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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8674622 No.8674622 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a Black History month but not a "White History" month?

I simply cannot understand.
Are whites inferior to blacks? Why?
Just why?

>> No.8674627

It's funny because Arc is Candlejac

>> No.8674629

Maybe that is some American thing...

>> No.8674634
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Look at the bigger picture, its just to remember people that slavery is bad and that we shouldn't make differences between skin color

>> No.8674633

He is talking about Candleja

>> No.8674630

why is this thread in /jp/? why are you shitting up the board? I simply cannot understand.

Fuck you. Reported sick fuck.

>> No.8674631

Candlejac what?

>> No.8674632
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>> No.8674638
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>> No.8674641

newgrow detected

>> No.8674648

>black history

Like what?

Mud hut architecture? Grass skirts fashion? Selling your tribesmen to white slavers in exchange for alcohol?

>> No.8674651
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>> No.8674652

read the 4chan global rules

>> No.8674657
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>> No.8674658

The one that feels really sorry is me.
I feel really sorry for that kid. Goddammit because of his crazy apologist parents he has to join them in that white submission ritual

>> No.8674662

It's funny. Mexico used to have a rather large black and chinese population, but killed them all with forced labor and slavery.

And yet nobody makes demands of them.

>> No.8674673

i wish i had that white politics black politics comparison picture somewhere...

but hey! at least you don't make much fun of indians. if we'd take this even further whites would be monsters while all others just were "stupid." which is worse then?

>> No.8674688

Blacks, never, ever, even for a second in History, have ever united for the common good. They have never organized or sought unity. I do not care for the reasons for this lack of cooperation, but this is why they never went beyond the stone age.

"Slaves you were, slaves you shall be", indeed.

>> No.8674697


>> No.8674701

All 11 other months are white history, or rather general history which includes all races history but of course mainly focuses on the people who matter: whites.
In Black History Month we learn about peanutes and slavery and shit

>> No.8674716


>> No.8674724


You mean whites and asians. And maybe 10% left for arabs.

Blacks never did anything significant.

>> No.8674730

Because "white history month" is actually white history year. Black history isn't even taught in schools.

Now delete your bad thread.

>> No.8674737


Or the rise and fall of ancient Egypt. 2/10 for effort.

>> No.8674742


You just had a shitty education. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8674749

What has me saluting my führer has anything to do with my education?

>> No.8674750


If blacks "never went beyond the stone age" then why are Nigerians the ethnic group in the United States with the highest percentage of Masters Degrees?

You should really think before you make yourself look stupid next time.

>> No.8674754
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Ancient Egypt was a white civilization.

>> No.8674757

Cause black people won't shut the fuck up about being slaves, unlike the Jews who took everything in stride.

>> No.8674758
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>hurrr durr I can photoshop

If ancient Egypt was white butthurt neaderthals wouldn't have chopped the noses off of countless priceless Egyptian ruler monuments.

>> No.8674761

>African Philosophers

>> No.8674769

If ancient Egypt was black, then there would be evidences to show it.


>> No.8674776

Egypt was white. Historical evidence showed them fighting the black people from the region known as Sudan now in several wars. The entire of North Africa was predominantly white for a long period during the Greek colonization set out during the Golden Age of Greece. Then, it got fucked over by a bunch of Muslimized Arabs.

Do you know why there also weren't that many black people in Muslim lands even if they enslaved people? They castrated their slaves unlike white people did.

Also, the Greeks were not white white, they were olive skinned/tanned like the Persians. The REAL white guys were all stuck in Northern Europe.

>> No.8674780


We're the same race, so of course we share the same DNA. The modern white man is a descent of the ancient African considering it's well-documented that the first humans lived in Africa.

As far as evidence in preserved Egypt art they're depicted with dark skin and full noses. This is why whites chopped the noses off of the Egyptian statues; if Egyptians were white then there would have been no reason for it to have taken place. Think of it as ex post facto confirmation.


What historical evidence? Egypt was about as white as Jesus (hint: not at all according to the bible), and yet this false Caucasian depiction is shown everywhere; perhaps it's a mental illness.

You can't expect to be trusted when you talk out your ass especially when you have a blatant agenda.

>> No.8674782

>over half of euros have pharaoh blood

>> No.8674791

No. Brown skin =/= Dark skin in the context we're talking about. Also, learn history. Egyptians fought against Subsaharan Africans who they had darker skins than they did.

You're seriously not going to tell me that Middle Easterners are black because you saw Egyptian pics that had brown men in them, right?

>full noses
You do fucking know that a lot of brown people from the ME have full noses too. Have you seen the death masks of Pharaohs? That's pretty much a normal nose in the ME. Where they castrated their slaves, white or black.

>> No.8674792

Ancient Egyptians were not really white, but they definitely were not black. They looked like Middle East people. Just like Arabs or Persians.

North Africa is not populated by blacks.

Even modern day Egypt isn't black.

>> No.8674794


And modern day North America isn't populated by Indians and Hispanics.

>> No.8674796
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You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a.

This haplogroup isn't found in black Africa. It's a purely celtic haplogroup. See map.

>> No.8674797
File: 52 KB, 450x341, NTIyMzV9K3szNTcxNDc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a map showing African haplogroups.

>> No.8674798

Egypt is connected to Mesopotamia. They're not white, they ain't black.
But it is true that North Africa got colonized by really "everyone else is a barbarian that must be killed"-thinking Greeks a thousand years or more before AD comes along. Then after those white guys, there came the Arabs. North Africa hasn't been black for thousands of years because the guys that came through that region just killed a lot of people, white, brown, black, blue or green.

