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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 300x360, 322075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
866404 No.866404 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese girls with tattoos.

>> No.866406

Wah? She's Japanese?

>> No.866412
File: 201 KB, 1024x768, 1185981998583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait...

>> No.866408

>>Japanese girls with murals.

>> No.866410

Shoko Tendo, Fuck yea!

>> No.866421
File: 66 KB, 620x450, shokotendo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A much better picture

>> No.866418

Moar OP

>> No.866419

isn't she french?

>> No.866423
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>> No.866433

So she's the one who wrote that book.

>> No.866443

I'd fuck her.

>> No.866452

tattoos are fugly.

>> No.866463

I'd hit it hard

>> No.866484

How old is she OP?

>> No.866487


>> No.866511
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>> No.866522

She is.

>> No.866539

So that means Ciel is unrelated to this thread.

>> No.866543

sure as hell doesn't look 39

>> No.866549


I heard feet tattoos hurt like a bitch.

>> No.866553

maybe if your a pussy

>> No.866560


Do you have one?

>> No.866563


>> No.866566

>>866553 maybe if your a pussy
>if your a pussy
>your a pussy
>your a
underage b&

>> No.866570

yea, it's called tolerance for pain.

>> No.866574

Must be hard on her, since Japan doesn't like anyone with tattoos, unless your someone famous.

>> No.866583

>Must be hard on her, since Japan doesn't like anyone with tattoos, unless your someone famous.
>unless your someone famous.
>your someone famous
>your someone
underage b&

>> No.866599


>> No.866607


>> No.866649

OP here: Well I guess no one else is interested into J-girls with body art : /

>> No.866702

I guess it's not that common for girls to rock tattoos over there. I know some of the popstars have tats, Ayumi Hamasaki for one and I think Namie whatsherface has some too. Anyone know of any other japanese girls with ink?

>> No.866712

got that right

>> No.866730


Painted on.

>> No.866736

>OP here:Well I guess no one else is interested in slutty j-girls.

>> No.866903

Japanese culture frowns upon tattoos because supposedly you're desecrating your body which you are to be thankful for because it is a gift from your parents.

Same with piercing and plastic surgery. That's the common ideal at least...

>> No.866907


Then why don't they take care of their teeth?

>> No.866911

wut? I thought every other motherfucker over there got eye surgery done, or is that just the popstars and whatnot?

>> No.866917


I don't know about that.

I do know that Japanese culture frowns upon tattoos because they associate them with Yakuza. Which is why you absolutely can not go into the public baths if you have tattoos.

>> No.866926

Desecration of your Dental Temple

>> No.866939

Now why would she cover all that delicious skin with silly pictures?

>> No.866950

No.866903 Here.

Then why don't they take care of their teeth?
Beats me. America has many orthodontists I suppose. Not Japan either. Look at Europeans. Some people just have bad teeth I guess. But to answer more appropriately Asian races tend to have much smaller jaws which cause crowding obviously.

wut? I thought every other motherfucker over there got eye surgery done, or is that just the popstars and whatnot?

Some do but they have nothing on Korea. Wider eyes or "futa-e" are popular now and considered to be cute. "Hito-e" or thin eyes are considered to be an older style. Not everyone likes wider eyes though. Japan still has strong opinions about this as well. They don't like to have children who end up looking noting like their mothers. Natural beauty is second to none.

I would like to believe the same is with America.

>> No.866956

America used to not like people with tatoos too. Then a few movies came out, and after a while most of the people who were adults when they came out dies or went senile. Now, tatoos are fine except during job interviews.

>> No.866968

Yeah, but America is still a very new a impressionable country. We don't have solidified ideals.

Japan has been around for ages.
Before Japan all the ideals came from China.

Countries like that have values and ideals that go back thousands of years. Technically we still don't know how old China is...

>> No.866974

Point is old habits (ideals) die hard.

And slow.

>> No.866982

Lurk moar.

>> No.867024

Why hasn't this been saged yet?

OP has probably had sex, people who have engaged in intercourse are not welcome on /jp/.

>> No.867033

But it's 2008. I think it's time for the some of the old ideals to die.

