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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 19 KB, 300x300, sonroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8641903 No.8641903 [Reply] [Original]

And in here is our sons room...

>> No.8641908

Oooh shit

>> No.8641907

If I had a lock on my door as that picture suggests, this scenario could never occur.

>> No.8641909

Fuck you.

>> No.8641912

... it is empty because he moved away years ago.

>> No.8641913


>> No.8641916

Why do americans have lock on their doors INSIDE the house?

>> No.8641917

i just want to stick my butt hole on those door handles

>> No.8641923
File: 466 KB, 849x1200, 97da86d2a6baad00cab86cd0cdcd44fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your father walks in with his friend and this is on your screen

>scramble to click it off
>it freezes

>even if you weren't fapping to it, and just looking at it because of this thread

>> No.8641927

Personal privacy? You know, so people don't walk in on you masturbating to your dakimakura while sticking a vibrator up your anus.

As a Britfag we could really learn a thing or two from our American friends. No houses I have ever visited in Britain have inside locks, but every American house I have visited has.

>> No.8641931

Go ahead. I've got nothing to hide.

>> No.8641933

Epic greentext scenario, /b/rah.

>> No.8641934

My house doesn't have locks on the door.

>> No.8641937

I didn't claim to have visited every house in America. Maybe like four or five.

>> No.8641942

What? I've never seen a lock on an inside door aside from the bathroom.

>> No.8641941

Why wouldn't you? Do you enjoy people barging in on you unexpectedly?

>> No.8641940

Once my dad let in my "friends" when I had nothing on but a blanket wrapped around myself. I waved my arms frantically to get them to leave. It later became a rumor that I was fapping, even my own brother believed it. I convinced him of the ridiculousness of that, why would I continue to masturbate when I knew people were coming? (I knew they were at the door but I told my dad to tell them to go away, I was just trying to take it easy, he let them in anyway)

Those shits weren't even my friends. They once stole lots of my stuff.

>> No.8641944


My Dad wouldn't care. One time he was helping me fix one of my figs because the leg fell off. Some of the hot glue got on her panties and he was like "Haha, it looks like her vagina is wet!"


>> No.8641949

I've never seen a house without locks on the inside doors as well.

>> No.8641950

My house has locks on the doors inside, but my dad took away all the keys because he didn't want us to lock ourselves up so help couldn't get to us in case of an emergency.

>> No.8641953
File: 760 KB, 2097x1362, yuuhi12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>windows+l to lock computer
>logon background shows for a split second
>my monitor when
My dad was standing right there and I'm not sure if he even knew what he saw, but he was looking at the monitor. I guess it's hopeless to think he didn't see it. If he did, that was the one moment my powerlevel showed in all my years.

>> No.8641957

I do this all the time.
Whenever I leave my computer, for going to the toilets or else, I always lock it.

>> No.8641962

These. Though my brother is a dick (sibling rivalry and such) and always pretends he has unlocked my computer. To him it's just a prank (even though we're both in our twenties and really should have outgrow it by now), but to me it really fucks with my paranoia.

>> No.8641961

That's not a big deal. I've seen worse wallpapers for someone to watch you use.

>> No.8641966

My dad shares a room with me, so this was kind of funny to me.

>> No.8641973
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this bolt thing and I've been meaning to install it. I watched/read a few tutorials and it seems pretty simple, but I have a very unsteady hand and I just know I will mess something up.

>> No.8641975
File: 256 KB, 788x1114, f8711f1c2e094a545e5808113ec11091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is 26 years older than my mom (they got married when my mother was 30). He was on a destroyer escort in WWII, this one:

He likes my figs, thinks my Mikuru is sexy, and even checked out my Otome's panties, I guess it's just a guy thing.

>> No.8641977

How would it even be possible to screw up something like that?

>> No.8641978


>> No.8641981 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, TempRF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine, for reference.

>> No.8641983

What a bro. My dad doesn't five a fuck about my shit so it's ok but my mother is allergic to my "japanese crap".

>> No.8641985

I'm not sure if you are courageous or an idiot.

