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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8641239 No.8641239 [Reply] [Original]

My family just told me if I don't start going to church with them or find another church to go to I'll be kicked out of the house. I already go somewhere I hate for work five days a week why should I let anyone ruin my Sunday too?

>> No.8641244

You have a job and you still live with your parents?
It's time to spend your money.

>> No.8641247

It sucks to be a christian.

>> No.8641248

It's not like mass takes a whole day.

Also, churches are really cool places. Find some nice church, and start going to the early morning mass.

Otherwise, man the fuck up and move out.

>> No.8641253


>> No.8641254

Go to church.

Or, move out. What do you do for a living? Fuck your Christian parents.

>> No.8641257
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Just go somewhere you like and say you're going to church, of course. For instance, a /jp/ meetup.

>> No.8641255

I've been going to church to appease my parents for years. It's not that horrible.

On the other hand, I don't work. If you have a job, why not move out?

>> No.8641270

Stay up all night Saturday, drink on Sunday morning, then sleep in church.

Or say you're going to church, then go sleep in a park.

As you can see, I don't give a fuck, and any time spent doing something I don't like is a good time to sleep.

>> No.8641272

He might live in a city where it costs 2-3x minimum wage to actually live on.

>> No.8641275

The Church of /jp/.

>> No.8641280

This. I can either live with my family or move in the ghetto and I like having nice things and not being stabbed.

>> No.8641294

If that's the case and his parents are threatening to kick him out knowing that's the case, his parents are assholes.

>> No.8641288

Then man the fuck up and stop complaining, you should be glad you only have to do that much.


>> No.8641289

I feel you bro, but do as I do, keep fantasizing all the time, do a movie in your head, imagine cute and funny things all along the celebration, and soon the time in that hell will be over.

If you still like 3D women, check them out, and again, fantasize. You can have pervert thoughts about the kids there too.

Or do as >>8641244 says.

Good luck.

>> No.8641296

Don't comprimise on the issue.
If you actually have a job, you might be able to move out.

>> No.8641298

Go to a snake handler church. If the nearest one is far away, contact them describing your earnest desire to practice their faith, and they will give you a ride, during which you can play gameboy. Religious people are crazy.

>> No.8641306

I recommend pointing out the hilarious irony in their actions.
Remind them of christian virtues, and recommend that they actually pay attention when they go, instead of making it some stupid bullshit they go through to justify breathing.

>> No.8641309

Time is money. You need to pay for the X amount of free hours on Sunday. Unless you do that >>8641270 says

>> No.8641311

go to a different church or say you're going to one
whatever you do, buy a psp, ds, 3ds, and/or vita so in case you actually have to go to a church, you'll be able to read e-books, play games, watch movies, read vn's, watch anime, or you bring a laptop and browse /jp/ while doing the above

>> No.8641319

The idea of browsing /jp/ in a church amuses me. Do that, OP.

>> No.8641321
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You could always just follow their instructions. Go to church, do whatever the hell you want there.

>> No.8641320

to be frank he'd probably save time by being at his parent's house, divided. chores/cooking/maintenance, leaving is the worst situation for him no matter what, he can be way lazier, I mean 2 hours of mass is way less than taking care of your own place and cooking every week.

>> No.8641326

Either you start going to church or you start paying rent. Decide which is more important to you.

>> No.8641329

I've done it before. My parents' church's wireless blocks 4chan, though, so I have to browse via the archives. Usually I just bring my DS/PSP and play games.

>> No.8641332

I'm already paying them rent.

>> No.8641335
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>> No.8641336

what kind of job do you do?

>> No.8641361

>/jp/ers going to church
Seriously, just get out, all of you.

>> No.8641398

Just go and find a way to not be bored to death if it's the only way. If they're that bad then talking to them will be impossible. Don't ever make the mistake of considering the slight possibility that if you explained things they would understand. They won't. Ever.

>> No.8641408

Convert to touhouism, browsing /jp/ is like one big mass

>> No.8641414
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Trying to turn this into Iku thread I see.

