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8621846 No.8621846 [Reply] [Original]

Well, yeah.


>> No.8621855

Will Erika be in it?

>> No.8621859
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Hell if I know.

>> No.8622222

This is probably me being a Slowpoke, but I assume that R07 is using a separate illustrator now for Rose Gun Days? Or is the promotional art very different from the art that will be in the game?

>> No.8622224

That's what I want to know too.

>> No.8622225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8622227 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8622234 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8622241


>> No.8622245

Go fuck yourself.
Characters look really cool, can anybody translate the info? has witch hunt said anything about doing this game?

>> No.8622246

lol umad

>> No.8622257

from reading the Google translation of the story, it has something to do with china, a new japan, or something with immigrants. somebody explain this shit.

>> No.8622266 [DELETED] 



>> No.8622303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8622312

So, why is nobody talking about this? It actually look good.

>> No.8622316

Because it's not in English.

>> No.8622327

Did that ever stop us from talking about it? can anybody give a idea of what the vn is about and what the characters are?

>> No.8622329 [DELETED] 


Apparently, this people, along with R07 are doing the character designs. What the fuck is going on?
Is this going to be like how he got a separate artist to do the paintings in Umineko?

>> No.8622336


Apparently, these people, along with R07, are doing the character designs. What the fuck is going on?
Is this going to be like how he got a separate artist to do the paintings in Umineko?

>> No.8622334

But will this be like Bacanno?

>> No.8622335


It's about Japan post WWII
With the help of america and china the country rose again but suddenly it's full of immigrants because of this and now the japanese people is a minority even in their own country
Apparently the MC is a japanese guy who meets a girl called "Rose" and so the story beggins

That's what I could understand, if someone with better knowledge in moonrunes can translate it properly, please do.

>> No.8622351

Jiro Suzuki did the art for Umineko EP2 and Tatarigoroshi.
And wow...Ninagawa din Mononoke
I have no idea who the other guy is.

>> No.8622356

Wow ro7 is actually getting artists, this could be amazing. what do the character descriptions say?

>> No.8622368

Are you me? When I saw the designs, I thought of Baccano.

>> No.8622370

So Ryuukishi joined the xenophobics huh...

>> No.8622378

So does this have horror or something? Whats the genre of the story?

>> No.8622382

I'm really anticipating this... It's really different from R07's previous works; plus we'll probably have better art.

>> No.8622384

I... actually like these designs.
It isn't so hard to let people with actual talent to do shit.
I'd go for thriller/action and maybe some mystery.

>> No.8622385

I wonder why he's only relieved the art staff. Maybe they haven't decided who'll do the music yet.

>> No.8622386

If we have the guys from Umineko, this'll be awesome.

>> No.8622391

Is it safe to say that waiting for a ro7 game again is really fun? I just hope witch hunt will translate this.

>> No.8622395

Damn, seems like there going to be a lot of characters again

>> No.8622399

not as many as umineko, i hope.

>> No.8622403

I hope it's just one game.
Something like 20 hours and just a set story.

>> No.8622411

Probably... I don't think this kind of story can go on forever like Higurashi and Umineko.
I'd say 50 hours though.

>> No.8622553

Guys, you're all jumping the gun a bit. The new artists are just doing the character designs. That doesn't mean that the tachie will be their art.

>> No.8622668

So he will keep going with the language gimmicks? Not that I'm complaining or anything. I liked Rena's and Dlanor's.

Dem backgrounds. There's something with R07's background filters that make me pumped up.
Isn't the first photo from the Kantou earthquake?

>> No.8622707

could you explain what the character summaries are saying?

>> No.8623894

>Jiro Suzuki did the art for Umineko EP2 and Tatarigoroshi.

Are you fucking kidding me? There are so many Umineko manga and he picked the worst artist?

>> No.8626220
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>> No.8626656


>> No.8626695

>The many Chinese and American immigrants make Japanese people the minority in their own land. Some Japanese are unwilling to accept this fate and secretly gather their strength to challenge the new system.

So he's ripping off Code Geass now?

>> No.8627064

That is a nice picture.

>> No.8627065

No one cares when people rip off shitty series. At least it can't get worse.

>> No.8627075

so is he done with higabana now that he's making another new series?

>> No.8630230

Leo confirmed to be best protagonist this year. Dude looks and sounds awesome.

>> No.8631213
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>> No.8631379

r07 is pretty smart using other artist, ZUN needs to learn from him

>> No.8631395
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>> No.8631397

that was just a sidestory game. for his main games he's still insisting on using his autistic drawings.

