't step into affairs much unless things get out of hand. The driving goal for fairness and stability would be that people are golden if they don't act like retards, and just keep the /jp/ mentality of things, and the a, b, v shit stays out.

>> No.8738429

>Somewhere along Cosmic Break and Aika, some fag name Kritzinger
I think I remember seeing that name before in Cosmicbreak. I see like 2-3 hotglue players that still play in cosmic break from time to time though. I dont think i see that krits character anymore. and based on reading that i am glad i dint.

i take it you are a part of hotglue since you seem to know so much about what when on with them?

>> No.8738426

Hello Aeria Games employee or GM's pet that that receives a ton free shit that they charge everyone else a ridiculous amount for.

>> No.8738430

Best thing you can do to keep the faggotry to a minimum is at the least keep peole playing games so they don't get the opportunity to circlejerk as much. Retarded crap goes on when you let people idle for too long. Also don't encourage people to raid the forums.

>> No.8738434


They're just not fucking Nexon. My God, Nexon, the only other major game producer I've played with.

>> No.8738436

>doesn't do shit like circlejerk

I know I haven't been to /jp/ much at all this year so I don't really know what's been going on here lately, but let's not pretend 2008-2011 didn't exist.

>> No.8738439

>a, b, v shit stays out.
Literally not possible, this type of idea you're proclaiming attracts these people like flies to shit, or whatever flies like to swarm.

>> No.8738449

Also people like to act out when they are at a new place away from their regular territory like some little kid who goes to a field trip. They are so excited that they are somewhere different with all of his friends that they all start an uproar of shit noise.

>> No.8738450

Some advice befor your dreams go up in flames. Ditch the guild idea and find 2-3 /jp/sies to play with.

You'll thank me later.

>> No.8738453

What do you mean encourage to raid forums? I'd basically have people who are interested, email me and then give them the forum URL. So it wouldn't be posted here directly.

If it gets leaked whatever, but people will only be able to post with confirmation from me and mods, so I that I know it's not spam shit.

Maybe you're right. One can only try, I guess. If they're from there though, and they bring their unfavorable attitude and customs, they'd be banned in the case that everyone could agree that it's a, b, v, shit.

>> No.8738465

If you're making a guild, don't make an irc channel, and don't ban the person who suggested that idea.

>> No.8738471

I fear this but I can dream right? ;_;

With the new bills with ISPs going through this summer, I fear for 4chan and jp. It's unlikely we'd get targeted until things got really crazy, but if we got email group together, we could keep grouped on the boards and play games n discuss our favorite stuff.

Also to you guys that think people would go batshit when they join a new guild, you make a good point. As far as not being able to keep shit board shit out, even if people are from those boards, they have the opportunity to change their behavior and be chill with us jpsies.

If people show that they're expecting of better things, they may rise to the occasion.

>> No.8738486

>bills with ISPs going through this summer

Are they still going through with whatever it is despite most of the people saying they did not want it to be passed?

>> No.8738481


There will still be development, the Korean and Thai versions were taken down to fix the bugs and instability issues which mostly arised from the publishers wanting to push the game out before it was fully tested.

>> No.8738485

I'll join your guild, anon.

Just don't expect me to every say anything.

>> No.8738496

You can still ask us for help with material and such, I'd guess quiet people are a nice chunk of /jp/.

>> No.8738500

An entire party made up of /jp/ers always gets the job done. Casual chit-chat while doing quests is always nice.

If you are hesitant to make a guild, see if you can make a custom chat channel. That way everyone can group up or shoot the shit, but drama is less likely to happen when the only thing you share is an imageboard you frequent and a shared chat channel.

Either way, I'll join up as a healer. Hopefully it isn't whack-a-mole healing.

>> No.8738505

Yeah it's already done deal.

People think wireless ISPS are going to save them, but they're the ones that are most controlled (AT&T, Verizon). I'm not an expert on this though. It's june 1st, look it up. But let's not discuss that here lol.

The problem is, normals just want their facebook youtube etc. I don't know how many people will fight against this.

Yeah no prob, email is fourredmages@gmail.com
Some other jp bros are hikkis or just shy and prefer to remain silent and such. No problem with that certainly. The community and company of jp bros would be enjoyable enough. As long as those people could stay up to date on the forums during important game events that'd be nice, not required (like if we could use an extra person for healing or tanking or whatever). People should be able to be themselves (when they're not being a, b, v, etc.) so no reason to restrict that sort of quiet personality.

>> No.8738509

You going to be a chef, Prinny? There's some review here>>8738149

>> No.8738510

fuck due to how my computer is positioned i have to have wireless and it is verizon no less.

this concerns me and as such i need to know more about it

>> No.8738512

Look, the circle jerk has already begun,

>> No.8738514

Out of curiosity, is anyone playing the TERA closed beta this coming weekend? It would be nice if there were enough /jp/ folks playing to form a small guild. I am currently in /v/'s guild for the ease of finding groups and such, but I would prefer to play with /jp/ for the rest of the closed beta for obvious reasons.

>> No.8738517

I was just wondering about his probable trade class. Though I guess that could be seen as circlejerking.

>> No.8738521

Holy shit its that law where they monitor your every move. they said it would only be eight months now they are saying it will be a whole fucking year?

How much is it to switch isp? i need a better one anyways

>> No.8738527

this looks nice, I might join too once I get free time from work.

>> No.8738528

Either that or tailor. Being able to make my own gear is always nice. I could also just fill in any needed roll.
I am. I'm on whatever the Dragon server is. I'd be up for rerolling on whatever server /jp/ is going to.

>> No.8738529

>It represents "a data bank of every digital act by every American" that would "let us find out where every single American visited Web sites,"

Holy fuck how did people agree to this shit? They mus all be clinically retarded. Simple as that.

This ruined my week and possibly the rest if the year for me.

Fuck everything

>> No.8738530

It's all Obama's doing.
Vote republican for 2013, and the rest of your life, and it will all be fixed.

>> No.8738532

Email me or just google; I'll tell you some basic stuff I know, so we can keep it there.
Basically it's probably not going to be a big deal until they real start making a move. If they handle things wrongly, it could fall on it's face because of movement against it.

Tera of course will be part of the general /jp/ MMO forum community. There's a few bros who would like to play that too. I haven't made the forum yet, but if you want to email me, I'm keeping everyone updated on what's up.

Tera would be pretty fun to play with you guys. I'm honestly not going to play an Elin though, High Elves look too amazing to me.

>> No.8738533

I am, although I'm probably going to end up soloing for 2-3 hours before getting depressed and logging off.

>> No.8738536

I don't believe it will be a big deal. ISP's already record your shit and rat you out in a second if authorities need your information.
This just puts it in written form so nobody can object or act appalled.

>> No.8738543

How do I know what you say is true? I have never voted in my life because I know little of what goes on in that absolute shit hole called the us government. Nothing of that place or what comes out of it ever concerned me but if it affects my internet then thats when i get pissed

I need to know if you arent just swaying me to something even worse. Now I will have to try and research the new upcoming presidents and thoroughly check their history and their motives and try to sift through all the biast bull shit that comes from republicans or democrats mouths because they are so full of thier views and what they have to say that they can get their heads out of thierf fucking asses

god damn just typing about politics pisses me off to know end.

>> No.8738545

Discussing polotics? It's all strings upon strings of puppets...don't bother voting dude...

