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8659325 No.8659325 [Reply] [Original]

What does doing drugs feel like /jp/?

>> No.8659330

get out of /jp/ please.

>> No.8659337

i usually enjyor it when i do drugs. it feels good man. bt sometimes i reget doing it afterwords and i feel lie "man i could have been online or reading" . there's only one way to find out/ if youre old enough try drinking, or maybe dxm (just drink a small bottle of the robitussin made by Delsym dont do it with alcohol or if yourre on any psychological medication).

>> No.8659344

most of the people on /jp/ are doing/on drugs when they post here.

>> No.8659343

coins and salty milk

>> No.8659342
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>> No.8659346

Not as good as people make they seem to be. Don't think about it unless you really have money to waste.

>> No.8659347

Lik my DIC in yor ass HOMO nerd.

>> No.8659351

money too. but most people get drugs from friends or do them with friends

>> No.8659361

I'll go you one better.
>enter an essay contest in school
>the grand prize is being flown to meet the president of the United States in person
>confident in my writing skills
>im gonna ace this shit
>send in my submission, it's about the importance of supplying aid to africa to keep the region stable
>wait for a month, no news about it
>oh well worth a shot, too bad
>the next month, standing in homeroom listening to the pledge of allegiance
>front desk person waiting at the door, as soon as it ends, they call for me
>aw shit, fuck it to shit
>sit down in office, expect to be chewed out for some dumb thing
>"You won."
>seems they'd taken a while to cut through the backlog of submissions, i go home and tell my parents about my victory (and use it to cover up for other shit i did) and they get to go to the capital
>the next day i get a suitcase together and pack enough stuff for the six day stay in DC, me and my parents go to the airport, flight begins
>we land in DC, it's way way grimmer than i'd anticipated, the hotel is kind of run-down and grimy
>day four: meeting the president
>oh god keep the spaghetti in
>i'm in the oval office, talking to President Bill Clinton about my essay
>he congratulates me, i'm about to leave
>just before i go, i see, off to the back on the windowsill, a little colorful rainbow-looking thing
>i slow down and catch a better look
>it is a MLP:FiM figurine

What bothers me is that I saw this in 1997.

>> No.8659365

reported i fucking hate green text even if its ironic grentext

>> No.8659370

who the fuck are you quoting faggot?

>> No.8659371


>> No.8659373

shuit the hell up you ahve it backwards jones AKA sanakan AKA don

>> No.8659381

i'll slit your fucking throat nigger. go back to your subhuman board and never come back here.

>> No.8659382

You're begging for an ass slap

>> No.8659385

There is only one type of drugs I like, that is Psychedelics, other drugs are irrelevant.

>> No.8659388

I get high on life. Life. Stick that in your pipe, junkies.

>> No.8659390

So lame, you sound just like my mom

>> No.8659391



>> No.8659396

I exploded from bed and ran down the hall naked, screaming. My parents burst out of their room and they start screaming and I was screaming and they screamed something at me about what happened and I screamed back “The Grays!” I should mention that I can’t remember how old I was, but I was certainly too old to be running down the halls screaming whenever I got scared. This wasn’t fear, it was a panic reflex.

After that I went back and fell asleep - woke up paralyzed. I think I must have sleep apnea or something but I never got that shit checked. Waking up with sleep paralysis in the middle of delirium is not fucking fun. I was convinced the aliens came back and abducted me, and I couldn’t move or speak save for a thin, raspy, repeated “help me wake me up” during all of it.
Then my eyes closed and I could feel them touching me and injecting me in my chest with a long needle and it hurt bad so I scrunched up my eyes so they’d be closed even more. When I did that, the aliens stopped injecting me for a second and I got really numb and I couldn’t feel anything but their arms holding my arms down. I remained paralyzed but to pass the time and try to break the obvious unreality of my horrible nightmare I mentally counted the fingers on each hand grabbing me, figuring that if they had less than four, then they couldn’t be real because they couldn’t fucking hold things like needles. To my surprise, they were very long, nail less and it seemed I could always feel at least five digits, spread out palm flat on my chest, the needle in between them.

>> No.8659400

listen you don'tk now WHO you're fucking with here. i just calle shii and he promised to get you range banned

>> No.8659402

I find myself sitting on my bed, the lights on, I look over at my chair, it is emitting smoke or steam or something it looks like, a trick of my eyes I think before the thought slurs off into the retardation my mind has succumb to, suddenly the smoke begins turning into vapor spiders that start to crawl and skitter rapidly along the floor and occasionally onto my bed, I look at them curiously, swatting at them once or twice and wondering why the invisible bugs weren't splatting. I eventually get up and wander out into my living room, I remember an episode of aqua teen hunger force being on, and remember seeing spiders in the TV while I was watching it. At some point I must have blacked out, I have a vivid memory of hanging out with a friend and him leaving a huge bag of weed at my house, I swear it is actually happening though it turns out to be nothing more than my imagination, though I actually look for the weed the next day, it was that convincing.