>> No.8631400

Did you perhaps get the thought in your head that ZUN wants to be a commercial success?

>> No.8631403

>wants to be a commercial success
>uses subpar shit rather than contracting a better artist

>> No.8631406

I repeat my last statement, perhaps you'll read it correctly this time.

However I will dwell no longer, we're not here to discuss ZUN now are we.

>> No.8631407

it was just all a reply to
>r07 is pretty smart using other artist, ZUN needs to learn from him
which implies zun's stupid. and then the white knight at >>8631395 came to the rescue, waving a side game as his weapon as if non-main games actually counted.

>> No.8631412

>japanese are a minority in japan
>japan in WWII had like 90 million people

So japan has at least 200 million people in this game? God, what the fuck.

>> No.8631420

Maybe it's because ZUN enjoys drawing.

>> No.8631422

then maybe he should start a blog and draw for that, and get an artist that can actually draw things that aren't autistic doodles for games he's selling for money.

>> No.8631426

and maybe he just doesn't give as much of a shit as you do. see it as a bad thing if you want, but stop discussing it here.

>> No.8631427

Or maybe the population declined?

>> No.8631430

he's not a businessman, although I'm glad you have his best interests in mind. Money is more or less a secondary concern

>> No.8631437

It's said there's been some kind of large scale disaster, the japanese populace has most probably been decimated.

>> No.8631762

Oh boy, so now Ryukishi has become a xenophobic, nationalistic ww2 revisionist? This ought to be rich.

>> No.8631784

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Shouwa.

>> No.8632351

He looks and sounds meh.

>> No.8632488

Knowing R07, it's going to be exactly the opposite. Poor immigrants getting bullied.
I hope he hasn't forget including a good share of horror, mystery and magic, because if this is a straight up historical drama focused on romance, I'm not that interested...

>> No.8632544

Another Japan is a victum&showa glory&japanese guy gets all the chicks game? No thankyou

>> No.8632571


I'd imagine that it's going to be sort of an extension of the political drama, backstabbing, and conspiracy that he has explored in his previous two works. This time combined with gun-play action and oppositional violence as opposed to murders.

Ange's situation on the boat as well as the Yaimanu in Higurashi seemed like exploratory measures on this territory. If it loops, I'd expect it to be something like the Muv Luv Alternative Coupe d'tat arc.

Also, I find it interesting that he chose US, China, and Japan for the setting (Languages of each country used in Epitaph Riddle).

>> No.8632607

Yeah. It says the war was cut short because of a huge disaster that devastated the whole country, and America and China offered Japan a truce for humanitarian purposes. After Japan accepted, the two allies occupied the country to help with rebuilding.

They didn't want there to be any friction that would lead to a war between the American and Chinese parts of the country later, so they divided the country up like a chessboard at the municipal level so that the two territories were interleaved. Then the two started competing with each other to rebuild, a bunch of immigrants flooded in, and one territory became a Chinatown while the other became Americanized.

>> No.8632613

Damn Japs should know Tom Cruise saved them in WWII as well.

>> No.8633255

Political drama is a nice addition in WTC series, but I'm not sure if I want a story solely focused on it.
He doesn't write it as interestingly as horror/suspense/cute girls doing batshit insane cute stuff.

>> No.8633346

You bring up an interesting matter.
>If it loops.
Please let it loop. Please let it loop. Please let it loop.
I think a good part of my enjoyment of R07's stories comes simply from a certain factor: Isolation.
I haven't seen much of that anywhere else, be it in my Japanese Animays or in western literature.
Of course the basics of literature includes a plot that goes from start to finish. But when R07 starts looping (and I get that feeling of "You can't get away from here"), I just can't stop reading. That's me, at least.

>> No.8633571

Yeah, I want it to loop.
But isn't it reserved for WTC series?

>> No.8633675


Hmm. I think he's saving the loop for the next WTC series-- though I can see where this becomes a political puzzle solution where motives need to be understood through loops.

But R07 needs more practice with non-looping stories in order to improve his looping stories.

R07 is awesome at the following:
Setting up interesting mysteries.
Creating an intriguing premise.
Quickly introducing a cast of characters.
Twisting the premise created to do something interesting.
Creating a convincing and clear behind the scenes power struggle.
Internal thought processes
Direct Reader Address
Intense moments (i.e. Ep8, the Goats surrounding Ange)

R07 needs work on the following:

Providing answers to the mysteries that are both satisfying and non-supernatural (I actually liked Umineko's "Answer" but most people didn't.)

