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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 195 KB, 667x950, ''S-So horny...!''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8737248 No.8737248 [Reply] [Original]

Typical /jp/ browser

>> No.8737257
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>> No.8737255

Wrong. /jp/ is a little girl.

>> No.8737256
File: 54 KB, 615x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H01758,_Erich_v._Manstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical /jp/ browser

>> No.8737258

"no squids yet--" ???

>> No.8737266
File: 412 KB, 600x848, 23874338_p11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8737267

do you prefer hands inside panties look or panties pushed aside look?

>> No.8737270

Wouldn't the panties just slide back if you tried to slide them to the side?

>> No.8737276

Chubby smelly NEET girl rubbing her mucus-y cunt to videos of cute bishies

>> No.8737277

no because the hand would be in the way

>> No.8737278

Female masturbation seems so gross and messy.

>> No.8737280

I prefer them on the leg. As a third party observer, to be clear.
They can't masturbate properly if there's cloth in the way.

>> No.8737287
File: 335 KB, 1067x1600, fujoshilaptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CK boxers.
Feels good, sis.

>> No.8737285

It's a positioning that must be actively maintained to a degree...

>> No.8737293

The one thing that I was curious about (but not curious enough to actually fire up Google and find out) regarding female masturbation is how they decide when to be done with it. For males it's pretty obvious.

>> No.8737297

Exactly. It works with sex, since the penis will be in the way, but it sounds a little awkward with masturbation.

Also, masturbating inside panties sounds like the most modest and feminine way to masturbate.

>> No.8737298

I like to believe that they cum just like men, but they squirt a lot more and cry while doing it.

>> No.8737302

Females have orgasms too, you know.

>> No.8737308
File: 169 KB, 750x1100, touhou ovulation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8737310

that's a lie.

>> No.8737306

That would be pretty awesome. Having a girly hole spit projectile goo on my face.

>> No.8737307

If I remember correctly, I read once that once a woman reaches orgasm, she remains "sexually alert" for the next two hours. So wouldn't masturbation make them hornier?

>> No.8737315

It's really bad thread.

>> No.8737318

I don't really get the punchline for the left one.

>> No.8737316

Yeah, but they're not out for the count when it happens. Or do they just stop?

>> No.8737320

Now that I think about it, I wouldn't want to be a girl - I mean, as I am, after masturbating all I need to do is wipe the sperm off with some tissues, flush it down and everything is okay. According to the porn I've seen, girls make an enormous mess when they cum, and having to clean thefloor whenever that happened would be a pain, made even worse by the fact that I wouldn't be able to control my legs well for some time.

>> No.8737323

That can happen when fetus was developing into a female but got some traits from male. It is pretty rare. But that is what allows some girls to squirt. Not many complain.

>> No.8737324
File: 427 KB, 600x852, 264382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wat. After you orgasm as a woman, you can still feel it for awhile afterwards (like if you accidentally touch it or push your legs together). I'm not sure about the "sexually alert" part. Maybe just more relaxed afterwards?

>> No.8737326

>According to the porn

>> No.8737329


>According to the porn I've seen

Because porn is representative of real life, obviously.

>> No.8737333
File: 1.10 MB, 1024x768, 1330338820689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There gets to a point after you orgasm too many times where it takes way too much work to achieve another one, so you get tired and give up. When you first start masturbating, it feels really good because you just started touching there, but after you've done the same repetitive movements it starts to become harder to feel as good after that.

>> No.8737337

Hands inside is best.

>> No.8737345

Just because you can do it few times, doesn't mean you'll want to. Orgasm is an euphoric feeling, but it also makes you exhausted, so even if you go for 3 - 4 times, you'll be out of energy after that.

>> No.8737341
File: 752 KB, 1250x1700, 1019310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not like that at all Anon, I usually leave my panties on and besides uh, getting wet (and all that stays in), it doesn't do anything like that.

>> No.8737342

Oh, you're that attentionwhoring slut from yesterday. At it again I see?

>> No.8737346

According to the porn you've seen, you should probably be ejaculating so much that you leave great splashes of white fluid coating everything remotely nearby, but this probably doesn't happen.

>> No.8737348

Onee-chan, stop being so slutty/ attention whoring.

>> No.8737352

It always amuses me how many females there are in /jp/ when it's users are so migogynistic.

Unless of course its just people pretending.

>> No.8737355

Ever stuff panties in your mouth after finishing?

