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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 122 KB, 480x272, 1325183545725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8739882 No.8739882 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how autistic /jp/ is.

>> No.8739883

I can kill a bat with an egg-spoon.

>> No.8739884

Forgot mah link:


>> No.8739888
File: 42 KB, 640x480, [Froth-Bite]Mahoraba_Heartful_Days_-_16[2A7BDF7F].avi_snapshot_09.36_[2012.03.07_12.51.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America's Greatest Autist

>> No.8739895


>> No.8739897


>> No.8739899

Fuck you OP.

>> No.8739902
File: 95 KB, 1224x994, autism_score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8739904
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Just a socially awkward NEET I'm afraid.

>> No.8739909

You did see it twice. Does it bother you? If so add another point to your autism score

>> No.8739908


Still a shit test, and is it just me or did I see the same question twiced in there.

>> No.8739911

Yes. I guess it's to verify if your answer to both questions is the same or varies.

>> No.8739912

if u notice it it meen u have autism
the tru test is noticin it so u hae autism
congratulat bro !
*high five*

>> No.8739913

Holy shit, you got doubles in your autism score? I'm so jelly

>> No.8739916
File: 83 KB, 294x340, boooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sacsha Baron-Cohen helped with this test?

>> No.8739918

His cousin did, actually.

>> No.8739922


Strange test.

>> No.8739925

I GOT 50

>> No.8739929
File: 200 KB, 1255x734, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dodged a bullet there.

>> No.8739926

12 here.

>> No.8739927

You probably cheated then you fucking lying cunt bag

>> No.8739933

34. tiem to gb2 playing 2hu.

>> No.8739936

i did not cheet, fuk off fagloard

>> No.8739938
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>> No.8739939

Why did the questions repeat themselves?

>> No.8739940

Only 30.
Don't kick me out, dudes.

>> No.8739941

They did it to piss off autistic people

>> No.8739942

get out of /jp/ bro
you are not 1 of us

>> No.8739947

AUTISMMMM!!!! !!!!


>> No.8739950

I think these guys have math savant-ism confused with autism.

>> No.8739952


>> No.8739965

/a/ here, scored 12.

autistic faggots.

>> No.8739983
File: 102 KB, 828x606, well_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time when I finally accept that I'm just a lazy, good-for-nothing looser... there is a new test.

>> No.8739985
File: 244 KB, 1656x984, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now?

>> No.8739988

>take this test
>only score a ten
>what the fuck i no i have autism
>ask my bro what the fuck up with this fucking test
>he says "oh yeah those tests are total bogus"
>i relax a little but im still mad so i deck him in the face
and now, for a riddle

Who, am I quoting?

>> No.8739994


>> No.8740000
File: 50 KB, 387x621, orly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I scored 38 and I don't have autism

>> No.8740004

I hate numbers but want to be autistic. What do?

>> No.8740006
File: 116 KB, 873x647, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you. Get out, sperglord.

>> No.8740009
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>> No.8740010


>> No.8740008

>Would you rather go to a library than a party? Yep, you've got the autism!

>> No.8740013

I thought you'd be way more autistic. But then again. Being loathsome doesn't necessarily require being autistic.

>> No.8740015

23, only above average autism

>> No.8740019

diagnosed with autism at a young age

>> No.8740016


I find questions like this to throw the scores off a little bit.

I chose party, because a party is fun, but it depends on what they mean by 'party'. Getting drunk and having sex? No thanks. That's not a party I want to be invited to. But a party that contains things I like, such as a gunpla building party or a videogaming party might not be such a bad thing.

When I look at it that way, I'm a actually a cool sociable person instead of an outcast. I got 26 and I'm proud of my score, it seems fairly low.

>> No.8740022

24. First time I've ever bothered with this shit, out of boredom.

>> No.8740025

Scored 18
I do have Asbergers/ADHD diagnosis though.
The test is just really general and pretty much just covers the most stereotypic problematics. Can't diagnose someone from just a test, it takes months.

>> No.8740027


guess its time for me to get out of /jp/ ;_;

>> No.8740034

My score is 25, but I don't interact with other people and haven't left the house in forever so that doesn't mean I'm normal at all.

