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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8633495 No.8633495 [Reply] [Original]

"Actual discussion about the game" edition

Previous thread:

>> No.8633502

Condense your threads, you fucking faggot.

>> No.8633511 [DELETED] 


I only see a meta thread and this. What other thread are you talking about?

>> No.8633513
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It's okay--I can tell you're just jealous of my perfect typeface, with its beautifully curved descenders and flawless kerning. Marvel at the elegance that you can never have, and enjoy your fat Arial or Helvetica or whatever it is you use.

>> No.8633516

If every thread that a single troll went to town on was remade we'd have drowned in idol threads a long time ago. Even those fags have more discipline than you.

>> No.8633518


>> No.8633525

>Neptunia / Idea Factory / Otaku games thread

WOW. So to prove me wrong, you turned around and... what, exactly? Proved me right?

Reported. Take this piece of shit to >>>/vg/ or actually argue for your continued stay. If you can't do that, then just fuck right off.

>> No.8633551
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I'd rather talk about the game.

>> No.8633556


>> No.8633558

That's great! That's a lovely attitude.

I'll just go right ahead and redirect you to a place where you can do that. Please try >>>/vg/ or >>>/v/

>> No.8633560

Seems meido deleted a post but not the thread.
We now have another precedent that non-doujin, mainstream console video games with official Western releases belong in /jp/ and should be posted regularly despite the fact /vg/ exists.

I hope you're happy, meido ;_;

>> No.8633567

Cut him some slack, man. It's much easier to delete random simple shitposting, than to make an actual decision that might make a million faggots angry, no matter what the rules say.

>> No.8633574
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>> No.8633577

Seriously though, why don't you people discuss it in /vg/? Honest question. You know it would be accepted without question in /vg/. Do you just enjoy the company of /jp/ more? Are you intentionally antagonizing people?
Sorry if this sounds like an attack against you (I don't really know or care about this game or its fans) but it does baffle me why you wouldn't discuss something in what is clearly a more appropriate board. I mean, I like cooking but dislike /ck/. I'm not about to make DIY pizzas threads in /jp/ because "otakus eat pizza" or whatever. Unless people would like that. Would you like that, /jp/?

>> No.8633585
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Back to /vg/ ``please''

>> No.8633593 [DELETED] 


He didn't do jack shit. That was me. I deleted all of my posts in the big big meta thread as well.


>> No.8633594

They wouldn't like that, but it's the same pathetic reasoning they use to insist upon their stay. Then, they get angry as hell when someone comes along and says anything about it.

I can't fault them for preferring the company of /jp/ but that isn't my damn problem. It's up to them to take the high road and boot the morons out of their threads, once they have established themselves in their new and proper board.

>> No.8633598

the reason these keep turning into meta-threads is because you guys can't ignore trolls.
Learn to do that and they'll leave you alone.

>> No.8633601

There's nothing wrong with discussing something that's otaku related (JRPGS) with /jp/ who has better discussions than /v/ or /vg/.

>> No.8633602

Well meido is around. He just deleted a NSFW thread. Meido, ask your superiors! If you can. Go to /j/ or #janiteam or something, I don't know if they still exist.

You shut the fuck up. I'm asking them.

>> No.8633603 [DELETED] 


The problem is there are more shitposters than actual posters.

>> No.8633609

>You shut the fuck up. I'm asking them.

Heh, and you are expecting an honest answer that isn't based on emotion? How naive, how naive!

I just gave you the most logical reason you can expect to get.

>> No.8633606

This is what shitposters really believe.

>> No.8633608

>I'm not about to make DIY pizzas threads in /jp/ because "otakus eat pizza" or whatever. Unless people would like that. Would you like that, /jp/?
I see no problem with that since baking things is /jp/ related

>> No.8633610 [DELETED] 
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He deleted my nonsensical and no purpose please delete my thread meido thread as well. I kind of feel bad about turning against him and working with the shitposters though.

>> No.8633611

We were always talking about otaku themed games in here, why should we stop now because some neofaggot decided he doesn't like this? Don't you think it's ridiculous?
And no, a jrpg that is targeted at the very same audience that reads visual novels and plays doujin games isn't the same as pizza.
And personally I think a thread about pizza would easily get +100 replies, just add the word "NEET" or "HIKKI" at the begining.

>> No.8633613
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>> No.8633615 [DELETED] 


You know I could actually get used to a career of shitposting. I mean, look at CurryButt and everyone else. They don't/didn't seem to care about meta talk or worry about anything.

