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8663063 No.8663063 [Reply] [Original]

How long can I live on an inheritance of $357,139 /jp/?

I want to stretch this to last as long as is humanly possible. Should I take out a loan and try to become a landlord or something?

>> No.8663071

Invest in gold with Rosland Capital.

Did you know that gold has never been worth zero?

>> No.8663074

Invest it in something very safe and live forever with 5k~month

>> No.8663083

You could do a lot worse than to become a landlord.

>> No.8663101


What should I invest in that gives me a return of at least 13% per year, since that would be roughly what I would need to make $5,000 a month off of that.

>> No.8663103

Come live with me, I hardly pay anything to survive.

>> No.8663119

What about taxes?

>> No.8663121

You lucky bastard.

Find a house out in the sticks. I mean, REALLY, bumfuck nowhere. Preferably in a low population state, you'd be surprised what you can buy with $80,000.

Pay your taxes, do HITs for spendin' money, get used to rice cause its your new staple. Local aldi's is a bonus.

You've got all the time in the world. Take it easy.

>> No.8663137

13% year is pretty easy to make, just be sure that you are investing in something safe~ish
I am so jelly of you, 300.000 is the exact amount I've been dreaming of so I can live as neet without thinking about anything else forever. How did you get it, by the way?

>> No.8663138


That's true, I have to figure out how to get at least $3,000 a month after taxes.


What are HITs?

>> No.8663139
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How risk adverse are you, OP? because if you're an adventurer, you should buy some B to BBB rated NASDAQ bonds and diversify into small-capitalization tech stocks. If you're more risk adverse, and would shit yourself if your numbers went down for one quarter, then you should play it safe and invest into some Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS).

>> No.8663145

start learning the stock market. You'd be amazed how easy it is to spot an obvious money maker.

An easy tactic (not that this is an ideal one) is to watch headlines for a scandal/bad earnings report and watch as the moronic day traders abandon ship as if the company were killing jews. now you have a decent company that is severely undervalued. This happened recently when netflix split their streaming and mail services. The stock price dropped over 60%, which is when I bought. I'm up about 20% since then.

sadly, that investment was only $1k because i'm a poorfag, so really i've only made ~$200

>> No.8663151

Choose one of the following:

A) Speak with a financial advisor.

B) Buy /jp/ mansion and have anons dress up as your personal meidos, dude.

>> No.8663149

There are no low-risk investments out there that will get you 13T a year.

>> No.8663167

To be honest, there's nothing you can do to maintain a constant income with 400 grand.

If you go the apartment route, be prepared for hell. You'll have to find tenants, and don't forget, you're on the hook if anything goes wrong. YOU need to pay for repairs unless you specify in the contract. Even if you don't, you still have to oversee it. You'll have to hassle them to pay their rent when they're late. You'll have to hassle them to keep the property in non-shit condition so the neighborhood housing authority doesn't come down on you. Most of all, anything dangerous is suddenly your fault. Gas leak? Not handicap accessible for people born without hands? etc etc etc It's really not all roses and wearing an apron and sweeping like your japanese animes may have you believe.

There's nothing you can invest in with a significant enough interest return to live reliably off.

Day trading if a license to lose your money instantly if you don't hire someone who knows what they're doing/you know what you're doing. Classic mantra to remember "Don't invest anything you aren't willing to lose"

The only really hair-brained NEET scheme that's somewhat safe and effective* is the classic buying up a popular domain/domain misspelling and adfarm

*results may vary

>> No.8663179

Human Intelligence Tasks. You get paid a pittance for a minute's worth of work (usually it's stuff like "describe a local business" or "Is X in this picture". It's not a lot of money, but you don't even have to leave your house to do it and you have zero obligations to anyone but the IRS.

>> No.8663184


Rich grandparents who decided to skip their financially irresponsible, spoiled Boomer children and give their money directly to their grandchildren.

>> No.8663190

This. Do this ONCE, and you won't have to think about stock market for almost 2 years.

>> No.8663191

If you want that much return, you should try acquiring assets for a small business. Hosting services would require a lot of set-up and capital to stay on a t1 line, but if you market yourself well, you could get a couple of other small business clients before startup to ensure proper income.

>> No.8663186
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Give me $57,139 please, OP. It'll make your inheritance nice and even, and I'm running low on cash.

>> No.8663200

Just move to some third world shithole.

On the ass end of Europe where I live $350k is gonna last something like 30 years at current prices if you're thrifty and live in the boonies, with no investing or anything.

Probably like 50% longer if I just skipped the border to the east.

>> No.8663202

well, at least you got cash. i got a house that is worth a lot less because of the bad housing economy. its in a decent location so its still worth like $700,000 but i'd rather keep it because of its location...

>> No.8663208

How exactly does one interact with the stock market?

I'm going into this assuming stuff like etrade charge you out the ass.

