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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8686026 No.8686026 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of suicide are you planning for?

Blowing your brains out like a man?
Sleeping pill overdose like a girl?

>> No.8686030

Not going to commit suicide until my body becomes too inconvenient for me to put up with.

To answer your question though. I plan on a combination of dehydration and starving.

>> No.8686033

Dude. It's 2012.
Asphyxiation for sure. Hanging, shooting and pills are so 20th century.
Bag + helium = EXIT

>> No.8686037


Will you fap while doing?

>> No.8686038
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Falling from a great height.~

>> No.8686041

Meh, why not

>> No.8686042

Exit bag.

>> No.8686045

I had planned to walk in front of a train when I was still suicidal. Obviously didn't go through with it, though.

>> No.8686044


Wear a skirt and panties while doing, that will be a fine sight for whoever finds you.

>> No.8686051

I plan on committing suicide by old age. I hope the rest of /jp/ will join me in doing the same. We'll be the suicide by old age club.

>> No.8686059

Worst way to die.

Well, maybe not quite as bad as drinking bleach.

>> No.8686066


Die by watching it.

>> No.8686064

why would you waste everyone's time? that's so inconsiderate of you. one time there was this fucking dumbass who jumped off a cliff and it caused traffic jam for like 4 hours. because of that idiot i missed watching house that day.

>> No.8686069

Death by freezing

>> No.8686071

choking to seath on my own semen

>> No.8686073


it was very inconsiderate for that road to be built below that cliff.

>> No.8686086

You also seem to forget some poor soul will have to clean your brains from the room, and or clear the smell of decomposition from the domain, which can be a very expensive procedure.

At the very least, you should try to make it as clean as possible if you do plan on going out. The Exit Bag sounds like the best option since it doesn't leave a mess and is painless, but try to make sure someone finds you before you stink up the place like no tomorrow.

>> No.8686084

I tried to starve myself very recently (as in a few days ago), but I caved. I started to feel dizzy and I barely had energy to walk around, but I think it was quite far from fatal.

>> No.8686091

People have lived through getting hit by trains, so not "obviously."

>> No.8686097

You choose the express.

>> No.8686101 [SPOILER] 
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Why are all fun threads made when I don't have time to reply?

>> No.8686107

I just said I didn't do it. If you're really going to kill yourself, you usually don't let things like "who's going to clean this up" stop you.
If you do survive it, you probably won't be in any condition to be posting about it on the Internet afterwards. Trains are pretty powerful.

>> No.8686116

> you usually don't let things like "who's going to clean this up" stop you.
Yes you do. Not caring about what happens after you die is a sign that you're not serious and you're just in it for the attention.
If you're going to kill yourself, you cancel the milk and the paper, put the bins out.

>> No.8686117

>"who's going to clean this up" stop you.
I don't understand... why not?

You're going to do it anyway, or does it form some sort of mental block for you?

>> No.8686125

He didn't say how long. If it's not certain you'd die, it's not certain you'd never be able to fully recover either. I realize they're powerful, but so are bombs or bullets. It's unlikely, but you can live through anything.

>> No.8686122

I'll just wait for zombies to get me (with a fight of course)

>> No.8686127

shittiest thread of the day award.

>> No.8686133
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I plan on jumping off of the parking garage at the hospital I used to work at.

I hope one of the people I used to work with finds my corpse.

>> No.8686134

>just in it for the attention
Not if you don't tell anyone about it.
>You're going to do it anyway, or does it form some sort of mental block for you?
I just said that wasn't why I didn't do it.

>> No.8686138

For bonus points land head first.
Also paint a little bullseye on the ground first.

>> No.8686147

Go off into the woods with a small survival backpack and see how long I last.

>> No.8686145

is it bad that I feel more sorry for the cat than the loli?

>> No.8686150

i like how you think,anon.

>> No.8686151
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Fool! Killing yourself bars any chance of entry into Gensokyo. Don't waste it... Don't waste your chance at happiness!

>> No.8686155

Why did you choose to jump in from of a train? It's possibly one of the worst ways to go.

It'll be pretty bad, but do what you will.