From now on I am just going to take it easy.

>> No.8633621

I guess. The problem is that everything ever is otaku-related. Anime is otaku related, but /jp/ was created specifically to keep anime in /a/. There are 9 other "Japanese culture" boards on the front page of 4chan--in addition to plenty of image/porn dump and broader boards--and any single one of their topics could be considered "otaku-related". Obviously we're a bit of a wildcard board and there will be some overlap, but there is a perfectly-fitting board in this case.

I will give you that /jp/ has better discussions though. Again if I wanted to discuss, say, ramen, I would rather discuss it with /jp/. Though I would probably post it in /ck/ because I am scared of being different. But as I'm sure you're aware, if I made /jp/ "Ramen/General", the ramen fans from /ck/ would flock here and it would just be like a /ck/ thread. Then everything that made /jp/'s ramen discussions better in the first place would be gone. The ramen "userbase" has just moved.

>> No.8633617

>You know I could actually get used to a career of shitposting.
No, you were always a shitposter.

>> No.8633618

Yes and don't forget to change your system font, Droid-san.

>> No.8633619

>We were always talking about otaku themed games in here

Appeal to incorrectness. We're also always talking about penises. Therefore, by your logic, we should have a dedicated penis thread, right?


>> No.8633623

It's one shitposter that keeps bumping this shit, plus one other guy that agrees with him.
Can't you tell from their post style?

>> No.8633625

Penises aren't otaku culture related.

>All video games of any kind go in /v/.

>> No.8633630

That's not me either. You're bad at this.
Unless you're specifically trying to throw me off.
You crafty bastard.

>> No.8633632 [DELETED] 


Thank you for the words of encouragement.

>> No.8633633

I saw a few good threads about ramen here already.
You must be new or something?

>> No.8633634

>But as I'm sure you're aware, if I made /jp/ "Ramen/General", the ramen fans from /ck/ would flock here and it would just be like a /ck/ thread.
This is just blatantly not true, anymore than making a Touhou thread means that Shrinmaiden's going to invade us en masse. Yes, /ck/ and /jp/ are both on 4chan, but people don't really visit unrelated boards for no reason anyway.

>> No.8633635

It's like the concept of crossboard content is lost on some of you.

>> No.8633638 [DELETED] 


Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of trash. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion.

I could seriously get used to this.

>> No.8633639

Why not use the old thread?

Just ignore the ones causing trouble and leave the moderation of the site to the staff.

>> No.8633640 [DELETED] 

Does that make it right? Does that excuse someone from making a Ramen/General when there is a /vg/ and /ck/ board?

No. If you're shit has a more suited area for it, you take it their. If you don't like it, you fucking force it to change for you.

>> No.8633641
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Man, the old neptunia thread lasted really long, and now that mk2 is out it's endless shitstorm on every thread. What the hell, guys?

>> No.8633642

You fucking took the words out of my mouth.

>> No.8633647

Because during that time there was no >>>/vg/

>> No.8633648 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8633649
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Clearly people are riled up because NISA hasn't shipped their games.

>> No.8633658

Right, animu and mango are also Otaku Culture, why not discuss Madoka Magica on /jp/?

>> No.8633653

If only they started to actually do something while it matters.

>> No.8633655

I didn't like that thread.

I think this guy is a jerk but I am still confused as to why you would post this somewhere where it inevitably attracts people like him. Again "otaku themed" is too vague. I guess if it does have the same audience that's fine, though from what I've gathered it's a game about video game consoles? Someone give me a tl;dr explanation or something, I haven't read up on this enough. Maybe I should.
You should take the name and rule #1 with a grain of salt though. For example Genshiken is a manga/anime about otaku aimed at otaku. I love it and it's great. But I would not dare make a Genshiken thread on /jp/, because it clearly belongs in /a/. People on /jp/ would just complain, quite rightly so. People on /a/ would discuss it. I dislike the /a/ userbase overall (sorry, I'm sure there are a few of you here), but I would at least discuss it on the "proper" board. If that makes sense.

Actually, I have too. I probably should have chosen a better example.

>> No.8633662 [DELETED] 


Your face is otaku culture let's post you ahahhahahahah

>> No.8633665

It's about game consoles and companies in the form of cute girls with dialogue sections in ADV format.

>> No.8633666

>Right, animu and mango are also Otaku Culture
>implying it isn't
Otaku (おたく / オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga or video games.

