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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 422 KB, 1680x1050, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8695800 No.8695800 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever fantasize about maid cafes becoming extremely popular in America and then having all the snobby bitches from your high school end up working there because it's the only establishment that would hire their uneducated ass?

>> No.8695810

No, I wish I was a cute little girl who could work as a maid.

>> No.8695813

>Implying I live in that shithole murika.

>> No.8695829

Amusing, but for some reason I have a great aversion to maid cafes, so I imagine I'd never know.

>> No.8695839
File: 111 KB, 276x443, 1298773300129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them getting jobs after high school as maids implies that they aren't 13-14 year old maids. no thanks.

>> No.8695857

>implying maid cafes are not already popular in murica

See: McDonalds

>> No.8695866

More like

See: Hooters.

Same shit, just a more boring outfit.

>> No.8695868

No, I don't have any persecution complex from my high school days since the girls there were just normal human beings and not "snobby bitches".

>> No.8695880

I don't leave the house anyway.

>> No.8695883

dem underage gurls at mcDs

>> No.8695878

I wish I could have a cute girl working as a maid for me.

>> No.8695888

I would hope if maid cafes ever came over seas that they would have personality qualifications or something of that level.
Too bad it would never work that way. I've been to a maide cafe at a convention and it was the worst experience ever. They all talked so causally, like I was their friend, and not a 'master'. I imagine thats what all of them would be like here.

>> No.8695893

No, maid cafes are for normals.

>> No.8695911

You had a high school life where the attending girls aren't complete bitches? How old are you, 200?

>> No.8695924
File: 44 KB, 620x474, 1329624800542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants to be called ``master"

What a creep.

>> No.8695947

Geez anon, if you weren't a creep then you wouldn't be going to a maid cafe.

>> No.8695960

You're doing it again.
It's '' not "

>> No.8695990

No. The local girls are shit.

>> No.8696009

But that's wrong, ``faggot''.

>> No.8696023


Also, the filthy women here are undeserving of becoming a maid.

>> No.8696036

Relevant 4-ch thread:

As always, nothing came out of it.

A shame too. Not to be racist, but those gook-eyed Japs don't make good maids at all. French maids should at least be European.

>> No.8696046


Not to point out the obvious, but that was actually quite racist.

>> No.8696095
File: 100 KB, 245x245, 1330463825736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who goes to a maid cafe and dosnt expect to be called Master?
Do you even know what a maid cafe is?

>> No.8696098


>> No.8696114

There were no snobby girls, only ghetto ones. They are all nearly 30 now.

I fantasize about American McDonalds girls wearing the cute outfits the ones in Japan seem to wear.

>> No.8696142

I would hate to see some of the girls around here in maid outfits. Sure, some would be nice looking, but most are bitchy.

>> No.8696206

How was anything I said racist? "Jap" is short for "Japanese". It's even worse when you faggots say "Nip" is racist.

Is "Brit" racist too?

>> No.8696212

Perhaps it was the "gook-eyed" part. Just a thought.

>> No.8696220

They have eyes like gooks. This is pointing out a fact. If I said a pale white person had "skin as white as snow" would that be racist? And that's actually using hyperbole for dramatic effect.

I think you're the racist for finding these things racist.

>> No.8696229

Hyperbole = exaggerating that people know is exaggerating, used for dramatic effect.

You don't need to specify it's for dramatic effect.

>> No.8696240

Jap actually is a racial slur that was used during WW2. I have no idea about Nip. Not like being politically correct on this site matters.

>> No.8696248

America has a lot cow tits. I would accept it with open arms.

>> No.8696250

Well I meant "dramatic" in a literary sense. Felt it was worth the redundant redundancy.

So fuck? People use "Jew" as an insult. Should we stop referring to Jews as Jews?

>> No.8696251

I don't get the appeal. If I wanted to be served by women acting like they know or give a damn about me, I'd go to hooters.

>> No.8696256

No thank you.

>> No.8696257

I'm pretty sure "gook" is an insult, and it's not the normal term for them either.

>> No.8696259

Following the same reasoning, I think there should be restaurants where people are obliged to be friendly to you. Not in a sexual or gimmicky way. Just a restaurant where lonely nerds can walk in, and people of either gender will serve them food then sit down and talk to them as if they were best buds.

>> No.8696262

It's not like saying "skin as white as snow", but more like saying "nigger-lipped". To deny the racist weight of the terms you're using is a just silly.

>> No.8696264


Man, sure does smell like romantically spurned autist in here...