I come to after god only knows how long, it felt like hours but I'm sure it had been no more than ten minutes at best, I go back into my room once again being freaked out by my reflection as I walk passed the mirror, lie down on my bed and listen to music. The music randomly tears and skips for what seems like minutes, making ungodly tearing and glitching sounds like a dial up modem almost before the music settles back out and sounds vaguely normal again, I say vaguely as my senses were practically deadened at this point and nothing was receiving correctly sensory wise. I stumble around in a retarded daze for what I guess to be a good portion of that night, and eventually collapse at a time I can't recall.

>> No.8659406

Then a teacher or someone came by, I don’t know if someone went to get her or if she just happened to be walking by, but she sat me down in a chair and told me to rest, and clam down.

Well, I tried to sit down, but I kept slipping out of the chair, and finally I ended up just laying on the concrete, right outside the gym there. I kept trying to get up, but no one would let me. Some other teacher or administrator people came by and they kept asking me questions. They were asking me what I had taken and how much. I wouldn’t tell anyone, so the lady said that I had to tell her, and if I didn’t, then she was calling 911. That scared me, because I didn’t want to go to the hospital.

I had done this before, and if I just had some time to let it wear off, I would be fine.

I don’t remember too much of what happened next, just bits and pieces, but I think my friend’s friend and some other teacher helped me walk to the attendance office and they put me in a chair. I vaguely remember the lady calling 911 and giving the address of the school to whoever was on the line. I remember seeing the paramedics come a little after that, these two guys in all blue came into the office. That is the last thing I remember until the hospital, but according to my friends, who came into the office, I was passed out on the floor and it looked like I was dead. I was then loaded onto a stretcher and wheeled out of the office into an ambulance, where I was taken to the hospital. I don’t remember any of the stretcher or ambulance ride, though.

>> No.8659419

After nearly an hour and a half, I noticed that it was getting hard to breathe, and I came to the conclusion that I had taken too much. I had contemplated just puking, because it was becoming rather intense. I must have suffered amnesia, because I completely forgot about it nearly 3 seconds after saying it. At around 1 o'clock, my uncle went upstairs to go to bed, which was sort of a relief. He was attempting to talk to me, and I remember my voice was slurred to the point of sounding like an aboslute drunkard. I avoided conversation by saying 'Hm...' many times. After he left, I turned off all the lights, because from my experience, I had more full-blown hallucinations in the dark.

I lit up a cigarette, and then it fell out of the ashtray, and I looked on the floor to find absolutely nothing there. I was smoking an imaginary cigarette. I didn't seem to find that illogical at all, and continued to sit. At this point, the auditory hallucinations became overwhelming, as I heard my name being called on numerous occasions, and replied. I looked into the laundry room, and at this point, the water softener began speaking to me. I was carrying on a conversation with it like that was completely normal.

>> No.8659422

It was around this point that I forgot I was on drugs, and thus, all contact with reality of any form. I noticed that I was forgetting to breathe, but my heart was beating to no end. I was beginning to become terrified, as I was seeing hands reaching out of the walls, trying to grab me. With most other hallucinogens (with several exclusions), I was able to tell that it was an illusion, but with diphenhydramine and diphenhydrinate, everything appeared to be so real. I was seeing people walk into my basement, then walk right into a wall and disappear. I was scared. I remember at one point seeing a group of my friends just staring at me. I replied 'WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT???' And they'd just disappear. I remember seeing my cleaning lady and another woman asking me what I was doing, to which I replied, 'Just chillin' like a villain.'

However, I was not prepared at all for what happened next. In a complete drug-haze, I looked down at my arms. I was expecting to see the similar bugs crawling under my skin. But, what I saw is something that absolutely made me jump out of my chair. On my arm was a humungous poisonous Amazon spider. It bit my arm, which I felt. Blood started to profusely flow out of my arm. I began shaking my arms uncontrollably. After shaking them for a minute or two, I looked again, and I saw what was either a baby spider or a tick crawling on my arm. I hate spiders. I hate insects for that matter. I was absolutely terrified. I remember screaming in pain. I looked down at my arm, and saw that not only had the spider bit me once, but numerous times, as I saw bite marks going up and down my arm.

