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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8736394 No.8736394 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most positive change you've made in your life in the past year?

>> No.8736401


>> No.8736396

I reported your thread.

>> No.8736402
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>making positive changes in your life

>> No.8736414

I quit smoking, but only for financial reasons. I'll pick it back up if ever I can afford it again.

>> No.8736417

I grew out my hair and lost 20 kg.

>> No.8736420

I stopped eating completely

>> No.8736430

Getting back into university after flunking out.

>> No.8736431
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Started working out inside the house.

>> No.8736438

>Implying you won't just flunk out again

>> No.8736448
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>> No.8736458

Well... For some reason i like to have sunlight around me. When before i didn't. Also i feel bit more energetic.

>> No.8736462
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Started watching anime

>> No.8736466

Started writing a story. It's just a lucrative thing but it makes me feel like I accomplished something, even if it's small.

>> No.8736472

That's exactly what they want you to do.
Enjoy your debt.

>> No.8736476

Started hormone replacement therapy. Without testosterone ruining my life anymore, I can start working towards becoming a girl.

>> No.8736474

Bought a new PC

>> No.8736479
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I practiced harder at a game and got better at it

Wait, really? this is wrong? Am I really using English here? I'm been spelling this wrong all this time? What's with the "s" out of nowhere? Fucking English, how does it work?

>> No.8736481
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I stopped being a TruNEET™ after 15-16 years. I've been at it about ten weeks now (GED classes/Job training), and I still feel like vomiting every single time I have to go out. I'm hoping that'll go away eventually.

>> No.8736485

Americunt English isn't always spelled the same was as British English. You're probably using the wrong dictionary.

>> No.8736487
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This dictionary must be shit, then.

>> No.8736492

It doesn't, have fun.

>> No.8736505

I'm not as addicted to internet as before. Mostly because I destroyed my main computer but I forgot I had latop and I can't destroy it... so I haven't completely kicked the habit.

>> No.8736514

Nothing. None of the changes I've made in the past few years have made me feel any better, so I've pretty much stopped trying at this point.

>> No.8736525


Dedicated 2 my niggas at /jp/

>> No.8736527

Left my hometown.

>> No.8736531

stopped playing shitty games
started watching movies and television shows

either one.

>> No.8736543
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I enrolled into university

>> No.8736549

I went out and voted for Rick Santorum

>> No.8736546

I went to the other end of the telephone extension cable and plugged it in properly so I wouldn't get random disconnects every few hours. It was worth it.

>> No.8736556

See you in a year when you drop out.

>> No.8736557
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dial-up, seriously?

>> No.8736559
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I quit University.
Fucking useless waste of time and money.

>> No.8736570

Your existence is a waste of time and money.

>> No.8736575

you are

>> No.8736576

University damage control

>> No.8736580

No, ADSL. It still uses telephone lines, believe it or not.

I hope we supersede it with something better soon. Who the hell needs a landline in 2012? Plus we're relying on copper cables laid down decades ago.

Technophiles, what's the next big thing for home Internet connections? Fiber?

>> No.8736584

It's "useless" in the sense that everyone else does it. You don't really benefit from getting a degree since everyone has one, but you are at a loss for NOT having one.

Why the fuck hasn't this been fixed yet?

>> No.8736585

Your time and money is a waste of existence.

>> No.8736593

Your waste is an existance of time and money.

>> No.8736608


Your time and money is an existence of waste.

>> No.8736617

I admit defeat.

>> No.8736620
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I started seeing a headshrinker

now I have tons of adderall. Shit's great.

>> No.8736618

Your waste and money is an existence of time

>> No.8736630

Started exercising and stopped drinking so much.

>> No.8736633
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In January I was forced to find a job because my mother couldn't support me anymore. Me being a typical /jp/ poster was lucky enogh to find a job which payed good. In past two months I saved ~2.5k bucks. It's really good for a college dropout in Russia. I can live on that kind of money for over a year.

>> No.8736642

In NBA 2k12, I made a dominant center and led the Wizards to a Finals win.

>> No.8736646

You guys are gay.