>> No.8633670
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refer to >>8633635
I dunno, I think it's not that horrible to have one single thread about a game featuring girls in plugsuits instead of 3 threads full of grade school level arguments

>> No.8633671 [DELETED] 

ahahahahah meta talk ahahahahahah

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA it's so unproductive it's hilarious

>> No.8633676

Exactly, let's crosspost all anime crap we can find from /a/ to /jp/.

>> No.8633677

Is it that strange that people would want to discuss idea factory games on /jp/ instead of /vg/?

I could understand if it was a KS thread or JRPG GENERAL or something, but do all "general" threads need to be corralled to /vg/? Hell, when half the threads on /jp/ are utter shitposting, they might as well be an oasis.

Besides, it's not like we don't play them, so why bother going to /vg/ and dealing with it's /v/tards and normalfaggots inciting "lolicon=pedo" bullshit?

>> No.8633678

Officially, it's because /jp/ was created for Japanese shit that wasn't anime or manga and it's been understood from the outset that it doesn't go here. Unofficially it's because nobody really wants to.

>> No.8633679

Can we discuss K-ON instead?

>> No.8633681
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I deleted the other thread. Seriously, guys. Learn to take it easy.
If you think that this thread does not belong in /jp/, feel free to report it. We'll let the janitor decide.

>> No.8633689

Reporting does nothing, especially when you are not on the side of overwhelming popularity.

The only way this is going to get into the "bigwigs" attention is by forcing a discussion to take place. Unfortunately, anyone who even dares attempt that is branded an idiotic troll

>> No.8633684

But K-On is actually /jp/ related.

>> No.8633687

Of course. You can also post Homus.

>> No.8633691 [DELETED] 


Alright then let's do a test. OP delete this thread and make a new and official one. Meido if you are watching then you can vote.

>> No.8633693

That sounds pretty cute. I feel like my argument is falling short because I know so little about the game.
I know that the "Tales of" games are JRPGs with official Western releases that have ADV portions, including character sprites and choices. Would they belong here? Be honest. For what it's worth, I am quite divided, but I'm leaning towards "no".

>> No.8633697

You can post whatever you like, the only danger being that a brigade of autists might grab torches and pitchforks and roast you over an open fire.

>> No.8633700

>I know that the "Tales of" games are JRPGs with official Western releases that have ADV portions, including character sprites and choices.

Do you actually play tales games or ADV games, because that's utter bullshit

>> No.8633702

I know a lot about the game, and I started all of this.

You are correct. Every single thing you have listed as an example of the "Tales of" games is displayed in Neptunia as well.

This is also ignoring the fact that this is a video game, meaning it instantly goes elsewhere heh.

>> No.8633705
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When I woke up this morning literally every thread was filled with Anon saying the thread belonged in another board or whatever.

Seriously, ignore the dudes who do this. We probably trolled /a/ or /v/ to HELL or something and now they're trying to wreck threads. It could even be one guy same friending.

>> No.8633712

I really hate how some of the girls also have male voices. I thought Kei and Underling were guys at first.

>> No.8633714


It's our own shitposters sadly.

>> No.8633715

To be honest I have only really played Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia. The latter is what I was thinking of, it has everything I said.
I don't really play a lot of games.

>> No.8633717 [DELETED] 

I would laugh my ass off it was Ryan.

>> No.8633720 [DELETED] 

In the last thread I said it was "allowed" certain games, but the truth is they're tolerated. And before this goes out of control, I'll report this thread. It goes to videogames.

>> No.8633723

ZUN!bar, I want you to watch this:

This is how we feel about you.

>> No.8633725

Speak for yourself.

>> No.8633730

I just noticed the title:
>Otaku games Thread

10/10 OP, very clever.

>> No.8633732
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homu is /jp/ related.

>> No.8633735
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I can only assume you don't know what an ADV actually is then

>> No.8633737

>I am still confused as to why you would post this somewhere where it inevitably attracts people like him

Because as I said, the whole board will not just submit to some newfag's whim. We have always discussed Jrpg's, and everyone were okay with this.
And this guy needs to learn that when you don't want to discuss something you ignore it, instead of bitching and moaning, /jp/ isn't his fucking mommy, who will spoil and spoonfed him until death.

>You should take the name and rule #1 with a grain of salt though.

And you should stop generalizing.
We don't discuss every game here, and we discuss some manga here. We discuss things with the flow, remember that some things just qualify as crossboard content.