>> No.8663222

Someone should really email moot suggesting that we make a finance and investments board.

>> No.8663224

I hope you showed your appreciation ;_;

>> No.8663225

I believe /adv/ is currently doubling in that role.

>> No.8663226


Where are you, if you don't mind me asking? I'm in a similar situation to OP, financially, so I was already thinking of heading to Laos to exploit their tax code.

>> No.8663231

I've carefully invested around 200K € in low-risk bonds and for the first year (that completed just a few days ago) I made 30K€. Considering I'm living in Greece and can evade taxes, I've actually made a profit of around 5K€ after living expenses (and I own a motorcycle too) that I've put those in the pool.

>> No.8663242


I did. I loved my grandparents, and spent as much time as I could with them. They were extremely intelligent, and while at times a little rough, abrasive, and mocking, very loving and willing to do anything to see that their grandchildren were successful in life. I would give the money back to have them around ;_;.

>> No.8663250

>heading to Laos to exploit their tax code.
go on...

>> No.8663249

You are so lucky OP, with that kind of money I can quit the hell that is University, and take it easy after making some sensible investments.

I hope you told your grandparents how much you love them.

Also an inevitable question, have any family members that you haven't seen in years suddenly become buddy-buddy with you or try to leech off you?

>> No.8663253

Pay a financial advisor to figure it out.

>> No.8663261


On the subject of this, if you moved to vietnam, you'd be able to live like a respected profession for your entire life on that amount of money.

You can eat a real full meal for a dollar, and doctors and experts earn the equivalent of four hundred bucks a day.

>> No.8663267

This may actually be an option for you.

Learn Spanish and move to south america. South south america, you don't want your head cut off by drug lords or your shit bombed by Americans because your neighbor grows coca leaves.

Find a safe neighborhood outside of Buenos Aires or some shit, buy your food from a local market, find an internet connection (all of them will be shit), live the rest of your days in this hellhole and enjoy it.

Also don't get too attached to the thought of importing figs because it will be fucking expensive. FUCKING expensive. And probably not worth the trouble.

>> No.8663274


A month*

>> No.8663275

Poland, Europe's Mexico.

If you move somewhere that people are fleeing from because there are no jobs(meaning pretty much the eastern third of the country), you can live comfortably for under $1k a month.

You HAVE to be white, though.

>> No.8663282

Please respond.

>> No.8663295
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Please respond.

>> No.8663306

This thread and some of the posts in the house thread are making me feel so envious.

>> No.8663314

I'd crack a joke about how loose polack women are, but this is /jp/.

>> No.8663342

So, the highway girls are real after all?

>> No.8663361


If you provide aid to rural farmers (like buying them a buffalo), you not only get a big credit from the government, the farmer generally provides you with food for a month. Emerging markets who aren't inundated with TESL people is a rare thing, so I was planning on leaving as soon as my loans are paid off.

>> No.8663355

dump it all into forex OP and make mirrions

>> No.8663371

Yeah, they are. A lot of them are from across the eastern border, though. Not like there's more of them than regular prostitutes elsewhere, though.

But you know what? In general, girls here are still more pure than in the west. Or at least that's what I'm getting from what I see online, since I managed to grow up having an image of women as regular human beings, instead of the general "bitches and whores" attitude of /jp/ and such.

Of course, it's not going to last as the country gets more and more westernized.

>> No.8663394

>But you know what? In general, girls here are still more pure than in the west. Or at least that's what I'm getting from what I see online, since I managed to grow up having an image of women as regular human beings, instead of the general "bitches and whores" attitude of /jp/ and such.

Yeah, the eastern bloc and Russia are the only places left to find sane white women.

That and maybe Iceland. Be glad you folks never got to experience feminism and the after effects. I'd say the 80 years of soviet communism were more than worth it in return.

>> No.8663465

Move to a third world country in South America, everythings really cheap there. Not to mention the cute lolis.
Only buy in bulk, learn to cook and you can last forever on a sack of unprocessed oats (after a five minute search, I found some on ebay for $0.16 per serving). Live cheaply as possible, cut your own hair, buy clothing at second hand stores (this is a great way to save money, with the exception of my shoes, I'm never wearing more than 20$ worth of clothing at a time, and they'll last for years ), dont go out, use public access internet for the or mooch off of neighbors instead of paying for internet yourself. Get a library card and a membership at a fitness/recreation center (you can shower there, and swimming/working out can provide hours of entertainment), this should cost about $20 a month-and if you use their showers and water fountains, you shouldn't have to pay for water utilities. And screw your electricity bill, wake up with the morning and go to bed with the sunset, hook up a car battery/generator for the bare necessities (hot water heater and microwave for cooking, possibly a television) but otherwise dont waste your money on stupid bullshit like "lights".

Also, start stockpiling on books and entertainment right now, try to get a few instruments, some movies and a second hand TV. You'll need to keep yourself entertained.