>> No.8686167


>> No.8686163

Ultimately, it's in their own hands if they want to live or not.
It's sad, but I can understand the reasoning behind it, no matter how foolish I myself believe it to be.

>> No.8686165

I've tried the train method. I sat there in the middle of the night for 2 whole hours, then I heard a train approaching and laid down on the tracks. As I heard the train get closer, I began to get more and more panicked and finally chickened out.

>> No.8686174

Take some kind of counter with you so that people who find you know how many days you lasted.

>> No.8686173

>It's possibly one of the worst ways to go.
It's also one of the most likely to kill you very quickly.

>> No.8686175


>> No.8686176

I know that feel, anon.

>> No.8686177

Suicide is for girls.

I mean, I've never seen a website called suicide boys.

>> No.8686181

statistically speaking, for every one girl that kills herself, 4 guys kill themselves, even though girls attempt more often.

Girls often give far more warning and try less deadly methods.

>> No.8686184

go back to your board.

>> No.8686188

Nitrogen inhalation.

>> No.8686187
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Sometimes certain suffering is better than uncertain hope.

>> No.8686192
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>/jp/ Suicide Culture

>> No.8686196

Yeah, it's not an easy way to go. You'll have to really want to die, or have no other options left.

I'm arrogant though, so I won't allow myself to die easily. If I'm going to kill myself, I'll test myself until the end.

>> No.8686198

Suicide threads are the best threads on /jp/

>> No.8686199

Exactly. Aside from the intensely frightening monsters they are, you're not completely sure you'll die. For all you know, you might get dragged under the train and get your limbs cut off, and have to endure unimaginable pain for a few seconds while your body goes into shock.
All in all, it's terrible. Absolutely terrible.

So is jumping off a building. And every death happens in an instance. Too many variables in jumping on front of a train.

Exit bags make you fall asleep. You won't feel a thing.

>> No.8686193

Starving/freezing to death seems like such a bother, but any other method I have thought up would leave a nasty mess.

I have a 70 page journal with some pens, pencils and pencil sharpeners already packed. Originally was my bug out bag in case shit hits the fan somewhere down the line.

>> No.8686201

There are many more girls threatening to commit suicide than men, but none of then carry it through. They just want the attention.

>> No.8686229

tried it once... interesting experience.

>> No.8686245

You need to take a lot of sleeping pills to kill yourself. I'm talking like eating enough until you feel physically full. The LD50 is something like 500mg/kg. For me, at 165lbs, I would need 37 grams, or just under 1500 25mg (standard) pills. That's 15 bottles.

>> No.8686273
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>exit bags
This is 2012, people.

Anyway, make sure you're completely ready to do this and try not to leave a stinky mess for the next tenants of your home.

It's sad to see someone else take their life just because they're unhappy with their lives. Hopefully, you know what you're doing and you won't leave grief in your wake.

>> No.8686275

My elder sister tried to kill herself with a bunch of antidepressants once. Stupid. All she got was a whole day in the hospital detoxifying her body, and it supposedly hurt like hell.
And I think she didn't even think it through. I checked the meds' label later and it only pointed to slight danger in the case of overdose.

>> No.8686283

>This is 2012, people.
Sticking a gas mask on your face is more primitive.

Though I guess it doesn't matter much--the primary appeal of exit bags are that you can have a friend easily dispose of them so you're not found dead with CPAP gear on you.

>> No.8686302

I don't think they should count as attempts
They're just the woman getting all emotional and going I'LL EAT A BUNCH OF PILLS BECAUSE I'M A STUPID BITCH WHERE'S THE NEAREST BOTTLE

>> No.8686308

I don't know if it's more primitive... But I guess you're right it would look weird.

Exit bags are generally more available as a whole, but in the end, it's up to the person to do what they find easiest.

>> No.8686326

After my Dad dies I'm going to inherit his Ruger Red Hawk. After that I just have to wait until my Mom dies. Once they're both gone I'll have no one left to disappoint and I can take my life in peace knowing I won't force my parents to accept the fact that they wasted decades raising me. I'll travel to a beautiful and secluded forested location, read a few select versus of scripture to myself, meditate for approximately ten minutes, and then take the gun and blow my brains out.