>> No.8641418

Then tell them you want to pay someone else rent, and don't give them your new address.

>> No.8641427
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Fuck yeah

>> No.8641431

Move out.

>> No.8641434

Parents forcing you to go to church? Are you murrikan? Because I don't know where aside from villiages and murrika, people force someone to go to church.

>> No.8641436



>> No.8641441

How old are you kid if your parents are still making you go to church? Mine don't do that any more.

>> No.8641445

Give it a chance, anon. You might even make a friend!

>> No.8641447

>*of shit
thanks to ryan, showa, tokiko, only days before moot decides to delete this board

>> No.8641452

Ewww why are you replying to me. I'm not pure anymore, fuck you, jerk.

>> No.8641454

You forgot wtH and king of jp liberty kun

/jp/ wont get deleted

>> No.8641458

I'm moving out in a couple weeks. Want to come along, OP?

>> No.8641457

At least you have the option of choosing a church. Mine force me to attend Jehovah witness meetings. If I don't go with them, they don't want to have anything to do with me or associate with people out of the congregation so they'll tell me to leave. I'm in college, so not even the option of leaving is available to me right now unless I want to rack up debt.
They also go through my brothers videogames, and my mom snapped his darksouls CD because apparently it's a demonic game. Siblings aren't allowed to read anything like harry potter either.

>> No.8641461

Go find a Shinto temple and worship your favorite 2hu.

>> No.8641466

Sure. You live in the southern US?

>> No.8641467

If they were anything like the private school I went to growing up you weren't allowed to watch anything disney related because it dealt with magic and it was evil

>> No.8641474

Do shinto temples exist in america? Like actual real ones?

That would be kind of interesting to see.

>> No.8641477

Oh shit, my grandfather was a Jehovah witness, I feel for you.

Nice enough people if you manage to stop them from trying to convert you, but they really treat their faith way too seriously.

>> No.8641478

Tell them that you've joined Ordo Vagorum and are part of the clergy now. It certainly isn't a lie.

>> No.8641486

They're just hypocrites, not nice people at all. If they truly believed in their faith past what is convenient for them, they would live like the Amish. All the higher ups who run the deal in New York run it like a business too.

>> No.8641491

>Not filtering those attention starved schoolchildren.


>> No.8641495

Yeah, Texas. You?

>> No.8641500
File: 41 KB, 333x465, Kyouko (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha oh wow I guess they do exist. Just did a quick search and came up with this:


>> No.8641506


>> No.8641507

They even have aikido

>> No.8641515

Ouch. That's awful.

Do you have your own car, at least?

>> No.8641517

I happen to be Pagan with Christian parents, myself.
I also have a spot of luck in that, our church worship band is LOUD and I have chronic migraines, so I generally don't go. We occasionally go to a local Episcopal church, but I like that one.

>> No.8641521

Nothing wrong with being a "school child." It's the reason why I can actually form coherent arguments and not greentext and sage shitpost like many self-proclaimed "NEET" and high school drop outs.

>> No.8641527

Yeah and I'll never be NEET again until it's payed off.

>> No.8641539



Why do people insist on exchanging one retarded religion for another religion that is just as retarded?

I'm convinced you idiots just do this to be different, and for a sense of community or belonging.

>> No.8641545

I'm convinced that you're a stuck up pig.

>> No.8641567

Ah, yeah. Debt's a real bitch. I avoid it like the plague.

/jp/ isn't really a suitable place to have a chat, though...

>> No.8641581 [DELETED] 

Get a load of THESE gaijin

>> No.8641584

Aikido is a very powerful martial art, despite it's spiritual origins. A lot of secular people have even adapted it.

>> No.8641592
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get a load of these gaijin

>> No.8641597


No, you're just an idiot.

>> No.8641594

fuck off you annoying faggot

>> No.8641604
File: 159 KB, 500x738, 1316238377943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved out of my parents' house.