>> No.8738546

I hope you are telling the truth anon. But then again nothing good has ever happened in a long time for the internet. Only been down hill since 2000

>> No.8738571
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The farming was so disappointing in Lime Odyssey. Game was cute and all, but just felt like another in the long line of KR MMOs I've played. Didn't give it enough of a chance for a proper opinion though.

I will never get a cute MMO with good gameplay, graphics, and deep and complex farming with cows with pink poop to gather up. ;_;

Maybe ArcheAge will end up being a modern UO and not being horrible.

>> No.8738608

The fact that you are saying "jp bros" is enough for me to be sure it's not going to work like a /jp/ guild should and it will become hotglue 2.0 eventually.

>> No.8738620

I hear what you're saying, but other than what I heard from that post, and from what I can gather, it was run poorly, was a circle jerk, and things got waayy out of hand.

The goal would be to have bros from jp make up the guild, with the idea being that people would hold the jp mentality of things.

If there are any specifics you would like to put out about that hotglue guild that were unfavorable, please let me know. I could take things which led to it's downfall, as well as unfavorable actions of it's leaders into account.

Either way you look at it, I don't think it's going to be a cakewalk to run any guild smoothly, but if it's done right, it'll be a good experience worth trying for.

>> No.8738637

>Vote republican for 2013, and the rest of your life, and it will all be fixed.

Why not just fuck off from America entirely?

>> No.8738660

You could start by dropping the "bros" thing. I can already imagine the influences of /a/, /v/, /whatever/ in the chat. People will throw out phrases with ">" and ">implying" for example now and then joined by a couple of emoticons. Discuss a bit about their normalfaggotry while they blog a little, the memes from other boards (and even this board as well, which are awful), etc.

It's always like that and unless some kind of extreme elitist measure from "hardcore old /jp/" gets implanted as rules, it will follow the same path other guilds took. Hotglue failed after a couple of weeks due the lack of quality control and for the actions of some members which created and sustained something that could only be described by the word "cancer". And it only gets worse and worse. It's actually funny because Hotglue represents quite well how /jp/ is nowadays: rotten.

>> No.8738672

Eck. You make a really good point. I can see this happening. How would you go about showing that's its okay to have an appreciation for these things, especially jp-esque memes and such, but that it shouldn't be a huge part of discussion.

You seem like you know quite a bit about how things could go awry. Maybe you'd be interested in moderating or just keeping an eye on stuff that might spark a shitstorm?

The elitist old jp mentality is honestly, something I agree with, but for the sake of the guild and communicating with people every day, there's not going to be perfect people.

The fact that the idea of jp being into what it's into, and the mindset of being free from normal ideals and morals and all that such (not against exactly, just not bound by them), means for interesting people.

I honestly don't think jp's going to get better anytime soon, but there's still some alright people here. The site tohno-chan is pretty damn good its seems--sadly not much traffic.

Throw me an email if you like, you have some good advice on how to keep things from going to the shitter.


>> No.8738683

Hey Namae, I fucked you're pran.

>> No.8738695
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You and everyone in Regenshein!

>> No.8738701

>The site tohno-chan is pretty damn good its seems--sadly not much traffic.

>> No.8738704

I've only been there a bit lol. It seems like it keeps up what older jp was. Is there something up with it?

>> No.8738708

This is a joke right, you know, with the "lol" and "jp" thing you're sporting.

>> No.8738716

It's just that I don't agree that it is good. I honestly just hope that you are trolling or something here. And this: >>8738708

>> No.8738719

The problem is what you're trying to get a handle on at this point in time:

You've got 4-5 groups of /jp/ + not-/jp/ers with their own IRC hangouts. More if you count this new SHTPOSTER gang on Steam, and maybe other things I'm unaware of. These are (all?) groups that play MMOs and mostly go to /jp/. These groups and the friends of people in them also comprise the ENTIRE set of people on /jp/ who play MMOs and didn't arrive here in the last year.

What is relatively simple to do, and happens routinely: Get a large group of mostly-/jp/ people into a MMO guild.
What is probably impossible to do: Get a group of every MMO player on /jp/ into one guild.

There might be a handful of people who are aren't new on /jp/, and who never played an MMO before and suddenly want to now, and there's a sizable group who never went on IRCs and never got involved with that. Especially the people who stay quiet and don't interact much, which is perfectly fine and needs to be accommodated for. However, a lot of the people have ties to the groups mentioned, and it you'd be hard-pressed to get them together for any game that isn't largely enjoyable, and ultra cute, and definitely free to play.

>> No.8738725

I'm not trolling, it seems that that dude is though. I been there once or twice, and they had interesting threads on philosophy, and discussions about how Touhou might be handled in the future, in regards to ZUN's marriage. I'm not trying to speak for any one group, just from what I seen from the site. On the other hand, there seems to be some crazies, like, x-tier crazies. But doesn't it come with the territory?

>> No.8738735

Well you make a good point. I'm not particularly part of any group. I mainly lurked, and commented on a few things when I felt it contributed to discussion.

I shared (controversial?) the old jp mentality of what's what around here for awhile. It's as simple as getting those who share the mentality, whom enjoy touhous, vn's, jrpg's etc., to get together, and talk n enjoy an MMO. I know there's a lot of trolling, hate and cynicism here, but there's also a group that could enjoy this I think.

A guild doesn't moderate itself, really. If guild members agree on a certain ideal, then all are on equal grounds in judgement regarding to how well they stick to this ideal.

>> No.8738733

They can't take it easy at tohnochan. It looks good now, but they have discussions about 3D all the fucking time. After they finish (since Tohno fucking loves those arguements), a mod cleans it up and YOU were never the wiser. Check out their IRC too. Circlejerk of three or four guys, and everyone else who used to go and contribute to the site got kicked or fed up.

>> No.8738763

Isn't the Lime Odyssey alpha over now though? If not, how do I get in?

I can at least join this idea of funding a guild but I'm sure it will either sink and be forgotten or it will emerge to become yet another awful groups mentioned by >>8738719

>> No.8738760

Wow, I didn't know that. The site layout and the boards themselves seem pretty nice for what could have been a branch from 4chan's jp. I guess from what your saying it was abused/turned to shit.

Yeah, I see what you guys said in reaction to my thoughts on the site. I should have been clear that I only saw the face of it and some of the boards.

Also another thing I'd like to discuss, is if a forum should just be created. I was thinking of making a temporary IRC or something to discuss guild names and such, but it seems like one guy suggested against IRC to avoid drama. Just forum posts, with forum rules and moderation.

Also taking into accounting advising against "greentext", overuse of memes, and that sort of thing to keep ridiculousness out.

What do you think then, about no IRC, just forums, and discussion only being held in-game, in guild/party chat?

>> No.8738778

So cute. Geek squad customer can't use a computer, OP smells like girl, everyone being rude.

>> No.8738775

If you want to create something, make a small, simple image board or something even more simple. IRC will certainly trigger a bad end.

Maybe just a little exchange of ideas in this very thread might do the job just fine. Decide on a name, "PM X for invites" and play.

>> No.8738782

Yeah, I think it's over. I hear beta will be up in a few weeks though, not sure.

Having jp users come together first and organize, will have us prepared for launch, and able to discuss how we can agree upon things working.