>> No.8696266

There's nothing wrong with "gook" unless you're a gook. If you hate "gook" you hate American soldiers who LITERALLY DIED for you and you hate America. That makes you far more racist.
Besides I said "gook-eyed" as in, they have the eyes of gooks. Gooks stereotypically have slanted eyes. Is it racist to say Japs have slanted eyes? Are you seriously denying what every man, woman and child can plainly see in the name of "racism"?

>> No.8696267

I might be going out on a limb here, but I think his goal is to be silly by going to such extents to deny being racist when he obviously was.

>> No.8696273

Niggers--particularly racist caricatures of blacks--have big lips. If you want to dispute this, there's probably a survey somewhere that found that *gasp* black people have larger lips than whites! How dare science and mathematics be so racist!

>> No.8696269


If you didn't feel like the terms in themselves are racist, then there was no need to precede your post with "not racist but" in the first place.

If you're going to be racist, then go on right ahead, but don't say that you're doing so by not being racist.

>> No.8696277

Wait, what? taking issue with an objectively racist term is suddenly NOT SUPPURTIN DA TRUUPS? That is one awe-striking leap of illogic.

>> No.8696275

That would just be autistic. Are you saying there are autistic people on /jp/?

>> No.8696281

But those cow tits are usually, well, on cows.

>> No.8696280

I included that because I felt I may be stereotyping by saying that, in general, Japs don't make good French maids. I'm sure there are a few Japs who are fantastic French maids, just as I am sure there are French women who make terrible French maids.

>> No.8696284

Seeing a bunch of maids wearing different variants of maid outfits would irritate me. Maids should have a singular uniform. It makes them look orderly and like they are part of a team.

Then you could also compare the uniforms at various establishments with one another. If they were a franchise, it would work even better.

>> No.8696286

>Is it racist to say Japs have slanted eyes?
Well, it's scientifically wrong, so there's that.

>> No.8696287

>objectively racist
The reason he's able to argue with you like this is because no word can objectively have any connotation.

>> No.8696290

This says nothing about your manner of speech. Any studies, if any, wouldn't use such language to describe the findings. The point of contention here is not whether or not blacks have large lips, but toward the use of your racist language for which you deny any racism.

I'll give you 2/10 for being dedicated, but you need to troll smart, not hard.

>> No.8696292

Let's take the following examples.

John said to Tyrone, "YOU ARE A NIGGER!"
John is racist for calling a black man a nigger. Nobody disputes this.

Now said to the big-lipped man, "YOU HAVE NIGGER LIPS!"
John is comparing someone to a stereotype (based in fact) because of part of their physical appearance.

If John had said a "slanty-eyed man" had "gook eyes" he wouldn't be racist any more than if he had said a "big-nosed man" had a "big nose".

>> No.8696294

>It's even worse when you faggots say "Nip" is racist.

Most of the people here have been on the site long enough to not care whether something is racist, but when you try to pepper anything you write with awkward racial slang at any given opportunity you end up sounding like you might be trying just a little too hard.

Don't let us get in the way of your edgy tell-it-like-it-is tough guy anti-PC rebellion, though.

>> No.8696299

No it isn't you idiot. If you want a scientific term, pretend I said "epicanthic fold".

In before the thought police accuse me of being moronophobic for calling someone an "idiot".

>> No.8696302

Yes I can pretend words have totally different meanings and are synonyms for things they aren't too.

>> No.8696301

>"slanty-eyed man" had "gook eyes"
how about "slanted eyes"?

>> No.8696305

>If John had said a "slanty-eyed man" had "gook eyes" he wouldn't be racist any more than if he had said a "big-nosed man" had a "jew nose".

>> No.8696313
File: 47 KB, 200x113, laughingcunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all these babyfaggots boohooing about racism. Are you all butthurt little ricegoblin slopes or something?

>> No.8696315

considering every post in this thread, I would have to say...


>> No.8696308

That's not the case. Again, Brit example (you could say the same for a lot of countries I can't be bothered to think of):
"Britain" is the English term for the island of Britain.
A person from that island is a "Brit". "Brit" is a back clipping of "British" or "Briton".
If a non-English speaker referred to a Briton as a "Brit", would it be racist? Should we denounce all non-English countries that use terms like "britpop"? Of course not.
"Nippon" is the Japanese term for the country of Japan.
A person from that country is a "Nip"--OH FUCK I'M BEING RACIST CALL THE RACISM BRIGADE

>> No.8696310


The problem here is he's is not merely denying objectivity, but denying any connotation whatsoever. Even if terms can never be objectively fixed, that doesn't mean their connotations do not matter.

