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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8654121 No.8654121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, >>>/vg/ is taking about us...


It's making me blush a bit~

Also, fumofumo thread

>> No.8654125
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>> No.8654134

>It isn't, it is made for madfag thinking everyone should learn Japanese as if everyone is failures like them and has time for such a thing as opposed to studying for universities like medicine, engineering, IT, etc.
Evidently he believes the same thing about learning English.

>> No.8654141
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So we do exist!

>> No.8654140
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Anyone got that link to the person who took his Sakuya fumofumo out on a date?

>> No.8654145
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, Marisa At My Computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restart your thread. I want a proper fumofumo thread.

>> No.8654148

Yeah I do feel a little guilty that I'm ruining a fumofumo thread with stupid meta, maybe we can leave the fumofumoing to later.

>> No.8654155


>> No.8654152
File: 12 KB, 264x49, marisamarisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for it to arrive.
How do I bring it home? Should I put it on the plane cargo or bring in onto the plane?

>> No.8654153

I get a boner from pissing off denizens of other 4chan boards.

>> No.8654154

Hey, any tips on cleaning the dust and dirt off of a fumofumo? Are they surface washable?
I like to cuddle with my Reimu a lot, and she's gotten a little dirty.

>> No.8654157

Same here. I actually get really hard whenever someone tells me to kill myself.

>> No.8654159

There's a pubic hair on her.
you slut.

>> No.8654160


Do it for me please. I don't want a meta thread at this late in the night.

>> No.8654162

Send it for dry cleaning.
Just say it is your niece plushsies.

>> No.8654165

Hello. I am from /vg/.

I require some clarification. I've been attempting to understand what /jp/ is about by reading some of the threads; however, in the course of my reading I have only become more confused.

/jp/ threads:
- idol general (wat is this i don't even)
- which Touhou are you like. wtf is a touhou?
- i'm bored thread. I can relate.
- how many times do you fap to Touhou. okay, now I need to google what "Touhou" is...
- Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code. Appears to be about an online video game, possibly with anime characters.
- truNEETs entertainment thread. Not sure what a NEET is. The thread seems less about japanese culture than it is about what people like to do in their house when, incidentally, the people like japanese culture.

If anyone can clarify the meaning of these threads I would appreciate it.

>> No.8654166


Or you picking it up from japan? If so you should defs bring it on the plane. How would you feel if marisa put you in the plane cargo. You big meanie.

>> No.8654168
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It means get out and go back with your 15 year old Reddit friends on /v/ and /vg/.

>> No.8654172

FUCK my cock, dude.

>> No.8654171

Why aren't metathreads a bannable offense yet?

>> No.8654176

You can always lightly clean something. Just clean a fumofumo like you would any other precious thing, do it gently and slow and make sure you are using very weak cleaning products and try it a bit on the underside of skirts to test it.

Don't use to much water and make sure you fan dry them or something so they don't stink. UV makes colour fade too.

Don't trust anyone else to clean it, especially dry cleaners.

>> No.8654178

Yeah, these things are hard to keep clean. I have two more (Cirno) but they are in a clean storage. I was really happy to see that her hat comes off.

And yes she has bloomers

>> No.8654179

/jp/ was created to get rid of visual novels and touhou in /a/
So /jp/ is basicly touhou/visual novels, but we decide what we want to discuss here and what not

>> No.8654187

What about a very, very light vacuuming (with an attachment specially made for dusting)? Followed by a febreezing?

>> No.8654195

Due to some life complications I am in Japan until at least Reitaisai9. Ordered it because I dont have to pay the insane shipping cost and it can be used as a bolster.
Problem would be bringing it back. I would have to take a 2hours train with her to Narita and then boarding a plane with her.
She isnt exactly small.

>> No.8654198

Ummm... Just stuff that is remotely japanese and has a fanbase.

Touhou is just a set of characters that people like. Kinda like how Lolfriends like their girls and stuff. But touhou is like 60% of this thread.

Melty Blood is the current fighting game people here like to play atm, it's sometimes other fighters. /vg/'s fighting games general people play with us a bit too.

NEET/hikikomori just means unemployed/not studying etc. So just bums trying to make ends meet and asking for advice.

>> No.8654202

Did you get a ultra sized fumofumo?

>> No.8654204

I sleep with my Fumofumos. Is that bad? I always feel bad when I wake up because I worry about rolling over and crushing them or just not being good enough for my touhous.
I make sure I hug them at least twice a day and I always tell them goodbye when I leave and I shout hello to them when I return.

>> No.8654208

One last question, and we'll most to a dedicated fumofumo thread.


Is this tripfriend one of ours? He seems kind of embarrassing.

>> No.8654211

That is the total cost for Giant Marisa with shipping.
Cheap isnt it?

>> No.8654212

You are cute

>> No.8654215


Get out and take him with you.

>> No.8654224

Thank you for the explanations.

Is there a link where I can read more about Touhou?

>> No.8654223

Use a lint roller. The real problem is the stains.

>> No.8654227

Just stop posting and lurk.

>> No.8654230

Crap sorry, I totally misread that as 3000 yen.

$300 bucks for the megafumos? That's pretty intense. Do you know how it is packaged? I mean no one in Japan will harass you about carrying it around, it's just I'm worried for it's safety. It might get scrapped on things.