As far as the hard-written rules, they would be probably few. The idea of the exacts of old jp might not be in stone, but I believe people can understand what it entails. If this interests users, then , by sticking to this ideal, I believe there's potential in a solid, enjoyable guild. With moderation and such, certainly.

>> No.8738788

Is there a way to host a small, simple imageboard with the idea of old jp? for free, that is? I wouldn't mind paying into it, but I'm afraid of legal repercussions of CP and stuff being posted. Don't have enough time to moderate 24/7.

I thought about it, and there would only need to be 4 boards. But i figure a forum would do. I understand the benefits of an imageboard though. I'm just aware of how to moderate and keep a forum running clean, and that's why I lean to that route.

>> No.8738794
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It's boring.

>> No.8738808

No idea.

>> No.8738814


This, how did you faggots get past the first 15 minutes.

>> No.8738823

Well I have to get sleep. If this threads up I'll respond to stuff.

Email if interested of course.

With advice from everyone here, it seems the best idea as of now, would simply be to make a forum, and have those interested email me about the community/guild etc. for Lime Od. and other MMO's including Tera.

Everyone who has sent an email to my address, I'll keep updated right as the forums are created. Any suggestions or otherwise let me know.

>> No.8738828

We have something of that sort, it's called ecochan. Thank god most forgot about it.

>> No.8738840

Get out, /bun/ devs

>> No.8738842

No one uses this anymore http://hotglue.co.cc/ Contact the owner and have them throw you up a board and make you a mod.

>> No.8738856

What's that? It doesn't exist.

Also, >playing with hotglue

>> No.8738860

Just using /jp/ worked fine for most everything. /jp/ gets archived, so there's no functional difference between it and anything else, except for the possibility of putting random people in power over other random people. That's something I doubt many people would take kindly too.

As soon as you get into anything that is distinctly separate from /jp/, you're heading straight into clique town, and most likely a quick spiral towards doom. Especially if it's something not Anonymous, and even worse if you're trying to pick up people to moderate other people on these boards. That one guy who is super eager to help you moderate your new special board? There's a good chance he's either new to /jp/, he's an attention whore, or he's some dude from one of the clique groups who wants to jump on what you're doing.

/jp/ has largely done just fine under random people making a thread and then thinking "oh we should make a guild", and then simply doing so.

The original Hotglue guild in Mabi was just a collection of random posts by people, including Tablecat, that resulted in the guild being thrown up. The Aika guild was formed with no prior planning and no grand intentions, just the people who found each other on /jp/ and met up to make a group.

>> No.8738878

I had fun playing with Hotglue. I really don't talk that much so joining a random guild or making friends is hard for me in a mmo.

Since Hotglue is kind of dead now making a new /jp/ based guild for mmo's would be nice. I'm not so sure about moderating it heavily and what you're suggesting. It should just be a guild where anyone from /jp/ can join. In hotglue anyone from /jp/ could join, in the beginning at least, if you acted like a fag you would be kicked. Random people in game were rarely allowed to join so it would at least be people who knew about /jp/. There should definitely be a certain amount of elitism in the guild, though. In hotglue if someone used emoticons or acted like a typical gaia kid he was asked to stop. If he kept doing he would be kicked or he could just leave if he didn't like it.

>except for the possibility of putting random people in power over other random people. That's something I doubt many people would take kindly too.
This. This is mostly what I'm afraid of. The guild turning into a circlejerk. Hotglue kind of declined with it's irc drama.

I'm going to be playing Tera. It would be nice to have a guild to join since I would just end up playing alone. I don't really want to play with the /a/ or /vg/ guilds either.

>> No.8738883

I've been looking on Google and with a quick search I found there's no free hosting stuff. But I hear it's cheap. I'm just a novice on how to run a site at all, and how to keep CP and illegal shit from shutting it down. I'd be up for paying for it.

Optimally, I'd just like Jp to be a bit more secluded from the rest of 4chan, but that's just me.

>> No.8738892

>nor are

>> No.8738891

no one is going to post CP on your stupid site, now are the feds going to ever look at your site in your entire lifetime.

>> No.8738900

Yeah pretty much old /jp/ mentality. Undesirable or shitty other board attitude would be issued a warning, and later a ban if the guild agrees upon it. The idea would be to have integrity to stick to the ideals and mentality of old jp, of which I already said and people seem to agree upon.

No real moderation past: no drama, no /a/, /v/, /b/, memespouting, blogging, etc.

That kind of thing. Into super jp specifics, that'll be left up to the guild and such and left alone. So that sort of elitism would be necessarily.

As far as people outside of jp entering (like "hey can I have my irl normal friend join, he plays cod n stuff and wow, he's cool") yeah, no. Not unless the guild really agrees on it and the person is somehow into something jp is a good part.

But throw me an email, I'll be making a TERA and Lime Od. board as well as other basic boards as well soon.

There's a quite a few on the mailing list so far, so I'll try and make the simple forum this week. Read other posts for more details.


I'm going to sleep now (I said so earlier but I had to do something). Night for now jp.

hah so true. you have a point. well i wouldn't mind paying for one to be hosted. basically I'm thinking it'd be like this:

General Otaku Culture
Details: Music, Anime, Manga,

Interactive Media
Video Games, Doujin Games, VN’s

For all things Touhou

Poorfag, NEET, Hiki Living
Cheap healthy food, saving money
*Forced anon here

- can have stickies for recurring threads
- IRC not directly in-games non-existent to avoid drama/conflict

>> No.8738911

No girls allowed in this new guild, right?

>> No.8738915

But we're all little girls.

>> No.8738912

There are no girls on /jp/

>> No.8738917
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I think most of us did. The actually-playing part was just fine and quite enjoyable.

That pesky stuff in-between playing MMOs though, while being in IRCs and separated from /jp/, I would guess a lot of the problems manifested during those times.

>> No.8738925
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>> No.8739782

It's funny because your picture is from when Hotglue was merged with /a/ clans, gaia and god knows what else.

>> No.8739844

I don't know whether that's the beta or first official tournament, but hotglue didn't take in anybody new until after practically everyone quit. The only /a/ clan was Loyalty and hotglue only took in a few people because it disbanded. I can actually only remember one person who came from Loyalty but I think there were more.

I don't know what gaia things you're talking about.

>> No.8740145

i don't know if OP is still here, but id be interested in joining for lime Odyssey

>> No.8740262

I'm talking about the people that joined that weren't even from /a/. And there was a lot of new people getting in. Every single person that got in wasn't from /jp/.

>> No.8740260

i wanted to meet friends from jp too and play... i've sent an email!
you have my email here just in case

>> No.8740408

weren't there like two hotglue guilds, because the first one wasnt able to fit in all the members at once?

>> No.8740432

i just received an email about forums... i don't want to use forums ;_;
that's just my opinion though...

>> No.8740540

Yeah, no one's gonna be required to use the forums. They're simply there for convenience of guild discussions (strategies, class questions, etc).

Then an events board for notifications if a user is going on vacation so people know they aren't dead.

No worries anon, there's people who are shy or just don't want to talk much or prefer to be anonymous. If such people simply want to just hang in guild chat in the game itself that's quite alright.

>> No.8740574

That was during the early stages of closed beta. They are talking about something that happened a year later or so.