It was my goal for years, I worked really hard. They wouldn't take a drop out for a job, so I invested in getting my GED. Then I searched, and I finally got a job, then they finally gave me enough hours. A landlord finally didn't scoff at my applications when I offered obscene amounts of rent in advance.

I feel a bit hollow now, having finally achieved it. I'm also afraid of losing my job. Sometimes my father comes around for stupid things, lets himself in before I even offer as soon as I open my door, uses the toilet every time without fail, usually to shit. He also asked me if I can use the garage in the apartment block, I said I didn't know and asked why it would matter. He said because if they ever gets evicted from their house they'll need it when he temporarily stays here. He said it as if I didn't have a choice in the matter. Next time I will tell him to go away because he isn't welcome. If I can find the courage.

>> No.8641607

Well, DESIRE DRIVERS just ended, and I have places to be today, so I'll just drop this here.

AIM: AugustOsari

If you don't have AIM or whatever, I'll check the thread (or the archive) when I get back, so you make a suggestion.

Yes, I just gave out contact information on /jp/.

>> No.8641610


I believe that you can do it, Anon. Make sure you have one of those chains on the door so he can't barge in.

>> No.8641614

Jehovah's Witnesses are fucked up. There was a case over in BC where this couple had sextuplets, but refused blood transfusions on the basis of religion. 2 of them died.

Stupid shit like this makes me borderline anti-religion.

>> No.8641620

You can't stop people believing in stupid things. If it isn't religion, it'll be pseudoscience, or luck or horoscopes or ridiculous political stances.

>> No.8641638

/jp/ is bad at critical thinking.

Just tell them you're going to another church. It just so happens that yours starts after theirs and ends before theirs. It'll be like you never left.

I guess wake up every few weeks or so and get dressed before they leave, then just go back to bed.

>> No.8641641

or waifus

>> No.8641649

>another church
>My family just told me if I don't start going to church with them
>with them

>> No.8641652


>with them
>My family just told me if I don't start going to church with them or find another church to go to I'll be kicked out of the house.
>or find another church
>another church

/jp/ - Reading Comprehension

>> No.8641656

"go to church?"

What a waste of time.

>> No.8641665

This, but unironically.

>> No.8641666

Roommate(s), if you're careful <$400/month including utilities.

>> No.8641675

tell them you go right after work on saturdays to the catholic church in the area. boom, problem solved.

>> No.8641707

Most of us probably didn't read that far and assumed they would check if he's going. But yeah just pretend.

>> No.8641718

>Roommate(s), if you're careful <$400/month including utilities.
I can hardly stand sharing space with family, let alone a stranger. And you suggest multiple strangers? To a /jp/ user? I'm glad I can afford a place for myself.

>> No.8641727

Or to make it more convincing, actually go somewhere. You have a car, so you can drive to a park or something and take a walk.

>> No.8641738

Man the fuck up, bitch. You should be able to take a few stabs anyway before you drop, that will give you more than enough time to pound the ever loving shit out of the guy. And maybe you should try getting two jobs instead, then you'd be able to afford a house in a nice area.

>> No.8641740

Church lolis are the best.
If you don't live in a trashy area, spending those few hours in the presence of polite, adorable lolis is actually quite enjoyable.
Might as well make the most of the situation, right?

>> No.8641748

ah, there is actually a very cute looking pale blonde loli at the Jehovah witness congregation I have to go to. She talks in a very proper tone and is also home schooled.

It's strange though, not like you'd expect. I want to punch her to see how she would react, she does not seem very real at the moment.

>> No.8641744

Where do you guys work that allows you to live on your own?

>> No.8641750

No... Aren't little boys more of a Christian thing?

>> No.8641751

I do programming for various websites and random odd jobs around town.

>> No.8641754

That's catholic, anon.

>> No.8641760

Church of Satan is your only option.

>> No.8641761

The same thing asswipe.

>> No.8641766


Not to Catholics (I know, it's retarded)

>> No.8641770

Do you realize how many branches of Christianity there are?

Catholicism is Christianity, but not all Christianity is Catholicism and it would be faulty to assume that they are one and the same.