>> No.8633743
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>> No.8633747

>>I would laugh my ass off it was Ryan.

That guy is pretty weird so it wouldn't surprise me if it was true.

>> No.8633766

>Text backlog accessable
>full character portraits
>No autoread option

You're really stretching this to make your point, aren't you?

The main issue here is that Neptunia's adv bullshit is the same as clannad if you strip away the gameplay.

And if mere gameplay is banned from /jp/, then what of kamidori? Any eushully game? Any alicesoft game?

If it's only unofficially translated games on /jp/ allowed, then there goes all the mangagamer and JAST shit.

If it's only untranslated games allowed, what about gust's next flavor of the month, since their stuff probably isn't going to be published anymore.

Where do you draw the line at inclusiveness? I personally think any galge/adv game is fine. Gameplay, translated, or otherwise.

>> No.8633779

bumping this thread so meido-sama can delete all the meta bullshit in it

>> No.8633782

>If it's only unofficially translated games on /jp/ allowed, then there goes all the mangagamer and JAST shit.

Yes it is. That's what the /vg/ board is explicitly created for.

>If it's only untranslated games allowed, what about gust's next flavor of the month, since their stuff probably isn't going to be published anymore.

Doesn't matter. It's a video game. It goes on /v/. Or, if it gets to the point of our GUST threads, it goes on /vg/.

>Where do you draw the line at inclusiveness? I personally think any galge/adv game is fine. Gameplay, translated, or otherwise.

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion. This is fact. This is board rules. This isn't "What I want to see happen."

>> No.8633792
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even if it is bullshit it's interesting as HELL shit

>> No.8633797

>Yes it is. That's what the /vg/ board is explicitly created for.

According to moot "translated can go in either"

>This is fact.

This is lies.
Meido's already seen this thread and has seen fit to leave it there. To me it seems more like nobody cares about the opinion you're desperately trying to force on us.

>> No.8633799

I just watched a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivjVYHBfXf8)) and it seems largely the same. You can skip through Tales of Symphonia's skits like holding CTRL in a VN. You get character portraits over a backdrop like in just about any VN. You can go back and re-read skits if you want. They're very largely the same. In fact it would not surprise me if they drew inspiration from it.

>> No.8633819

>According to moot "translated can go in either"

Ahh, my apologies, I forgot about that.

However, that does not change the truth a single bit. This is a video game thread. Video game discussion is to go in /v/, at all times.

That the janitor has "seen" the thread and left is has absolutely no bearing. After all, he's seen the AT thread, of course, and left that. That is also a video game thread, and has no place in this board. It never has, and furthermore, now that there is specifically a board for that shit, it definitely does not now.

Also, some pathetic little shit tried to make a new thread.


>> No.8633829
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You made that thread, silly.

>> No.8633830

>You can go back and re-read skits if you want

I don't play a lot of tales games but if I remember that's only a beat the game type of deal, you can't do it on the fly.

Tales games can't be called adv by any stretch of the word.

>> No.8633831

The only rule of /jp/ says "all otaku things welcome"
Neptunia is an otaku thing.
This is a fact. Deal with it.

Also, cite me when it says on /jp/'s rule list that you can't post about games?
Protip, you can't, because there is no such rule.

The only fact here is that you don't know what a "fact" is.

>> No.8633841

So why are these posts being deleted?
Obviously they're shit/meta posts, but it looks as though meido is deleting posts to support one side of the argument.

It's a conspiracy, I say!

>> No.8633843


Rules? Don't make me laugh. They state translated VN are fine on both.

Also /jp/ was NEVER a content-orientated board. It always uses themes which can also be discussed on other boards. But they are simply too damn japanese for them. So, fuck /vg/, discuss rpgs on /jp/ if you find people wanting to do that. In most cases: You won't find any. And if you are, chances are, it belongs very much to /jp/.
Or what, do I need to discuss the next comiket and touhou-music on /mu/ or something? This is just hilarious. If you would exclude all the stuff which can be somehow discussed on other boards, you can just close /jp/. Seriously..

>> No.8633844


Not sure what you are talking about. The thread I made isn't a meta thread.

Deal with it

>> No.8633846

/m/ posts about /m/ video games
/vp/ posts about Pokemon games
I assume /sp/ posts about sports games

>> No.8633856

>This is a video game thread. Video game discussion is to go in /v/, at all times.