>> No.8740037

Tests like these always boil down: "Don't like doing what I like doing? You've got a disease!"
I have a job and can pretend to function in social situations with some competency, but that doesn't mean I'll enjoy doing it.
43, by the way.

>> No.8740042

That feel when psychology and psychiatry are total bullshit.

>> No.8740048
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>> No.8740050

I can't be bothered taking the test again, but 28.

>> No.8740051

I got a 29, but I imagine the result might be different if I took it with my mindset when I'm not at work.

>> No.8740055

>50 questions
the first part of the test is to see whether you can last 50 questions. if you can, you have autism.

though, if you can't last more than 5 questions, you have ADHD instead.

>> No.8740056

I mean I forgot the results when I took the test, fuck I'm tired.

>> No.8740059

Damn, Corpse Party was probably one of the the most enjoyable games on PSP I played in the last couple months. I haven't see a single thread about it on /jp/ despite it being a kind of visual novel. Did /jp/ completely miss its localization?

>> No.8740062

and if you didn't take the test at all because you'd know you'd quit half-way through?

and 50 questions isn't that much, regardless of autism

>> No.8740063
File: 11 KB, 272x212, 1316634376221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it again and got 28.

>> No.8740078

24... I don't really know what autism means... I have a good imagination and social anxiety. I guess that's why I scored above average.

>> No.8740113

Uh oh you're gaining 2 autism points every 10 minutes.

>> No.8740124
File: 326 KB, 580x580, expurt!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, trouble understanding fictional narratives is one of the qualifiers that would swing you into the autistic end of the scale.

>> No.8740125


He'll reach critical mass soon. He'll think so logically that he will reach Borg-levels of lateral thinking and become mysteriously wheelchair-bound in which he will serve himself using telekenetic mind powers to levitate objects and move his wheelchair.

>> No.8740138


Where do I hand in my /jp/ membership card, it's clear that I'm not allowed to be here.

>> No.8740149

Lucky number 13

I win most autistic, yeah?

Lowest is most autistic, right? I didn't read the scoring chart

>> No.8740146

Guess my aspergers is showing.

>> No.8740150


It was 11 the last time I took one of these tests too. Guess I should take my leave and go outside. And then find a nice girl to have consensual sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation because I am not autistic enough to stay here

>> No.8740183

I thought that I would score above-average, since most of the question involves social stuff, which I'm no good at.
I guess I'm too stupid to be autistic.

>> No.8740211
File: 113 KB, 350x350, smart!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

questions repeat and cornfuzed me

>> No.8740243
File: 125 KB, 1045x686, my_sscoreis27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know...

>> No.8740270


36 is a nice number because both 3 and 6 are divisible by 3. If you add the 3 and 6 you get 9 which is also divisible by 3 and the answer you get is 3.

>> No.8740274

We already know you're autistic, you don't need to validate it yourself.

>> No.8740289

Challenge Accepted!

>> No.8740293


Man, I was hoping it would be higher... Though to be fair, I accidentally hit the wrong choice for #49.

>> No.8740294

I don't have Flash installed because it is an enemy of my freedom.

>> No.8740297

Just get NoScript and block all .swf's aside from the ones you want.

>> No.8740302

Sure is the make or break difference there.

>> No.8740301

Confirmed for maximum autism.

>> No.8740307
File: 65 KB, 1254x640, so close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, so close to a perfect score.

>> No.8740316

I got bored at like 30 questions and closed it.

I guess that makes me ADD instead.

>> No.8740322


I am not autistic, it always pisses me off whenever I take these tests because they always give me high scores despite not being autistic. I bet these tests are rigged and they give everyone scores that are too high. It is hard to imagine that there are so many autistic people here.

>> No.8740341

if you didnt notice, the test implies everyone places on the autism spectrum.

Otherwise, the test basically asks if you're a social butterfly or not, it is grossly inaccurate at any rate.

>> No.8740347

11, would probably be lower if there was a "Neither" option

>> No.8740359
File: 64 KB, 1251x780, Autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the test seriously. I guess Im not autistic enough for /jp/.