I just find it funny that he calls himself "not racist" while using such blatantly racist terminology. It's like referring to apples are oranges and not expecting anyone else to go "wtf" at whatever the hell he's talking about.

>> No.8696321

>We Brits
>Them Nips
>Those Jerries
Spot the difference!

>> No.8696323
File: 251 KB, 590x335, smug as HELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8696327

Difference here is that "Jap" and "Nip" were established as racial slurs during WW2, whereas "Brit" has never been used as such.



>> No.8696330

That pretty much means the same thing in English. Apologies if I'm mistaken here, or if it doesn't in your native language.

If Jews have large noses on average (I don't know if this is the case) then it would be fine. Ducks have duck faces. Should we consider pointing out when people make "duckfaces" politically incorrect?

You shut your mouth.

>> No.8696333

nope, i just like cutting into flamewars to leave some more fuel and then get out.

i actually hate all niggers, gooks, spics, mudslimes, sandniggers and christians equally.

>> No.8696338

>Difference here is that "Jap" and "Nip" were established as racial slurs during WW2, whereas "Brit" has never been used as such.
If you let that influence you, then you're a huge racist.
Hey guess what, some Nazis spoke English--sometimes to even mock English-speaking people! Guess you'd better stop speaking English, or you're a Nazi.

>> No.8696339

all this hate on /jp...

i thought we were about embracing japan, not hating everyoen else!

>> No.8696346

so whats it like being a mentally retarded white kid? I would really like to know. I will never understand what the fuck is going through your mind when you decide to start ethugging a 216 pound black man with namibian blood. Seriously.. either you are fucking crazy or you are ' the rock' either way, I'm not scared of you or your tiny little white man penis

>> No.8696343


D'aw. Please stay! We want to argue with racist-san more.~

>> No.8696348

Yes, the English language was created so Germans could be racist to British, Canadian, and American people, who do not even come close to being of a single race.

Everything in that statement is an obvious fact.

>> No.8696349

I'm the guy who has been arguing consistently throughout this thread, and this person is not me.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if he's pretending to be me in order to make me look bad.

>> No.8696353 [DELETED] 

Would you be shocked if you were talking to a gook judge when he's trying you if he put you in for contempt of court for calling him 'gook-eyes'?

>> No.8696355
File: 114 KB, 704x504, carlos-mencia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That had nothing to do with what I posted and It's pretty clear you're only feeding your own persecution complex now. I didn't call you racist.

When I read your posts, I don't actually get the impression that you're racist, I get the impression that you're 15 years old and trying too hard to rebel and stick it to the man.

Pic related, I think you might enjoy this. It's edgy racially-tinged comedy from a hardcore motherfucker like yourself who thinks the word "beaner" is really, really funny the more you use it. You might find his show more entertaining than /jp/.

>> No.8696352

That's not what I said.
Just because one group of people uses a term in a language does not make it racist towards people who natively speak that language, even if it was intended to be racist. To allow this is the height of racism, yet such people complain about everyone else being racist.

>> No.8696368

Well that doesn't even make sense so I think I can just declare victory at this point.

>> No.8696364
File: 124 KB, 590x333, 1329701662662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now animated.

>> No.8696365

I am 29 years old and I have no idea who that person is.

>> No.8696367

I don't expect many westerners to act moe, even Americanized Nips wouldn't do it. I guess there's a pool of weebs, but not enough of them are attractive enough to make a market out of.

>> No.8696370

I'm sorry, how is it racist to NOT use racial slurs? Nice deflection, though. Again, you've avoided the main point.

>> No.8696371
File: 78 KB, 500x504, agiriahhhleee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you have to be a shitty little egalitarian cultural Marxist even with your racism by supposedly hating everyone equally.

Niggers and mudslimes are a thousand times worse than any of the others, and should be treated as such.

>> No.8696376


>> No.8696375


See: begging the question fallacy

>> No.8696382
File: 42 KB, 500x375, beautifiulfarting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're too old to know how to use google? Thanks for letting everyone know how detached and cool you are for not knowing who mencia is, though. That's totally not a hipster thing to do.

>> No.8696380

Not really. But only in the same way that I have big ears and if someone said "lol u have big ears" I'd punch them in the face. It's a fact, but they're using it to mock me. If they had ONLY said it as a fact, e.g. "I am a doctor and your ears are larger than average." I would just say, "Oh, okay."