So galge with gameplay isn't allowed on /jp/ is your definition?

Well fuck, guess we can't talk about alicesoft, eushully, or giga stuff then.
Time to pack it up and head home.

>> No.8633870

Heh, HEH.

Outstanding! I applaud you! You have finally come up with something that is a cut above the rest.

However, you are still wrong. While you may, indeed, argue that Neptunia is "an otaku thing" (I don't agree, but you sure can argue that,) that does not eliminate the fact that this is a video game, and there is a video game board.

When posting things that are "debatable" on a certain board, the correct form to follow is superseding onto the other board that more appropriately describes the thread in question.

Since, of course, there is a video game board, that means that this video game should definitely go there.

There is no excuse for this being here.

>> No.8633876


Also I am letting the staff and the janitor decide. If they delete it then that will be that.

>> No.8633879

I don't visit a lot of boards, but /ck/, /u/ and /x/ also talk about games.

>> No.8633883

What criteria apply here, exactly? The pattern is (and always has been, with the exception of GUST) that "/jp/ posts about doujin video games." Look at what almost was:

This is a mainstream video game that saw commercial wide release in the West. I get that it has a few elements like VNs, but as people have addressed, so do a ton of games! You wouldn't go so far to defend an Ace Attorney or Final Fantasy thread. What's more, moot very recently made a board for "general" video game threads. This fits /vg/ so perfectly it boggles my mind that you're posting it here instead.

>> No.8633892


If there is a board that more accurately fits the topic. Since alicesoft (I assume we are talking about Rance, and solely Rance, since that's the only game of theirs that became fuckhuge) threads could easily fit into 5 back to back threads, ad naseum, they go in /vg/.

I do not know what "eushully" or "giga" is, but I do not care. If they are video games, they go elsewhere.

>> No.8633893

This doesn't really fit the pattern though, unless this game is about fat nerds who sit in their rooms and play VNs all day. And I sure as hell hope it is, because that would be awesome.
Tell me it's so, Anonymous!

>> No.8633896



Just deal with it already, you won't force down your self proclaimed rules on anyone.
It's time to accept that.

Btw. Aren't Visual Novels also games? They certainly are under my definition.
>this whole board

>> No.8633903


1: Most VNs aren't actually doujin games, particularly the ones discussed on /jp/

2: Eroge/Galge with gameplay are allowed on /jp/

3: You can discuss officially translated western releases like those of mangagamer or JAST on /jp/

In order for your argument to make sense, one of these three facts needs to be untrue. Please decide which one it is, so the argument stops going in circles.

>> No.8633907

Fortunately /jp/ is for otaku culture, not discussion of otaku themselves.

>> No.8633916

Meido I know you are reading through this thread (and I am sorry about the fake shitposts earlier).

If at all possible could you possibly try and get some of the staff to weigh in here? It's just going to get worse and worse and it's not going to be a problem that is going to go away.

By the way feel free to delete my thread if you want to. I won't complain or argue with it.

>> No.8633921

Why do you play objectively bad videogames?
What is the appeal?

>> No.8633924

I'm not the other guy, thank you for taking the time to address my post. I should elaborate and say that doujin games AND/OR visual novels go in /jp/. I was going by the "x games" pattern of the other boards (e.g. "horror games", "cooking games") and "visual novel games" doesn't really make sense. Plus even though visual novels are a type of game (deal with it, weeaboos), people do refer to them distinctly from "normal" video games.
Anyway, I think you're reasonable enough to agree this is not a visual novel or eroge. Please don't think about that any further. Again, yes it may have elements from these kind of games, but is it one of those kind of games? It is not, therefore it does not belong.

>> No.8633926

kawaii bishoujos

>> No.8633927

Not the guy you are quoting, but I thought I'd chime in.

Has no bearing on this discussion. We are not talking about a VN, nor a doujin game.

See above.

See above.

What does your post prove about Neptunia, exactly?

>> No.8633929


>> No.8633932
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I like cute 2D girls

>> No.8633935


>> No.8633939


Neptunia is an adv game with a shitty rpg attached, and that's how it was marketed in Japan.

I don't understand how you can argue otherwise.

>> No.8633942

When can I expect you to start your crusade against our rhythm game, MMO, Idolmaster, and STG threads?

>> No.8633947

Are you trying to prove something here?
That means nothing. Here, I can do it too.


>GENRE(S): Role-playing game
>GENRE(S): Role-playing game
>GENRE(S): Role-playing game

>> No.8633951


If this thread wasn't shitty and counter-productive enough now we got Wikipedia quoting.

