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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 320x480, emiry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
849826 No.849826 [Reply] [Original]

Emiry is now modelling in Japan...


>> No.849829


>> No.849835

Who is this person and why hasn't she been getting any sunlight?

>> No.849836

Post this where someone cares.

>> No.849845


>> No.849852

I want to model in Japan...

>> No.849851


>> No.849853
File: 264 KB, 1180x1765, 1213382639418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old news. What we really need are all the high-res photos from the actual shoot.

>> No.849855
File: 176 KB, 1134x669, 1178988124631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.849858

Get the fuck out, you fucking newfags. And no, I'm neither >>849829 nor >>849835.

>> No.849859

/jp/ - weeaboo camwhores

>> No.849862

good god they made her face actually look hot

>> No.849863


>> No.849877

Are you a whore/slut?

>> No.849888


I'm a guy that spends all of his time on the internet. That should be enough for modeling in Japan.

>> No.850503

More power to her, I guess.

>> No.850509

It's the only job she could get. It was this or prostitute.

>> No.851493

>What we really need are all the high-res photos from the actual shoot.

>> No.851501

i hate her but i would hit it so hard

>> No.851506

but doesn't Japan know her white cunt is too huge, saggy and loose to their tiny penises?

>> No.851513

at full force?

>> No.852277


>> No.852303

What the fuck. Is there some sort of a western camwhore boom going on?

>> No.852314

White girlz!

>> No.852320

I don't know who is she, does this make me a troll?

>> No.852327

Everybody is a troll.

>> No.852349


>> No.852352

Dear OP,

Stop reposting this shit. Jesus Christ. It's old fucking news.


>> No.852357

I saved the picture. Going in my fapping folder.


>> No.852408


>> No.852467

She start her own perfume line.
Emiry - Full force.

>> No.852595


>> No.852607

I hate her, but I'd fuck her full force if she didn't have so much AIDS.

>> No.852620


>> No.852656

She looks grossly pale. I mean I think pale chicks are cute but this is just ghostly and gross.

>> No.852668

Go back to /b/ with your opinions.

>> No.852672


ITT virgins don't realize why they're virgins.

>> No.852681

itt /b/

>> No.852683

What's the matter? Too WHITE for you?

>> No.852692

Doesn't OP look really overweight? I mean... come on.

>> No.852695

I give her less than a year before she starts doing porn.

>> No.852696

Back to /b/, please.

>> No.852697

for a model, yes

>> No.852706

Cry moar.

>> No.852940

1) All of you talking shit would fuck her if offered.

2) She made herself popular off the internet and now is living the weaboo dream. So whether you like it or not, she pulled off a weaboo version of EPIC WIN.

Don't hate, congratulate.

>> No.852946

No I wouldn't because I don't want japAIDS

>> No.852950


go back to /b/

>> No.852982

Since when did camwhoring allow someone to get fucking wealthy? When did people stop hating on it? What has my internets turned into...

>> No.852990


>> No.853009


>> No.853013


>> No.853049
File: 56 KB, 254x300, QUALITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) All of you talking shit would fuck her if offered.
Actually I wouldn't. Being a hikikomori master has made me adept at suppressing my sexual urges and it would take more than mere physical attraction to make me let my guard down. I would however go straight home and fap to the memory of smelling her.

>> No.853056

Yes...I understand now...

>> No.853096

1)I don't want syliphus.

2)By being a whore.

>> No.853113



summer rage never quits

>> No.853141

I fail to see how that has anything to do with the summer influx of new posters. Hardcore failure is a staple of all weeaboo boards.

>> No.853159

>go straight home
hikkis dont go out in first place

>> No.853174

PROTIP: He's not really

>> No.853218

We are dealing with fantasy here and I said that because I would theoretically have to leave the house to meet her. Hikis can go outside if they have to it's just that they try to avoid it at all costs and tend to have a lot of panic attacks. I'm usually forced to go out a couple times a year.

I've been one for just over 7 years actually. It shouldn't be a surprise to you that people like me frequent this kind of site.

>> No.853229

this is the true rage thread

so much summer

so much /b/

>> No.853243

Do you think I'll have a chance with her guys?

>> No.853253

I used to troll Emily but now I'm worshipping her. I can't help it.

>> No.855239

bump for more

>> No.855260

What the shit is this fugly whore doing here? Why are there fucking responses without sages? "Bump for more?" All of you get back to /b/ and go bump your fail where it belongs.

>> No.856009

age for sage faget. She knows more Japanese than most you you fuckers and is actually in Japan. No I don't care for her ass but I have had it with all you fuckers who hate all women and that will never get laid.

>> No.856034

>>but I have had it with all you fuckers who hate all women and that will never get laid.

What you're gonna do about it?

>> No.856067


>> No.856068


He's going to age shitty troll threads from the 10th page. WATCH OUT!

>> No.856348

Ignore stupid tripfags like you.

>> No.857386

Less bitchin and more Atop photos. If no one has it, or knows where to get it, than say so.

>> No.857495

Yes, we know from the other 10 threads about her.

>> No.859280

still looking

>> No.860624


>> No.860843

hotter than asian women

>> No.860882
File: 19 KB, 340x316, 1206420736623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.860889

Lol, I remember that thread.

>> No.861938

still looking

>> No.861959

I take it she couldn't get a job that didn't involve whoring herself out.

>> No.863551

I know someone has more.

>> No.863561


Seven years, fuck! And I thought I was an Elder hiki here. How does it feel to have wasted nearly a decade of your life indoors?

Four years by the way.

>> No.863619

ITT: emiry advertises herself in a pitiful attempt to gain popularity.

give it up, magibon usurped your position.

>> No.863760

magibon is cancer.

>> No.865718


>> No.865736

the shittier the thread is the longer it lasts

how many times do i have to report this for illegal content christ

>> No.865773

How long is it gonna take for you guys to admit that she did it? She fucking did it and she managed to become successful with her interest in Japan and OK Japanese skills, whether you like it or not.

>> No.865791

I was a model when I was younger. Where's my success? Why am I broke?

>> No.865796

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.865804

Im male,
I can speak japanese,
I am not ugly (though, consider me a nerd), figure of a model,
And I dont care.

>> No.865813

Did what? What are 'we' supposed to be admitting to?
Maybe she's happy being a model in Japan. Okay. Well done. This is still lol. Professional camwhore.
Full force, indeed.

>> No.865818

You don't care so much that you're posting in this thread just so everyone can see much you don't care.

>> No.865821

Her success only makes my rage harder.

>> No.865827

I dream of a world where people don't incessantly feed terrible trolls.

Why are you killing my dream?

>> No.865837

by the way, there are two types of models.

1) the type that is paid decent money up front.
2) the type that sucks every cock on the way to the photo shoot.

Guess which one she is, and guess how likely it is for her to actually become a real (profitable) success?