I take comfort in knowing that no matter how bad life gets I'll decide my fate and where I take my leave.

>> No.8686329

Oh, helium. Is that what I meant? Maybe there's no difference between helium and nitrogen, I forget (in terms of suicide)

>> No.8686339

They both work equally well, but nitrogen is much more expensive than helium.

>> No.8686350

I'm waiting for my parents to die, too.
I want as much discretion as possible when I depart, and I'm also aware that by killing myself right now I'll be imposing a lot of undesirable repercussions on them, regardless of how much a bother I might become until then.

>> No.8686370
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Never forget.

>> No.8686384

So I know people tend to crap themselves when they die. To make it easier on the people who have to clean up my corpse should I wrap myself in a tarp?

>> No.8686387

Passing silently in the forest, like a tree does when no one's around.

>> No.8686396

Do an enema before you kill yourself to clean your bowels out, or something.

>> No.8686425

Bowel discharge is rare, but it generally occurs when the muscles in your sphincter relax, and gravity does the rest of the work.

I do recommend a tarp, not for the defecation, but rather for your whole body. If you last at least a week dead, it's going to create a mess that won't be easy to clean.

>> No.8686450

Or he could wear a diaper and leave a note on his front door. That'd be the responsible thing to do.

>> No.8686447

I think I'm more scared of giving myself an enema than taking my own life.

>> No.8686449

Suicide is for weakest of the people.

Also, it's against the bible:
>Life belongs to God. It is never our place to take our own life or someone else's life.
>Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

>> No.8686455

It was really more of a test to see how long it would take before I started getting unpleasant side effects (beyond just being hungry).

I've attempted some different methods before, but I lack the courage to do something as direct as standing in front of a train.

>> No.8686470

Many of the philosophers of old argued it was fine to take your own life. It's your fucking life, you are free to do what you want (and responsible for it(.

Fuck you Christianity for setting us back several decades, if not millennia.

>> No.8686473

How long did you last?

>> No.8686474

immolation is the real man's way to kill himself

are you a man or aren't you?

>> No.8686491

This may sound idiotic, but sometimes when I'm down I think of something like TTGL.

>> No.8686497

Probably burning charcoal in an enclosed space. I don't get to have guns where I live.

>> No.8686499

Actually, you have to be very brave to take this step. Something that coward christians would never grasp. I mean, you guys are scared of your own fucking delusions.

>> No.8686504

Not very long, because I wasn't drinking anything either. After 3 days of no food or water I was pretty light headed, but on the 4th day I started feeling quite strange so I decided I better eat/drink something. I stopped when I started to feel uncomfortable.

I think you could probably go up to 5 or 6 days without anything serious happening, but after that... I don't know. You probably wouldn't be able to think very clearly after 6 days without water.

>> No.8686507

Then, those philosophers were just dumb and failures, as I have never heard of any of those.

Suicide is against the nature.
Suicide is against God.

>> No.8686512

3 days without water is already dangerous enough, although I don't know how our tolerance might it vary in an enclosed place.

>> No.8686514

Well, if God wants to punish people for suicide, he'll have to go through me.

>> No.8686518

so what?

>> No.8686520

I could probably only do pills if it came down to it, because I'm a coward. Something like this.


>> No.8686522 [DELETED] 

I seriously never saw the point in these threads.


>> No.8686523

The burning of your own flesh is probably the most painful feeling you can possibly endure in this Earth.
You might be man enough to try, but you'll be screaming like a little girl.

>> No.8686528 [DELETED] 

Also >>>/soc/

If you want to make a sad cry for attention do it there.

>> No.8686531

>Something that coward christians would never grasp. I mean, you guys are scared of your own fucking delusions.

You truly deserve to suffer for your ignorance.

>> No.8686535

Ah I see. I didn't drink anything for 3 days and didn't eat for about 7 and felt alright.

Amazing what saline via an I.V. can do I guess.

>> No.8686543

I'm used to eating quite a lot, so I'm probably not the best person to set an average for this kind of thing.

>> No.8686545

Personally, I'm thinking seppoku. Yes, I know, weaboo faggot, gtfo etc etc.

But no, really. I've trained with a sword for over 10 years, and the sword I've used feels like my soul at this point.