>> No.8737353
File: 169 KB, 750x1000, 23837940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical /jp/ browser

>> No.8737364

>>According to the porn I've seen, girls make an enormous mess when they cum

Only for 2D girls and some really rare 3D ones.

>> No.8737365

Some people pretend to be misogynistic and the rest pretend to be girls. The masquerade is a delicate one.

>> No.8737370

That only happens if the girl is embarrassed.

>> No.8737371

Personally I don't believe that females even exist.

>> No.8737373


And I only shitpost ironically.

>> No.8737378

That's exactly how I feel when edging. Except that my penis still demands to be brought to orgasm even when it's all sore from hours of edging.

>> No.8737380


/jp/ has always been full of refined, tea-drinking little girls. Just now considering /jp/ is soon four years old, they are starting to inevitably reach puberty.

Interesting times await.

>> No.8737376

That's true, I've never seen any pornography featuring male solo masturbation, so it might be different. And I'm perfectly happy keeping it that way.

>> No.8737387

How can you guys be so nerdy? It's almost adorable.

>> No.8737388
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Sorry, I'm trying to explain it being as least perverse as possible. Since male Anons wanted to know how it works.


I always figured if you really hated women that much, it means you maybe still think about them, and you haven't detached yourself from feeling misery about 3D women. The men who really have given up 3D seem to be a lot easier to talk to because the idea of sex and/or romance never even comes to mind when they find out I'm a female.

>> No.8737389

/jp/ is actually not that misogynistic compared to other boards. Ever been to /r9k/, for example?

>> No.8737396

Your guys views on female masturbation is so sad, its all the fucking same.

>> No.8737398
File: 262 KB, 800x600, 1329173744161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, like to see how things develop with this userbase. If it was just males, /jp/ would be too boring.

From what I have seen, /jp/ has gay men, lesbians, traps, bonafide transexuals, that asexual dude who says he need no sex, and even christians, catholics, muslim, buddhists and disgruntled atheists. I love it.

>> No.8737391


I fell off my chair laughing. Thanks for making my day, Anon.

>> No.8737394
File: 140 KB, 493x493, 1332299416763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8737407

So you don't squirt? That's boring.

>> No.8737404

We simply don't care as long as you behave nice.

>> No.8737405

I'm one of those sexually apathetic guys and indeed I always had an easier time befriending girls.
Of course none of them has ever made advances on me, wich I don't really give a shit.

I know, this is why I like it here, not pointless hate, just simple apathy.

>> No.8737411
File: 27 KB, 1280x720, 1328845809251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and even christians, catholics, muslim, buddhists and disgruntled atheists.


>> No.8737412

It's not really a matter of "nice" or not, it's whether you're able to successfully post without landing on the fifty or so landmines that sets off /jp/.

>> No.8737413

We will all become loli dominatrices?

I approve of this outcome.

>> No.8737410

this, who gives a shit if someone's a lady

>> No.8737415

I fucking love it too.

>> No.8737416


Thus "interesting" rather than "good" or "bad".

>> No.8737419

protestants are also christians

>> No.8737425

Catholics are Christian, I was wondering why the two were listed separately.

>> No.8737423

this thread hurts my autistic brain.

>> No.8737426
File: 66 KB, 225x225, Heresy-stamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestans do not think catholics are christians anymore.
I overhear catholics and they specifically say "christians" when they actually mean protestants or any abrahamic monotheist new testament based faith. It's quite confusing.

>> No.8737429
File: 130 KB, 700x700, 5b3b1c14c0a728cf6aab84a7ec29c11e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8737430

I'm an ironic muslim

>> No.8737431
File: 85 KB, 301x286, 1331600550101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8737428

It does, but they comprise a tiny minority of the board.

If they didn't their existence wouldn't be so notable.

>> No.8737432

I'm laying in my bed right now. It's been months since I showered, years since I've cleaned my room. The wall to my left is caked with boogers and my once white mattress is now a brownish tint. There are piss bottles scattered about in my room because I can't be bothered to walk to the bathroom, some are sealed and some are not. I have to keep a fan on max to keep air circulating or else a heavy stench of piss fills the room. Fruit flies are starting to accumulate due to the rotten pizza in my closet, I've sealed the closet using duct tape to trap them inside because that's easier than cleaning it. I'm pretty sure there is some sort of grotesque fungus growing in my asshole, it tingles, maybe I have worms. I've nailed blankets over my window so that know light gets through, sometimes I have to look at the clock to even know if its day or night.