>> No.8740354

Tests like this show that I have schizophrenia, autism, major depression, anorexia and murderous inclinations.

>> No.8740372

If every online test was true I would have autism, schizoid personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, paranoia, an IQ of 130-140, and that my political compass makes me a right leaning libertarian.

>> No.8740383

I spose I could probably get autism buck someday but it seems like such a hassle. I only feel awkward when I'm around more than 3 people. Then again I've never been able to look people directly in the eyes and I can never wear rings/necklaces/watches without them quickly irritating me.

>> No.8740403
File: 11 KB, 149x185, 1r8xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 :(

/jp/ i am sorry..... please ban me....

>> No.8740402
File: 102 KB, 807x593, veryhigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i hang out with you guys yet

>> No.8740420

This can't be right... I'm actually autistic.

>> No.8740422

What a shitty test.

>> No.8740423

all these autism tests are exactly the same

"Are you an obnoxious social butterfly? No? You have autism!"

>> No.8740428

You bitches just should hop on brain scan.

>> No.8740439

Thanks but no thanks, I don't need to waste whatever amount of money to reaffirm that I'm not completely perfectly psychonormal according to whatever bullshit standard they came up with.

>> No.8740440

There's no way to tell if someone has autism from an MRI or a blood test or whatever. Though they have found certain links, so maybe we will in the future.

>> No.8740446
File: 60 KB, 400x533, normal kids stacking shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Repetitively stacking or lining up objects is a behavior occasionally associated with individuals with autism.
So all kids have autism?

>> No.8740454

All kids also have ADHD, take psychology with a grain of salt, they don't know what the fuck they're doing yet, and like any other medical field, are heavily influenced by corporations.

>> No.8740451


I'm pretty sure I'm not autistic though. This test is a lie.

>> No.8740461

Now do it again.

>> No.8740469

I scored low, I'm glad I have the social capacity to act "normal". I'm pretty screwed up in the head, hearing things and seeing things. If I was a recluse I'd probably be a danger to others.

I love NEET life but being in contact with people every now and again keeps me on the same page as reality.

One year I didn't talk to anyone and I was a complete shut in; I would watch the movie "The Matrix" at least 7 times a day and pick out as many patterns as possible in the plot and convince myself that all the events were true, then I realised I was trapped in the matrix and spent time losing myself trying to 'escape'.

I can't watch the movie now, it gives me a relapse and I start doubting my reality again.

>> No.8740472


Well this is pretty accurate though this test had lots of weird questions

>> No.8740475
File: 52 KB, 200x200, Kotori nom nom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8740479

Sup, bro. Good to see you again!

>> No.8740482

Does anyone else like to take walks at around 3am?

>> No.8740483

24. Guess I'm not autismal as fuck after all.

>> No.8740485

I'm not your bro

>> No.8740493

Okay, you don't have to be so rude.

Anyway, most of these questions are OCD/SPD related (numbers, blah blah blah, social occasions, etc). I scored 34 but I'm sure I'm not autistic.

>> No.8740494

I am just slightly socially awkward.
Right now there are three guys near me who are talking about WoW, but they are 6/10 at best so I will not bother talking to them. Why cant there be people as attractive as me with my hobbies. I can at least imagine all of you are aestethic as fuark.

>> No.8740500

If I wake up and have to pee then yes

>> No.8740513

horrible personality

>> No.8740518

I mean, like a walk outside.

>> No.8740519

I'm not being rude, sorry if it came off that way.
Stop ban evading.

>> No.8740526

you must live in a scenic city or something
most urban environments are overdeveloped and poorly planned

>> No.8740528

you should have told him to stop attention whoring

>> No.8740531


Ha ha ha, you're in for a shock, riajyu.

I'm so pale that people literally wince when they see me gleaming in the sun, my skin is bad and I have a hairy mole on my chin with several black hairs protruding from it.

I change my underwear once a week at best, and often smell like semen from my fapping sessions.