>> No.8641775

Isn't it wonderful? You don't find these kind of girls anywhere else, at least not where I'm from.
Ankle length skirts and hair pull back with a headband is about enough to send me into cardiac arrest.

>> No.8641779

Guess again

>> No.8641780


I've actually had discussions with Catholics who will deny being Christians. To them Catholicism is an entirely different religion or something.

>> No.8641782

Since this is a shitty thread i'm going to ask my shitty question here.

I remember seeing a Boku no Pico anal toy with anal hole and penis a long time ago on a thread about one-a-hole, and now i'm regretting not saving the link of that. Anyone know the name and where i can find? I already searched every single popular site to no avail.

>> No.8641791
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>> No.8641796

It's funny. Everywhere I go people complain about church being boring. Ours is pretty much a seminar. Minimal singing, minimal preaching. It is more like a class, with people askign questions, reading about archeology, history and studying ancient aramic language.

I like it. But what is this doing in /jp/?

>> No.8641797

Same. Though Catholicism is obviously a branch of Christianity, it IS like a completely different religion with its own set of rules and codes. It's similar to how Buddhism practices vary by region.

>> No.8641810
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Burn it down, burn it all down and swear loyalty to Odin and Thor!

>> No.8641815

Huh? I've seen Catholics who deny others being Christians, sure, but themselves?

>> No.8641818
File: 66 KB, 225x225, Heresy-stamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestantism happened for a reason.

>> No.8641825

Thor was used to introduce Jesus Christ into the north lands, by making him friendlier to the downtrodden population, modeling him after Christ.

So when you worship Thor, you worship Jesus.

>> No.8641829
File: 93 KB, 300x225, vargvikernessmile1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.8641836


Actually the religion came about some time after Christianity took over the region. It was originally just a collection of stories about war heroes with the original author not expecting it to become an entire religion.

>> No.8641844

If Jesus is/was a badass, drunken, chariot riding bastard who threw bolts of lightning everywhere, then sure, call me a Christian.

>> No.8641848

Strange. The Eddas were assembled during the 13 century or so, but the cult of Odin was supposed to have already been going in the proto-germanic religion during the 4th century.

>> No.8641860

This is /jp/, they don't specialize in Nordic theology.

And yes, polytheism was around before Christ Almighty got his monks killed by vikings in the North.

>> No.8641868

Screw you, that's my name.

>> No.8641874

My condolences.

>> No.8641876

By any chance were you an accident?

>> No.8641881

I bet ZUN won't expect it either...

>> No.8641885

>past tense

I think it should be 'didn't'

>> No.8641890

If it was past tense he would have written "I bet ZUN won't expected it either."

Learn you're grammar, Anonymous!

>> No.8641906

but it will happen in the future, full fledged touhou religion

>> No.8641932

I knew a guy called christian once. Guy had ADHD.

>> No.8641954

I didn't read the whole thread but I have a little advice. Which kind of church do your parents go to? People keep mentioning attending mass but if you're in Alabama I'm guessing your parents are probably Baptist? Being Catholic and going to mass is FAR less annoying compared to a Baptist sermon. Mass isn't really that long and usually it is in Latin so you don't even have to listen. Going to a Baptist church in the south is horrible and sometimes they expect you to be there almost all day listening to some psychopath rant and rave about gays burning in hell and you are pushed to be active and socialize. If they are letting you pick your own church go find a Catholic one with a short mass, go there a few times so you can tell them about it and prove you were there. Then stop going and just go somewhere else on Sunday.

>> No.8641968

or he can also search for the rare, few sane christian cults still left. They at least make it interesting.

>> No.8641971

>"I bet ZUN won't expected it either."


>> No.8642010

Quote Matthew 6:5-6: "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men....when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret"

Suddenly you're more devout than your parents.

>> No.8642074 [DELETED] 

Say you are converting to islam and that you can't visit a temple of indifels.

>> No.8642081

Say you are converting to islam and that you can't visit a temple of infidels.

>> No.8642118

I was implying it was already at that.