>> No.8633958

Your favorite /jp/ VN is also a PC game. PC games go in /v/ hurr durr. We can do this all day.
The fact is it is a VN. VNs belong in /jp/. It stays.

>> No.8633961

Oh? And somehow VNDB quoting is absolutely different?

>> No.8633964

It is more reliable than Wikipedia of all places.

>> No.8633966

VNDB is run by moogy-dono

>> No.8633969

My apologies. Let me go pull up one of the other 99999999999 billion sites that say it is a video game. Will that soothe your incorrectness?

>> No.8633972

Yes, you dumb cunt. I don't know whether you really believe what you say and are choosing to deliberately act like a fucking moron to infuriate the people who disagree with you, or whether you're the best troll this side of 2012.

>> No.8633976
File: 66 KB, 850x474, sample-5d692400179cb367ae6b5592d13a5f5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fucks sake quit arguing with the troll already.

Look, you made her cry.

>> No.8633986
File: 127 KB, 600x369, 24336928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just frustrated.

>> No.8633989

It's a visual novel with gameplay, okay?
Anyway, it doesn't matter.

Here on /jp/ we also discuss shooters that are not Touhou, like Cave titles. Are you going to tell people we can't?
Here we also discuss fighting games that are not Melty Blood, like Blazblue or Arcana Heart, are you going to somehow force us not to?

I don't understand why you don't see the pattern.
/m/ is about mecha anime. They still talk about mecha games because it's related to their interest.
/x/ is about paranormal and creepy stuff and they still talk about horror games and minecraft because it's related to their interest.

And no one tells them to go to /v/

Similiarly, /jp/ talks about some games, like Neptunia, Gust titles or other jrpg's because they are full of moe girls doing cute things and that is related to our interest.
We will not stop just because you feel like it. When will you understand? If anything doesn't belong on this board, it's you and your whining. Seriously, learn to ignore and let others have their fun, you are not the most important person or anything.

>> No.8633993

she cant cry she aint even real.

>> No.8633995

This board is almost dead and the few people that post on them are extremely hostile, i don't understand why OP posted this here.

>> No.8633997

You're not real!

>> No.8633998


Here again. I found one! I found one! Wait, wait, wait for this right this very motherfucking minuteness.


Taken, (get this) right from the developers themselves.

Boy, you sure showed me with them opinions, yeah.

It's a fucking video game, you lackwits. Just fucking accept that.

>> No.8633999


Prinny stop this nonsense and make a Reisen thread with me.

>> No.8634000

>"Actual discussion about the game" edition

>> No.8634003

vndb is a database of VNs. You know, those things that go in /jp/, as per the recent rule that
> This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual [...] novels.

Visual novels are video games. So are Touhou and eroge and whatever else you might like.

>> No.8634004


Your waifu isn't real

>> No.8634007

Wasn't there one yesterday? Or did that fall of the board?

>> No.8634018

Visual novels, touhou and doujin games are also video games.

>> No.8634020


take your pathetic waifu shit for pathetic men to >>>/a/ faggot.

>> No.8634028

Now when the fuck were waifus not allowed? Did the rules for /jp/ suddenly change over night?

>> No.8634034

Trying too hard. He didn't even use the word obnoxiously, just...dickishly.

>> No.8634036

Doujin games have always truly belonged in /v/. I covered this earlier as well. Touhou is the only video game series that legitimately goes in /jp/, since this board simply would not exist without it (and, indeed, was created FOR it.)

Visual Novels are another can of worms, and have no bearing on this conversation.

>> No.8634039

u spend too much time palying videogames

>> No.8634043

Anyway my point from before still stands. The last thread managed to go almost an entire month without so much as a complaint from anyone.

It seems that the argument in the last thread was brought up due to a single shitposter misusing the quote function and now we are here.

So if /jp/ can't decide then let the staff decide. It's really as simple as that. This entire thread, these arguments have been nothing but counterproductive.

>> No.8634047

>Touhou is the only video game series that legitimately goes in /jp/,

Yeah, right. Because you say so?
Get the fuck out.

>> No.8634057

It's what I like to do. Best source of cute girls doing cute things on my end.

>> No.8634058

Blame people from /v/, you can tell them apart.