I wonder if my parents think I'm dead or maybe they just forgot they had a son. I haven't seen them in days due to me sleeping during the day and sitting on the computer all night.

>> No.8737434
File: 122 KB, 800x645, 436605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Of course none of them has ever made advances on me, wich I don't really give a shit.

It's better that way, trust me Anon. Maybe real love does exist out there, but I don't think I'd want all the terrible problems and hurt that always come along with it.


No, I think it's more common that females don't do this, but I don't really go around asking females if they squirt, so.

>> No.8737443

I can't think of any good reason anybody would want to be here, but then, here we are.

>> No.8737444

Protip: They don't exist.

>> No.8737437
File: 33 KB, 640x480, [Froth-Bite]Mahoraba_Heartful_Days_-_17[DD8C77E0].avi_snapshot_05.23_[2012.03.12_14.36.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? High time to shitpost.

>> No.8737440

>I always figured if you really hated women that much, it means you maybe still think about them, and you haven't detached yourself from feeling misery about 3D women. The men who really have given up 3D seem to be a lot easier to talk to because the idea of sex and/or romance never even comes to mind when they find out I'm a female.

The sole reason for me even hating 3D women, is because I've been talked shit to and been humiliated throughout my whole childhood by them.

Also bitches and whores they're all the same. Nothing good comes out of them.

>> No.8737441

I just find it distasteful when females post openly on /jp/. I can't think of any good reason a female would want to be here in the first place.

>> No.8737448


>> No.8737445
File: 430 KB, 830x1000, 6b2630a6f42b3cb86e6451ecb6d23cc80dc8acac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you, and I love you.
Well, most of you.

>> No.8737446

>Maybe real love does exist out there, but I don't think I'd want all the terrible problems and hurt that always come along with it.
You seem to know a lot about love. Slut.

>> No.8737453

>i'm only here for the toohoo porn

>> No.8737459

All of the items I once called clothing are now my jizz rags. I masterbate atleast twice a day or more if I'm bored so every piece of clothing I have is covered in jizz. My pubes are so long that I have to grip the tip of my dick with 2 fingers and pull it out of the mass of hair. It's damp in here because our house has no ventilation and no sun gets in here, leading to a sort of mold growing on the walls, I'm not sure what it is but I'm glad it isn't effecting my computer which I'm on every waking hour, from the time I wake up I am on the computer until its time for me to sleep. Sometimes I take little breaks and stare at the wall.

>> No.8737457

You seem nice enough, care to drop an adress so we can talk a bit.
I just want to know what having actual female friends feel like.

>> No.8737461
File: 329 KB, 550x777, 91219512974c5f40e09848d3fbae8187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No taoists

>> No.8737463

it feels pretty much like having male friends, except there's more capacity for things to get sexually awkward.

>> No.8737466

>following some ancient chink religion

>> No.8737469

Stop feeding the attention whore.

You already have female friends. /jp/ is a little girl.

>> No.8737467

But I want to resurrect into a little girl's body in Gensokyo

>> No.8737471

I just want to know what having a young daughter feels like.

>> No.8737472

I always confused to whether you are a troll or not, because you don't sound like a real person and because of your avatarfaggotry.

>> No.8737474

Not her, but you are creeping me out. I bet you are a rapist.

>> No.8737476

I know she's an attention whore.

But I'd still buy a pair of her sticky, cummy panties.

>> No.8737478

>someone wants to know someone personally that they know through the internet
>they must be a rapist

>> No.8737481

i want other boards to leave.

>> No.8737479

That is generally the intention of someone like that, yes.

>> No.8737485

I'm sorry, I don't want to make /jp/ angry but I'd just like to know what it feels like, talking with a like minded individual that is female.

I don't have any of these sorts of thought, I apologized if it ever sounded like that.

>> No.8737486
File: 1.44 MB, 1109x910, 637692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>because you don't sound like a real person

Wat. I am clearly a robot, like Gumi, who has been programmed to post on /jp/.


Uhh, sure, email me.

>> No.8737482

That's not enough reason to respond to his shitposts.

Certainly not like responding to an attention whoring, young adult female.

>> No.8737483

I'd buy them and then trick her into recieving them back or something, but attach an RFID/GPS tracker to it, hunt her down, and then leave a single birthday card in her mailbox, and just leave.

Then come back later and rape her

>> No.8737487

I always felt that we autists and nerds need to stick together.