>> No.8663468

37 years at the most.

Invest in stocks or buy some property and rent it out. If you're smart you can balance your expenses enough so that you can make it last forever.

>> No.8663531

Maybe if you strike off the twenty shittiest years.

>> No.8663538
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That sounds fucking awful

>> No.8663558

Invest in Canadian-based mutual funds (not in individual companies though).

Avoid BRIC like a plague.

I got 12-16% during 2009-2010 (thought I took some hit because of lol America and euro debt in 2011)

>> No.8663579


Nobody cares about Canada. It's irrelevant.

>> No.8663719


Fine, more stocks for me.

>> No.8663815

live off of 1000 dollars a month

>> No.8664001

Find some relatives who doesn't know you had inheritance who are kind enough to adopt you with a promise of doing some chores and live off them. You might not even need to spend that money.

>> No.8665009

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8665050

Put all your money in the bank, live as a hermit.

>> No.8665059


if you lend your money to a magical jew, he can transmute your money into larger amounts of money for some amount of the money he produces.

>> No.8665115

Use 300k of it and get in the drug game. You'll be a millionaire in no time. It's as risky as some investments with much higher profits, but it also has a slightly higher chance of getting murdered or doing time.

>> No.8665212

Coasta Rica is nice from what I hear. I had a friend whose folks lived there and owned a little restaurant and lived pretty high on the hog for about what you have. also diversify don't depend on a single kind of income. So if you do go some where invest in a local business and get stocks and bonds if stocks look for stable businesses that pay a dividend like IBM or growing business that does the same. also I think Facebook is going public soon so when it does hop on that your return will be astronomical. also find a craft you love doing you can sell shit like that in the little tourist markets in 3rd world countries.

>> No.8665442

Landlord from Moscow here. If you live outside the city (~15 km = 45 min bus ride for $2), you can do fine by $1000/month here ($750 rent + $250 food, so $350k will last you ~30 years).
Cost of living (suburbs like mine are slightly cheaper that this): http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city_result.jsp?country=Russia&city=Moscow&displayCurre
Add $20/month for a 25Mbit unmetered Internet line.

>> No.8665791


Why Moscow? A lot of stuff looks more expensive than it does here in Canada (Vancouver, Victoria, etc), even though your average income is a third of ours.

I typed in the first random large Russian city name I could think of (Samara) and the rent there was only $200 for outside of the city center...

>> No.8666083

I didn't suggest OP to move here, it was more like first-hand experience from the resident.
Why Moscow is more preferable than the rest of the country? Here (and in St.Petersburg) is the best Internet, the largest English-speaking community (both expats and natives, also an embassy) and the fastest ("less slow", to be precise) delivery of an imported goods.
The cost of living is high because the salaries are way higher here (not that it matters on /jp/ though). Ecology and traffic situation are shit, though, but I doubt it's much better in any other megapolis.

>> No.8666091


Why does it need to be a megalopolis? offindiv law,

>> No.8666111

It doesn't have to be a megapolis, but I assume OP is one of us and being a /jp/er in megapolis/capital is easier. That's why I chose the reasons:
>the best Internet, the largest English-speaking community and the fastest delivery of an imported goods

>> No.8667114

Why is America so expensive compared to almost every other nation on Earth?

>> No.8667127

It isn't though.

You have ridiculously cheap housing, and the prices in general aren't bad at all considering average pay.

Oh wait, unless you want to have health care. Then yeah, USA is going to be a bad place to live.

>> No.8667156

That's more than enough. Unless you do something retarded as:
a)Buying an overpriced house
b)Buying and overpriced car
c)Spending on stupid things like figurines
Other than that you are more than fine.

>> No.8667157

Thanks to the magic of Keynesian economics, I'd say a decade before your buying power goes down the toilet.

>> No.8667292

>buying a house
>a bad idea

>> No.8667307

>buying figurines
>a bad idea

>> No.8667359

I think he said he didn't want to go bankrupt.

>> No.8667362

How do you know "he" is not a "she".

>> No.8667365

How do you know "she" doesn't have a dick?

>> No.8667369

Take your feminist shit to /cgl/.

>> No.8667375 [DELETED] 

If anybody wants to play Unit 13 sometime, add me.

>> No.8667380
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My dream life!

Now just add a laptop so you can have a comp while using as little electricity as possible, and personal internet connection with pretty good speeds.

>> No.8667392

fuck. i need a laptop.

>> No.8667397

Prepare for not having a decent GFX card.

>> No.8667403

Just live with the money till your 50 and then kill yourself

why would you want to be old anyways?

>> No.8672128

Forced meme

>> No.8672210

Forced meme.

>> No.8672531

I think you need to be more sensitive to transgender members of /jp/.

>> No.8672531,1 [INTERNAL] 

it is precise amounts