>> No.8740621

Hotglue was full of /jp/ users right through to the end, and it has been in pretty much everything, not counting people who were lying, and the occasional refugee, such as Amaranthea and AdnzzzzZ. If you saw someone using GaiaSpeak, they were probably kids who found out about /jp/ from /b/ or something.

Needless to say, there'll be a /jp/ presence in LO, regardless of whether Hotglue is created as an actual guild. Hell, I'll lead you guys if no one else does.

>> No.8740643

Of course anyone's free to do anything, and I'm not king of authority on jp, but I started this thread to see who was interested. Many people like to do things many ways. The goal of the guild/MMO community from jp i'd like to crate, is one that adheres with integrity, to the ideals of 'old jep mentality'. I already explained what this was earlier and so did some other jp users, but suffice it to say, just keeping /a/v/b/ shit out as well as memespouting and >greentext shit when it's overused would be undesirable.

There's quite a bit interested so far, and I'm planning on creating a forum for convenience and guild game discussions such as raids or whatever. So throw an email if you're interested.

Here's the current idea for the layout.


Events & Community Dicussion board
Description: organize raid/meetup/party sessions, etc.
Sticky: Going away, vacation, etc.
Sticky: Communtiy, Guild, and Board Rules

General board
Description: music, movies, computers, video games, etc
- will have sub board for introductions, birthdays, greetings
Sticky: Introductions

Otaku Culture board
Description: for VN's, Touhous, JRPG’s, etc.
- Sticky: Hitensoku meetups (2hu fighting game)

Tera Guild board

Lime Odyssey board

- no official IRC to avoid drama
- eventual Skype/Ventrillo (some free service until I can afford to pay for one for the guild

>> No.8740684

>Hotglue was full of /jp/ users right through to the end
Don't make me laugh. Maybe if /jp/ was a place they visited once a week or something.

>> No.8740698
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>> No.8740789

Why reinvent the wheel when there is a perfectly good car right over there waiting for a driver?

There is usually 75 people in the #hotglue IRC room and around 250 in the Hotglue Steam group.

Honestly, anyone can just hop into #hotglue and be "the leader" for whatever MMO flavor of the month comes along (provided you have LOTS of free time), you just need to be a social veteran of the /jp/ sub-culture and a functioning level in communication skills.

Just don't turn into another flash in the pan guild, it seems every game I've played with /jp/ there is a group of 10-30 people who refuse to join #hotglue out of ego (I want to be the leader) or mob mentality (falling for hotglue anti-hotglue trolling on this board).


Since people would probably flip-shit if I posted the direct IRC link; just check the steam group page.

>> No.8740799

>Why reinvent the wheel when there is a perfectly good car right over there waiting for a driver?
This car is notorious for crashing into the wall at full speed. Maybe inventing a wheel is too much, but something certainly requires overhaul.

>> No.8740820

I highly doubt there's 75-250 active /jp/ users. Those people must be from somewhere else. What's the point in joining then? could join any other guild and it'd be the same. I don't fully agree with OP's methods, but I'm interested in playing lime Odyssey with /jp/, not in joining hotglue for "flavor of the month".

>> No.8740821

Everything hotglue has ever touched has been won by them. In terms of skill they are the best guild in 4Chan.

>> No.8740836

I'll give it a look, but the approach I think I'd like to take and the simple fact of keeping old jp mentality in, and other shit board habbits out, is one that I personally trust wont turn into a circle jerking shitstorm and other issues. I have faith that as a group if we stick to this mentality, let people be themselves within this mentality, a good group will be maintained we can have a good time.

If things are run in this way, I'm certain good jpers will be interested.

Of course vs, bs, and a's might wander in, but if they keep their shit to themselves, and work coexist with the jp mentality then maybe they could be good contributors.

I'm going to pretty much keep my hands out of guild and community of affairs people, as it is on jp (lack of/no mods). However, the only difference would be to step in when people clearly are acting like shitposters, and display /a/b/v etc attitude. Any actual repercussions would be discussed with guild members themselves before taken place, however.

There needs to be something to keep the shit out. Not everyone is in agreement of how, but jp has gotten a little awry after the new board creations and such--in my opinion--and these type of things would be nice to keep out.

Without IRC, and discussion being only in game, and basic communication on the boards for convenience and other guild events, there's much drama failsafes. Outside of this, one must be realistic (or are trolling) in thinking there's a perfect way to handle things.

The other idea I have is to keep everything private forumwise, to members, but have event and guild discussions publicly view-able.

With this, such posts here (where things would be organized and handled) could be judged by the hivemind of /jp/ itself.

>> No.8740845

>Why reinvent the wheel when there is a perfectly good car right over there waiting for a driver?
The car you speak off is broken.
>There is usually 75 people in the #hotglue IRC room and around 250 in the Hotglue Steam group.
There are usually 65 people at best and 10% are bots, 30% are people that just idle, 20% don't play anything and are just there to circlejerk, other 20% won't play games aside from the one they are playing now (and they won't stop), and the remained amount are people that actually want to play.
>you just need to be a social veteran of the /jp/ sub-culture and a functioning level in communication skills.
Too bad that doesn't fit around 3/4 of the people there. Hotglue is almost completely unrelated to what it was supposed to be. In fact, Hotglue is now pretty much what an /a/ or /v/ guild is. The presence of "/jp/" in there is extinct.
>ust don't turn into another flash in the pan guild, it seems every game I've played with /jp/ there is a group of 10-30 people who refuse to join #hotglue out of ego (I want to be the leader) or mob mentality (falling for hotglue anti-hotglue trolling on this board).
That actually made me laugh, a lot. I still find it very funny that you actually are that dumb.

Let me give you a piece of advice (even though it has been said several times already but you just denies it): You are one of the reasons people hate Hotglue, your actions and attitude carved such a deep and ugly scar in this whole guild thing that people just avoid it at any cost.

>> No.8740856

i think a simple mailing list would be better than forums for events... or just a japanese style textboard... or both

>> No.8740859

There were only two games past 2010 that allowed any competition, aika and cosmic break.
Anything else was so bad and/or short that pathetic pompous bragging was completely wasted. You can't win if there is no one to fight with. I don't know that "everything" you are talking about, unless you mean shitposting on other forums and imageboards.

>> No.8740860

Even though that is not true, we are not here to be the best guild in the X game. The /jp/ guild idea is supposed to be of gathering people from /jp/ to play together since they don't want to play with /v/ or /a/ or anything else. And the fun fact is that Hotglue was supposed to serve as a sanctuary from things that actually corrupted it.

>> No.8740861


>With this, such posts here (where things would be organized and handled) could be judged by the hivemind of /jp/ itself.
Meant to say that the Events & Community Discussion board would be public-ally view-able. Therefore, discussion and judgement of it could be had on 4chan jp itself. Any anonymous complaints and such could be had here.

>> No.8740872

Main root of problems arises naturally when people get their identities back.

>> No.8740884

Replacing the driver has worked for most games. Like I pointed out earlier and described in a couple different posts, creating a guild that can hold a decent/large number of people from /jp/ is not a difficult task.

It's precisely as hard as making a guild and inviting people.

And like Kritz pointed out, there are still two very large groups of mostly, or at worst partially consisting of, /jp/ readers that are readily accessible to anyone wanting to play some MMOs. Whether you use them or not is fairly irrelevant to the end result, since these groups are going to see the threads. And like mentioned, they are full of people who play MMOs, and they like to play them with /jp/.