>> No.867035

>Technically we still don't know how old China is...
4860 years old. Stop being a douche ball and check wikipedia before you hit submit.

>> No.867044

sorry if I made you upset Mr. Virgin

>> No.867045

Wiki should check their info before they click submit as well.

>> No.867054


>4860 years old.

lol no. The earth isn't even that old. OH YEAH CHINA IS OLDER THAN THE PLANET

>> No.867057

Bible Fag?

>> No.867060



>> No.867071

This is 4chan, this is /jp/. If you are uncomfortable around virgins, you should leave.

>> No.867073
File: 91 KB, 550x367, Shoko playing pachinko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yea Pachinko

>> No.867074

That's a pretty good ideal. Pity more don't stick to it.

>> No.867165

haha, she just has to roll up her sleeves too, doesn't she.

>> No.867225

Gramps?! What the fuck are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.867394

Well she chooses to hide them, even during those hot summer days/nights. It seems that she doesn't want to cause any trouble.

>> No.867408

It sucks in Japan a bit when you have any tats. I remember me and my friend tomomi tried to get in the municipal pool in Narita-shi, but was not allowed, due to our tats. :(

>> No.867439

Ha Ha Owned

>> No.867446

Are you japanese/asian?

>> No.867483

Nope, I was visiting family in Narita. Yea, they're white gaijin's. So what, wanna fight about it?
Anyways I was there for two months and met a few friends while I was there and she was one of those friends.

>> No.867504

lucky gaijin is lucky

>> No.867509

So they deny us white devils entrance because of our tattoos? Thats intresting. I wonder if it's the same with certain restaurants with shit like that, "sorry sir can't eat here". I'm pretty heavily tattooed myself, I gotta go to Japan someday and walk around in a basketball jersey or something, see how people/stores/food places and whatnot react. People here in the west don't give two shits about tattoos anymore.

>> No.867527

>don't give
now why would I write that?

>> No.867536



Well played biblefag, well played.

>> No.867563

would RAGE a milion times.
one, because of the biblefaggoty;
two beause according to the bible, the world is 5767 years old.
You're both an amazing troll and a fabulous retarded faggot.

>> No.867568

Not just cause your white, cause you have tats. You can even be japanese and not be able to gain entrance to certain places.

>> No.867573

Yeah, that came out wrong. I only thought they denied japanese people with tats entrance to places, not white tourists too. Fucking idiots either way.

>> No.867575

Learn how to fucking rate if you're going to do so.

10/10 only refers to a remark that spawn a 200+ post flamewar and no one pointed out that the poster was a troll.

That comment was 3/10 at most.

>> No.867581
File: 73 KB, 550x367, Shoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to hit her so hard.
Fist of an Angry GOD

>> No.867592


Tattoos, and especially irezumi (full body tattoos) are associated with the Yakuza, and most ppl in japan just want to stay the hell away from them.
Hence the bans in public places.
But they only make a fuss about it if you really show them off.
My upper arms and back are tattoo'd in japanese style and i never had a problem with it.

>> No.867653

Haha, alright then, I thought they went apeshit when some buff whitey came in with some tribal tats but if you can walk around with that much japanese style ink without anyone giving you shit then everything should be fine.

>> No.867682


Just be carefull not to show them off and all.
Also i dont know what type of ink you have but some tattoos are best not shown in places with high yakuza activity...

>> No.867690

She looks like Sigourney Weaver.

>> No.867742

Yeah, I would think that backpieces with dragons or whatnot on a white dude wouldn't sit too well with the yakuza.

>> No.867760


Well ive got a dragon on my back so im damn careful with that.
But it depends per clan or something, i dont know exactly how they classify everything.

>> No.870192

women aren't allowed in onsens if they have any tattoos

>> No.870232



>> No.870251

She's the daughter of some Yakuza boss, famous enough to let anyone shut the fuck up.

>> No.870291


>> No.870309


They only have to use a separate pool for tattooed people, since the tattoos will "contaminate" the water

>> No.870325


>> No.870382

Has anyone read the book she wrote?

>> No.870512

Whats the book about?