>> No.8659445

Doing drugs feels like great but they will fuck up your life and maybe kill you.

Don't do them.

>> No.8659461

I only abuse Benadryl. It hurts my chest sometimes and occasionally gives me a weak pulse, but I like all the other stuff (mostly the limbs and body feeling heavy and the tired feeling, the hallucinations creep me out).

>> No.8659474

Oh, and also the orgasms are amazing. Some times you're just completely out of it though and end up ejaculating without orgasm.

>> No.8659482


So I'm not the only one.

I find it harder to not use diphenhydramine than alcohol. Feels so good to go to sleep after taking it. Does that count as getting high, though?

>> No.8659498

You're not taking enough.
>Everything is fucking black, I can't see, why? Did I have my lights off? I'm sitting down at this point, I attempt to stand up but collapse, I do this three or four more times until I'm finally on my feet. The moment I stand up my vision returns and I'm not in my room. I can't describe where I am.

>> No.8659500

Shii is not a mod.

>> No.8659508
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But I don't wanna join the 700 club; I just use it to relax and then go to sleep.

>> No.8659513

Why don't you guys try shrooms or any other hallucinogen?
They outclass any other drug that exist.

>> No.8659517


No friends, no trip sitters, live with parents.

I really, really wanna try mushrooms and LSD at some point in my life, though.

>> No.8659522
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You know you want to...

>> No.8659524

I don't really know. There's definitely a change of mind though. I get really confused and do stuff for no real reason, like spending 10 minutes fiddling with a fan to get it in the right position/strength, or spending the same amount of time adjusting my blinds so that it won't be too cold/hot/bright in my room in a few hours.

Also it's hard to laugh at stuff. If I'm watching something I just kind of sit there watching it without having any reaction at all. It's a different kind of high, I guess.

>> No.8659527

Just cook DMT and bypass the kiddy drugs. Or make some aya. It is so easy to make as NEET.

I don't really recommend drugs though. But I am known to indulge in nitrous oxide every couple of months. Which is really the perfect NEET drug and I do recommend.

Buy 50 or some from amazon and a whip cream maker + some balloons and have at it.

>> No.8659529

Fuuuuuuck I hate you

>> No.8659546


Would it be safe to take DMT by yourself?

>> No.8659551

In my experience it makes no difference if people are around or not. Maybe do it in a place without things that can be broken or hurt you if you fall. But "you" won't be "here" for 5 or so minutes. In any sense.

I've had unimaginable, alien experiences. Everyone says you see things you couldn't possibly imagine, and it is true. I was blown away for a couple of weeks.

You'll have a new, deep appreciation for "normal" reality when it wears off too.

>> No.8659557

DMT is much safer to take by yourself than other hallucinogens, the trip only last for about 10-15 minutes and you will just be lying down in your bed.

DMT is most potent hallucinogen in the world though, I would not recommend it though as your first hallucinogen.

>> No.8659559
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>Nitrous Oxide

>> No.8659560

I'll add if you try nitrous, that is safe on your own. Just put on some music and you'll drop into a dreamlike euphoria for a minute or so with mild hallucinations. But the euphoria is really utter bliss. But it only lasts for a minute, so you'll have one, then another, then another, then try 2 at once, then have another.. and so on.

>> No.8659569

Not much can prepare you for it aside from 7g of good shrooms in my experience. It's diving into the deep end but I don't think that is exactly a bad thing. I tried it before anything other than mescaline.

>> No.8659581

Highest amount I took was 850mg, years ago. That night was pretty interesting. First off I thought it was 1PMish in the summer (it was 11PM or later), and the phone was ringing, the doorbell was ringing, I thought somebody was in the sleeping bag on my bed, and I heard a dead relative calling my name as well as people outside calling my name. There were also bugs and faces everywhere and a bird in my bathroom on the counter.

These days I take 200mg each night (6 at once, 1 more a half hour later, and then 1 more when I start to feel the effects)to masturbate with and to help me go to sleep.

>> No.8659602

The worst was DXM. I don't even remember how much I took. I really didn't know what was going on. One moment I was in my room, the next I was at the door, then in the kitchen (with my hands down my pants), and then laying upside down on the couch. At one point I was outside standing near the garbage can. Eventually I came back down but it was still incredibly hot in my room (it was actually 70ish, fairly cold to me) and I so took my shirt off. Time also went by so very slowly.

The most interesting was definitely just mixing the two. All I can remember from that night was laying down to watch some anime before going to sleep, and all the characters had two sets of eyes, and they were all speaking English. Of course their conversations made no sense at all, but it was still interesting. I wasn't too out of it and I remember being amazed by it even then.