>> No.8740891

From witch's comments, I have an idea.

Those that prefer anonymitiy but still want to be part of the guild/community, etc., can be put on a mailing list, in which they will have their email given to all other uses of the guild (or specific guild of each MMO at the time) the user is in, if they so chose.

>> No.8740910

>That actually made me laugh, a lot. I still find it very funny that you actually are that dumb.

>Let me give you a piece of advice (even though it has been said several times already but you just denies it): You are one of the reasons people hate Hotglue, your actions and attitude carved such a deep and ugly scar in this whole guild thing that people just avoid it at any cost.

Stay mad nerd.

>> No.8740911

The point is that they don't behave like they are from here.

>> No.8740914

Heh, I see now what he meant.

>> No.8740924

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.8740930

The only fair way to have things is that anyone 'from jp can join', but with the idea that they maintain integrity to the mentality of the ideals of 'old jp'. If they happen to be part of this Hotglue guild people are speaking of, as long as they don't discuss they've come from there or anything about that guild, then I don't think there is any right to keep them out. With the negative stuff I am hearing, there is no way to know if it's true or not, but the negative stuff itself is definitely the type of things that could bring down a wonderful community of jpers.

If members don't stick to the core ideals of the guild then it isn't their cup of tea, and should probably seek to join an /a/ or /v/ guild. This seems like a fair way to do things.

>> No.8740933

I thought Kritzinger fell off the face of the earth and died, but as soon as retarded hotglue drama emerges, he arrives.

>> No.8740942

Obviously, someone probably posted this thread in their IRC channel.

>If members don't stick to the core ideals of the guild then it isn't their cup of tea, and should probably seek to join an /a/ or /v/ guild. This seems like a fair way to do things.
You will be surprised by the huge amount of people that behave like they came straight from /v/, /a/ or /b/. If you are willing to kick out people that don't stand for the old /jp/ style, be ready to have a very small guild.

>> No.8740945

You fail to understand that current /jp/ is pretty much the same as /a/ or /v/.

>> No.8740947

Core ideals?
At the end of the day most, if not all, /jp/ers will drop the game and move on to something else to distract themselves. So things will pretty much drop off into nothing one way or another.

>> No.8740949

what will the name of the guild be?

>> No.8740964

sure is autist tears in here

>> No.8740963


By core ideals, I mean the old jp way of doing.

As far as dropping the game--MMO's die and are born every few months, but there's always room to enjoy them as a new world, with other jpers. That's why it won't just be limited to one game. To be specific, each game will have it's own group of players exclusive or non-exclusive to that game, and as such, may have a slightly different style of community. However, people would have the forum as the central hub of recognizing each other for means of hopping on the next MMO boat if one goes cash shop or there's tons of BR's.

Forum name - something simple, ultimately not going to have any impact on the guild names or anything, just something to put down for the URL.

Guild name - on the board/mailing list, those who are interested (or here) can come up with a name for the Guild of each game.

>> No.8740970

That's why hotglue has been around for years. Guilds based on a single game die after the game gets boring.

>> No.8740978

hurr durr.

>> No.8740982

And look at how well hotglue turned out.

>> No.8740993

Pretty sure it wasn't the cause. Anyway, online games nowadays have no bigger than three days interest value. If you aren't ready to grind for the next 72 hours straight, you are completely missing out.

>> No.8741000

That's my point, what does it matter who joins or what they are like? Just play a game till you're tired of it for whatever reason and them move on.
If the guild moves to a new MMO, those who are interested will find it or make their own contacts, there's always MMO threads here. And for those who don't, meh.

It's a distraction after all, not a commitment.

>> No.8741010

Do you ever look at the /jp/ front page?

75% of /jp/ threads don't "look like they're from here", depending how we are classifying this. If we are including these threads in the standard "/jp/ behavior" pool, it would also mean your initial statement was flawed.

In regards to people's behavior, I've noticed it usually marginalizes itself when they're playing games actively. You probably will get a handful of people who act like they've found their way to /jp/ straight out of Gaia or /b/. Instantly condemning these players for being "not /jp/" isn't the right way to handle it. Tell them what's expected of them in a /jp/ guild, if they can understand and handle that, great.

Not being an insufferable piece of shit in guild chat is an absolute requirement for any /jp/ guild member. You aren't in your own little world--your behavior affects others. If people can't handle this, that's when they need to cut out like a malignant tumor.

>> No.8741026

Good advice. I'll definitely keep that in mind.

One of the other sticky situations is how to handle bans of people who are unquestionably horrid:
XD dude gaiz, hav u seen the new touhou comic on reddit? alice is soo beta"

^ that kind of thing.

I suppose that I can simply say "It's assumed you frequent, post, or lurk jp. There's no way to know this, however. If you came from somewhere else, keep it to yourself. What matters is that your behavior sticks to old jp mentality.

Just an idea how to phrase it.

>> No.8741037

Change that last part to "what matters is you behave with consideration to others".

>> No.8741039
File: 73 KB, 480x568, 1258215129188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fine to make a /jp/ guild but just don't let it follow hotglue's path of ruin. They didn't prevent the cancer from taking root, so it spreadraped across everything.

My advice for this neo-/jp/ lime guild is if someone acts like a retard and/or obviously non-/jp/, just fucking kick him out.

Also, establish clear rules. And enforce them.

>> No.8741040

>75% of /jp/ threads don't "look like they're from here", depending how we are classifying this. If we are including these threads in the standard "/jp/ behavior" pool, it would also mean your initial statement was flawed
Of course I'm not including those threads in the "/jp/ behavior" concept. People that make or post in such threads are certainly the kind of people that would behave like /v/ or /a/.

I never said that you can't educate them or tell them to contain their 'un-/jp/ness'. But I speak from experience that it is kind of impossible.

>> No.8741048

Speaking of old /jp/, when did we become elitist faggots?

>> No.8741049

Since board creation. And don't even try to point out the state of the first week or anything like that because it was just filled with people trying to establish roots in the new board.

>> No.8741051

If you seriously don't know the answer to this then you need to go back to /a/.

>> No.8741052

elitist faggots? i wouldn't say that in such a bad light. if i might speak liberally here, it became that way more and more, out of intolerance for what would be judged as shitposting.

Look at the threads of pigs, the troll threads with barkley as waifu, and other shit.

>> No.8741059


Really? Well maybe it's just me then, I could never bring myself to care enough I guess.

Not like being prissy about it does any good though?

>> No.8741062

So who from Hotglue is planning on playing any upcoming mmo's? I want to know who to look for in game.

>> No.8741060

I beg to differ. Hotglue's problem is that it kicked out the cancer and was too successful. This lead to three groups forming: the cancer kicked out of Hotglue who came back to /jp/ to spam shit like the "I'm sick and tired of playing MMO's with Hotglue" copypasta, the overzealous ones in Hotglue who kicked and antagonized people who came under their own definition of cancer, and the elitist group who developed overblown egos as a result of Hotglue's achievements.

>> No.8741063

Instead of being prissy about ``newfags" and stupid shit like that, I propose we should just make consideration of others and good, or at least okay, grammar be two requirements.

