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8682655 No.8682655 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Mikos so sexualized?

>> No.8682656

better ask yo momma

>> No.8682658

What better is there to be defiled than that which has yet to be defiled.

and this is what I hate about humanity.

>> No.8682664

Anyone got good miko pics? 2D of course, none of that 3DPD.

>> No.8682672



>> No.8682709 [SPOILER] 
File: 764 KB, 850x1133, 785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some men just want to watch the world burn, and some men just want to rape the miko.

Who are we to judge?

>> No.8682711

What bothers me is that the gods they worship are never featured, worshiping every other god gives you awesome powers in fiction but Shinto gods just suck apparently. If you worship Agni you get mantras and ability to blast shit with fire, if you worship Tezcatlipoca you revive corpses and wear the flayed skins of your victims to impersonate them, it stands to reason that if you're the priestess of Omononushi you'd be able to shoot snakes out of your eyes or curse people to pee out their intestines or something. Omononushi really hated infidelity and had really graphic punishments for it too, so I bet his miko would wear really provocative clothing so that she can seduce married men and use that as an excuse to turn their penises into giant flesh-eating worms.

>> No.8682723

I'm scared now.

>> No.8682788

You must be a virgin to be a Miko.
It's like a Buddhist priest is supposed to be a single.

Mukos are innocent and pure.That's why people like Miko characters.

>> No.8682793

Buddhist priests aren't even supposed to masturbate. Must suck.

>> No.8682826

The real question is why are Reimu's armpits so lewd?

>> No.8682893

I thought mikos could do pretty much anything with those paper seal things. Throw a bunch at you that explode, summon all kinds of crazy shit, seal up extremely dangerous demons, etc.

Actually, now that we're on the subject, I would really like to know how those things work. I hear the word "shikigami" get thrown around a lot when mikos are involved, but I don't get what exactly they are. Is it like spirits summoned by those paper seal things?

>> No.8682933

Add the 2D element and you get >>8682655
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to fap.

>> No.8683756

They're like the familiars of witches, you craft them out of paper and draw a spirit into them and then they do simple odd jobs for you like carrying messages, patrolling your household for robbers or pooping on the head of your political enemy during an important ceremony (bird-shaped shikigami were quite useful.) They are usually made to resemble the paper effigy some small animal and disguise themselves as that animal once they're animated. You can only control one or two at most unless you're extremely talented, Abe no Seimei was famous for having 12 shikigami at once and that's only because he was half fox. They're associated with onmyouji, monks and the like have goho doji for similar purposes. Goho doji however are not created, they're reformed demons who follow the monk's teachings and take the form of young disciples in order to avoid startling the local folk.

Since both are rather well-known myths, there are a lot of variants on them.

>> No.8687206

They are usually active, spiritual young girls.

>> No.8687223

Because, sexualizing something so pure is taboo to Japan.

>> No.8687224
File: 123 KB, 430x600, 2d787daa6ca1141037e2aa197036812c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikos are the best.

>> No.8687295

I have a hard time distinguishing the types of magic characters in jrpgs. mikos are shinto and the bald guys are buddhist but what about the diviner/yin-yang magic ones? are the old bearded guys supposed to be taoists?

>> No.8687318

i have a feeling that i'm going to like this thread...

>> No.8687335
File: 165 KB, 836x588, 9cff1801d06487e0e8df211f14c2dea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8687532

In 1064 the Seljuk Turks, under their sultan Alp Arslan, invade Armenia - for many centuries a disputed frontier region between the Byzantine empire and neighbours to the east. Alp Arslan follows his success here with an attack on Georgia, in 1068. These acts of aggression prompt a response from the Byzantine emperor, Romanus IV Diogenes.

The armies meet in 1071 at Manzikert, near Lake Van. The battle, a resounding victory for the Seljuks, is a turning point in the story of the Byzantine empire. Within a few years there are Turkish tribes in many parts of Anatolia. Some of them are bitter enemies of the Seljuks, but the Seljuks are now the main power in this borderland between Islam and Christianity.

>> No.8687542

cool story bro