>> No.8634061 [DELETED] 

No, you sack of shit, because that is the truth. Stop ignoring the rest of the post simply when it pleases you. It's a goddamn fact that this thread was made for Touhou, (and whatever else /a/ didn't want at the time) therefore, Touhou is /jp/ related.

Educate yourself, cretin.

>> No.8634068

What is there to decide?
Some faggot didn't like some thread and that's the whole story.
If /jp/ didn't want to discuss jrpg's we wouldn't have threads dedicated to them since always.

>> No.8634069


He's calling you a retard for saying that touhou is the only game allowed on /jp/

While I'm here, why don't you give your opinions on alicesoft/eushully games so I can decide if you're actually retarded or just a hypocrite.

>> No.8634076

He doesn't know what those are.

>> No.8634077

No, you sack of shit, because that is the truth. Stop ignoring the rest of the post simply when it pleases you. It's a goddamn fact that this board was made for Touhou, (and whatever else /a/ didn't want at the time) therefore, Touhou is /jp/ related.

Educate yourself, cretin.

>> No.8634084


I think it got wiped out after last night sadly.

>> No.8634087

Opinions aren't the matter here. Who cares about that. We're talking about the rules. My opinion on those two companies have absolutely no bearing.

>> No.8634096

>Stop ignoring the rest of the post simply when it pleases you

Sounds like a route you should definitely consider taking.
Or better yet. Just get the fuck out you little thickheaded piece of hopeless crap.

>> No.8634098


Your opinion on the rules has no bearing either, as the staff seems to be okay with this thread.

Hell, word by word, the rules have no problem with this thread.

You refuse to provide an argument that can stand on it's own. It's almost like you're trolling me here.

>> No.8634105

Except the rules state nothing.

>> No.8634122

Except I have done so, repeatedly. It's not my fault I am simply being ignored here.

This is a video game. We have a board specifically for video games. When determining how to weasel your way into making this "/jp/" appropriate, look to see if there is another board more suited for the topic. There is. It's /v/.

Therefore, this goes right there, and nothing you can say will change that.

There is nothing more to it than that. No comparisons to other existing threads that stay here, no whining, nothing. It's as simple as that.

>Your opinion on the rules has no bearing either, as the staff seems to be okay with this thread.

Incorrect as well. Unless you are seriously trying to argue that the "roll; draw" thread seriously belongs here. I will laugh your ass out of the house if you even consider it.

>> No.8634142

So why aren't the AT threads being deleted? Why did a Neptunia thread stay up for a month? Why is mine still up?

The staff doesn't mind.

>> No.8634148
File: 98 KB, 500x750, Vanilla014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-does this mean Galaxy Angel belongs in /v/ as well?!

>> No.8634150

>It's a goddamn fact that this board was made for Touhou

It wasn't made for Touhou, it was made for all the otaku related stuff that wasn't manga or anime.
And nowhere was it ever stated that you can't post video games here.
For someone who relies so much on a word "fact", you "facts" are pretty fucking shabby, you hypocritical twat.

Neptunia = otaku related stuff =/= anime/manga
It can be discussed on /v/, but it can also be discussed here.
Deal with it.

>> No.8634152


Meido has deleted comments and left this thread. Are you seriously going to tell me that you think he'd still delete it?

And no, you keep circling in your argument. It goes

>This is a video game
>No it's an adv game with rpg elements
>Doesn't matter, it doesn't belong here
>If it didn't belong here, then alicesoft/eushully games wouldn't belong here either
>That's irrelevant

And then the argument goes in a circle again.

Face it. If these threads weren't allowed, they'd have been deleted months ago.

You're basically arguing that I am wrong, everyone else arguing with you is wrong, the staff is wrong, and the rules as they are written, are also wrong. Everyone is wrong, except for you.

>> No.8634154

That's a shame. I'm still playing through HNMK2, but I can still post Reisen from time to time.

>> No.8634159


>> No.8634165


And >>8633763

>> No.8634169



Stop using the word "rules" when the rules and how the entire 4chan works are against you.

>> No.8634177

Heh, except you are attributing others arguments to me.

My argument is simple, and flawless. It can not be proven wrong, since it is an outright fact.

This is a video game. It goes on the video game board, which is /v/.

>Face it. If these threads weren't allowed, they'd have been deleted months ago.

Incorrect. GUST threads aren't allowed either (as stated by the rules) yet still they persist. Furthermore, we have the same tired arguments over there that we are having right this minuteness.

>Everyone is wrong, except for you.
I got facts on my side. I'm always right.
