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8651818 No.8651818 [Reply] [Original]

>Suika appears to recognize her in Reimu and Suika's scenario of Subterranean Animism.

Is this enough basis for ParuxYuugi?

>> No.8651826
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Logic is unnecessary

>> No.8651834
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>X's friend appears to recognize Y, therefore XxY is valid


>> No.8651856

Touhou pairings are retarded and this is by far the most retarded of them.

>> No.8651859

they must all be lesbians since there are only girls on 2hu amirite guize? XD

>> No.8651863

Die in a fire secondaries. No homosexual relationship between 2 touhous has ever been confirmed. However if you change homosexual to heterosexual then several cases have already happened in Touhou, some Touhous have been married and some even have descendants.

>> No.8651865
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So, if I get you right here...

Suika recognises Parsee.
Suika recognises Yuugi.
Thus Socrates is a cat.

>> No.8651874

Are you sure it's not OkuuxWriggle?

>> No.8651872

I named my cat Socrates. So yes.

>> No.8651891

No. No it is not.

If there is one pairing that is so autistic it makes my ass seethe with the hatred of a thousand suns, it is YuukaxWriggle.


>> No.8651899

You are a colossal faggot if you named your cat Socrates. Cats should have cat names, like Whiskers or Biscuit.

>> No.8651910
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Feels good to take it easy and enjoy whatever pairing comes along.

>> No.8651917
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>> No.8651918


Doesn't that imply that it makes perfect sense?

Yuuka - flower youkai
Wriggle - insect youkai

please respond

>> No.8651924
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So much anal pain.
You will never meet these imaginary girls anyway why are you so pissed that the possibility of them being lesbians is high?

>> No.8651930
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it's not a high possibility though. It's silly, like everything else

>> No.8651935


Everybody in SDM is 100% lesbian.

As are many others.

Stop being butthurt.

>> No.8651974
File: 326 KB, 640x480, 1f86ee0a3bcfd87d846db8ab19247845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dislike silly things. They're not meant to be taken seriously is all

>> No.8651988

Um, no?

First of all, you're not even looking at their actual characterization, you're just ignoring it because that's too troublesome, and you'd rather simplify it to the point of "Yuuka is a flower youkai" and "Wriggle is a insect youkai." For example, you seem to have completely forgotten that Yuuka doesn't like weaklings. She's more inclined to beat them up and make fun of them, and calls this "teasing."

Second, stop acting like pollination = sex or something. That's not how it works at all, it's more like the flower is taking advantage of the bugs to spread its pollen to other flowers. They actually don't give a shit about each other, and the bugs aren't needed at all as long as something spreads the pollen.

Your logic doesn't even begin to imply anything, it's even worse than the sheer lack of logic to support YuugixParsee, you're being a massive secondary faggot and it's extremely irritating.

And yes, before you ask, I am frustrated.

>> No.8651990

You got proof of this, faggot? No, you're making shit up. Fuck off, secondary.

>> No.8652002

Well yes in canon touhous are asexual as said by ZUN himself. Although pairing them with other characters they exist with makes sense.

>> No.8652069

If anyone is a secondary here its you. You seem more secondary than MariAli fans. Chill the fuck out. You want them to be straight so bad that's fine but, it doesn't make them straight nor does it make them lesbians.
They love no one, ZUN never intended them to. The three that were married are no longer married.
Even then do you have proof it was a wiling marriage? No you don't, also their husbands are gone and they don't seem to give a fuck. Why because ZUN wont allow his characters to be anything but asexual. If he did it would cause conflict among the fanbase just like he said he didn't want.
Of course I'm probably wasting my time since you idiots will believe whatever you want instead of the truth.

>> No.8652061


Play some EoSD secondary-kun.

>> No.8652075


If they are asexual why are they talking about things like sex maids?

>> No.8652087
File: 79 KB, 400x300, 1313186869465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still taking it easy and enjoying whatever I want and. Anyone want to join me? It's seriously great.

>> No.8652143

I can't wait until someone releases a doujin where Alice rapes that new fox youkai.

>> No.8652155

How can you write several long paragraphs and somehow fail to mention the one counterargument that would actually be relevant?

Fireflies are predators, so they don't feed on flowers and therefore don't polinate.

>> No.8652173

A knows B
A knows C
Therefore B x C is valid.

Reimu knows Genji
Reimu knows Kanako

Therefore Genji x Kanako is a valid pairing, am I right?

>> No.8652176

I wish I had some pictures for it. That or youki

>> No.8652187


But Parsee and Yuugi know each other, while Kanako and Genji don't. Stop using false analogies.

>> No.8652200

I guess not but...

Marisa knows Alice
Marisa knows Reimu
So Threesome time

>> No.8652207

Why do people keep quoting Suika as a reliable source all the time?

>> No.8652209

Reimu knows everyone so all pairings are justified.

>> No.8652212

Oni can't lie

>> No.8652227

She can't really be trusted since she's drunk all the time.

>> No.8652240

Suika generally doesn't lie, but there are a few times when she does. For this reason, she's an outcast among the Oni in general.

>> No.8652254

Hate people pairing up Yuuka and Kaguya.

Like how the fuck does that even make sense.

>> No.8652256
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Get on our level bitches, or don't, we don't even give a fuck.

>> No.8652272

It's not like I got a problem with it. But you do understand that this is on the level of RPing, right? In other words, if you go this far and then stop and insult someone who's doing a Touhou RP, you're being a hypocrite.

>> No.8652273

I didn't know that, but that works too.

>> No.8652292
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...What? How are they even similar? Where did you even draw that conclusion from?


>> No.8652300
File: 85 KB, 600x600, 7cbe8e8612520e0f75e8a64e11a73d3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tells Marisa "You can eat me..."
>Does a weird kind of child-like flop-embrace on a miffed Reimu in her closing
>Clearly ReimuxRemi is the only logical conclusion.
>Give Marisa the younger loli as compensation.

>> No.8652301
File: 2 KB, 95x95, getsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't lump me in with those hate-everything types, and be more careful with what you imply.