>> No.8641987

Bit of both, maybe.

>> No.8641988

I could drill too far and put a hole through the door. Or I could drill in the wrong place, or misalign the bolt to the keep. Plus it means using power tools, so I could probably injure myself quite easily.
I am not a clever man.

>> No.8641992

Same here. I'd prefer my own room, but it isn't possible at the moment.

>> No.8641991 [SPOILER] 
File: 257 KB, 1500x1036, moe 168463 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about wallpapers, I once had this one and I was told it was cute.
First time someone from my family ever said something about my screen desktop.

>> No.8641993

Dude, make pencil marks where to drill
And drilling through a door is pretty difficult.

>> No.8642003

Thankfully we don't get judgemental visitors very often, and my parents and few friends are also cool with my Touhou plushies and H manga.

>> No.8642004

Your dad sounds like a pretty funny guy.

>> No.8642006

Why not just use screws?

>> No.8642011

I know, I'm using this as a reference:

Another problem is that I have never used a drill before, besides some fucking around at school about ten years ago. I have no idea how to change drill bits or even how to drill (I guess you just push a button then move it forward).

I could ask my dad for help with all this, but that leads to the sort of questions I would rather avoid. I am more the kind of person to just do something myself so even if people object to it, it's too late for them to change my mind.

>> No.8642013

My parents like all my jap stuff. They always get excited when I get a new figure. Their favorite figure of mine is Saber triumphant excalibur by GSC. When it came in the mail my mom was like "Omg its beautiful"

>> No.8642014

>my monitor when
For some obscur reason I've grinned a bit too much on that one.

>> No.8642018

It comes with screws, but all the guides I have found suggest drilling pilot holes first (so the screws have somewhere to go). Plus I'd need to screw them in somehow anyway, and it seems the best way to do this is to use a screwdriver drill bit.

>> No.8642024

ltt: Buttmad nerds

>> No.8642039

How old are you? I though all the wizards left /jp/.

>> No.8642044

Don't listen to neo-/jp/ propaganda.

>> No.8642054

This is not exactly precision machine work you're doing here. Pretty hard to mess up. If you're worried about drilling too far, just wrap some masking tape around the drill bit at the depth you want, and drill until it reaches the tape. Just try to drill as straight as you can, but if it's a bit off it's not going to matter much.

Or just forget the pilot holes, tape the lock to the door, and screw that fucker in. That's probably what I'd do, honestly.

>> No.8642061

Screw it in with what, exactly?
Also I need to chisel away at my doorframe for the keep. That's probably the second most scary part.

>> No.8642070

With an electric drill. They're not difficult to use. Apply pressure and push the button.

>> No.8642076

Is there a specific drill bit for screws? They're Phillips screws.

>> No.8642083

A Phillips bit of an appropriate size, then.

>> No.8642121

God you nerds suck

>> No.8642124

Are they magnetized or something? Or do I just have to push the screw against the door? What if I slip? Without pilot holes, I could easily make a mess of things.

>> No.8642143

It's really not as hard as you seem to think it is. You have to push against the screws when you're screwing them in, so it's not like they're going to fall. And there's really not much damage you could cause by "slipping". It's not brain surgery.

For fuck's sake, get a scrap of wood and try putting a screw in it as practice if you're that nervous about it.

>> No.8642161
File: 2 KB, 300x300, screw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if the screw can penetrate the wood at A, then surely it can at B too? I could easily slip and start drilling diagonally upwards or something.

>> No.8642186

Wow, maybe he met some Strike Witches! Ask him about Yeager!

>> No.8642189
File: 612 KB, 900x1200, abd697aca71f7cc0f2b72a3537abcd76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to worry a bit about that kind of stuff when I still lived with my family. Now that I've lived alone for near two years though, oh boy.

Masturbating with my pants down in front of the computer, not even bothering to minimize eroge/booru/whatever windows when stepping away from the computer, shortcuts to eroge on the desktop, keeping all of my 2D images (doujinshi, CG sets and harmless fanart alike) in a huge, unprotected folder right in the hard drive's root directory...

