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8653665 No.8653665 [Reply] [Original]

I'm conducting research. Please tell me your favorite and least favorite megucas. I'll start.

Favorite - Mami
Least Favorite - Madoka

>> No.8653668

None, shit series.

>> No.8653671


>least favorite

>> No.8653677
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>> No.8653678
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>> No.8653683


>> No.8653687


Mami and Homura-Worst

She just wanted cheese and Mami attacked her first

>> No.8653688

Favorite: Teddy bear looking puella magi
Least favorite: Oriko

Of the main five: Best Mami, worst Sayaka

>> No.8653690
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Favorite is Homu

Least favorite is Sayaka

>> No.8653689
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homu number 1
meguka 2nd best
red haired worst meduka
green 2nd worst meduka

>> No.8653693

Favorite - Homura
2nd - Sayaka

Least Favorite - Mami

>> No.8653691


>> No.8653695 [DELETED] 

Reported for anime.

>> No.8653696

Wuld fuk tier - h0mu, sayaka, mami, kyouko, meduka

Wuld not fuk tier - that one slut classmate

>> No.8653697

Hey, no one liked Mami head getting bit off?

>> No.8653700
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As sexy as Mami is, she was a manipulative, cowardly cunt.

>> No.8653701

You forgot Charloette ZUN!Bar

>> No.8653702

Favorite: Homura

Least Favorite: Mami

>> No.8653706 [SPOILER] 
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good taste; i would also fuck all the megukas. I would feed kyouko food filled with my cum, and make sayaka kill people for my love. id make homu suck me off to get meduka's pussy juices off my cock after i fuck her. i would milk mami and get her pregnant over and over and over.

>> No.8653707

Madoka's mother>Homu>Kyouko=Mami>the teacher>the slut>that girl Sayaka was in love with>>>Sayaka.

Madoka doesn't count since she's not a character.

>> No.8653713
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>least favorite: Madoka
>Favorite: Kyouko

>> No.8653721
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Meduka should have been male.

Would have been awesome as HELL.

>> No.8653728

Favorite: Homu
Least: Sayaka or that green-haired cunt

>> No.8653731

Stop forgetting Charloette!

>> No.8653734

Boys can't be magical.

>> No.8653738
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I love kyouko's expressions and tight jean shorts. I wanna sniff her asscrack after a long day.

>> No.8653742


>> No.8653746

Least Favorite - Homu

>> No.8653747

Then it would have been entirely badass girls and weak guys, like Black Lagoon

>> No.8653758


Favorite: Homura

Least Favorite: Sayaka

Man, I thought people had already learned from the past and given up on that love thing by now, /jp/. I guess there's still people like Sayaka around, though.

>> No.8653765


Least Favorite: Sayaka

>> No.8653773

Favorite: h0mu
Less favorite: Sayaka, hate that cunt

>> No.8653790
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Wasn't just love. Violinfag threw away LOYALTY, which is enough to enrage anyone with a sense of honour.

>> No.8653793
File: 311 KB, 849x1214, 42e5080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but male Meduka would have shown Homu the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.8653803


>> No.8653817

There are badass guys in Black Lagoon. All of Hotel Moscow besides Balalaika, that one Chinese guy whose name I can't remember, the shota with the cross-dressing and the axe

>> No.8653827

Favorite - Mami
Least Favorite - Sayaka

>> No.8653829

I'd rape all of them.

>> No.8653830


>implying magical girls can't use magic to grow penises

>> No.8653840

The only guys, other than some random goons, who're weak are Rock at the start, and Garcia.

Even Benny is pretty badass for who he is, even if that doesn't show in the anime.

>> No.8653862

1. Homura
2. Madoka
3. Kyouko
4. Sayaka
terrible shit disgusting horrible character: Mami

>> No.8653864

Favorite - Osaka
Least Favorite - Tomo

>> No.8653879

>Least Favorite - Tomo
She annoyed me too, but that's kind of the point - Tomo being retarded isn't for retard moe or silly laughs, she genuinely has emotional problems. It's things like that that made it so good.

>> No.8653884

How come no one reads the two Meguca spinoff manga?

>> No.8653888

Because what little that made Madoka interesting doesn't translate to the manga at all.

>> No.8653899
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Azumanga hijack

>> No.8653914
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>> No.8653933

Was anyone like horribly disappointed that QB didn't transform to like some mega boss at the end? Because that's what I was expecting.

>> No.8653929
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>> No.8653932 [SPOILER] 
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Favorite: Homu

Least favorite: Mami

>> No.8653942

No, that would have been retarded and wouldn't have fit the story at all.

>> No.8653935
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>> No.8653949
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Favorite: Homura

Shittiest: Madoka

>> No.8653966

Not him, but you're saying this like the story was worth anything at all.

The characters, the visuals, and Homu were the enjoyable things about Madoka - the story was so bad outside Homu's struggle that I'd think it's a parody if I didn't know it's not.

>> No.8653968

No, why should he? I like it better with him being actually good after all. All it needed was a better reason than entropy and Walpurgisnacht should have been more than just a thing to make a deus ex machina ending.

I swear all last year was just characters talking about fate and entropy and flying off into the stars at the end.

>> No.8653969


Worst meguca

>> No.8653978

The characters were bland and awful, I'll agree that the visuals and Homu were nice though.

>> No.8653988

/jp/ sure is HOMU