What better way to off myself? Its like a soldier shooting himself with the gun he used in battle.

>> No.8686560

You mean Sudoku.

>> No.8686566

caring about what happens after you die and being considerate of the people who have to clean after you is a surefire sign that you're a pathetic gutless beta.

>> No.8686571

>You truly deserve to suffer for your ignorance.
Nice christian quote, the most hateful and disgusting kind ever.
Also, what does that list changes? There are such examples from fundamentalist martyrs in every culture, but it doesn't change the general view of their people.
And if you're going to take that aspect, muslims are much more valorous, so I don't see where your religion scores.

>> No.8686570

>pathetic gutless beta
You mean a genuinely good person?

Being inconsiderate and an ass doesn't make you any more alpha than fucking a duck.

>> No.8686580

Plus, it doesn't seem like you do believe that taking your own life is that weak, huh? Double standarts like HELL.

>> No.8686596

>Life belongs to God
bullshit. it's mine and mine alone.

the only god it belongs to is me, because i am a god.

>> No.8686598

Keep believing that, Anonymous.

No really, if you do, you might get farther than if you didn't believe such, so it's probably a good thing.

>> No.8686601

I'm not planning for suicide. No need to kill yourself when the lifestyle is self-destructive by default.
I'm hoping for heart attack in a decade or two.
My generally unhealthy life style would definitely lead to that.

>> No.8686602
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I thought I'm the only one thinking something similar. I'm waiting more for my mother more than my father, he's too healthy for leaving soon, and I often think he deserves the deception.

>> No.8686606

that's not what 3d whores think though.

and a real alpha only cares about what they think about him.

>> No.8686614
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Hopefully god isn't too mad. I just want to get to Old Home quicker.

>> No.8686615

>There are such examples from fundamentalist martyrs in every culture
No true.

>And if you're going to take that aspect, muslims are much more valorous
Muslims don't value their lives.
Suicide is not valorous in any way.

>> No.8686617

Ideally I'd be incredibly rich and orchestrate an elaborate murder-mystery scenario involving the deaths of a 13 people in a secluded mansion.

>> No.8686624
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I am not capable of being happy.

>> No.8686625
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>i am a god

>> No.8686634

Name ONE tribe that doesn't have'em, then. And you have to five it your full conviction and proof.
>Muslims don't value their lives.
Where did you read so? In the bible? Asshole.

>> No.8686642

Not him, but, isn't it a good idea to believe you can do anything? I mean, you might not be able to, but you'd still do a lot more than if you thought you could do nothing, right?

>> No.8686647

Why is that?
>Romans 1:18-32 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever ...

>> No.8686654


>> No.8686662


>> No.8686666

God doesn't exist.

>> No.8686678

I can't, since I don't know anyone.
Also if they are were killed in name of God...
They were killed by people without God in their souls.
>When it is rightly understood, there are no contradictions in the Bible. There are, however, many seeming contradictions. You point out a good one. How can God issue a Commandment that states, “Thou shall not kill” (Ex. 20:13), and yet in the very next chapter say, “Whoever curses his father or mother shall be put to death” (Ex. 21:17)? The answer is that the Commandment is not to be understood as a blanket condemnation of taking life. The larger context makes that clear. For example, Moses, who received the Ten Commandments directly from God & spoke to God face to face, did not view all killing as a violation of the Commandment given in Ex. 20:13 & Deut. 5:17. He advised the Israelites, “But in the cities of those nations which the LORD, your God, is giving you as your heritage, you shall not leave a single soul alive” (Deut. 20:16).

>The Commandment, when properly viewed in the light of the rest of the Bible, would be better translated as, “Thou shall not murder.” The taking of life has never been prohibited in the Bible. What is prohibited is the taking of innocent life, that is, murder.

>> No.8686675


I am in before the christian faggot claims something about his repeating post numbers.

>> No.8686677

I'm Lutheran, I'll go to heaven as long I believe in Jesus.

Unfortunately I don't.

>> No.8686681

The devil has spoken.

>> No.8686687

>this argument again
Hey, faggots. Remind me. How did Jesus say that people will know you are His disciples?

Because you seem to have forgotten.