But oftentimes we're at each other throats for no other reason than the usual "this is 4chan, so I gotta act that way 24/7" reason unfortunately.

>> No.8737489
File: 472 KB, 1000x1000, 1332194099708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I somehow feel that Gumi-san has been on 4chan for a long time before, with the way they post, enough for them to be familiar with it enough to tread such landmines without outright setting them off. There is certainly much more to him/her than they let on.

Either way, it doesn't really matter that much. There's really no real difference between an anon and Gumi-san sans posting style/content, except for the avatars. And we all upload images anyway, only less consistently with regards to subject matter.

>> No.8737490
File: 36 KB, 640x480, [Froth-Bite]Mahoraba_Heartful_Days_-_24[6EA1CDF4].avi_snapshot_17.53_[2012.03.19_12.31.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8737491

Hey /jp/. I'm actually a girl and i've been shitposting this board since dawn of times. Wouldn't you give me a kiss at least?

>> No.8737495

You've always let your egalitarian values cloud your judgment, ZUN.

>> No.8737493

How the fuck did you double sage?

>> No.8737501

The great thing about 4chan is that there's the freedom to call a spade a spade.

>> No.8737498
File: 140 KB, 427x395, 1315970829579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

View? explain please? I would like to hear or see where this broad view comes from.

/jp/ has always been extreme friendly to and neutral when it comes to people. As long as you don't try to use a I'm better than you high and might attitude you will be treated quite friendly even in debates and arguments.
Hell you could say a unwritten rule of /jp/ is to be respectful.

>> No.8737499

I don't even post here regularly, you're all too autistic. I just came on here to see what's going on with various conventions, since I'm sure as fuck not putting up with /cgl/.
You're much better than /cgl/ in the attention whore department.

>> No.8737507

Isn't it really hard to be worse than /cgl/ in the attention whore department?

>> No.8737508

It always amuses me to see you gullible faggots falling for this stuff, you're everywhere on the internet! An alleged "girl" makes herself known and you're like a flock of starving crows moving in on a rotting carcass. A girl? She must be gorgeous! Just like all the pictures of models everyone posts! And browsing 4chan too! No way she could be a fat unwashed slob! Better kiss her ass until she notices me!

It's cute really.

>> No.8737503
File: 594 KB, 1000x562, 888417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for all the hard work Anon, but you could have just knocked on my door and I would have let you in to play video games with me. Please don't rape me though, it's not nice to cheat on your waifu.

>> No.8737509

So, what? Do you guys like 3D, or what?

I mean, you SAY you don't, but a thread about female masturbation with a female poster in it gets 100 replies in an hour.

And then there's the idol threads.

>> No.8737510

No I would give a knee in your vagina

>> No.8737512

Why don't you guys just move to /soc/ or /r9k/?

I'm not saying this as an insult, but as an actual suggestion. Just make a /jp/ thread on /soc/, their residents will not even touch it, I've tried it. You shouldn't ruin the frontpage because this week's lonely faggot decided /jp/ is his personal hookup service.

>> No.8737517

yes, from what I gathered they're all attention whores, vying for the acknowledgement of the few male posters who accidentally stumble in there hoping for advice on what to cosplay as.

>> No.8737515

On the whole, no. There are exceptions that nobody cares about.

We have threads about male masturbation, too, it's just that those don't move as quickly since everything in them has already been discussed to death.

>> No.8737516

I'd consider it if I didn't vomit reflexively and uncontrollably upon a glance of /r9k/ or /soc/'s front page.

>> No.8737519


But I like believing i'm a little girl. Why would you take that belief away from me? Meanie.

>> No.8737523

If you follow a link in and use noko+sage you'll never have to see the outside.

>> No.8737529


Nah. Most only do that for the "lulz" these days anyways.

>> No.8737540

Female masturbation is a concept that exists in 2D, and I think it's safe to assume most people here think about 2D girls while discussing it, since all pics in this thread have been 2D. As for the girl, most of the posts about her have been hostile, except for one or two degenerates who always has to give them attention.

>> No.8737541

in any case, /jp/, what shold i cosplay as i am male and the protagonists of all the shit i play/watch are female.
i forced myself to get not-fat and muscular just so i'd have options insofar as cosplaying this year, but now i don't know what to do.

also, bitches use fucking dildos. all the ladies i know that masturbate, anyways.

>> No.8737546

You ungrateful bitch.

