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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8734025 No.8734025 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you cut yourself, /jp/?

>> No.8734028

I did it once or twice.

I enjoy it.

But you know, I don't want to be perceived as the kind of person who cuts himself, so I stopped.

>> No.8734027

Why don't you, so we don't have to see your shitty threads anymore.

>> No.8734037

Because burning my hands with hot water doesn't leave scars, and I don't have to deal with the blood.

>> No.8734034

But that's silly and would hurt.

>> No.8734039

It never really hurt when I did it. Just an initial sting.

>> No.8734040

Because I whip my back.

>> No.8734041

Because I can't take it easy while cutting myself. Besides, I got shit like cigs, coffee, tea and alcohol.

>> No.8734038

Ineffective method of suicide. Only something like 0.5% of people who try actually succeed.

People just do it for kicks, really.

>> No.8734043

It hurts too much

>> No.8734045

I did that accidentally, I ended up with a blister, so I burst it and it took 5 weeks to heal over again.

>> No.8734050

Probably an urban legend but I heard that some Japs drink boiling water to kill themselves. The idea being that once you've swallowed incredibly hot water that burns your insides, it's too late. And that Japs are morons.

>> No.8734053

I'm not a weak-minded attention-seeking faggot who couldn't get past puberty.

>> No.8734052

I'm happy and content with life. :)

>> No.8734055

It's hard to get attention for it when you do it in a place nobody sees.

>> No.8734058

It hurts.

>> No.8734059

I don't mean boiling water, that would be crazy. Just hot enough to be painful, around the temperature you get from a water heater. It relieves a lot of tension.

>> No.8734060

I do. Sometimes.
I like the feeling.
I also brand myself with hot metal when I get drunk.

>> No.8734063

This, I get the stigma but you'd think on /jp/ of all places, people would understand it's not for that.

What are we going to do, show our cats and figures?

>> No.8734076

I never told anyone this, but one time I became highly inebriated and spent a long time carving a scar about 6 inches long on my chest, right over my heart. I don't remember much other than I just kept repeating to myself something about punishment for sins or something, and that the blood was a very beautiful color. I think it had something to do with the fact that I had been watching kara no kyoukai earlier that day.
it kinda sucks because I must wear a shirt at all times now, and I hate wearing shirts.

>> No.8734081

Probably repressed ANGST. If you're artistic, you could turn it into a song or a picture!

Think about how "normal" self-harmers feel though. Can't wear short-sleeved shirts EVER AGAIN.

>> No.8734084

...you cut yourself after watching Kara no Kyoukai?

Shit nigga, that's hilarious.

>> No.8734086

Don't you want a manly eye-scar to show off /jp/?

>> No.8734091

I have thought about this a little too seriously but I would probably fuck it up. I'd either blind myself or it would look terrible. I'm sure for every cool, manly looking eye scar, there are tons of horrible ones. I'd spend too much time planning it and then my hand would slip and I'd get it wrong, or I'd cut too straight and it'd look "unnatural". Plus there's the chance I would simply look bad with an eye scar to begin with. Then I'm fucked.

>> No.8734101

You can look into scarification if you're afraid of fucking up, there's a lot of advice available online, but you know, anything like that will be obvious it was done on purpose.

>> No.8734106

There was one really cute /jp/ anon who told a story about how he used to cut himself and now he has to wear long-sleeved shirts all the time to hide his shame. I thought he was really cute and I wish I could talk to him again.

>> No.8734110

Oh I forgot about this whole thing. Those people are weird though. Too "alternative" for my tastes.

>> No.8734116

Not angsty enough, plus scars.

>> No.8734114
File: 156 KB, 720x720, 1328737704390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do and it has left hundreds of scars on my body

Do I win?

>> No.8734120


That squid-girl is cute.

>> No.8734129
File: 64 KB, 289x312, 1328993750616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I agree, but I don't have any other pictures of her . . .

so have this one instead

>> No.8734141


>> No.8734145

Existed before the whole "emo" thing. Way to out yourselves as 90s kids.
Go read Bodies Under Siege.

>> No.8734142

it will make you an emo before you kill yourself...

>> No.8734157


>> No.8734152

Nobody cares about your emo shit.

>> No.8734153

I did it once and "accidentally" let my mom see so she wouldn't kick me out.

>> No.8734160

fucking leech

>> No.8734161

Where do you think you are?