Not to mention I'm fat; not just reasonably fat - but pretty damn obese, I love my rolls of flab as they enable me to lodge a small tray of food inbetween them; this allows me to enjoy a wealth of snacks and beverages without the need for table or desk space.

And I sweat, a lot. Handshakes are impossible for me; I slip away from the recipient in seconds, you could say I resemble a large, white, greasy and smelly bowling ball covered in a number of sharp, coarse, unwashed hairs.

>> No.8740542


I need to level up

>> No.8740539

Seiko is my waifu.

>> No.8740541
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1331518765001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fantastic personality. That does not mean I will speak to a lower caste.

>> No.8740543

I hope this is parody.

>> No.8740544

No just a rural city with a population of around 4k. Has about 5 stop lights. You can head out from the center of town and be surrounded by nothing but corn fields after about 6 blocks.

>> No.8740549

You like WoW, right? WoW is low-class entertainment.

>> No.8740550

I'd still give you a hug. I guess I'm your opposite I look pretty anorexic mostly because I'm too lazy to get food for myself more than once a day. I end up only eating around two slices of pizza per-day.

>> No.8740553

Not all of us are repulsive

I'm a slender boy with golden hair.

>> No.8740570

I generally prefer a bit earlier, but yes. Definitely needs to be late enough that there aren't any normals hanging around, I can't really enjoy a walk if they're everywhere.

>> No.8740572

A parody of what?

I was a member of top EU guilds in Burning Crusade, dedicating much time yet still able to remain clean and beautiful. A lot of that may be possible due to my genetics, but I did also put effort into myself. These people would still look like shit even with effort, so there is no reason to lower my standing in the world by associating with them.

If anyone catches me on /jp/ though, I can say I do it ironically and look like a quirky person with varied interest.

>> No.8740578

Don't be so switch to judge. Some people like dominating the auction house which takes quite a bit of prediction, guile and knowledge. Some people just like to stomp all over the kiddies and retards that play that game because it's so easy.

>> No.8740614

Got a straight 35. Can I grab some autism bucks now?

>> No.8740640
File: 117 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot - 220312 - 17:38:04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one point below 'very high'. I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome when I was 11 and had a hard time in school (though not because I was bullied or anything, I was mostly treated very well)

>> No.8740648

27 here

>> No.8740659

It cant be helped.

>> No.8740716

>"I'm not autistic"
>gets a 34

I'm beginning to doubt my doubts about the accuracy of these tests.

>> No.8740719

What's the pattern to get the top score?

>> No.8740740

You are a faggot.

>> No.8740750
File: 85 KB, 480x640, d28ecf45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not autistic with a touch of social anxiety, and yet I like hanging around here all day erry day... I'm not sure what to make this.

>> No.8740769

Was that supposed to be an insult or something?

It made me chuckle a bit though

>> No.8740792


I don't know why i even took the test. Probably because I'm still drunk and bored right now.

>> No.8740795

No it was supposed to be an opinion. And for last, you are in denial.

>> No.8740812

suck my cock dude

>> No.8740817


>> No.8740823

Well shit. 24. Guess I should go watch some more eps of the autistic reporter on ONN?

>> No.8740833

No thanks man. I've never felt to do that. But be there for me if i ever will.

>> No.8740848

I guess that's about where I thought I was. Not quite bad enough for a doctor's diagnosis.

>> No.8740858
File: 254 KB, 618x694, 25136840 - チルノ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24... I think I better go rethink my life

>> No.8740871

I took it again and scored a little lower. I feel better.

>> No.8740873
File: 2.95 MB, 300x300, 1331669950246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel good
I knew that I would now
So good. So good. I got you

>> No.8740879
File: 128 KB, 475x450, 1331486416189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 13!

Can I be a normalfag that has friends now?

>> No.8740887


>> No.8740895


not sure what to think

>> No.8740897

think about the number of tiles on your kitchen floor you spaz.

>> No.8740898

Yo holmes, clubbin' tonight, you down?

>> No.8740903
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>> No.8740904
File: 19 KB, 478x478, 1332011482522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah g-dog let me just finish of my tan and bicep curls.

>> No.8740907

What if there is no tiles?