>> No.8741065

Although we're all into the hating Hotglue thing right now, I'd just like to link the founding principles of Hotglue: http://hotglue.co.cc/about.html

Though these weren't enforced effectively throughout the series of events that led to all the hurt feelings surround Hotglue, I feel they are surprisingly accurate and are a good insight into how a /jp/ guild should be handled.

I guess the point that I'd like to draw the most attention to is the last point, and the point that was ignored and eventually led the worst things about Hotglue:

>Cliques are considered harmful.

>> No.8741068

As a Hotglue member, I must say this is very wrong.

>> No.8741072

We've already played Lime Odyssey and dropped it as it wasn't worth the time, and at present there are no notable upcoming games to look forward to.

Maybe someday a second Aika will come around and we can band together like the good old days, but I fear that that will be a day long to come.

>> No.8741073

Is hotglue still around Mabinogi?

>> No.8741075
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>> No.8741076

Sorry but those rules simply don't work.

The real problem are the people. Their attitudes and different mindsets will clash and you will have to either establish order for one side or the other.

>> No.8741078

See? This is one of the main things that makes Hotglue awful, the circlejerk. And I'm not talking about guild members talking to each other like that. I'm talking about people coming here and doing that in the board.

>> No.8741084

No. Actually, some people might log in from time to time for whatever the reason, but Mabinogi is officially done with.

>> No.8741083

sup Trina

>> No.8741085

Well damn, it's a fun game.

>> No.8741086

I don't really see why taking it easy wouldn't work?
The only way that a clash can occur is if there is opposition. So say someone comes along and shakes things up, if the majority, or at least the core members go "meh", there will be no opposition right?

>> No.8741089

Trina loves to circlejerk.

>> No.8741090

If it's a situation that poor, you can ask people to stop being insufferable faggots or you'll cut the whole bunch of them out. Tell them to go do their stupid shit on /jp/ instead of in guild chat. If you're causing problems for others, just -stop-.

The rules themselves are far from perfect, but they illustrate a general mindset that is conducive to a fun time for everyone.

>> No.8741091

So no ones going to play tera?
Damn neets with shitty computers that can't run it.

>> No.8741093

> or at least the core members
Oh no, now you are touching something very delicate. That's basically saying that if the circlejerk does not like someone, they will get rid of them. Just like when people are kicked from the channel for talking about a game other people with power don't like.

>> No.8741095

There's a few people who've emailed about interest in Tera.

I'm getting a new GPU so I'll be seeing myself soon if I can personally play it. There'll be a board for it of course, as well as the mailing list associated with that.

>> No.8741099

I'm quite sure not even 10 people tried out Lime. And those who did got bored after a couple of days/hours (probably due the lack of motivation)

>> No.8741100

I'd like to think that people know a person being stupid when they see one.

>> No.8741105

What levels did they stop at?

>> No.8741104

Hey now man, that's just some general silliness about the excessively lewd outfits in Megaten, no need to get bothered.

>> No.8741109

Uh no, I never mentioned banning or kicking. I said "Meh"ing, as in not caring, or at least being understanding enough to not get worked up about it.
Also when I said core members I did not mean people in power, I meant a group supporting it. It's easier to be that way if you're not alone, if you slip up someone pats you on the head and calms you down, ect.

>> No.8741113

That doesn't work when stupid people identify each other.
Around 10 - 20. Others even less than that.

>> No.8741119

If things get too bad, I'll just take it easy somewhere else.

>> No.8741118
File: 381 KB, 725x900, 1263562946040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be playing it, but chances that I'm going to do that in group are very low, because there are at least two servers, and everyone will pretty much rush to the endgame content in no time. And, well, a lot of people will probably satiate their interest during beta tests.

>> No.8741122

No need to post it in here either.

>> No.8741124

TERA is definitely not worth its price. That's probably why people are not even bothering with the idea of playing it. The game is dying in Korea and they are treating it as the best thing of the decade.

>> No.8741125

The problem with Hotglue was that it was an active guild with a huge pool of members stuck in between games to fuel it. This lead to stagnation and conversation turned from talking about the game being played to talking about each other, and this is where egos started becoming inflated and cliques/circlejerks formed. The focus shifted from "playing MMO's with /jp/" to "playing MMO's with Hotglue".

The lesson to be learned is to base the group on /jp/ and avoid forming a persistent group with its own unique identity. Disband the group after every game, and put the call out for everyone to come together again when the next game starts, and let old buddies come together again on their own.

This can be done even now with Hotglue, especially seeing as we're not even playing anything at the moment so dismantling the current group and IRC channel and letting it reassemble on its own if an interesting new game pops up is a viable option. If you've made any friends in Hotglue, there are other ways to keep up with them other than circlejerking in the IRC channel.

Long story short, shut down the IRC channel and only open it up again if we get into a new MMO.

>> No.8741127
File: 212 KB, 728x518, 1328682707018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I usually lurk /v/ and I just casually wandered here out of curiosity. I really like the look of this game but there's one thing bothering me which is that you want to keep people from /a/, /v/, /b/ and normalfags out.

I can understand if you don't want to constantly see emoticons and "OMG LOL XDDDD" but just what kind of behaviour do you demand?

P.S. The only Touhou game I've ever played was Perfect Cherry Blossom and I didn't finish the game to the end.

>> No.8741128

It's like you guys hating Reddit.

You simply know from how someone acts that they don't belong.

>> No.8741129

Looks like I win the autism award, having a mage and cleric at 27.

>> No.8741132

Thats what they said year ago. If people will keep saying that in 2013, it will be incredibly funny

>> No.8741133

Not just that kind of behavior your mentioned. What is expected is that you shouldn't act like you do in /v/, /a/ or any other place. You are expected to behave like you should in here.

I completely agree with this.

>> No.8741134

This. Remember when Namae banned that one guy for suggesting that we use IRC to replace ingame guild chat in Aika? Look how that turned out.

Shut down the channel and let /jp/ reassemble itself into a guild for the next MMO. If enough people so inclined, there's no reason why we can't reform Hotglue when the time comes.

>> No.8741135

It's not really bad playing with someone from /avb/, I still lurk those, /v/ and /b/ not often, though.

But, keep it to minimum memes and >greentext that feel out, and alright grammar, and we'd be fine.

>> No.8741136

I'm sorry but I'm failing to see your point. TERA is losing subscribers every month due the lack of content and balance. Just go look at the numbers, they speak for themselves.

I can easily imagine people getting bored of the game in 3 months or even less.

>> No.8741139

Generally just don't use memes or internet community specific behavior patterns. Saying "Holy shit this boss killed me fast! How are you supposed to live through that?" is okay, but going ">mfw i got buttraped watdo?" is not. I guess be generically universal in how you type.

>> No.8741149

Should we also change guild names each time, in your opinion?

>> No.8741146

There's no point in us talking either, but here we are.

I guess our concepts of "circle jerk" just don't line up at all.

>> No.8741153

There actually is a point. There is a discussion and different opinions so exchanging words is completely valid.
>I guess our concepts of "circle jerk" just don't line up at all.
Yes, that pretty much wraps this up.

>> No.8741155


Pretty much this and a few other things. As far as the old/classic/elitist style jp mentality, there's nothing written in stone, but being here and understanding what's unwanted, and wanted would be needed to understand it, I suppose.