>> No.8686689

Nice try, Satan, but I'm not falling for it!

>> No.8686694

>Not ALL killing is against God, just the killing I don't like


>> No.8686693

The Christian idea of God, and their reliance on that great work of historical-fiction, is laughable.

I don't know how you people hold unto that faith even in this day and age.

>> No.8686696
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>> No.8686706


>> No.8686710

Sir, the whole post was trolling.

>> No.8686717
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>> No.8686744

The cat has a higher chance to survive if it jumps from a greater height.
So, yeah.

>> No.8686758

Learn to read.

For example:
When the jews were in war, would they just stand there get killed?

>> No.8686764

*and get

>> No.8686768

They shouldn't wage war in the first place. So yeah.

>> No.8686769

If they followed their commandments like good worshippers, probably.

>> No.8686809

>There is no God.
Revelation 21:8
"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."

>> No.8686827

>the detestable
God can fuck off.

>> No.8686834


Too bad, so sad.

>> No.8686840

Just don't reply to him.

>> No.8686844
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You kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.8686846

But they didn't.
But they did.

They could kill because they had the holy Spirit within themselves.

>> No.8686853

I kiss your mother with that mouth.

>> No.8686868


>> No.8686874

> their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man
sounds like something the christians and muslims did to the original jewish god, who they plagiarized and turned into their own ORIGINAL GOD DO NOT STEAL.

>> No.8686875



>> No.8686872

And here's the eagle faggot again.

>> No.8686883

Ezekiel 23:20

>> No.8686887

Oh shit.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that you're allowed to break commandments just because you're supposedly a Christian?

This is hilarious. You're kidding me, right?

It says "do not murder" very clearly in the Bible. What do you think that means?

>> No.8686905

>who they plagiarized and turned into their own ORIGINAL GOD DO NOT STEAL.
The Father, the Son and the holy Spirit are one.

>> No.8686906

he can break them all he wants, murder everyone, commit adultery, cheat, steal and believe in other gods.

all he has to do is go to a church, then repeat the same meaningless prayer 10 times in his mind and he'll be forgiven.

>> No.8686914

christians/muslims took the original jewish religion and wrote fanfiction for it, and turned the enlightened men like jesus or mohammad into magical mary sues.

>> No.8686923

The passage is specific in relation to a judgment to be passed on to two Babylonian sisters who were prostitutes. Ezekiel was to go to them and do this very publicly and very openly. The reason for this is that the sisters are also a symbolic representation of the fall of God's people

>> No.8686920

The trinity is an incredibly moronic concept. Are you trolling?

>> No.8686924

Catholicism is not Christianity.

Any religion where it is permitted to look down on others just because they have different beliefs, is *not* Christianity.

>> No.8686940
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are you insulting platinum?

>> No.8686949

>Not caring about what happens after you die is a sign that you're not serious and you're just in it for the attention

I cannot possible comprehend how did you even come to that, unless you're trolling. It's the polar opposite: almost every attention whore contemplating suicide is doing it while thinking about how people react to her death, how will they cry in sorrow at the loss, how will they blame themselves for not understanding how precious she was to them and so on. This is exactly the reason such person would even think about killing oneself.

Jesus Christ, it's not like you're gonna turn into some sort of ghost watching the world from a cloud. You'll just cease to exist, that's all. Might as well believe that the whole universe gonna die with you. Après moi, le déluge: good enough for Louis XV - good enough for you.

>> No.8686950

Not really.
I telling you if you have the holy Spirit, then you have the wisdon and the will of God within you.
>It says "do not murder" very clearly in the Bible. What do you think that means?
It also says you can beat your slave, but it's not meant to be understood so easily(Holy Spirit)
Silence demon.

>> No.8686958

>Silence demon.
finally someone recognizes me for what i am, instead of thinking i can be "saved" by them and their silly fanfiction books.

i'd rather believe in the flying spaghetti monster than any of the 2000+ year old religions written by some dumb cavemen on a piece of rock.

>> No.8686971

Any instance where another dies by your hand, is murder. But yes, you're allowed to beat your slave, if you have one.

>> No.8686975

Your deceitful and confusing words will not work on a person christened by the holy Spirit.