>> No.8734167 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20120320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And because I made a claim that I do cut myself here is the most visible scar I have (only one on my left arm)

It's only a month old so it's still pinkish

>> No.8734171

Thanks man, we wouldn't have believed you otherwise.

>> No.8734182
File: 394 KB, 850x768, 1328484426841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

Now that you believe me, do understand that when I started I was smart and went for my upper legs near my penis so I cannot really show those unless you are willing to allow me to crop. Also those scars have healed more so they are less visible.

>> No.8734183

Lose some weight, fatty.

>> No.8734188

Weird . . . I'm 6'1 and 130lbs
I thought that was skinny

>> No.8734191

You wish, fatass

>> No.8734197

If I become a chronic self-harmer, will the goverment pay me insanity monies or some shit like that?

>> No.8734205

I always made cuts so shallow they would there wouldn't even be marks in a few months. I imagine they must have hurt about as much as eating chili peppers, so I'm forced to conclude that I did it to get my self-image the way I wanted it. If you look exceedingly closely you can tell but nobody does that.

Man, I sure was a faggot back then. Not just because of that, a variety of other shit as well. I'm still a faggot now. Ara ara, I've just spent five minutes blogging about my faggotry in /jp/. Fuck.

>> No.8734207 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20120320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine . . .
Must I constantly show pictures?

>> No.8734208
File: 230 KB, 640x480, grim dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am not a faggot. Pic related this is text book example of what everyone is when they cut themselves purposefully

>> No.8734209

You wouldn't even have to go that far.

Follow Uncle Remus's guide.

>> No.8734213

Wait, that lifering was part of your wall?
You have sea-themed wallpaper?
A grown, adult man?


>> No.8734216

I don't know what's worse--the emo kids who chicken scratch for attention, or the morons like you who buy into the popular nonsense that all people who self-harm are 15-year-olds who like Cap'n Jazz.
You're like the people who never shut up about how much they hate Justin Bieber.

>> No.8734215

I find it funny that self-pity and crying are both staples of /jp/, yet the cutters dudes are shat on.

>> No.8734217

I'm 18 and at a friends house
sorry, but this is not my place

>> No.8734219

Why harm yourself when you should do it to others? That's the way I believe it anyways

>> No.8734232

So dark and edgy.

>> No.8734246

Not as dark and edgy as the faggots who cut themselves

>> No.8734245

Beat me to it. Overall I'd say the, "I want to harm others!" thing is angstier than a bit of healthy self-loathing. After all, if you don't hate yourself for the failure that you are, you must be delusional. Though that's okay too.

>> No.8734251

Not its not. wanting to harm yourself is the most retarded thing someone can do. There is absolutely no reason to.

>> No.8734252

Wrong. I'd say a faggot sadist wannabe is much edgier than a kid who cuts himself.

>> No.8734258

Wanting to harm others for no reason other than your fetish/desire is the most retarded thing someone can do. There is absolutely no reason to.

>> No.8734262

No, someone who actually wants to harm themselves are pure autists.

>> No.8734263

Emo in denial...
/jp/, I thought you were better than this.

>> No.8734264

Well there obviously are reasons since a lot of people do it. It's not just angsty kids either. I frequent buslist (good mailing list/forum for anyone who cares) and most of the people there are quite normal. Usually in their thirties who are just depressed or hate themselves for some reason, so they take up cutting themselves. It's a good way to "get back at yourself" and release tension. It's like masturbating in a way.

>> No.8734265

Wanting to harm yourself for no reason other than your fetish/desire is the most retarded thing someone can do. There is absolutely no reason to.

>> No.8734266

Think about when you look in the mirror. Do you see a human being? Or do you see a repulsive failure that deserves only suffering and misery?

>> No.8734271 [DELETED] 

...fuck, misread your post.

Well that applies to the naysayers. It's not just attention-seeking emo kids. Go back to /v/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.8734275

What? Do you even browse /jp/? Most people here spend half of their time whinning and bitching about everything.

>> No.8734283

I think I mentioned it, so this might have been me.

>> No.8734303

I don't think there are that many posters from the UK here, bro.

>> No.8734335

Sadist, emo, autist, let's just drop the terms and get at the heart of the matter: you are everything bad in the world.

It's a real problem, they should all be shit on equally.

>> No.8734344

normalfag plz go

>> No.8734346

You should try visiting a board more relevant to your interests.

>> No.8734362

How about you two go fuck yourselves instead. This is not the board for whining.

>> No.8734400
File: 152 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u