>> No.8674809


Then explain why the Egyptian God Osiris (Asar) is known as the progenitor of the human race in ancient Egyptian history, is usually depicted very dark or with jet black skin, and wears an Ethiopian crown?

Historically Europeans have tried to limit the Egyptian kingdom to southern or upper Egypt, but the written and pictorial evidence proves that so-called Upper Egypt is actually Equatorial Africa. Hieroglyphics and Egyptian word etymology confirm these things.

>> No.8674811

Learn ancient history. The Greeks didn't conquer Egypt until Alexander the Great came along and they didn't try to commit genocide.

>> No.8674812
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He seems green with white facial features to me, not black.

>> No.8674818


>I have never gone outside in my life xD

>> No.8674817
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I still can't imagine a black guy using the internet or a black guy watching anime - this doesn't suit.

>> No.8674820


>> No.8674823


>> No.8674824


>> No.8674822

I can.

Lots of the niggers I knew watched dragon ball z and stuff.

I used to know a really nerdy mexican who played for the football team and had a locker full of dragon ball z manga.

Then again, I went to school in inner city michigan.

>> No.8674825


I'm a NEET. I was just pointing out his lack of social knowledge bordering the retard level.

>> No.8674827

Talking about heritage. Is it possible for a black man and a black woman with no historic of white people in their family to have a white child?

After many years I'm starting to get suspicious of my family. I think I'm adopted /jp/ but my parents never mentioned anything about it and treat me equally to my 3 black brothers.

>> No.8674829


>> No.8674831


>> No.8674832


It's possible. "Black" genes can produce any variation. If I remember biology correctly it would something to do with one of the pairings being dominant for a certain trait, but having another recessive trait in it.



>> No.8674834

No seriously, fuck off to >>>/soc/, you normalfag scum.

>> No.8674835
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>"White History" month?

>> No.8674838

Talking about North Africa. The Greeks went around and messed with many areas. They ended up colonizing almost all of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea region way before Alexander went and started the Hellenistic Age.
Yes, because humans come from bird humanoids too, amirite?
The Egyptians also traded with the the guys from Sub-Saharan region, there are shared technological/wealth exchange. But those were two feuding kingdoms that fought each other for power.

Man, you're just as bad as the 1930s Germans who say that the only good humans are Aryans and white powah powah, looking for things that don't actually exist in ancient symbols and civilizations.

>> No.8674843
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This is you.

Go jump into the nearest oven, please.

>> No.8674846
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>> No.8674845

>Durr hurr what is affirmative action?

>> No.8674851

>Man, you're just as bad as the 1930s Germans who say that the only good humans are Aryans and white powah powah
I'm not racist, but you've got to admit this is kinda true. All great civilizations were kickstarted by Nordic white people.

>> No.8674848
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I'm not a jew. No thanks.

This is you. Go bomb yourself, please.

>> No.8674849
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>lack of social knowledge

>I'm a NEET
Tits or GTFO

>> No.8674852

I was actually surprised to find out that Anatolia, modern day Turkey, was predominantly white and Christian until the Central Asian Turks just rampaged through the Middle East and basically committed what you'd call ethnic cleansing against Christians in today's day and age.

>> No.8674857

Ethnic cleansing only occurred in Anatolia at the start of the 20th century.

>> No.8674860
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Not true at all. The genius of Africa has been denied by white historians, anthropologists, and archaeologists for a long time. Many children refuse to identity with other civilizations because they don't know anything beyond what is presented distortedly by white press and a shitty education system. Linguistics clearly prove that Europeans did not even develop their own language, nor alphabet, nor even the religion they've so corrupted and distorted. It seems that the only contribution they've made is conquest by force. In that, the, European nomads have excelled like no other people anywhere, or at anytime during the entire existence of the Earth.

You really should try to be less biased.

>> No.8674862
File: 81 KB, 435x331, b2f030a5-b74f-4e47-b201-8f55a04a4ecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr durr I can photoshop

Pick up an art book from the Cairo museum, or any other collection of their artwork. Egyptian artwork showed many distinct races.

Persians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, etc were illustrated with a lighter pigment than Egyptians, but Egyptians clearly portrayed Nubian (black Africans from Sudan) as a different race. The nubians had much darker skin and curly hair.

>> No.8674865


>I was actually surprised to find out that Anatolia, modern day Turkey, was predominantly white

Anatolians have been predominantly eurasian as far back as the Hittite kingdom.


I don't see any significant reasons for objection to this since Christianity and Islam both have Semitic roots

>> No.8674866

>The genius of Africa

>Linguistics clearly prove that Europeans did not even develop their own language, nor alphabet, nor even the religion they've so corrupted and distorted.
Those all come from the original Indo-Aryan civilization, which was white. It doesn't matter if it's in Europe or not. It's still white people.

>> No.8674868

Egyptians used wigs and makeup, as well as the rich not being in the sun very long.

>> No.8674875

>implying slavery isn't still happening from where they came from since forever
>implying drugs, slavery, cannibalism in Africa
>implying it was any different here and we weren't MORE CIVIL
>implying they shouldn't be HAPPY we intergrated them into our culture

You're ALL fagots for not realizing this. that's why ghetto shit is NOT acceptable.

>> No.8674878

>Are whites inferior to blacks?

>> No.8674878,2 [INTERNAL] 

How is THIS thread here yet mine and other otaku threads deleted instead????? JANNNNNNNRRREEEEEEEEEEE