>> No.8736660

no you
owned 4 lyfe

>> No.8736665


>> No.8736691
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I just heard him for first time now, honestly thought that people did hate him because he is too young and too popular, but oh god, my ears are bleeding.

>> No.8736777

Verizon does fiber to home, but the cell network for data has become quite the thing too.

>> No.8737022

Kill yourself.

>> No.8737020

I turned 21 today so at least I can go home and start a drinking habit until I pass out by myself tonight while browsing /jp/ or reading a VN.

I wish I had friends.

>> No.8737031

I can't really think of anything.

My life changed, but it wasn't anything I did.


>> No.8737036

becoming an alcoholic.

because it's the only change i've made in my life in the past year

>> No.8737044
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Happy Birthday Anon!

>> No.8737051

I almost had a real conversation with a real person.

>> No.8737053

Happy birthday, I wish you all the best~

>> No.8737064

Disregarded everything to acquire my hobbies.

>> No.8737086
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Thanks guys, first one I got today that wasn't from my mother.

>> No.8737114

Stopped having hope for every having a friendship and started reading and watching anime.
Should have started a couple of years ago, since I'm a hikki without being an otaku.

>> No.8737118
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I did really a lot of good things since last year!

>> No.8737166

Going back to university and I bought a new desk chair.

>> No.8737178


Americans spell it practiced. I assumed 'practised' was some british thing. like your crap with 'tyre' even though tire was what you Brits used back in the 19th century.

>> No.8737188

I miss "connexion". That was just cool looking. Also thiſ ſtyle of "s" (I know I'm not using it properly).

>> No.8737208


Anything that causes more x to be used is fine by me.

Idk though, those spaniards sound weird to me...

>> No.8737214

I caught up on my backlog. I had about 70 unread LNs in my collection this time last year, now I am back to reading them as I buy them.

>> No.8737272

Tell me your workout routine, I need to start doing this.

>> No.8738217
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I finally fully discarded any urges of making friends or getting into a relationship. I've come to the conclusion that the only sensible choice that any person can make in the pursuit of happiness is to delve deep into their mind through meditation and eventually form imaginary friends that they can live with. The imagination is the most powerful ability that we possess. If you can vividly imagine and experience an event within your mind then why bother trying to do that same thing in reality? All urges and desires can be satisfied through mastery of the mind, so any ambition based in reality is meaningless.

Life without any dependence on the company of inherently undependable and disloyal humans and all emotional needs for companionship and love fulfilled through the construction of imaginary friends that I will bring into existence through sheer willpower. What could possibly be a better way to live?

I feel that my entire life has been building up to this point and I'm almost at the pinnacle of human existence.

>> No.8738250

>pinnacle of human existence

I don't think that involves creating imaginary friends, I think that involves going beyond the need for them entirely.

>> No.8738254

I started supporting myself. I've cut off my family from my life. I finally have privacy. When I don't have to work, that is.

>> No.8738271

tie between:

- getting a good score on my MCAT
- reconciling with my cousin

really glad we're on speaking terms again--hopefully she'll let me visit her this summer

>> No.8738288

I don't think so. Since the imaginary friends he "needs" are contained within himself, they are an aspect of his own existence. They aren't a need he is dependent on.

It he relied on real friends, I'd agree.

>> No.8738292

I go outside less often, let some more acquaintanceships fade away, and ruined the possibility of me finishing my college course at all by not going to any classes and singing up for exams just to not go either.
I haven't really enjoyed anything in a while and basically just lurk 4chan all day every day.
Last night I cried for the first time in about 5-6 years, I don't know why.

>> No.8738305

Probably fapping exclusively to anything that has scat in it

>> No.8738328

Sorry, I misread the OP.

>> No.8740431
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>female cousin

>> No.8740441

I haven't beat my meat for almost two weeks.

>> No.8740456

I dropped out of uni.

>> No.8740515


When this happens to me, it's usually a sign of a spiel of depression.

>> No.8740517

Changed my desktop background.

>> No.8740667

I've started being more relaxed and less anxious, even though my university life is a downward spiral into inevitable failure for various reasons. All the time I've had away from normals has helped me sort of come to terms with stuff in general.
