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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 192 KB, 450x305, Jap epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8641552 No.8641552 [Reply] [Original]

Question to the /jp/ers in Japan


have you even seen one of these?

>> No.8641593

Is that a band and who are they?

>> No.8641609

>Best guess for this image: growl strike

>> No.8641618
File: 292 KB, 600x386, niggerfuck jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8641693
File: 68 KB, 175x155, ohu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change Japan.

On a serious note though I can kind of sympathize with Japanese nationalists. They want to keep their country clean, pure, innocent and free of crime.

>> No.8641710

WTF A SWASTIKa !!!!!!!!!?????????111

>> No.8641724

fuging five star post :P

>> No.8641730

I wonder what are those japs thinking. We gave them our western clothes, buildings, technologies, weapons etc. Murrika saved their asses with mooney after being nuked, and even saved their shitty emperor.
If it wasn't for the white man Japan would be a shithole right now.
White race is the master race and I go where and whenever I want and no shitty gook can stop me. It's also funny seeing a jap with a nazi flag. Do they think that Hitler didn't consider them subhuman because he made them his allies? How silly.

>> No.8641731

Crimes done in Japan are done by Koreans and Japanese, the rest has a fairly lower crime rate.

What do you even mean by that, get out.

>> No.8641733

>keep their country clean, pure, innocent and free of crime.

Huah uah... Oh lawdy...

>> No.8641739

Most of the rightist grunts are zainichi though. They are also backed by yakuza, which has a lot of corean members.

>> No.8641781


Who nuked them in the first place? It's like saying you should be grateful if the same guy who stabbed you in the gut sent you to the hospital. They're hardly better off being a western puppet it as it currently stands, they've lost a lot of self determination, and I think it has a lot to do with the neetdom epidemic going on there.

>> No.8641803

>Who nuked them in the first place?
They were nuked during war, USA wasn't obliged to pay money to the agressor. I don't see japs paying money to Asia for their war crimes which took much more lifes than a few nukes.

>> No.8641807
File: 61 KB, 350x500, medium_Japan-Smash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8641831
File: 263 KB, 600x800, 1267997091753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, pretty much. I've stopped even mentioning Korea to Japanese friends, because I continue to be heartbroken to hear otherwise intelligent people say shit like "We apologized to them about taking over their country and systematically raping them - what more do they want?"

>> No.8641837


They didn't do it out of the kindness of their hearts I can assure you of that. Once again, they just wanted another puppet state and a place to set up a new base.

As far as American influence goes for the nips, I'd say it's horrible for them, but great for us and people interested in Japanese media. I just hope it doesn't fester too much and Japan stops being Japan.


Well what more do you want, kike? Geez. Koreans really are the Jews of asia.

>> No.8641841

The issue is that Korea continually denies the fact that Japan has ever even formally apologized, while the truth is that Japan paid them reparations money on a large enough scale to take over a large portion of the world's steel industry and completely rebuild their economy. Korea has this massive chip on their shoulder, when the honest truth of the matter is that Korea is the in-between territory that China and Japan have been fighting over for millenia, but they somehow only remember the grievances against Japan. Add this to the general inferiority complex, the revisionist history and nationalist fervor, and Korean culture and ideology is pretty unpalatable.

>> No.8641847

The US didn't give Japan a single red cent. They gave them relaxed import tariffs and preferential trading rights, and even that was for purely self-serving reasons. With the communist influence spreading eastward from Europe, the US wanted to set up an easily controllable buffer state to keep the Red Scare at arm's reach. Also, Japan was only the aggressor militarily, the US sort of prompted things with the crippling economic sanctions they placed on Japan prior to that. I realize that you're probably just a troll, but be a little more convincing, most of us around here don't have much else to do other than edify ourselves in one way or another.

>> No.8641850
File: 93 KB, 670x870, 1328907783273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Apologists for fascism.

>> No.8641856

I don't care. You can't make everyone like you. I only wish I could live in such an homogeneous country.

>> No.8641857

Lookit those little guys tryin' act all tough, I'd like to see them come 'round my neighborhood.

>> No.8641864

>The US didn't give Japan a single red cent.
Actually they did. Japan was a broken shithole after war.

>> No.8641863





>> No.8641893

You mean the food and shit we gave the survivors of the nuclear blasts? Or the paychecks to the soldiers we sent in to run their country for them? We didn't write them a check like you're implying.

>> No.8641902


The reason that they tend to single out Japan more than China is because China hasn't really fucked over Korea in hundreds of years. Most of the shit they did to them was back in the olden days. Japan, however, has been messing with China much more recently. There are still Koreans alive today that saw that shit Japan did to them in WWII.

Its the same way in the US, when people hear German they often times think NAZI right away. But when they hear British, do they think evil colonial oppressors? No, because the revolutionary war was a long time ago.

>> No.8641901

>Swatiska flag
I'm getting mixed messages here. I'm german, does this mean I'm welcome now?

>> No.8641910


I better not hear about the holohoax 50 years from now then.

>> No.8641919

It being an understandable phenomenon on a personal level does not make it a rational basis for national policy.

>> No.8641925

As if you'll even live that long.

>> No.8641951
File: 1 KB, 360x216, ro}fasc5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascist bros for life dude

>> No.8642715

Dint watch the video but I am sure it will confirm my view on how everyone in japan is like.

No matter what they say or do they will always hate anyone who is not japanese

>> No.8644226
File: 28 KB, 238x336, 1280036597900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8644547
File: 11 KB, 265x363, Hiroshima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8644572
File: 25 KB, 500x393, 1280036467816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8644584


>> No.8644591

coreans are even worse

>> No.8644601

Jesus, that's an ugly negro. Who even faps to that

>> No.8644599
File: 3 KB, 200x200, 4366057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have rallied behind your Tosuiken and saviour Toyama Koichi when you had the chance.
Now, it is too late. Far too late for now, anyway.

>> No.8644622

Typical 4channer

"Oh look, some of these Japanese things interest me"
"Wait, what? I am -not- obsessed!"
"Huh? No I -hate- Japan, don't get me wrong"
"See, according to some grumpy bloggers, japan is the worst country on the planet. I don't even wanna be liked by those racists anyway"
"Haha, jokes on you weeaboo!"

>> No.8644628

stay mad nip

>> No.8644640

Those japs stand out against the White master race. Give me at least one good reason why should I like them?

>> No.8644641

>Those japs stand out against the White master race.
I don't even understand what this sentence is supposed to mean. "Stand out"as in a tall guy stands out in a crowd?
>Those japs stand out against the White master race.

>> No.8644643

it means to oppose someone. jesus

>> No.8644649

Your English sure doesn't look like a white master race wrote it. Are you sure you're not a mudblood?

>> No.8644657

That's "stand up", as in "stand up for your rights." "Stand out" would mean for an individual or class to contrast with or be easily distinguishable within a larger grouping.

>> No.8644662


>> No.8644667

>British English
Makes sense. So you're a muslim mudblood. No wonder you use such ugly English.

>> No.8644679

Whatever pal, you're sure eager to show me some topic related argument.
>muslim mudblood.
Sure is a sub-/int/-level trolling here.

>> No.8644683

What kind of topic related argument do you get out of this? Who can shout the loudest?
>Those japs stand out against the White master race. Give me at least one good reason why should I like them?