One of the issue is that, there's a good amount of us if I might speak freely, heavy into one or more of many things including but not limited to: touhou, vn's, doujin games, certain mangas, etc. If these aren't your interests/forte`, then I don't know what you'd talk about, except maybe some video games or something. If you have other /avb/ friends are are like "hey can i get them in" we'll all probably agree no. if they come in the same mannor you are which is nice, then we could all probably agree it's fine. Any sort of /avb/ attitude would be bannable with group decision. There's got to be a line.

You don't exactly have to change who you are, just how you act in regards to /avb/ style, and understand the customs of jp style. You could just hang in guild or some such until you get a feel for things.


>> No.8741159

It's totally up to what everyone thinks when the time comes. There certainly is a sense of prestige to some degree in the name Hotglue, being the winners of Aika and CB and all the associated history, but ultimately the name should be left up to what everyone thinks is appropriate at the time, just like how Hotglue was named in the beginning.

Hotglue was after all just one of many guild names we used in ECO, although we eventually consolidated into Hotglue as a result of its history. Pretty much, don't feel limited to "the /jp/ guild HAS to be Hotglue", but if we all feel strongly enough about keeping it than there's no reason not to use it.

>> No.8741158

Not the person you are replying, but I believe that would be for the best. Creating an identity will only bring ruin.

>> No.8741161

Also, it would be kind of cool to start over but still recognize the people.

Kind of like starting a new thread in /jp/.

>> No.8741166

I think making a new name every time is the best thing to do.

>> No.8741173

If anything, it would cause you to gain prestige by doing well instead of coasting off the name.

>> No.8741180

Now if only we can get Hatsune-Miku to shut down the channel, it doesn't seem like something he'd be all too willing to do...

>> No.8741183

I honestly don't think we need any "background glory" or something like that. That's just some silly ego over the other people that would be playing the game and don't even know what /jp/ is.

I also think "trolling" forums is just dumb. I prefer a polite and decent guild instead of " we are legion hue hue hue".

>> No.8741189

Good luck with that.

Don't forget about the four other Hotglue-fragment channels.

>> No.8741184

There is no chance this game will last for more than a month to anyone there, regardless of its success. Those two are different matters, otherwise everyone there would be already playing world of warcraft. Or, whatever currently is popular and on the rise.

>> No.8741193

To address this name/guild, I currently feel this.

The two methods of contact are mailing list and forum.
Forum acting as a central hub and place to look at official community decisions.
Decisions on each game will base how the guilds will be handled.

They can have the same or different name, depending on how the community that is together in the ideal goal of the jp mindset, decides to handle it at the very moment when it arises.

The whole community itself connected on the forums, rather, out of agreement for how things will be run. From here guilds will be made for each game consisting of players who share this philosophy. The forum/meeting/hub spot itself has no official name, rather the destination is the only thing that matters. Guild name itself I feel is trivial, only needs to be something not ridiculous and not a meme. Whatever the community decides on the forum itself or through the mailing list. Drama need not be caused by the decision of such.

>> No.8741191

What?I thought Hotglue is just a huge bunch of /a/ and /v/ goers now who are basicly assholes and just want to grind in every mmo to become the best guild with no fun or communication whatsoever.
That's how it was in Eden Eternal anyways.
I enjoyed being in the /jp/ guild much more than being in Hotglue only for a day

>> No.8741197

I would be more then willing to play some games with some of the people here.

>> No.8741196

Well, I'm not willing to spend over $60 in a game to play just for a month.

But that's pretty much how it is nowadays.

>> No.8741199

Personally I'd like the guild name Gensokyo, it just sounds nice.

>> No.8741206

wasn't it way cheaper for english version?

make a database with jp related names and draw a lotto every time you will create a new guild instance

>> No.8741211

If everyone can agree on this then I have no place to stop this.

My personal input is that, while I do like the name and I'm big on touhou, not all jpers are particularly into it. Therefore it could carry some level of bias.

Something jp related, not a meme, and that sounds cool, and unrealted to anything else would be optimal in my opinion.


>> No.8741217

please stop

>> No.8741215

Yeah, it's pretty much open betas/f2p releases or bust if you want a good sized /jp/ guild in anything.

>> No.8741222

Those aren't exactly "/jp/ groups", and they don't claim themselves to be either.

>> No.8741220

Same guy, I just like it as a slight reference to /jp/ in a couple ways. Touhou, and "/jp/ is little girls".

But it might be too conspicuous.

>> No.8741230

Stop trying to micromanage dynamic social systems to this ludicrous extent.

I suppose that's what you do after always getting selected last in P.E. lmfao

>> No.8741231

Hotglue had its autist which brought its tournament winnings. Then there were the members that just want to take it easy. Sometimes this split the guild, the ones that wanted to play seriously, and the ones who wanted to have fun. Will this happen again?

>> No.8741225

please respond

>> No.8741226

>Well, I'm not willing to spend over $60 in a game to play just for a month.

This mindset is so cute. "Just for a month". What a riot. Any other normal game you would pay more or less $60 just to play from anywhere on average to 10 to 40 hours but a mmo which if you play for a whole month would probably number into triple digits playtime, is not good enough for your wallet.

>> No.8741239

you could use whatever universe was trendy on jp. As in Nasu or ... well, I'm not very confident, as some of them got a negative flavour over time.

>> No.8741233

I think a mix of both make a fun loving atmosphere if done correctly.

>> No.8741235

I had thought about using that name for the Aika guild, but decided against it because a Touhou-related name isn't really indicative at all of it being a /jp/ guild.

Quite the opposite, actually. In many of the games we've played in, guilds under the name Gensokyo have popped up shortly after, and ended up full of non-/jp/ random people.

>> No.8741237

Paying for non-mmo games is a laughable mindset. Unless it's indie games that cost 5-10$ and usually provide more playtime that the big releases.

>> No.8741242

I'm going to be busy for a little while today, so anyone who needs to contact me email fourredmages@gmail.com about the community forum, guild creation, ideas, suggestions, complaints, etc.

I'll catch up on this thread later.

>> No.8741241
File: 101 KB, 692x695, fuck thai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Thai Lime for a while, got a lvl 25+ warrior in there.

Its your usual grindy moe moe game. But its buggy as hell back when I played it. Stuff like getting stuck to posts or crates if you touch them, blocky pink missing textures, quests with bosses that don't spawn, etc. Also I couldn't enjoy the game (because its fucking thai). The language and the latency were shit.

That said, I want to see how aeria lime fixes those things, and if I can actually reach to PvP levels in this game.

>> No.8741255

What if we call it NEETco?

>> No.8741262

UNEETCO. Why contain it?

>> No.8741264

>trying so hard

It's only had one thread.

>> No.8741259

this is not going to last more than a few months. please stop try so hard to rally up shit

>> No.8741260

I pirate non-mmo games and I expect to play an mmo for at least 5 months.

>> No.8741273

but its fairly amusing, so why not? We are not hurting anyone yet, and on polluted board it could be considered as just a speck of shit.

>> No.8741277

We had a Gensokyo in ECO, we eventually merged with Hotglue for Aika.

Back then, we had numerous separate guilds for everyone to join as a result of member limits, and kept up spreadsheets to manage spaces and direct new members to those with space. This cooperation eventually lead to consolidation into one Hotglue entity, but in the process destroyed this sense of cooperation as Hotglue became the guild everyone wanted to join with other guilds relegated to alt/satellite status.