If I for any reason had to share the apartment with someone other than my cat... Well, I'd have to kick a lot of habits and form a few new ones, that's for certain.

>> No.8642193

Wow, have you never used a drill or even screwdriver before?

Some bits are magnetized, just hold it straight and apply a bit of pressure and it should go in.

Just make sure the screws aren't long enough to go through your door.

If you don't have a drill you can do it with just a screwdriver. It will be a lot harder and take longer but it's possible.

Also, are the screws it came with meant for drilling into wood? Do they have a point? If it said to make pilot holes they might just be for screwing into and holding the lock. Not making a new hole.

Yes it can screw in at an angle. The only reason it will do that is if you hold the drill at an angle. If you slip the screw will probably just slip off the bit. Even if it goes in crooked it will probably work as long as it puts pressure against the object.

>> No.8642194

What if you were to get a girl?

>> No.8642196

So go slow and hold the drill straight. Make the pilot holes if you need to.

Seriously, it's not that hard. Any monkey can do this shit.

>> No.8642203

> Wow, have you never used a drill or even screwdriver before?
I have used a screwdriver, yes.

Sorry for not having had the need to drill something before. Why do you people always assume these things? "Oh you don't even know how to use a colander?!" No I don't, because I have never needed to use a colander. Nobody has taught me how to use a colander, so I do not know how to use a colander.
Fuck you people who automatically decide everyone knows how to do things you know how to do, and fuck you for deciding I should psychically know how to do it otherwise.

>> No.8642213

Well I am sorry but not everyone is born with jesus level carpentry skills alright?

>> No.8642220

Haha Anon, don't get so mad. It's just funny to me because even my 10 year old nephew can use a drill.

Like someone else said, practice on some random wood if you're nervous. Look up a youtube video if you have too.

Is it not possible for you to buy a new door knob that has a lock? I live with my father and replaced the door knob to one that had a lock and key.

>> No.8642223

What I'm saying is that it basically doesn't take any skill at all. Like I said, just try it. Practice on a piece of scrap to gain confidence.

>> No.8642282
File: 243 KB, 600x849, d94de9d4f9b5818ea727eb8f8eb33223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If getting a girlfriend won't lead me to changing my habits, I doubt that there's anything that will aside from being kicked out on the street and/or being forced to move back with my parents.

The chance that either happening in the immediate future are pretty slim, though.

>> No.8642287

You're not me. Don't try to give people the impression you are me,

Great. I am sure there is a ten year old prodigy out there who has a PhD. Let's all bring that up so everyone who is in their twenties and doesn't even have a degree feels terrible!

>> No.8642301

/jp/ - Carpentry General

>> No.8642298

My parents think I'm an autistic kid playing kirby games all day long. I prefer that to the fact that I wank to loli vampires.

>> No.8642323

only my houses bathrooms have locks.

>> No.8642336
File: 378 KB, 650x797, e62682fa3240ad33dac261282c84b547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize you need a phd to operate a drill, sorry.

Seriously, I want you to try it and realize how SIMPLE it is. Then you can come back and tell use you did it. Then MAYBE we'll praise you and pat your head.

>> No.8642370

>having a lock on your bathroom
seriously you guys

>> No.8642386

My bathroom door doesn't even have a working latch. That is, the door handle doesn't work at all. If you close the door it just swings open. Really annoying since it means I have to prop something up against the door whenever I have my yearly shower or take a dump. Unfortunately my family don't seem willing to fix it, and are happy to take a shit with the door wide open.

>> No.8642395

I bought myself a different door handle a few years ago with a lock that uses actual keys instead of a tiny flat screwdriver.

>> No.8645769
File: 1.48 MB, 2400x1600, 59bb65de74b1032ec27a61b79b0c59d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8645777
File: 59 KB, 480x360, gaijin4koma_peersblog_1200684654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmm, thanks.

>> No.8645793 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 685x600, 1330361718420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dad walks in
>sees this image of a nude loli being tortured.
how fucked are you?