>> No.8686982

Slaves were not meant to exist in first place, since we are all equal towards God.

>> No.8686989


>> No.8686999

But they do exist and this was tolerated by God in the Old Testament.

>> No.8687011

life without knowledge is nothing more than slavery. the humans were created without knowledge, and obtaining it condemned them forever because they actually gained free will and understanding of things they were oblivious to before.

>> No.8687034

I don't plan for any suicide. I will die in the natural course of things, as will everything in the universe. I see no reason to speed up the process.

>> No.8687035

fact: every christian/catholic/muslim/jew is an attention whore. they all beg their god for attention with their prayers all the time.

>> No.8687040

Christians are pretty funny about this. Sometimes they go far enough to tell people they shouldn't take the old testament into account because that time's manners won't match ours, although their god being the same.
And even better: Genesis belongs there.

>> No.8687048

fact: All christians/muslims/jews are schizophrenic. They insist talking to imaginary beings and won't ever consent to their condition.

>> No.8687052

I would go on shootout, but i'm afraid, that death will catch me way before i decide to do such thing.

>> No.8687128

be a man. when you see death, kick him in his skeletal balls. that'll teach him and dracula from trying to take over the world.

>> No.8687135


Fact: most of jp wishes they were schizophrenic. Once the boundaries between reality and fantasy have been torn asunder, they can finally be with their waifu like the prophets in the OT with God.

>> No.8687156

I know that, I wish it myself. I have been working on a Tulpa, recently. What matter is wether or not someone judges such a thing as bad/an insult. I most certainly won't, but I also know a proud christian doesn't think the same way, so that comes as a striking blow.

>> No.8687159

crashing in a helicopter into a twister
then trying to regain control afterwards

>> No.8687181

Drive into a pole.

>> No.8687220

The faggot didn't even die.

>> No.8687234

This image represents autism.

>> No.8687310
File: 124 KB, 1024x725, autismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That must be the reason I like it

>> No.8687323

Probably going to wait until my parents pass away, they are really my only acquaintances (no friends/siblings that are round) I'll use what I inherit to purchase whatever I need to get an exit bag ready as well as a decent amount of drugs (mostly opiates) and a flight to Japan. I'll get a h wiotel or something nearby the airport or maybe in Tokyo, I'll find the most luxurious one available and get a room high up with a window that has a good view of the city. (money isn't a factor because I'll be blowing everything I have for this final day) I'll spend the time I have left eating pills and drinking large quantities of alcohol and just peering out the window. When I've reached my limit and feel that I'm close to passing out or falling asleep I'll put the gear on and turn on the tank. Most likely I will leave a letter that says I'm sorry for the mess.

Not sure how I'll get the drugs over there but I'm sure theres a way even if I have to shove them up my ass. As for the helium and such I'll have to figure out something for that, but I have a fairly good while before my parents pass away to consider viable options. I'm not even sure I'll last that long. Every day it's increasingly harder for me to live.

>> No.8688700
File: 22 KB, 350x427, LouisXVchild[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, what a babe.

>> No.8688904
File: 423 KB, 1000x1413, looking koishi (11) drinking her last coffee before she will open portal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that overdosing pills would be easiest, but I'm not sure what kind of pills should I use and how to buy them.

>> No.8688925
File: 180 KB, 479x479, fb2f077397f0e6d8a946ba4e56f78427 125329 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blowing your brains out like a man?

That's not manly, you just need to pull the trigger, its over in a flash.

>> No.8688936

Pill overdose is the least effective way to die. Like ever.

>> No.8688943
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 1330528858256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you bitch ass nigga

>> No.8688978

Detergent method seems the surest way for me.

>> No.8688983

overdose on drugs. i'm sure you won't just get sick from taking too much.

>> No.8689171

>What kind of suicide are you planning for?

>Blowing your brains out like a man?
>Sleeping pill overdose like a girl?

>172 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

damnit /jp/

>> No.8689191

Why are you acting like this is something new?

>> No.8690818


It's not that easy to dare doing that. Even more taking into account that it almost never kills instantly, and many times it takes more than one shot.

>> No.8690837

i don't know who the people i hate are yet. when i have their names and they're all together?


