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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8694025 No.8694025 [Reply] [Original]

how do you explain Touhou to your parents?

>> No.8694043

My parents are dead. I subsist on my inheritance until my body finally ragequits from the abuse and neglect to which I subject it.

My parents laughed at my touhous. I laughed when they couldn't graze bullets on Easy Mode.

>> No.8694047

God damn it, that took a second to register.

>> No.8694059

chiespam was my favourite spam

>> No.8694062

This was a very good post.

>> No.8694266

I got my mom to play IN on easy mode once, I honstly coulden't understand how she was getting hit by the slow as hell bullets. She played like it was impossible for her to push two buttons at the same time, jamming on the right or left button to dodge bullets that would never have hit her anyway.

It was kind of a surreal experiance; I felt like I was watching myself from 4 years ago, failing to get past stage 3 on normal even after using all three continues.

>> No.8694274

Man I love slutty tomboyish chicks like Chie.

>> No.8694275

I tried to show it to moms but she said she wasn't smart enough and that she was glad I was challenging myself

>> No.8694276
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I love me some Makoto.

>> No.8694280

It's like desperate housewives, except instead of bickering about typical suburban drama it deals with typical gensokyo youkai drama with magical bullets

>> No.8694290
File: 65 KB, 500x375, !?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STAY AWAY crazy!!@!!

>> No.8694308

Why is Chie so slutty?

>> No.8694311
File: 23 KB, 640x480, shinn don cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have more trouble explaining my moeblob VNs to them

>> No.8694313

It's like Call of Duty expect with cute girls.

>> No.8694338

That's easy: it's like Space Invaders.

>> No.8694344

It's like making your ovule to avoid sperm while 20 niggers are raping you.

>> No.8694346

Shut the fuck up please. Chie is the best and purest girl in P4.

>> No.8694348

How do you explain posting in /jp/ to your parents?

>> No.8694349

My parents don't know of any of my Japanese hobbies. They still think I play video games all day.

>> No.8694350

Fuck off.

>> No.8694364

Showed my mother and father. I didn't say how it was about magical girls and all that shit, just played through on Hard mode. They were very impressed at my hand-eye co-ordination.

>> No.8694369

Well, this is harder

>> No.8694499

My Dad's seen my Touhou figures a fair few times, and even me unboxing them. It's always slightly awkward.

>> No.8694504

My mom thinks I sleep all day.

>> No.8695664
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>> No.8696282

I'm not "trolling" when I say Chie is a slut.

Chie IS a slut. If you think a cute tomboy like Chie isn't a slut, you've clearly never met a cute tomboy before.

>> No.8696293

Independent game made by a drunk music composer that ended up with tons of fanworks that made him very famous even when the game is subpar and the character/lore is shit.

>> No.8696300

Don't need to. My dad saw me playing once, thought it was pretty cool, so I explained it to him. Now he plays it whenever he's not glued to his recliner or on facebook.

>> No.8696312

Ban evasion is a serious offense.

>> No.8696316
File: 84 KB, 937x937, azusacat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not cartoons mom... It's called animay!!

Lol... Not really...

>> No.8696337

Excuse me, but that isn't the same Ryan you think it is. Plus I don't know of any Ryan that is ban evading anyway.

>> No.8696344

Good thing I haven't evaded any bans. Are you the spammer from earlier? I thought you gave up and realized how immature you were. Oh well, I'm done responding to you. Have fun being butthurt over nothing.

>> No.8696351

Lol, bro, these fools think you're yRan.

>> No.8696369

It somewhat amused me at first, but now it's just kind of irritating. What makes it even more sad is the fact that chances are it's all the same person.

>> No.8696373

Yeah, it's like a few losers constantly obsessing over yRan, just because he owned them long time ago. Pretty pathetic to get this upset over trivial bullshit such as internet.

>> No.8696381


>> No.8696401 [DELETED] 

SHOWA get on IRC.

>> No.8696406

My dad is some fucking pseudo-intellectual who loves classical music.

I've showed him piano covers of touhou music on youtube, and he really likes it.

>> No.8696431

>My dad is some fucking pseudo-inte..
That's not nice. Middle-aged and old people are people too. They can be really interesting and fun too, from my experience.

>> No.8696462

Seems cool
He could have hated it and called it shit music for faggots.

>> No.8696464

I don't.

>> No.8696481

If I hear anymore negative talk about my pure wife, Chie... You'll have to deal with me.

>> No.8696503

Video games.

>> No.8696540

You're lucky. My grandfather (who doesn't know shit about anything except rural things but likes to pretend he does) said "it sounds like they're testing the instruments" when he heard O-Life Japan.