>> No.8741294

Respectfully, jper, you're missing what I am some other members said .

The forum will be a central hub for those interested in adhering to the general mindset. From this place, for each game, there will be a Guild. Hopefully, only one guild per game in relation to the forum. The goal is to have people co-exist and enjoy each other's company.

MMO's come and go and thus new guilds will be formed as per desired.

>> No.8741310

This forum idea is just awful. It rejects /jp/ completely.

/jp/ guild is supposed to be discussed and managed on /jp/.

>> No.8741319

I got bored by level 5 in the alpha. At least the game was sort-of cute, I guess.

Also had those pink textures all over the alpha, I had figured my install got messed up, but I guess that wasn't it.

>> No.8741328

The problem with it is /jp/ might not like the ``circlejerk" always on the board.

>> No.8741335

and how would it differ from #hotglue ?

>> No.8741337 [DELETED] 


I can't believe someone actually saved that for this long

>> No.8741351

Too bad I haven't bothered to update/sort logs.rar

>> No.8741350

I'd assume, at least hopefully, the community.

>> No.8741356

Precisely. It would cause extra drama and such.
Trust me, I'm aware of all your waryness of the a forum, but it won't be handled like a normal forum. It'll act out of necessity. I posted the format of it...have you honestly looked at the format?...
I even posted a 3-pronged defense against circlejerking and drama...There won't be an IRC and there's going to be discussion held on JP once a month (official thread), discussing complaints and such, so there's an anonymous point of view on it, revealing any injustice or horrible behavior.

Holding it on here would clog shit up and ASK for /avb/. Just wait for it to happen, then judge.

Haven't been part of hotglue, all I know if it is what's been posted here. I'm against all the negative aspects of what they say it has created, wether they're true happenings or not, for what they are, the issues are possible ones that could effect -any- guild, and in this one, there would be prevention and rules against certain things.

>> No.8741353

We don't need a forum. That is what /jp/ is for, and it has served the purpose well for years. When you take away anonymity is when you allow circlejerks to take root.

>> No.8741377

You're new and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8741376


>> No.8741389

Different people. Unless he too is a crazy /pol/ poster who hits on girls online like Kritz or is an attention whore.

>> No.8741392

You would be surprised at the number of those.

>> No.8741398

He's not making an IRC.

>> No.8741396

-We don't need a forum
-We don't need an IRC
-We don't need a goddamn thing besides one thread on /jp/ where we can discuss the game we are playing.

Stop trying to start something new just so you can feel special for creating it. We have been just fine without you.

>> No.8741410

Hotglue was good before all this drama happened. There are still people that would want to play with hotglue again. Don't think it was this horrible thing, it just had a few people fuck it up.

>> No.8741412

I think that was aimed at hotglue

>> No.8741418

- no IRC
- will be one thread, once a month, to discuss the guild or guilds, and happenings, discuss complaints and speculations, as well as suggestions
- forum won't be treated as a normal forum, some jp users have agreed that it would be beneficial for a few reasons

I'm sorry we can't come to an agreement here. I'm not trying to be special or attention whore. I'm going to try and remain anonymous and out of Guild affairs as much as possible, only stepping in to enforce the overall integrity of the community standard, and action taken being in concert with community member agreement.

Constant thread on jp will attract /avb/ gaia etc like bees to honey. Also will be troll-filled and other such things.

I'm sorry you disagree, fellow jper.

>> No.8741423

He's not from /jp/.
He knows nothing about /jp/.
He's doing this to fuck you all over and get a gigantic e-cock.
This isn't a theory.

>> No.8741428

>it just had a few people fuck it up.

And such people will just reply with "You can't handle me, get mad" or something literally stupid as that.

>> No.8741433

You're a really confusing guy.

Most of your posts read like they're by someone who arrived on /jp/ an hour ago and is trying to fit in. Then you come out with stuff like "/abv/" which I doubt you can find being typed anywhere other than on /jp/.

>> No.8741439

I feel that you're trolling, but that it's necessarily to respond to clear things up. I'm not going to respond to this sort of things after this.

I've been here for awhile, I've seen things change, and I've seen a lot of good threads and interesting discussion on a lot of different "otaku" subjects. With how things are turning out on these boards as of late, I feel it would be nice to have a group of jpers with the general idea of the old jp mentality, to enjoy MMO's and such with. It's not much deeper than that.

>> No.8741442

/a/ uses /vb/ sometimes.

>> No.8741455

Why do you use jp and not /jp/, it's really bugging me.

>> No.8741460

Me too, actually, but I didn't call him out on it.

>> No.8741468

Out of convenience. If it's bothersome, I'll make note to use /jp/.

>> No.8741483
File: 6 KB, 184x184, ruscorp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the name, how about JP CORP? Or JP Corp, whatever case sounds better.

>> No.8741495

Oh shoot, the thread is on autosage.

>> No.8741503

How about, to be less conspicuous, we use the game name + CORP? I mean, LimeCORP sounds cool. Just throwing shit out there.

>> No.8741504

/jp/ is not JP.

>> No.8741507

I've no comment. I don't think it's a bad name however. While the goal is to have it consist of /jp/ers, if it holds namesake of /jp/ then it may anger some. I am not sure how people would feel but it doesn't bother me.

Again, if enough people agree on it, then so be it.

>> No.8741514

Kinda grimdarkish for a group of autists portraying themselves as a bunch of fluffy little girls.

>> No.8741518


>> No.8741523

So it's madoka the guild?

>> No.8741524

LoliCORP? Frill inc.?

>> No.8741525

I'd suggest LoliCON but it wouldn't fly, would it?

>> No.8741528

Troll post (obviously), not me.

Something lighthearted would be cool, personally.

Lime Corp could be cool.

>> No.8741539
File: 7 KB, 243x280, jcdenton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8741568

Good, good. An investigation for this guy that wants to run the new /jp/ guild. We can't have another person like Kritz.

>> No.8741578

Come on, that has to be fake.

>> No.8741589

Mister Hatsune, tear down this channel!

>> No.8741605
File: 388 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely Soul Captor will be amazing and we can all have super fun times playing it.

Are there any other MMOs left where you get a little girl companion?

>> No.8741613


>> No.8741618

Lazy Namae, even your pran hates you.

>> No.8741622

I'm sure someone's got that Maple Story Hotglue video around somewhere.

Sadly, years after we found that, we start seeing Maple Story threads on /jp/ anyways.

>> No.8741641
File: 343 KB, 1680x1050, Capture0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How mean!

I paid more attention to my pran than to the politics or our national treasures.

>> No.8741665

Too bad she showed her love for you by making love with other people.

>> No.8741712
File: 1.41 MB, 301x262, Cute, just cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What better way to stuff our guild coffers?

>> No.8742225

For reference purposes, I was wondering where the archieved jp posts go. I forgot the link. It would be easy to refer people to this archive to avoid similar discussion topics in the future.

>> No.8742294

This is getting so pathetic now.

>> No.8742355

archive.fools.us ?

>> No.8742373

Eh I found something. I had a 4chan App that did everything for me so I forgot some basic stuff.

Anyways, what do you think about Archage? It's supposed to be promising in Korea.

>> No.8743567

I never liked Prans. Those little buggers never fails to irritate me.

>> No.8744164


Said video of them fighting zakum has already been removed, that was the removed link.