>> No.8740908

/a/ here

i pay my respects to you, since our board is full of -20s

>> No.8740927


im da bes

>> No.8740929

That is why /jp/ is elite version of you.

>> No.8740968

I thought I answered the questions in total normalfag style, but then I scored a 28, which is above average but not very high.

>> No.8740989


Lower than I was expecting. But it makes sense too. I want to talk to people, I just don't end up enjoying it most of the time.

>> No.8741394



>> No.8741421

8... which is weird since I have syndrome of asperger..

>> No.8741444
File: 21 KB, 512x433, dates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was I the only one who had to stop and think for a long time about whether they are talking about dates as in dating a girl, dates as in on a calendar, or dates as in the fruit?

>> No.8741452

Which was it?

>> No.8741505

I don't know, but I finally assumed that it was calendar dates, since that would go with the whole "autists like numbers" trend of questions.

>> No.8741517

And you don't have autism?

>> No.8744295


>> No.8744301

I did this test to a friend of mine that I constantly called autistic — while chatting to him and others on Ventrilo.

He almost got a full score, and nobody else hot higher than 14.
Suffice to say, I'm not his friend anymore, but I'm sure he is still teased to this day about it.

>> No.8744472

Got a 27. I mostly answered with "slightly" to a lot of questions. Don't really consider myself autistic, although not being a huge fan of social situations and liking abstract stuff seems to increase the score. I tried a second time, this time imagining what would maximize the autism score and mostly just changing answers from slightly to definitely and flipping a few of the other answers and I got a 47. This test seems easy to game. It seems to be mostly testing if someone dislikes social situations or if they fail modeling social situations right. I'm not even sure why someone with Aspergers would even fail to model social situations right, they'd just have some trouble initially, but eventually adapt (this makes me wonder, how can one tell apart someone very good at modeling social situations versus someone with actual natural empathy - it'd be the same problem as detecting sociopaths, a hard problem).

/jp/ would likely score high on this merely because we're not that much into normalfag life, even though some of us can do it just fine, just prefer not to.

>> No.8744483


Too normal for /jp/, too autistic for society. A creature of both worlds, yet unwanted by either. Cursed to spend eternity wandering the earth, forever alone.

>> No.8745727


I've never been diagnosed with autism before. If I do have it really doubt it's anything beyond something very mild. I just dislike social situations, that's all.

>> No.8746422
File: 9 KB, 314x315, 1258335219974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's not too late for me...

>> No.8746519
File: 48 KB, 992x557, AutismQuotient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diagnosed with aspergers.

>> No.8746516
File: 14 KB, 343x344, Nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 22 ;_;

What does that mean? I am in the border between being one and not being one?

>> No.8746546
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>> No.8746550
File: 157 KB, 1045x807, I get autism bux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8746560


That was close.

>> No.8746565
File: 52 KB, 448x419, 1331997783376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autism score: nearly a googol out of 50

>> No.8746572


>> No.8746577

I got 17. I'm average ;_;.

>> No.8746596
File: 94 KB, 1198x920, aq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome/HFA. I probably rate a higher level of Autism than most people with Asperger Syndrome.

>> No.8746619


More than the last time.

>> No.8746627

Mines only 37

>> No.8746837
File: 57 KB, 640x480, are you frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I actually have Aspergers

>> No.8746842

ain't doing that shit. It's probably a screamer.

>> No.8746850

Isn't Aspergers a form of autism though?

>> No.8746854

>get 34
>not autistic
>not aspie
whats wrong with me then, /jp/?

>> No.8746860

It's a fucking virus bro.

>> No.8746863

Well done, you have identified the point he made.

>> No.8749543

sup /jp/

what anime is that?

>> No.8749552


>sup /jp/

>what anime is that?

Do you come here searching for nearly dead shitty threads in order to bump them? You are the true autistic overlord.

>> No.8749563


Boku no pathfinding.

>> No.8749562

/jp/ - Where no one knows what autism is.

>> No.8749565

buttmad autism detected

>> No.8749573


Don't give me that "Boku no Pico" bullshit here, /a/ is annoying enough with it.