Romance. He keeps leaving the real romance of his stories very vague but I think he could actually write something good here. This is the practice novel for romance.

Pacing. Huge pacing problems.

So, hopefully this story will work on those. The avoiding repeats forces answers to come sooner, forces a romance to head towards direct resolve, and requires good pacing.

>> No.8633708

r07 told that he's starting to like drawing guys, so I guess there won't be much chiks around and all men will go gay again

>> No.8633742

>an extension of the political drama, backstabbing, and conspiracy that he has explored in his previous two works

Basically, the worst part about the previous games. Kinzo in the submarine with the gold was pretty shitty and so was the chinese-japanese conflict bullshit explanation in Higurashi.
I'm expecting something exactly like the submarine subplot and I'm not looking forward to that. I want to see stuff like Rosa stabbing goatmen with a fountain pen and beato trolling battler's "reverse chess board thinking" or k1 beating down his friends with a bat because there's needles in his riceballs or rika having the power to rewind time and get gutted endlessly... etc

>> No.8633756

Oh shit, R07's doing a story about a race war?

Respect lost after Umineko=Just got recouped and then some.

>> No.8633790

>Providing answers to the mysteries that are both satisfying and non-supernatural

I'm not sure if I exactly get what you mean by "answers" (as in, "the whole explanation of everything that happened" or just "the basic mystery"), but the supernatural in his stories are definitely what I like amogst the most.


>I want to see stuff like Rosa stabbing goatmen with a fountain pen and beato trolling battler's "reverse chess board thinking" or k1 beating down his friends with a bat because there's needles in his riceballs or rika having the power to rewind time and get gutted endlessly... etc

>I want to see stuff like Rosa stabbing goatmen with a fountain pen and beato trolling battler's "reverse chess board thinking" or k1 beating down his friends with a bat because there's needles in his riceballs or rika having the power to rewind time and get gutted endlessly... etc

So much this

>> No.8634035

I just want a new When They Cry...

>> No.8634079

oh for fucks sakes here /jp/, Japanese guy falls in love with foreign woman... so in total this will be umineko 2.0

>> No.8634121

That's impossible. He outlines the main pairing right from the begining? Where is the yaoi pandering?

>> No.8634237

fuck yoai shit.

>> No.8634272

Did witch hunt say they will do this?

>> No.8634286

They said they want more info and maybe a play through first before they decided.

>> No.8638296
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>> No.8638306

one of the characters will be furudu serika

>> No.8638343

Or Fred Rick and it will be a trap.

>> No.8638946

When is this coming out?

>> No.8640565

In August at Comiket

>> No.8643885
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>> No.8643924

Umineko is a babby's first VN of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of setting and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and META. The NEET anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for normal, sociable, underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The metaworld characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the magic, the peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole "colored text" faggotry and everything about the Umineko world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on love, and the overall preachiness of the whole series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes normals and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Umineko is basically THE series to attract the most hated visual novel fanbase known to /jp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this franchise and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Umineko threads ever encourage the normalfags to show their faces here.

>> No.8644054
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Are we going to see R07's sprites in the game with everyone else, that would be pretty hilarious

>> No.8648945
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>> No.8649000


Umineko is fine shut the hell up, there is no excessive shipping, most of the people in love in the series have normal families they're just rich. the only outside familial shipping is Shannon/George and Jessica/Kanon ( which is mostly one sided anyway )

Umineko is a VN series that makes you think and is less cliche then most stuff out there, 07thexpansion is good and you're not going to just slam their name around because you don't like them with shitty non validated opinionated points like those

>> No.8649009


Just how troll are you?

>> No.8649004

Just how new are you?

>> No.8649028

He didn't put any effort, intelligence, or even persistence into it, so not very troll at all.

Now that you have an answer to your question maybe you can return the favor.

>> No.8649692

Haha, wut.

>> No.8653438
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>> No.8653564


>> No.8653583


He announced it as a "serialized work" so nope. Not sure how the hell he's going to structure it though.

>> No.8653873

I really wish he'd just do another WtC.

>> No.8657930
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>> No.8658632

I expect R07 to sent up the typical nationalistic, xenophobic, etc plotline and then just continue on and shit all over it. His previous stories have had some very, very "progressive" themes.

I'm looking forward to it. The beginning of his stories have always been the strongest parts, but let's hope he can keep it up this time.

>> No.8661653

is there any news?

>> No.8661775

Why isn't this Rosa Guns Days instead.

>> No.8661785

>but let's hope he can keep it up this time.
Let's hope his brother who helps him finding ideas doesn't die in the middle of the story this time.