>> No.8737548
File: 523 KB, 1313x818, 1315941627679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice generalization but we could honestly not give 5 fucks in face most of /jp/ could even be pan-sexual.
On a side-note some of /jp/ user-base is made up of /g/ /d/ /lit/ and even /sci/ and /tg/ and /co/.

>> No.8737554
File: 183 KB, 317x700, 1325956533537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After that fitocracy /jp/ group started up, /jp/easies logged strong lifts.

Either people have e-stats, or /jp/ has normalfags who have been training for several months.

>> No.8737555

Nyanners looks decent and DerpyDash-Cirno is a solid 6 too.

>> No.8737556
File: 54 KB, 549x480, gfs_13584_2_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to take it easy.

Believe it or not, /jp/ actually has funtioning members of society who just like their touhous, vns and figures AND normal women. It is the vocal majority who repeats those memes like autistic parrots.

>> No.8737558


You are right Anon, I've been on 4chan since 2006 shortly after I became a NEET. I didn't go on /jp/ then, though, I am pretty new around here TBH.

As for posting pictures, I just really like Gumi, and most of the time the picture I post of her is never even related to what I post about. I guess I can stop if it's really that bad.

>> No.8737561

Didn't Cirno get doxed by someone from /jp/? Along with shitloads of nudes of her

>> No.8737566
File: 261 KB, 257x288, saku02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocal *minority*, I mean.

>> No.8737563

I'll join the /jp/ group but i'm afraid I will bring your group down.I have also been lifting since before just exactly today. Fitocracy group is how old now, three days?
People that joined so early to the invites have obviously been lifting for a while. I'll join at one plate bench. Give me a week or two.

>> No.8737569


This person?

>> No.8737573

87% of posts in this thread are filthy secondaries. you shame the glorious /jp/.

>> No.8737577

Yes, that's one of her handles.

>> No.8737578


Tertiaries at best.

>> No.8737583

We'd love to have you, anon-kun. We all start somewhere, and what better place to start than the /jp/ mansion?

The group started about 8 hours ago, and we're at 30 members. Do you need an invite code?

Group Code: HVUFT

Group link: http://ftcy.co/GGUdHy

>> No.8737585


The concept of "secondaries" has long since deteriorated in use to the point where actual fighter pilots are considered secondaries for not playing Ace Combat.

>> No.8737587

That is very sad then. I remember asking her to voiceover a twowho comic once but she never did. Just told me to bark like a dog first then sent me a voiceclip trying to be flirty, so I left. That maybe two years ago and she was 15 at the time I believe. I guess she wasn't a good girl after all.

>> No.8737595



I really want to see her naked...

>> No.8737598

I can point you towards the result of the doxing, information and pictures.

She also really is a bad girl, she shitposts quite a lot and even made a thread here recently.
She admits to being and attention and drama whore.

Apparently something distressing happened to her and she never quite recovered.

>> No.8737603

>Apparently something distressing happened to her and she never quite recovered.
How awful. Watch it be something stereotypical and stupid like boyfriend problems.

>> No.8737601

She is currently 16 and some of her nudes have a 2009 timestap filename.

>> No.8737606

Cirno /a/ tripfag?

>> No.8737607

Getting your nudes and dox posted on 4chan would be pretty distressing.

>> No.8737604


Oh man, this is even better than reading /cgl/ drama threads. Link that shit, Anon.

>> No.8737612

Cirno dox:

>> No.8737614


She made this thread AFTERWARDS.
She posted her full name on /jp/ too.

Who knows, perhaps she's behind verything herself.

>> No.8737615

I meant for the nudes to exist or be posted.
You're such a fucking faggot and make the shittiest posts, fuck. the first fucking tripfag I will filter will be you, fuck this.

>> No.8737625

I'm PMS'ing so hard >_>

>> No.8737627


>Yakima, WA

My god, she lives close to me.

>> No.8737630


Please don't do that. Please?
There are some people on /jp/ who turn insane at the smell of blood.

>> No.8737631
File: 298 KB, 632x710, 1269574597973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh! It seems you are mistaken, I partake in the joy of ka kaing! It's just, in an English dub, Japanese things are suppose to be made... well... English. Ka ka is Japanese, not English, if I put a ka ka in, I would most likely have gotten bashed even harder for "not translating it".

>> No.8737633

My mistake then.

I'm gllad the honor of being your first filtered tripfag is all mine.