Note that even the original person may not have anything against people with big ears. He's using my big ears as a tool to mock me, but he's not saying, "SMALL EARS ARE BETTER! BIG EAR FAGGOTS FUCK OFF!" or even "I HATE ALL PEOPLE WITH BIG EARS!"

>> No.8696384


"Ned Holness" aka "Carlos Mencia" used to make a living off of stealing other people's jokes and pretending to be Mexican, he had a show on comedy central, but he's since lost all his popularity since he's been outed.

>> No.8696387

I didn't think it mattered that much. I just looked him up and discovered he was a comedian, as I suspected. I like comedy but I don't know every comedian, sorry.

>> No.8696385

Not seeing it, either explain yourself, or get back to the main point.

>> No.8696389
File: 9 KB, 200x272, 200px-The_ROCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rock
this guy?

>> No.8696391
File: 56 KB, 310x359, Constanza_will_not_take_your_sass_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with 4chan and anti marxism
it's like none of you even fucking read, no wonder your taste in anime is mostly shitty OMG SO MOE DESU KAWAII UGUU~ bullshit.

>> No.8696394


>> No.8696395


Don't worry. If you think words commonly thought of racial slurs are inherently funny and if you're trying your very hardest to be misunderstood for using them while secretly harboring a wholesome worldview inclusive of all peoples without the imposing tyranny of modern PC culture, you'll love the offbeat antics of Carlos Mencia.

Most of the rest of us who used to think words like "nip" and what not were cool and needed to be inserted into conversation as much as grammatically possible burned ourselves out in /b/ or elsewhere half a decade ago or more. And it's sort of tiring when someone discovers slurs for the first time and tries to make themselves an Internet crusader for free speech by beating a dead horse this way.

>> No.8696400


btw. i only posted >>8696301 and >>8696305 in this thread. the last part of >>8696333 was hipster ironic.

>> No.8696397


Cultural Marxism isn't so much Marxism per se. Look up Frankfurt school, you'll get it.

>> No.8696399


>I'm sorry, how is it racist to NOT use racial slurs?

You are presupposing part of what you intend to prove in your question/premise. What's up for debate is whether the terms are racist or not in the first place.

It's like saying "How does God not exist when God DOES exist"?

>> No.8696424


cultural Marxism isn't Marxism, but I've read the communist manifesto, and it's a bunch of bullshit. I've also had the misfortune of being dumb enough to study political science, so my opinion > yours.

Marxism is even worse than the morons that believe in the invisible hand of the market.

>> No.8696427


You obviously don't understand the dynamics of an ANONYMOUS messageboard. It doesn't matter who you are, but what you say. If the content of yours ideas are easily confused with inane trolling bullshit, then perhaps it's not so far off from that sort of content in the first place.

>> No.8696433

Too dumb to read Capital, huh?

>> No.8696434

Misread it, either way it's kind of sad how 4channers spout drivel about things they don't understand.

You're obviously too stupid to understand how the basic ideas of it are good, even if Marx was naive in his idea of the "proletariat rising up" and such.

>> No.8696438


No, smart enough to know that Marx was a fool, and that reading any more of his tripe would just be a waste of my time.

>> No.8696440


I'm not the same poster and I use "nips" all the fucking time. You know, Nippon, Nips! Fuck you, you oversensitive piece of shit.


The "invisible hand" isn't magic, it's quite simple. Where there's a demand there's someone looking to offer a supply, becuase people look to buy the things they want or need. Government doesn't react to market forces like this though and will just pump money into any bullshit in an attempt to boost gdp instead of where there's a demand. That's it.

>> No.8696441

It was actually a genuine question. I'm sorry if my phrasing made it seem loaded.

Though the words themselves are not inherently racist, they carry with them racist connotations in western culture. To use them inevitably dredges up such connotations, I'm afraid it's a consequence of our history. Again, to deny it is silly, and to use them, even without such racist intent is to set one's self up to be misunderstood, which is what you apparently did. At any rate, your phrasing was deemed insulting. If you don't want to be misconstrued, don't use those words, especially via text where one's tone isn't always easy to pick up on. I don't know what you're trying to prove, but if you don't want to come off as racist, maybe you should try more neutral terms instead of the /b/-grade shit you posted earlier.

>> No.8696445

You obviously don't understand the dynamics of an AUTISTIC messageboard.

>> No.8696446


>basic ideas of it

Like what? That capitalism is based upon exploitation? Herp derp, that's pretty obvious to most people.

Marx was a fool for believing a stable communist society could exist, and that it would be a result of the collapse of capitalism.