And crushing and compacting marisa to fit into something smaller seems mean too. I don't know man.

>> No.8654228


>> No.8654236

If you are trying to be funny I suggest you stop.

>> No.8654234

No, not at all. Your fumofumo is more durable than you think, though don't take that as an invitation to be rough with them. Rolling over on them accidentally won't do any serious damage, unless you are a landwhale.
I sleep with mine all the time. I also like to give my fumofumo Reimu hugs, and I give her goodnight kisses on the forehead every night before I go to sleep.

>> No.8654238


Don't bother getting into it if you don't like animes and that kinda of stuff.

The general fanbase don't exactly play the games, they just like the fandom around it, which is like fan music and fan manga and stuff. If you youtubes touhou, you can get a better picture.

/jp/ probably has a bigger actually playing the games fanbase.

>> No.8654242

No idea, I will know when it arrived end of this month.
Also amiami is being a bitch with the giant fumofumo.
They didnt allowed me to combine her with my other touhou order.

>> No.8654246

My fumofumo doesn't have stains, though. She's just covered in a little dust, a little dead skin, and the occasional eyelash.

>> No.8654248

Oh wow, there's some retard in that thread who doesn't think Kamidori is an eroge.

>> No.8654259

I like Japan for the infrastructure they have built in their society as well as their emphasis on education and particularly engineering. I want to move to Japan to experience the culture more and to hopefully find a job as an engineer there. To this end, I am studying Japanese—both the language and the culture.

I do not enjoy most anime, though I enjoyed reading a few manga series (Lone Wolf and Cub, Death Note, Conan). I own no anime action figures and have no plans to purchase any. I read Kafka on the Shore and the Narrow Road to the Interior.

Would I be accepted in /jp/?

>> No.8654264

10/10 post.

not irony here.

i lol'd (:

>> No.8654269

no, go away.

>> No.8654275

If you wanna talk about japan /int/ and /trv/ are your best bet.
/jp/ does not really care for japan except for the stuff they produce

>> No.8654279

>want to move to Japan
Stick with >>>/trv/
Japan isnt exactly bubbles and sparkles. It is actually a terrible place to be in.

>> No.8654280

Depends... are you a little girl?

>> No.8654282

>Would I be accepted in /jp/?
I think a more appropriate question would be "would I get anything worthwhile out of /jp/?" For you the answer to that question is no. If you aren't into 2D girls there is nothing for you here.

>> No.8654287

A big percent of /jp/ doesn't watch anime at all. They just play random games and stuff. Don't really discuss Japan much, but when it does happen it's usually really smart discussions.

It's up to you, the best advice is to lurk around and just check whenever and see if you like the kind of people that post. Or if anything interests you.

A lot of people will be hostile but that's because they want to preserve /jp/'s niche kind of appeal. But /jp/ has already been slipping down hill for a while.

But yeah, it's not a big deal if you don't want to join /jp/. It's kind of this weird commitment if you end up liking it. You kind of want to nurture it and it sucks to see it die.

>> No.8654289
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, Marisa Saying Goodnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright goodnight and take it easy /jp/. Don't piss of Meido too much since I probably got him all hot and bothered with my two CurryButt threads.

>> No.8654293
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why hello there /jp/! how are you tonight?

>> No.8654294

This is a big deal, if you have to have the heart of a little girl.

It's not even a joke. Just be a good person.

>> No.8654302
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>> No.8654305

Thank you. I worry about them, like all my toys.

I also worry about some getting jealous over others when I spend more time with one or another, but that is another story altogether.

I legitimately blushed, but I don't know if you were being condescending or not. If you weren't, thank you, anon.

>> No.8654307

Take it easy, hopefully the next fumofumo thread will have more pictures and be separated from the meta discussion.

Unless you want to stay a while longer, and we can restart the thread?

Or maybe you'd like to wake up and have a bunch of posts to catch up on?

>> No.8654308
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>> No.8654321

I am trying to learn more about the country before moving, so that I am sure I will enjoy myself there and be able to stay for at least a few years.

そう です か

>> No.8654324
File: 140 KB, 704x321, cutestyoukai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want a fumofumo Okuu... How long must I wait?

>> No.8654335

>enjoy myself there
Unless you are a millionaire and you dont have to work, there is no way anyone can enjoy living in Japan.

>> No.8654340


Now you are just derailing the thread. Reported for off topic content. I know the OP wasn't fully into making a fumofumo thread but at least he is trying to correct things.

>> No.8654344
File: 37 KB, 444x600, CGD2-14816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to get these shipped to the US somehow? amiami is accepting preorders for the ex4 remi and

so much charisma

>> No.8654347
File: 167 KB, 640x480, my lovely girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, its my lovely girls waiting for me to go to bed.

>> No.8654349

I'm just going to delete this, I hope everyone else is willing to repost their fumofumo pictures.

I'm really sorry guys.

>> No.8654353

I work in engineering and so far I've enjoyed my research. One of the mates in my lab was sent to a lab in Tokyo for 6 months to learn a surgical procedure and collaborate on research. He seemed to have had fun there, so I'm hoping to find similar employment and a small apartment.

>> No.8654359


Yeah, I'll repost them.

>> No.8654360
File: 247 KB, 768x1024, 6c0ee239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im glad im not the only one with a funi funi mixed in as well