>> No.870522


>> No.870600

Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter

>> No.870643

OP here: I read the book a few times. It's an amazing read. If you're expecting an inside of the happenings of the Yakuza, then you're gonna me disappointed.
It's all about her, how she dealt with drug abuse, losing her family members, becoming a lover to multiple married men and the abuse she dealt with.

>> No.870659

Well this thread is full of fail and summer.

>> No.870666
File: 105 KB, 333x500, 220003925_1482f3e5e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at her face.

>> No.870689

Do me a favor and spoil something for me. Why did she get that huge tattoo of hers?

>> No.870691

Just like you

>> No.870692


oh god

>> No.870697

I don't find it that hideous.

>> No.870698

She wrote that she love to draw and found the tattoo that her father had to be an amazing piece of work, so she got tattooed when she was 21. She never told her parents though, but I think they knew.

>> No.870701


Because tattoos are fuckhot and her dad was in the yakuza?

>> No.870707
File: 85 KB, 550x367, Shoko and Maki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her, her daughter and sister.

>> No.870712

Her left arm looks sickly thin

>> No.870717

At least someone adores ink.

>> No.870720


Holy shit look at her hand!

>> No.870729

Yea I know, she looks really unhealthy in this pic. I'm guess she's 5'4 and maybe 98-100 lbs?

>> No.870823

Short women are hot, but I'd like to cook her a proper meal and make her eat it. Her father would have me killed, though, so I won't.

>> No.871026

Holy shit, whats wrong with her arm?

>> No.871149

you have to know that she was a drug abuser for years, so all of that is punishment for fucking your body up

>> No.871602

there are still Yakuza in Japan?

>> No.871665

Oh You

>> No.871823


No, only in anime and manga

>> No.873780

....that's creepy

>> No.873789


I looked at her face, Ray.

>> No.873796

Tattoos are a disgrace.

>> No.873801

You're a disgrace to Greece. And Greece is a disgrace to Europe.

>> No.873814

And you're a disgrace to America, and America is a disgrace to hypothetical civilized life anywhere in the universe.

>> No.873815

The Greeks are a bunch of thieves and murderers, what do you expect?

>> No.873818

I'm not American.
And seriously, you're the most butthurt, defensive little greek man on 4chan.

>> No.873839


same person.

>> No.873846


>> No.873857

>>873815 23:55
>>873818 23:56

Sure thing pal.

>> No.873860
File: 51 KB, 704x396, 1214193942667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.873886


I lol'ed hard. You used exactly the same picture yesterday. You're so formulaic it's laughable.

Come up with something new you butthurt nigger.

>> No.873898
File: 46 KB, 147x336, 1214194379839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is irony around here

>> No.873902

Greece is Turkey's toilet.

>> No.873905

>>873898 00:12
>>873902 00:13

lol. I love the way you think you'll look like another anon if you take off sage in your next post. That's the oldest trick in the book my butthurt friend.

>> No.873913
File: 7 KB, 230x154, 1214194615703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think there's only one person who thinks Greece is shit, you delusional faggot?

>> No.873922


I know you're a samefag. Just admit it.

And if you're trying to get my irate by saying 'Greece is shit', then it's not going to work. I'm not even slightly patriotic.

>> No.873931
File: 43 KB, 579x540, 1214194852961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the same person. And if you weren't butthurt, you wouldn't keep replying.

>> No.873942

>I'm not the same person.

No. You are, that's why I'm replying, and you're the same person on here 24/7 who follows the exact formulaic process of responding to me in every thread I'm in.

You're such a pathetic faggot.

>> No.873937

Oh well, you're a sad POS only comparable to the niggers you hate so much. You don't deserve to be banned, you deserve to be killed. By niggers and sandniggers. Like the rest of eurotrash.

>> No.873945

In b4
>>873931 =same person

>> No.873948

No athens, you're the pathetic faggot. I just happen to be on 4chan at the same times you are.

>> No.873981

ISM, is trolling 4chan your full time job?

>> No.873978
File: 19 KB, 534x425, Black-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're such a pathetic faggot.

>> No.874113

Go back to plus4chan and stay there you dildo.

>> No.875949

You know she`s probably still better, or at least much cooler, looking that Tila Nguyen does without any make up..

>> No.875980