>> No.8696450

Think about what you're saying here. "didn't read lol" doesn't sound like you're smart at all.

>> No.8696461

>I'm not the same poster and I use "nips" all the fucking time. You know, Nippon, Nips! Fuck you, you oversensitive piece of shit.
Yeah, you're really edgy, we get it. Fuck PC, niggers, etc.

>> No.8696455


Yes, and the invisible hand of the market is an oversimplified pile of philosophical bullshit-you know, like the rest of economics. It doesn't take into account hardly any factors beyond made-up market forces.

Laissez-faire capitalists are either fully aware of these things, and simply tout the philosophy to do as they please, or have the critical thinking skills of indoctrinated fifth graders.

>> No.8696465

Like the use-value of commodities, determining said value through socially necessary labor time, worker management of the means of production, shit like that from the first parapgraphs of capital.

>> No.8696466


You're really trying to imply that reading Das Kapital makes you smart?

The fact that Marx's entire political philosophy was fallacious and unrealistic makes me pretty wary to bother reading anymore shit by him.

>> No.8696467
File: 18 KB, 755x279, lolitrolyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the content of yours ideas are easily confused with inane trolling bullshit
then maybe you should think "wow, what a low level troll. i better ignore him instead of giving him more attention."
but nope.

>> No.8696463


Fortunately a good old Stalin type is always going to come along and take advantage of idiots like you.

>> No.8696472
File: 148 KB, 886x1035, homuhomuboxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Stalin type

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.8696480


No moron, you're the one giving it a negative connotation, you piece of shit. Shouldn't you be busy spying on you're neighbors to see if they say anything bad about "African Americans" so you can pretend to be morally outraged?

>> No.8696484
File: 160 KB, 500x352, An_Hero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism is still a much better ideal. Obviously it's a hypothetical situation, and seriously it's like you're just saying "didn't read lol" and moving on because of your idiotic opinions.



So here's an idea, seeing as you're a genius polysci student: pitch us a better economic/social system.

>> No.8696485


Ehhe? But jp wishes to keep playing with Racist-san~

>> No.8696493
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>> No.8696495
File: 46 KB, 468x551, stalinDM2109_468x551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes comrade, just embrace the government for a little while and then soon enough we'll all be equal and free from rulers you just have to be patient and endure it for the greater good, trust me!

>> No.8696504

No, I'm trying to say that you're not even scratching the surface of Marxism by reading the communist manifesto. You only read a flyer written for retarded peasants

>> No.8696506

‘Racism’ is a buzzword.

>> No.8696510

``nigger'' is a buzzword.

>> No.8696514


So is "dark and edgy" for that matter. "slightly disagree with mainstream society no matter how mild or polite? Man how DARK AND EDGY XD"

>> No.8696512

I know dick-all about politics but if reading a manifesto--particularly one that was apparently some sort of ground-breaking work--isn't enough, then the policy itself is shit. The real world isn't so complicated it needs a two thousand page book just for a reasonable overview of your beliefs.

>> No.8696522

I agree, though it's a shame. Dark and edgy is a fun insult but people have bastardized it to to mean "non-conformist."

Non-conformist? How dark and edgy, etc.

>> No.8696519


>The real world isn't so complicated it needs a two thousand page book just for a reasonable overview of your beliefs.

So naive~

>> No.8696528

No, the majority gives it a negative connotation. You're the one giving it a neutral/positive connotation. Regardless of what value you place on words as an individual, language is only effective when the group understands what you're saying, thus we communicate using a set defined by the collective. I actually don't have a problem with racial slurs, but people like you are fucking annoying. Ignoring the connotations of words only makes you sound like an idiot who can't grasp the basic fundamentals of language.

>> No.8696532

I could explain millennia of mathematics and how to use it in 2,000 pages, or even a pretty detailed account of world history up until now. If you can't summarize what you believe about modern people and politics in a manifesto, your beliefs are shit. Keep it simple, stupid.

>> No.8696551


You must be a genius then.

Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is over 100 pages. And that's barely scratching the surface of the entirety of mathematics.

>> No.8696558

From maid cafes to communism and from trapping to GNU wankery. /jp/ really is on a roll today.

The Communist Manifesto is literally a propaganda tract written for uneducated industrial workers. It will give you a level of understanding of communism about that of Wealth of Nations will give you into capitalism.

>> No.8696564

Did you know how many books lenin wrote in just a few narrow subjects?

>> No.8696578

You could probably fit all the mathematics your average graduating undergraduate mathematics major knows in 2,000 pages.