>> No.8690850
File: 81 KB, 469x600, do it faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and many times it takes more than one shot

Not if you shoot properly. Don't be a faggot and point the gun to your jaw hoping it will kill you. At most, you'll become retarded.

100% of the time a shot to the forehead will do the job.

>> No.8690863


You do know the forehead is the thicket part of the skull, right?

>> No.8690872

Get a better handgun.

>> No.8690877

I know. But if you want to die, at least you should get something better than a BB gun.

>> No.8690899

That's why you stick the gun in your mouth with it pointing up. You're aiming for your brain, not the back of your throat

>> No.8690912


>> No.8690918

>What kind of suicide are you planning for?

Old age.
I hear it has a 100% success rate.

>> No.8690927
File: 36 KB, 460x276, Dr Aubrey de Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8690954

What is this supposed to mean? Has this man in your picture lived through since the dawn of mankind?

If not then you are still wrong and that picture means nothing.

>> No.8691016

He is currently three hundred and twenty two years old.

>> No.8691029


Look up cryonics/transhumanism. To tl;dr the general ethos of the movement, it's that death is a disease in and of itself. If life can be extended, then it's a treatment just like any other treatment for cancer or scarlet fever or whatnot.

>> No.8691034

We're going back to the virtual reality/brain-in-a-vat discussion from the other day, aren't we?

>> No.8691032
File: 40 KB, 300x400, keanureeves300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8691038

It is an inevitable one though, the longer you live the harder it gets to stay alive, cancers are a disease of probability, they will happen eventually to anyone that lives long enough.

>> No.8691055


Thinking in terms of short-term technology, yes. Theoretically, it's inevitable, but in the long-term sense. It is physically possible for one to live as long as the universe, or until the limits of entropy makes any kind of live inevitable.


I don't think that was me.

>> No.8691070


*any kind of life unlivable

I accidentally words.

>> No.8691126

All this technological discussion of course assumes that we won't kill each other off and reduce our general civilization back to the stone age again. I've been researching all the times we've come close to WW3/MAD and it's funny that the trigger wasn't always in the hands of presidents or some high military council. Not even close. For example, how many of you assholes would have launched the 20KT nuclear torp (can be armed without need for higher clearance) at the US Cuban blockade if you were the pissed off soviet sub commander being harassed to death with explosives and had no comm link to Moscow?

>> No.8691126,1 [INTERNAL] 

> It is physically possible for one to live as long as the universe, or until the limits of entropy makes any kind of live inevitable.
It might be possible to live even longer. If a computationalist (+mind), as in a non-materialist ontology is true then we can just live literally forever. Read "Permutation City" for a thought experiment that explores this idea.
I should add that if this is true, no suicide will ever succeed from the first-person perspective of someone they will always survive. This means that if you do want to do it for some reason (for example to win the lottery using a QRNG, or to crack encryption or to manipulate to stock exchange or whatever you damn wish to acausally change), you should design your suicide to be as binary as possible: none of this methods described in this thread would work well - they'll lead to many cripples and brain-damaged people. Better either choose something which either kills you entirely and instantly or leaves you alive undamaged.
Alternatively, if you trust your future society, sign up for cryonics, obviously if MWI or such an ontology is true, then the outcome is that in some futures we will develop both molecular nanotechnology and substrate independent minds. Of course, if you estimate that the futures would be shitholes that you wouldn't want to live in, your best bet is to not sign up for cryonics. Obviously old age is the worst way to go though, mostly because it means slow deterioration of your mind and amnesia and dementia in such worlds - fuck living 1000 years if you'll barely be able to think.

Existential risk will always exist, but in my view that's just annoying separation or measure reduction. Our end-goal would be that there would be no unintended separation.
If MWI, then we probably had many dead-end worlds where we nuked each other out, but those branches don't matter as much for us.
Currently we have plenty of existential risks threatening us: biological ( drug resistant viruses are not difficult to make ) and in the future, technological (molecular nanotechnology and artificial general intelligence can both save us and kill us, we have to be careful).
Either way, I look forward to whatever happens. I'm not too worried, but we must be careful not to end up in dead-end situations.
